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12879876 No.12879876 [Reply] [Original]

>look up postmodern philosopher
>they're yet another disillusioned marxist

>> No.12879888

>look at backwards nation across the atlantic
>they're still having red scare

>> No.12879928

>look at your anarcho communist daughter
>they're on HRT and unemployed

>> No.12879931
File: 61 KB, 384x550, rei_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of Truth. Is there a nation with people more pathetic, dim-witted, gullible and easily manipulated than those of the United States of America?

>> No.12879977

Definitely Russia.

>> No.12879989

I wouldn't say that. Russians may put up with a lot of shit and they tolerate it, which is pretty bad. Americans however, not only tolerate but actively cheer for and support their oligarchs and keep spouting nonsense about "SOSHULIZM" and "MUH FREEDUMBS" when confronted with policy that would do even a little to curb their country's worst excesses.

>> No.12880014


>> No.12880039

Can't agree with this poster more. The Russians I've spoke to have a refreshing realistic view of the world, whereas Americans really enjoy their Kool-Aid.

>> No.12880052

>capitalism good

yeah whatever dude

>> No.12880058
File: 150 KB, 739x551, 1540146517781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still confusing post-modernism with marxism

>> No.12880065

ngl, pomo sounds based

>> No.12880068

mussolini was a marxist

>> No.12880142

>look at backwards nation across the pacific
>they're still having red scare

>> No.12880152

The gullible Americans are the ones who have been indoctrinated in the Universities into having beliefs that are contradicted by physical reality

>> No.12880264
File: 135 KB, 645x729, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurr unibersitirs maek the frugs liburl
Stay on /pol/, boomer.

>> No.12880392
File: 133 KB, 951x451, 1512448958612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh excuse me I've watched over 100 hours of peterson videos on Youtube show some respect

>> No.12880417

>scientific socialism

>> No.12880430

>look up postmodern philosopher
>they wrote in far-right nationalist journals advocating for terrorism

>> No.12880461

>look up postmodern philosopher
>It's just air blowing out of an asshole

>> No.12880812

Sounds like Dugin.

>> No.12880894

Sounds like Blanchot.

>> No.12880899
File: 407 KB, 603x642, HHNpPZ0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up postmodern philosopher
>died of AIDS

>> No.12880928

Marxism isn't postmodern cause it uses historical determinism.

>> No.12880963
File: 477 KB, 672x502, 1F4ABB5D-054B-4D6E-896C-48C0C0940F8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up right wing philosopher
>yet another depressed incel

>> No.12880980
File: 106 KB, 655x803, PledgeMuhLibertuhTuhDuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in most powerful position in history
>Russia recovers from collapse and zogging
>and within 12 years brings down the American Empire with diplomacy
SEETHING Amerikike.

>> No.12881011

hence tha disillusionment

>> No.12881132

marxism is unironically the worstest interpretation of how the world works

>> No.12881294

what's the bestest

>> No.12881313

my diary desu

>> No.12881418

Marxism is criminally reductive in a world where people are immediately and violently persecuted on basis other than their socio-economic background. There's more to class than chauvinist men scratching their nuts in a steel mill you fucking fundie.

>> No.12881531

>a refreshing realistic view of the world
Can you elaborate on that a little bit?

>> No.12881547


Why don't you just read Solzhenitsyn?

>> No.12881590

I have. Moreover, I grew up in Russia. I'm just wondering what exactly you define as realistic view of the world.

>> No.12881642
File: 265 KB, 844x722, 956c0ad688e392750fccfe11a5a0e8fcacf0bc704805f874d59ecd7f53becbda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientific socialism

This meme gets me everytime

>> No.12881656
File: 46 KB, 569x760, 1552586888828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's true. Social sciences are all infested by postmarxism except economy which has been infested by neolibs instead.

>> No.12881673

The unis here churn out much more liberals than leftists

>> No.12881708


>implying even STEM "hard science"fags aren't brainwashed by leftist propaganda

>> No.12881753

You don't even know what it means you peabrain.

>> No.12881770

>science good
>me want socialism be good
>me call socialism science
basically it desu

>> No.12881805

It doesn't have anything to do with STEM science. It's a social science. It comes from Hegel

>> No.12881845

I find it hard to believe that people who spew stuff like this have actually been in a university. Professors are by and large intelligent and studious people who care deeply about their field of study. They're capable of critical thinking and form their world view by critically engaging with a wide set of ideas presented in universities. There is no nefarious conspiracy by "Leftists" to brainwash people. And to paraphrase one of my professors, the most they could hope for is to get their students to actually do the fucking readings before lecture. Anything that remotely approaches brainwashing is out of the question. As far STEMfags, I don't know how it is elsewhere but in my university you're required to take 1.0 credit (a semester is 0.5 credits) of social science and humanities for your breadth requirement and you're done with your "leftist propaganda". If you think that's enough to brainwash someone then you must really have a low view of people.
Liberalism is the default position in our Liberal society. Most university students don't engage much with politics (unless they're PoliSci majors) so they briefly flirt with other ideas before returning back home to papa John (Locke) and Papa John (Mill)

>> No.12881849

this is unironically how communism will win. there is literally no comeback from being called a boomer

>> No.12881958
File: 415 KB, 480x480, illya_commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Capitalism shaped the boomers into what they are.
> Everyone's hatred of boomers is what will bring down the boomer lifestyle
Capitalism creates the means of its own destruction?

>> No.12882078


>> No.12882100

was the entirety of foucalt's output the result of deep-seated daddy issues and self hatred?

>> No.12882127

>>they're still having red scare
woah its almost like russia is at war with ukraine or something