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/lit/ - Literature

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12881840 No.12881840 [Reply] [Original]

What are some literary movies?

>> No.12881851

Give us an example. Pic related must be a silly joke, right?

>> No.12881865

There are no literary movies or films or songs.

There are only literary books.



>> No.12881923

Shut up buffoon

>> No.12881924

The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting

>> No.12881927
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>> No.12881934


>> No.12881940

He's right though. Take it to the television and film board, >>>/tv/

>> No.12881942
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What novel can even come close to achieving the experience of this film

>> No.12882516
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The Lion in Winter

>> No.12882777

the guy who wrote the script is a famous novelist so i'd start there

>> No.12882836

>/lit/ tries to impress a qt literary debutante


>> No.12882842

moving pictures only appear to adhd brainlets.

>> No.12883077

god fuck this bresson wanna bullshit. i wasted so much god damn time on this utterly fucking awful movie.

>> No.12883091

This. Marketa Lazarova, Andrei Rublev, and Hard to be a God did the Eastern European/Russian disparity of life better anyways... Granted Turin Horse was 1800's

>> No.12883096

okay, but you can only discuss movies that are adaptions of books, bio-pic on writer or inspired by the works of writer. Take your art house film discussions to /tv/.

>> No.12883104

Movies are /lit, but very few of them and hardly any contemporaries ones. Too many stories about minorities that try to posit a rich culture but is actually just frivolous

>> No.12883110

Ignore the pseuds, OP. I liked Naked.

>> No.12883118
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Only one I could think of right now.

>> No.12883130

Literally his worst film aside from his last two that nobody cares about

>> No.12883160

This guy clearly did not understand the film. Shame

>> No.12883217

Literally his worst film is easily Solaris

>> No.12883230
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Whats the secret?

>> No.12883244

Because there's nothing to understand. And how is it more complex than Mirror, more impactful than Andrei, and more true than Ivan

>> No.12883247

imagine saying this unironically

>> No.12883253

The words of someone who didn't undertand

>> No.12883273
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>> No.12883330

No, the words of someone who hasn't seen it yet lololol

>> No.12883332


>> No.12883749

Get some taste

>> No.12883757

Mike Leigh is one of the GOAT British directors m8

>> No.12883760

What constitutes a movie to be literary?
Many of my favourite films aren't plot heavy and don't have a huge amount of dialogue

>> No.12883784
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>> No.12883786

>Too many stories about minorities that try to posit a rich culture but is actually just frivolous
Hollywood doesn't make every film mate
There's still plenty of good things happening in contemporary arthouse
For example
lav diaz
raul ruiz (rip)
pedro costa
wong kar wai
kim ki-duk
lee chang-dong
lucretia martel
claire denis
to give just a broad overview of some of the biggest names in contemporary arthouse who are stll working today (bar ruiz) and most are outside europe and north america

>> No.12883848
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Not based on a novel, but I stumbled onto this gem last night and it's wonderful.
>The first Canada-China co-production, Bethune: The Making of a Hero spans the life and death of Ontario native Dr. Norman Bethune, who journeyed 1,500 miles into China to reach Mao's eighth route army in the mountains, where he built hospitals, provided care and trained medics during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Norman Bathune was later commemorated by chairman Mao in his essay "IN MEMORY OF NORMAN BETHUNE". It's basically a story of redemption, where this alcoholic womanizing eccentric is given guidance and meaning from the pure righteousness of Communism with Chinese Characteristics, and is able in turn to contribute his enormous talent and intelligence towards the war effort, dying a hero.
I strongly suspect the Chinese portion and the Canadian portion were filmed by different directors, since there's a constant shifting between styles, the Chinese portion in particular is fantastic, while the Canadian uses very close frames and dark colours.
It's hard to do it justice, amazing film. Amazing person as well.

>> No.12884134
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>Haha here's 20 minutes of old people slurping soup in silence
If superior intelligence is needed to appreciate this I'll gladly stay a moron. I enjoy Kurosawa and I see the value in Tarkovsky but this is just too much...

>> No.12884301

what was even going on in this movie? i liked the girl who was protagonist's past gf
what was the significance of the short office scene

>> No.12884329

Tarr is nothing like Bresson what are you on about
This is what I imagine when i see "hurr durr don't read fiction" posts

>> No.12884850
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What was the meaning of the altercation with the yuppie on "Naked"? I never got it

>> No.12884856

Naked was good but there were parts that just didn't fit, it should have focused more on Johnny wandering around London

>> No.12884862

>Many of my favourite films aren't plot heavy and don't have a huge amount of dialogue
And this can bee true of books anon...

>> No.12884865
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>> No.12884940

At first, I feel like you are supposed to empathize with the character as he is a sharp and somewhat charismatic fuckup with a bad lot in life, but after a while you realize his cynical attitude and philosophical tirades are just a weapon to put down people around him and use them for his ends. In the end, the rapist landlord is superior to him as a psychopath because he has raw power, namely money and physical strength. He is doomed to be on the run forever because he is a weak fucking asshole.
Great movie, but I don't want to watch it again.

>> No.12884981
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>> No.12885009

Just mean there isn't many words in them
What constitutes something being literary?

>> No.12885040
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Pic related of course

>> No.12885052

There's definitely an equation between Johnny and Sebastian, but Johnny is not psychopathic, at all. His manipulation only hurts him, physically and emotionally. He cares deeply about hurting people, and when he ends up hurting them by pretending to be cold, he hurts himself more. Sebastian didn't care, he didn't care about committing a rape, being called maggot dick, etc. He's so lacking in self-awareness that he thinks everyone is as insecure as he is. The similarity between the two is that they end up with the same problem of loneliness; a sensitive man and a borderline psychopath end up with the same problem.

>> No.12885105

The Color of Pomegranates
I think Nostalgia is better than Stalker.
Nah I think Solaris is one of his better films.
I haven't seen any Claire Denis what of hers would you recommend? Also what Raul Ruiz do you recommend? >>12881924 recommends The Hypothesis of the Stolen painting, that gives me one to start with. I've seen or know about everyone else better.

>> No.12885117

To emphasize that Johnny wasn't the evil one, he was just naked (as a human being).

>> No.12885185
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>> No.12885539

Absolutely terrible

>> No.12885545


>> No.12885831
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>> No.12885866


>> No.12885963


>> No.12886015
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>> No.12886039

>his last two that nobody cares about

>> No.12886059

Il Giovane Favoloso
(en: Leopardi)

>> No.12887175
File: 171 KB, 1200x1200, kaurismäki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Aki Kaurismäkis films.

>> No.12887199
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Good choice. His most /lit/ is probably La vie de bohème, but my favorite is Shadows in Paradise (Varjoja paratiisissa).

>> No.12887207

he's right, though. go smoke some "reefer", watch the hottest new netflix show and leave us alone, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.12887212
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For me it’s Bresson

>> No.12887216

Le Havre literally endorses crypto-cuckoldry.
Kaurismäki is also a typical bourgeois eurosocialist:
>Europe going to pieces again is not a good idea, especially because of the extreme right-wing governments in Poland and Hungary

>> No.12887218
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>equating the stuff in this thread to Netflix

>> No.12887224

Thom Andersen's work is full of literary films. Essays with moving models.

>> No.12887245
File: 70 KB, 840x420, pellonpää.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don´t actually like Le Havre that much actually. The Other Side of Hope is great. Also

>not knowing Aki is socialist from him previous films.

>> No.12887265

i only like his optics and respect the fact that he never goes beyond 90 minutes, just like i respect authors that never go beyond 250 pages.

>> No.12887269

what's your favorite book?

>> No.12887281

i don't have a favorite book

>> No.12887299

who is your favorite author?

>> No.12887305

favorite film. Or one that you really like.

>> No.12887315

i don't have one either. the last book i read was games people play by eric berne. may i ask why the sudden interest in my tastes, bro?

>> No.12887320


>> No.12887326

seventh seal by bugman.

>> No.12887424
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I watched this one without reading anything about it. It's too good without spoilers.

It's one of the movies I tell people to just play, but no one ever does because they expect me to sell the movie to them.

>> No.12887654

I just wanted to know what kind of art a person who limits themselves to 90 minutes and 250 pages would consume. Maybe there is something in observing a self-imposed 'code' when it comes to films and books and music too.

>> No.12887679

i definitely think there is merit in brevity. it takes talent and skill to condense whatever you have to convey into a restricted time frame instead of meandering and going on forever.

>> No.12887683

Literally those all suck aside from Lee-Chang Dong, Denis isn't even the best female director. She is overhyped ridiculously... Granik, Chantel Akerman (RIP) but Almayer's Folly came out in 2011, Fox's The Tale aside from the SJW implications, and Bigelow are all better.... Zvaginstev, Sissako, Nemes, Alexei German (RIP), Linklater, Cuaron, Jenkins, Steve McQueen, Farhadi, Koreeda, Haneke, Haigh are all great, but hardly movies are about white males anymore... same with literature.... Rushdie and Morrison made the two best books since the 80's... Franzen and Linklater write about white men, but are hated by everyone on /lit and /tv

>> No.12887692

Yes this is amazing... All of Fellini's big 5 are amazing. La Dolce Vita, La Strada, I Vitteloni, Nights of Cabiria, and 8 1/2 are spectacular. One of the few Italians not to fall for that socialist crap

>> No.12887702

Bergman has so many great films... Seventh Seal, Fanny and Alexander, Through a Glass Darkly, Persona, Wild Strawberries, Autumn Sonata, Scenes From a Marriage, Smiles of a Summer night, etc.

>> No.12887714

Wild Strawberries hits me in the feels every time.

>> No.12887717

The man understanding what humanity is movies are amazing: Don't Look Now, Deliverance, Wake in Fright. Mostly 70's lower first tier films.

>> No.12887722

This rebels of the neon god?

>> No.12887724

Fucking A. Wb the ending, u can't really change who u r. U just find out along the way. His son was doomed to go down the same path as him

>> No.12887750

Powell and Pressburger make great films and both are very well-read. I'm a filmmaker, but most people I encounter are complete idiots, but if you go back far enough there's some beauty.

>> No.12887754

No offence but since you said HHH sucks I literally won't be able to take your opinion seriously. His films mean too much to me.
Really bizarre how you can say someone like kore-eda is great yet HHH sucks especially considering HHH's influence on kore-eda. Same for wong kar-wai and Jenkins. Out of the people youve listed the only ones I'd consider really great are aleksei german and akerman.
Also find it bizarre how you can like Lee Chang dong and dislike people like Ming liang and Pedro Costa. Sure they arent entirely similar but I still find that strange.

>> No.12887757

What about the Sacrifice? I've yet to see Solaris, Stalker, Sacrifice, and Nostalgia, but loved the other 3

>> No.12887761

Surprised you didn't mention winter light desu that's the best thing Bergman ever did imo

>> No.12887776

Persona was I think his best though

>> No.12887779

DESU I had never heard of him or most of that list since I'm not too well-versed in Asian cinema. I googled him and retract my words. It seems he had an influence on Edward Yang immensely. I loved Brighter Summer Day. Where should I start? A City of Sadness?

>> No.12887783

Check out À propos de Nice la suite and Beau travail
>Raul Ruiz
City of pirates is my favourite

>> No.12887787

For me it was Fanny. I can't get over the scene with the psychic. I think that was his only movie with no clear message, and thus accurately convey the randomness and futility of the universe. Persona was unbelievable, but Fanny is always my favorite.

>> No.12887790

Why do u not consider Jenkins, Linklater, and Cuaron great though?

>> No.12887801

Dude Where's My Car
Encino Man
Small Soldiers
Rush Hour 2

>> No.12887809

>Rush Hour 2

based and redpilled

>> No.12887811

>wong kar wai
I've heard of Martel, Chang Dong, and Denis. Don't like Denis saw her film from last year and a couple others. DOn't want to see high Life, Zama was SJW shit I thought, and Chang Dong is amazing

>> No.12887869

He and Edward Yang were mates. They were part of the new Taiwan cinema scene together. HHH actually played the lead in Edward Yang's film Taipei Story.
Honestly with HHH is recommend going chronologically from the boys from fengkuei but if you don't want to do that id suggest the time to live and the time to die, a city of sadness, flowers of shanghai, millennium mambo, cafe lumiere and the assassin
The thing with HHH is his approach to plot is quite unconventional so he's quite difficult to get into but if you give him time youll see it's definitely worth it. However this makes it difficult to recommend a starting point so it's probably best to go chronologically since his earliest films are his most conventional
I don't dislike them I just think they're okay. Out of those three I think ministers my favourite and desu to be honest I would maybe say he's great like the sunrise trilogy is great imo and some of his comedies are good but generally he's made a lot of films I don't care about or I think are shit (like waking life). I've never really been able to care about caurons films. They're visually impressive generally but not necessarily anything I haven't seen before.
Jenkins is different because I think his best films are yet to come honestly. I haven't been blown away by anything he's done so far but each of his films has been better than the last so I do have high hopes for him.

Sorry for grammar mistakes/typos it's nearly 2am and I'm tired

>> No.12887990

and it looks like you've never been impressed with or enjoyed the brevity of an author or a filmmaker...yet.

must suck to be you

>> No.12888116

Rush Hour is unironically based
as is Blade and The Wedding Singer

>> No.12888124

Enjoying things is literally the gayest shit you could do as a guy.

>> No.12888277
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Pic related

>> No.12888638

Synecdoche, New York

>> No.12888970

eric rohmer
>see all these names that i don't recognize
>look them up and it's a bunch of non-auteurs and recent film festival flavor of the year
dude, you seem to be seriously understudied, and are incorrectly employing the idea of "surnaming". just now i read someone refer to seeing the shawshank redemption as "my first [name of director]". that's not how it works. no one cares about who directed the hurt locker. plus 99% of the people there are definitely not the ones leading arthouse right now in any metric that isn't measured by how many gay people have reviewed the film on letterboxd. the list the other guy gave you is pretty decent, i'd consider jumping on it asap.