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/lit/ - Literature

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12876455 No.12876455 [Reply] [Original]

who are the greatest female authors of all time /lit/?

>> No.12876470

marthy delane, amanda spite, agatha orbit, pithy prighteous.

>> No.12876475


>> No.12876498

and Deidre Paulkin

>> No.12876554

Woolf, Morrison

>> No.12876557

Do trans count?

>> No.12876567

this +Mary Shelley

>> No.12876571

probably Homer
>inb4 Brontë and Plath fags
yes, but only mtf's. ftm's are considered male

>> No.12876585


>> No.12876602

think you got that backwards champ
ftms might be "considered" male but theyre still women, and mtfs are still men

>> No.12876603

The melanated Jewesses that wrote the Bible don't get enough credit.

>> No.12876611


>> No.12876615


>> No.12876616

George Eliot, Jane Austen, Flannery O'Connor, Emily Bronte, Edith Wharton, and Emily Dickinson

>> No.12876629

fucking called it, this board is de-
wait did you also just say Austen??? are we seriously at the level where people think this is good literature???

>> No.12876640

Yes? What are you even saying?

>> No.12876646

They forced me to read a bunch of non males back in school. The only one I ever liked was Evelyn Waugh. All the rest were pure cancer.

>> No.12876652

that Brontë is terrible and should not have been answered. I neglected to predict someone saying Austen in my original comment (>>12876571) though, since I thought we were above that. apparently not, since you just called her one of the greatest female "authors" of all time

>> No.12876848
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Charlotte Bronte

>> No.12876854

not being able to enjoy austen and emily brontë is your defect, not anything wrong with their writing, I imagine you really enjoy Pessoa and the French existentialists because they are "literally you" and you dislike women encroaching on "your" artform with their stories about domesticity and love

>> No.12876856

Get some taste.

>> No.12877014

I've never read Pessoa or any French philosophy so I'm just going to assume you're projecting
>no u
what a captivating argument

>> No.12877569


>> No.12877959
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>Powergap>the rest

>> No.12877962

>probably Homer

based and redpilled

>> No.12878918

the thing about female writing is that often the best parts (i find) are the conversational moments are the most interesting. this is likely because conversation is the only art women are particularly skilled at in comparison to men. that being said, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, and Charlotte Brönte are likely the best.

>> No.12878921

I called Harold Bloom and he told me to call you a faggot. Faggot.

>> No.12879000

Women authors I've read who are 8/10 plus
Jane Austen 8
Emily Bronte 8
Charlotte Bronte 8
George Eliot 9.5
Virginia Woolf 9
Emily Dickinson 9

>> No.12879007


>> No.12879021

>tfw realising Jane Eyre failed whatever the dude version of the Bechdel test is
Liked CB a touch more for that

>> No.12879044

They do it differently to dudes. The psychological insight is not as heavy, then occasionally plunges into some depth a man simply couldn't ever see let alone reach. Their prose is often smoother and more readable, fluid seeming. They have failings that often feel specifically female. The emotional affects are more lachrymose. They really do spend more time relating seemingly random yammering and describing clothes. Not that those are necessarily faults.

>> No.12879049

Virginia Woolf
Hilda Doolittle
Amy Lowell
Patricia Highsmith
Sylvia Plath
Elizabeth Bishop

>> No.12879052

We need more respect for Marie de France up in here.

>> No.12879060

Oh Highsnith. Yeah.