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12876612 No.12876612 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about mental illness? Preferably fiction.

>> No.12876633

My diary desu

>> No.12876670


>> No.12876712

The foundation for exploration

>> No.12876942

His diary desu

>> No.12876949

My twisted world

>> No.12876961


>> No.12876976

Would seriously help the mentally ill.

>> No.12876982

I personally recommend DSM-III.

>> No.12877136

The Bell Jar
Though its not very good

>> No.12877140

How? He's perfectly reasonable until the end

>> No.12877300

He's probably talking about the fact that HH is raping children.

>> No.12877372
File: 18 KB, 200x303, The_Myth_of_Mental_Illness_(1961_Hoeber-Harper_edition).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12877390
File: 169 KB, 250x374, file_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12877503

A little life has one of the main characters struggling with mental illness and pain, but it's not really a great book and it's not a short reading at all.

If you're into epidemic homosexuality, childhood traumas and self harm then this could be up your alley.

>> No.12877508

my 10 volume diary, with my supplementary YT series.

>> No.12877820
File: 28 KB, 487x423, 1539444948107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit there was a book written by a latin-american author about a guy who were unable to forget anything and his life sucked a lot because of this

I can't remeber the name of the book nor the author and this is driving me crazy. Google isn't helping too.

>> No.12877843

>about a guy who were unable to forget anything and his life sucked a lot because of this
isn't that just eidetic memory?
i would fucking kill to have that

and people with shit memory still remember all the terrible things that happened to them anyway god damn it

>> No.12877851


No, it was more like you woke up at 9 am and ate something at 11 pm. To remeber what you ate, you'd have to repass everything that happened from 9 pm to 11 pm.

It would took him 2 hours to remember it.

>> No.12877866

Funes the Memorious by Jorge Luis Borges?

>> No.12877880


Yeah, thank you

>> No.12878334

"Bad Brains", by Kathe Koja


>> No.12878551

i don't think eidetic memory works the way you think it does anon. first, only chidren have it. second, you don't remember absolutely everything as you seem to imply. also, you're probably actually talking about photographic memory.

>> No.12880194

if he is talking photographic memory then he's brainlet since it's never been a thing in humans and most neuroscientists just straight up don't think it's possible, there are some cases of adults with eidetic memories but IIRC they all end up depressed just because of the sheer amount of processing the brain does for memory consolidation during sleep so you end up being in a state of constant tiredness and struggle to know what day it is just because of how fucked your sleep ends up being

>> No.12880245
File: 84 KB, 710x577, 1552356442928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy couldnt forget anything
>i forget the name
i bet you wish you were him anon.

>> No.12880288
File: 17 KB, 220x290, House of Leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this not mentioned yet? literally the main plot is just three different guys going slowly insane as they get caught up in stupid shit

>> No.12881156

>until the end
that the average /lit/izen can't recognize a severe cognitive disorder which is presented early on pretty much confirms what I've already suspected, that most of 4chan are the same type of sociopath as H.H.

>> No.12881275

based banter poster