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12875506 No.12875506 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the "shakespeare" of sci fi?

>> No.12875517

H G Wells

>> No.12875522


I don't know but it isn't Dick. Dick is the Dante of sf.

>> No.12875546

Ridley Scott desudesudesu

>> No.12875587


>> No.12875603

this is tempting. would still have to go with jules verne.

>> No.12875622

Gene Wolfe

>> No.12875641

aka the walrus

>> No.12875789


No, Gene Wolfe is the Melville of sf.

>> No.12876234

Asimov, Clarke, or Heinlein. Take your pick bitch.

>> No.12876237


>> No.12876583

Jack Vance

>> No.12876589

Shelley? Shakespeare with tits?

>> No.12876601

>implying genre-fiction could ever be comparable to Shakespeare

>> No.12876623

shakespeare is overrated anyways

>> No.12876626


>> No.12876746

i agree, he is walrusesque

>> No.12876751

i think that shakespeare agrees with you and feels bad about it everyday

>> No.12876992

brainlet contrarian take

>> No.12876998

Asimov is the only right answer.

>> No.12877010

I really doubt youre qualified to comment on shakespeare at all

>> No.12877574

George Lucas or Gene Roddenberry

>> No.12877591

Alfred Bester.

>> No.12877594

thoughts on Foundation? Really tempted to buy it

>> No.12877659

It's quite possibly his magnum opus, and you'd be doing yourself a real favor by acquiring it.

>> No.12877663

Michael Crichton

>> No.12877723

Stanislav Lem and everybody who doesnt agree has propably yet to read his work. Asimov comes close tho.

>> No.12879394

Not terrible, but one of the most overrated things I've ever read.
How is Bester? Been looking for something of his at bookstores lately.

>> No.12879424

Shallow and half-flat characters that get dumped for an entire new cast every hundred pages. The overarching plot is alright, but it never really grabbed my attention, especially since the whole guiding idea behind it is that everything i predetermined, and thus any tension is null and void by default.

>> No.12879447

Only the fist trilogy is good, and the fist book is the best.
But Asimov is a hack if you have read actually good books, if not read him now because at some point he becomes unreadable.

>> No.12879452

His prose and characters are terrible, so no. He does not have a poetic bone in him.

>> No.12879526

This right fucking here. Except the close second are the Strugatski bros.

>> No.12879534

Mary Shelley

>> No.12879621
File: 20 KB, 220x328, rur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Čapek brothers?