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/lit/ - Literature

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12882388 No.12882388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ BTFO
>problematic white men BTFO

>> No.12882398

>The Odyssey
>great work of literature
only dads think The Odyssey is "literature"

>> No.12882412

This says more about this fag than pekple who consider in their favorite, how the fuck do you even make that jump? Is it cause muh white male?

>> No.12882422
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>mfw strong and immediate suspicioun

>> No.12882435

>tfw my favorite book is moby dick
>tfw read it five times
>tfw there is one, maybe two female characters that appear in it for, at most, a paragraph each.

>> No.12882449
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I legitimately have zero idea what the fuck they are even complaining about.
>it's not about YOU
are they saying you be Greek to be able to have it as your favourite or are they saying that they don't care about what white people think about literature. Help me out here.

>> No.12882462

>implying the only way to enjoy literature is to self insert
fucking what.

>> No.12882472

The female brain is incapable of empathy.

>> No.12882483

They're saying their favorite books are those in which they identify with a prominent character and are assuming everybody reads that way.

>> No.12882486
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>greeks BTFO

>> No.12882488

They are assuming that since the presidential candidate loves the book, the presidential candidate see's becoming president as their own personal odyssey

>> No.12882521

>Homer’s epic isn’t just a foundational text in Western literature, it also makes me feel connected to my Mediterranean (Maltese) roots. The Maltese island of Gozo, where my people probably originated, claims to be the locale of Calypso’s cave.

but no, fuck that. he likes it cuz hes a cis white man

>> No.12882526


>> No.12882563

I'm referring to the tweet. Are people just missing part of their brains today or what? dont respond to me again you little disappointment of a son.

>> No.12882610

Not sure what this is meant to say. She likes it, but it should never be a favorite?

>> No.12882611

Just try and stop me

>> No.12882615

If anyone tells me their favorite book is the Odyssey I assume they stopped reading after high school. Not that it's a bad book or anything, just a gut feeling. Like when I hear someone say their favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.12882623

Note that she doesn't say she likes it. She says that it's "a great work of literature". Most probably she thinks that the Odyssey is "problematic", and that in saying that they like the Odyssey men are expressing some kind of toxic masculinity.

>> No.12882687

Yeah. A condom didnt stop him the first time, *dad*

>> No.12882694

They live in your head rent free

>> No.12882733

>liking capeshit : the book

>> No.12882826

I still wonder why Trump's favorite is All Quiet on the Western Front. And why Clinton's is the Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.12882833

Every time I fuck my girlfriend I imagine I'm fucking one of these lefty cunts and it gets me angry and rock hard

>> No.12882844

Same here man, I love fucking her

It... fills the void in my heart ;_;

Fucking your girlfriend I mean

>> No.12882881

>And why Clinton's is the Brothers Karamazov.
never knew Clinton was this patrician

>> No.12882901

I hope you’re just memeing
Women are famously told they’re the overly emotional ones.

You feel stifled. You probably want out of your relationship, but I mean something more deeply buried. You like something about these “lefty cunts”. You wish you were free enough to join them on some level

>> No.12882920

Threads based on twitter screenshots should be an automatic permaban on any board except /b/
Of course a bunch of literal whos can have some absolutely fucking retarded garbage opinion

>> No.12882923

what is it then

>> No.12882947


This is the correct assumption. It just tells me that the majority of politicians don't read or only read shit like self-help books. It's like when they ask any spanish speaking candidate about their favourite book and the answer is invariably El Quijote, because it's literally the only book title that comes to their stunted minds

>> No.12882981

>Women are famously told they’re the overly emotional ones.
Exactly. You're confusing being emotional with being empathic. Psychopaths are usually very emotional, but not empathic at all.

>> No.12882987

Which politician is patrician enough to prefer The Iliad? Which one is contrarian enough to prefer The Aeneid?

>> No.12883023

faggots can't understand that Odyssey is educational and teaches life,what it is to grow up and start taking on manly responsibility,and that in life you will have to make difficult decisions like going between Scylla and Charybdis,and most of all loyalty and holding dominion because queers are incapable of being a patriarch of a family and incapable of being true to their beloved because they are aids infested whores.

the truth is odyssey is about the reader,you will find plenty of themes relevant to the struggles you face as a man.

>> No.12883034

Women are soft on the outside and hard on the inside. It's, like, basic science.

>> No.12883115

>it's not about YOU!!

What the fuck does this even mean? God, these people are so strange.

>> No.12883138

I really don't get this. Are they saying it's impossible to like a story without relating to the protagonist? How would they read something like Richard III or Confederacy of Dunces?

>> No.12883149
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>The Odyssey isn't about you, white man!
>haha yeah my favorite book is pic related

>> No.12883171

>It's not about YOU!!!

is she trying to pretend that the greeks are poc or something? lmao. these people are nutso.

>> No.12883411
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when ya whole crews not listening to a word of that bullshit.

another great teaching brought to you by homer

>> No.12883438

Because it's something noncontroversial that every educated person is expected to have read in high school. It's like saying your favorite movie is Citizen Kane. Is it bad? No, but it could mean that you don't read much or are just trying to give a non-answer.

>> No.12883480
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Stop talking about identity politics

>> No.12883512

>it's not about YOU

>> No.12883620

>it's something noncontroversial
odysseus killing a room full of people that disrespect his estate is like tarrant killing a room full of muslims that disrespect the city of christchurch

>> No.12883631

They want white male attention.

>> No.12883637

stop making these gay ass threads. they suck and nothing interesting ever comes from them. twitter screencaps are the thread of the last man

>> No.12883654

>Spanish politican speaks normal english
>Overemphasize whenever say shit like latino

Why do they always fucking do this, it sounds retarded. Guess they're pandering or whatever

>> No.12883656

Holy shit you still post here butters? I haven't been on /lit/ in years and you're still around. Cool.

>> No.12883697
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>"Its's not about YOU!!!"
then who is it about???

>> No.12883702

sacred history


>> No.12883726

black med BVLLS

>> No.12884379
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>"It's not about YOU!!!"
>"Young girls all over the world feel inspired by a white female superheroine and it's everything"

that's just a random twitter post screenshot anyway
don't pay attention to it
there is no bias here incel
stop talking about identity politics
nothing is going on
why would you want to discuss it? lol white dudes are so fragile
who hurt you?

>> No.12884393

>you are not nobody

>> No.12884411

You shouldn't enjoy something unless it wad cynically designed to tell you the things you wanted to hear about your specific perspective.

But to some extent I understand the perspective. I'd vote against any candidate that was at all a fan of James Baldwin.

>> No.12884412

My school never read it, I did not read Homer until my early 20's.

>> No.12884453


>> No.12884454
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>every time I see a dyed hair dyke reading the Bell Jar I want to grab them by their non-existent tits and say, "It's not about YOU!!!"

>> No.12884460

But bashing manlets is just so relatable.

>> No.12884557

Citizen Kane is an excellent movie; Orson Welles was indisputably a genius. While I personally prefer F For Fake or The Magnificent Ambersons, Citizen Kane is one of the greatest films ever made, extremely entertaining, and a totally justified choice for favorite film.

It sincerely disgusts me when I see 110ers accusing anybody who displays even the slightest interest in upper middlebrow culture as "pretending" to like art which they lack the attention span to appreciate. As if the exclusive reason to seek out beauty and amusement is to "impress others"...

People who see art as nothing but a neat accessory for their personality are the scum of the fucking earth and materialistic insects who have nothing to offer either others or themselves. The only they should ever open their mouths is to gargle bleach.

>> No.12884562

*The only [reason] they should ever open their mouths

>> No.12884672

even so what's wrong with that? everyone should have goals, otherwise you end up on twitter, judgemental and bitter

>> No.12884676

>El Quijote

>> No.12884690

I mean, they're not wrong. Like she say it's a great work of literature but anyone who think it's the best thing ever written is a pseud.

>> No.12884703

there is no way that pic is real

>> No.12884721

That's what we call it here in Spain whenever he refer to it casually.

>> No.12884728

It's an imposter

>> No.12884738

They're not talking about "problematic white men", they're talking about the tendency of politicians to get delusions of grandeur and think of themselves as a Great Hero™.

>> No.12884825

I feel so jealous of other countries where people actually read literature as part of their schooling.
All we read in Australia was lord of the flies and some YA shit.

>> No.12884837

Its so weird to me, i never knew anyone who genuinely looked up to a fictional character. The only people I've ever admired were historical figures.

>> No.12884851

>guy gets asked about favorite book
>"it's not about you, " says some unrelated whore
I don't get it. Please translate.

>> No.12884852

They think the politician is projecting on the story.

>> No.12884874

Why would they think that?
Also, isn't it possible for every book with characters? Then why was the guy singled out?

>> No.12884933

I totally agree with you, the intrinsic idea exposed is brilliant, the possible options in the development of the subject are endless, the clarity of the argument is capital, I have rarely had occasion to read such a pleasant subject, with the right length, with the adequate metric, no frills. Dan Brown already said it: "The Good thing, if brief, twice Good"

>> No.12884984



>> No.12884994

What does "110ers" mean?

>> No.12885006


Of course they want White male politicians to be meeklings who can't assert their own dominance. If you let someone else define your contribution or role in society, you by that action have tacitly accepted your degradation as a second-class citizen.

The Odyssey should be every White man's favourite book. Not even a Randroid, but that and Fountainhead also.

>> No.12885020

Fan fiction side story.

>> No.12885031

110 IQ. People who think that being smarter than idiots makes them brilliant.

>> No.12885235

It's a jibe at men, she is saying that men falsely identify with greatness. Liking the story is just an expression of their male supremacy, visions of grandeur which are signs of an abusive man, as if men read like women and simply think, 'Wow, that's so ME!'

>> No.12885248


>> No.12885296

Every time I fuck your girlfriend I imagine I'm fucking your dad

>> No.12885302

Every time I fuck your dad’s girlfriend I imagine I’m you

>> No.12885308

its cringe.
something teenagers do. not presidential candidates

>> No.12885314


So...the odyssey isn't about people?

That's what I hate about these people, they can only see things in terms of race, but they call everyone else racists.

>> No.12885349

Great insight

>> No.12885365


>> No.12885595

I think the whole "what's your favorite X?" question format is a strange thing to get asked as an adult. I don't have a favorite book or movie, because I watch and read a lot of them and I don't need to pick of both.

Answers to these kinds of questions are often strategically chosen and are rarely completely honest. I know English professors who don't have "favorite authors," but if asked they'll say Henry James because Melville is too obvious of an answer.

>> No.12885633
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It is about you, though.

>> No.12885685
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Based Joseph Campbell poster.