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12873528 No.12873528 [Reply] [Original]

>Russian novel
>multiple characters with the same fucking name
why? for what purpose?

>> No.12873532

Try reading We and get back to me nigger

>> No.12873681

why not? are you burger lol

>> No.12873724

If you write a novel, you'll make sure there aren't different characters with the same name, cos that would seem stupid and be annoying. However it's pretty much an artificial rule. IRL you can very well have friends with the same first name as you, which would be dumb as fuck in a book. Now what I wonder is if people's names in Russian society were actually as diverse as they are now in the West. I have no idea bout that. Perhaps if you took 100 Russian people in the middle of the 19th century, you'd end up with 20 of them being called Ivanovich. It would explain why it's also the case in some novels. Perhaps it just made it realistic. Or perhaps some writers are lazy fucks.

>> No.12873746

"ivanovich" is a patronymic, not a name

>> No.12873878

Try reading Beowulf.

>> No.12873911

Are you reading it in Russian? no? Then it's not a russian novel

>> No.12874042

You’re overthinking the names my dude. It’s not that hard to learn the structure

>> No.12874102
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There are five Alexanders where I work and three Constantines including me

>> No.12874254

Is there any reason for the two male leads in Anna Karenina to both be counts named Alexei? I can't see it serving any purpose beyond intentionally confusing the reader

>> No.12875853

Realism doesn't come free.

>> No.12875860

That's a cool name. Cheers.

>> No.12875884

Haven't read AK but they probably refer to each count as "Alexei [Patronymic]" because that's just how Russian names work. This has been the case in every 19th century Russian work I've read.