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12878250 No.12878250 [Reply] [Original]

what books would make shinji get his shit together?

>> No.12878257
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The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

>> No.12878276
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>> No.12878319

None, he did everything right, you missed the point of Eva completely.

>> No.12878340

What was the point of Eva, then?

>> No.12878342

Just be yourself (seriously)

>> No.12878348

weebs are so dumb!!

>> No.12878370

sounds like something a dumb person would say

>> No.12878391
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Unironically if shinji was born with a bigger dick he would be less of a loser. The hidden lesson of eva and a lot of /lit/ is that even before one fully grasps the use of their pebis its known that a bigger penes leads to more confident adolscent years which shapes how that person will grow up to be. He was doomed from the start and its all Gendo's fault genetically which is why the show highlights the contention between them so often.

>> No.12878404

I don't think that interpretation is correct. My penis is 8 inches long and I had the complete opposite of a confident adolescence.

>> No.12878418

The point of Eva is self reflecting using Shinji, it's not a story about the apocalypse, it's about constant escapism, fear of love and rejection, not growing up. And in the end Shinji realizes it, man's up and takes responsibility for love, pain and suffering in his life. He rejects instrumentality and gets back to life full of pain, but this time with hope for finding love even if all he can do is cause pain(remember Asuka touching his cheek in the end).

>> No.12878433
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>> No.12878438

Yes, that's what I meant by getting his shit together.

>> No.12878456
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>Everyone missed the point of Eva

>> No.12878463

The story would end in instrumentality if Shinji wasn't an insecure autistic pussy, Rei wouldn't betray Gendo and shit's fucked.

>> No.12878465

Nice filename faggot

>> No.12878483

I'm on my work computer, I don't have anything directly saved so I just pulled it up in search to post

>> No.12878488

This is a decent post but it's missing out on how Anno also hates himself beacuse he himself is kind of a fuck up otaku type
And Rei is best girl btw

>> No.12878576

What a load of bitter, edgy, utterly pseud shit. Someone got massively butthurt over the rebuilds, eh.

>> No.12878597

you're retarded

>> No.12878613

>Misato is a human being capable of living and operating without a dick to validate her
That's literally wrong though.

>> No.12878717

Absolute garbage reddit-tier screencap

>> No.12878736
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>> No.12878746

You are getting it all wrong.
Canon is the TV series. End of the story.

Shinji is not in any way an autist in the series. He's just a kid who struggles in a fucked up world, with a dead mother and a piece of shit of a father. In fact, all the characters have problems, but it's not a metaphore to the otaku world: they have legit people actually have in the real life.
Still, he manages to be an excellent eva pilot, makes friends at school who respect him, snaps Rei out of autism and keeps his head up to Asuka.
The point of his maturity is already reached in the series, precisely when he refuses to pilot the eva because he realizes he's just a puppet in his father's hands. Misato acknowledges he's very self aware and basically an adult, as she tries to talk him back in but he still politely and firmly refuses. Yes he comes back piloting the eva but just because he decides it's the worst of two evil: being a puppet of something out of his control or letting other people suffer because he's no longer the ace eva pilot.
The conflict is not resolved, and him killing Kaworu is the breaking point of it all.

Then instrumentality kicks in, that is basicallly a dreamlike collective therapy session. In the series, Shinji DOESN'T reject instrumentality (it's not even a possibility). He is gettiing "cured", together with the other characters. He can live in a world where conflicts are resolved (not only for him), and life assumes peaceful and serene tones. But that's still the instrumentality, he's basically dreaming in the LCL soup.

The EoE heresy just turns Shinji in an actual autistic piece of shit (clearly he is not the same kid shown in the series) and makes him able to revert the instrumentality thanks to some acrobatic pseudo occult-religious bullshit Anno just shat out of his ass, just to rebuild a world where there can be more Evangelion movies just to milk the autistic fanbase.

>> No.12878764
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>> No.12878767

what a really foul opinion this one is

>> No.12878795

Stopped reading there

>> No.12878817

I can understand why Anno hates you. I also hate you.

>> No.12878836

lol touchy