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/lit/ - Literature

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12876810 No.12876810 [Reply] [Original]

bout to start this. what am I in for?

>> No.12876811

Normie shit.

>> No.12876862

Dated political commentary that's vague enough for anyone to compare it to anything the government does that they don't like.

>> No.12876926

Its unironically a good read if you're in high school.

>> No.12876935

A book that very clearly isn't about surveillance despite what normie memes would have you believe

>> No.12876948

idk, haven't read it

>> No.12876973

Brave new world is better imo

>> No.12876987


>> No.12877028

The greatest book ever!!

>> No.12877032

I mean it's about a lot more than just surveillance but that's still part of it

>> No.12877036

It's good

>> No.12877062

A history book right in the middle of it when it starts getting good. Stopped reading there years ago and haven't picked it up since.

>> No.12877175


>> No.12877238

>Dated political commentary
>don't let the government control everything

lol okay

>> No.12877280

a surprising amount of fucking

>> No.12877493

Ignore the faggots and the try hards. It's a good book that makes some interesting points about the power of language. It's worth a read because of how influential it was and because a lot of people today refer to it while never actually opening it. The lore behind the universe it pretty cool and you get into that about halfway through like the other anon mentioned.

>> No.12877556

What was that about the homoerotic undertones between the MC and the other guy I keep hearing about.
I admit it has been a long time since I've read it and I can't say I picked up on that.

>> No.12877618

If you just read it as a dystopia about a totalitarian government you will miss most of the important stuff. Keep an eye out for how the government keeps power rather than what abuses they commit once in power.
For example take note on how the proles are generally left alone by the party unless one gets suspicious. Everyone assumes that a totalitarian government is going to bust down their door and fuck their shit up, but quite frankly "Big Brother" isn't going to give a shit about what you do and things are going to seem like they always were. This is overlooked and arguably more more dangerous than a system which pisses everyone off. Orwell knew that systems which attack everyone will fall damn near immediately and that the most insidious dystopia is very selective in its application of force in a way that ensures that the majority don't realize that something is even wrong.
Most dystopia novels make a lot of assumptions on how their brand of shitiness is maintained but 1984 takes care to outline exactly how totalitarianism works and what tactics they use to gain and maintain power.

Also language is important like >>12877493 said.

>> No.12879232


A dystopian novel.

>> No.12879522

>Not moving on to "don't let the corporations control everything"

>> No.12880023

>Not moving on to "don't not let the corporations control everything"

take the wagiepill

>> No.12880089

An actual good book that /lit/ will tell you is shit because they want to feel intellectually superior.

>> No.12880143
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>/lit/ will tell you is shit
lit isn't a hivemind so of course some people will piss all over your favorite things, but the book is still pretty well received here, pic related