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File: 10 KB, 221x300, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12871222 No.12871222 [Reply] [Original]

He interests me more than any other psychologist. I haven't read much about the field at all, but would it be okay to start with him?

>> No.12871241
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>I am a natural cock sucker, please fill my mouth with your crusty smegma
this is you

>> No.12871268

Pretty sure it's theology that you're interested in. Check perennial philosophy if you like that sort of stuff

>> No.12871296

Probably wise to read Freud's 'ego and the id' first but I jumped right into Jung and it went pretty well, honestly he opened my world to reading philosophy/literature quite a bit. Jung's was a genius and he has great credentials. Also he wrote a fuck ton of things.
"Man and his Symbols"
"Two essays on Analytical Psychology"

>> No.12871299

psychology is for gays

>> No.12871306

I started with him (years ago, before anyone had heard of Jordy Peepeeson, probably about 2007). If you're intrigued by him, then go for it

>> No.12871307

he takes a lot from Goethe, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. It would be more important to understand them than other psychologists.

>> No.12871386

i sneezed and seminole fluided and skidmarked and gleeked and gleeked and skidmarked and lactated and puked and spit and queefed and lactated and fumunda cheesed and farted and burped and boogered and coughed and dingleberryed and farted and farted and burped and diarrhead and bukkaked in books library booksed in books library books library booksd gleeked and bukkaked in books library books cheesed and earwaxed and farted and perioded and puked and camed and spit and queefed and puked and farted and coughed and coughed and lactated and puked and sneezed and gleeked and gleeked and burped and diarrhead and perioded and camed and perioded and skidmarked and seminole fluided and snotted and bukkaked in books library bookseberryed and gleeked and diarrhead and fumunda cheesed and boogered and earwaxed and fumunda cheesed and seminole fluided and sneezed and fumunda cheesed and camed and bukkaked in books library bookssed and coughed and coughed and spit and farted and bukkaked in booksunda cheesed and burped and puked and perioded and dingleberryed and sneezed and gleeked and skidmarked in books library books library books library books and earwaxed and sneezed and bukkaked in books library books library books cheesed and puked and puked and sneezed and farted and sneezed and farted and seminole fluided and queefed and boogered and seminole fluided and seminole fluided and sneezed and earwaxed and diarrhead and camed and diarrhead and snotted and puked in books library books library books library booksd and seminole fluided and coughed and perioded and spit and skidmarked and queefed and queefed and queefed and burped and coughed and boogered and skidmarked and seminole fluided and camed and diarrhead and camed and diarrhead and camed and spit and queefed and sneezed and sneezed and fumunda cheesed and earwaxed and coughed and gleeked and perioded and gleeked and boogered and camed and seminole fluided and sneezed and sneezed and coughed and gleeked and boogered and spit and queefed and snotted and boogered and dingleberryed and boogered and boogered and earwaxed and seminole fluided and puked and burped and perioded and lactated and fumunda cheesed and coughed and bukkaked in boogered and earwaxed and bukkaked in books library boogered and skidmarked and coughed and snotted and fumunda cheesed and burped and fumunda cheesed and skidmarked and perioded and camed and coughed and skidmarked and seminole fluided and came in bookkkks

>> No.12871403
File: 52 KB, 480x506, D1DA57DB-8DD5-4B32-8EF4-4B324D589C55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Kingsley has a gnostic masterpiece if you can mind his sneering tone. Probably best to start with Memories, Dreams, Reflections (brainlet tier), Man and His Symbols (smol brain tier), Aeon (big brain tier), or Liber Novus (galaxy brain tier).

>> No.12871474

Jung was a fuggin' shaman. Go to him if you want to build a foundation for a mystical worldview, not if you want to analyze le brain.

>> No.12871545

Then dive into the Bollingen of course :^)

>> No.12871556
File: 53 KB, 660x495, 1531780850882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he have a korean name

>> No.12871565

because you're an american that can't read for life.

>> No.12871574



>> No.12871900

>red book
why is it so expensive

>> No.12872863

jung was a faggot.freud was based, but leftist niggers started reading him

>> No.12872953
File: 337 KB, 660x799, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. brainlet

>> No.12872960

was it really discredited? that's what everyone says when they don't have an argument against Freud

>> No.12873001

Don't start with the red book. Best way to out pseuds is whenever they recommend you the red book. Start withman&his symbols and go from there.

>> No.12873036

Freud predicted that the unconcious would return to the repressed in the future. Odeipus complex is still used but in altered form, which i would argue freud would of agreed to

>> No.12873053

Red book should be the last book you read on Jung as its basically his most secret inner journey. Sadly one cant hope for his journey to be mythological and interesting.

>> No.12873959

you're more likely interested in the occult, esoteric, mythology and, as another anon already suggested, theology if you feel drawn to read jung.

>> No.12873969
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>He interests me more than any other psychologist


>> No.12873975

Jung was a visionary mystic and Freud was a kike who analyzed the sexuality of children

>> No.12873989

Theology is barking up the wrong tree. You're better off meditating or taking LSD than reading Thomas Aquinas' made up bullshit.

>> No.12874011

Yes, you can start with him, but read some online summaries of Freud's ideas if you don't know them already first.

>> No.12874024

Man and his symbols felt like a step back from Freud's interpretation of dreams. Freud is genuinely more interesting as he really tries to formalize human culture and thought. Jung just seems to categorizes what has already been done in literature and religion. Not that there isnt worth in it just doesnt seem like hes treading new ground like Freud did.

>> No.12874045

Forgot to add ive only read man and his symbols and that book was made for normies so idk, the big dick thinking might be somehwere else.

>> No.12874078

take a nosedive and start with the redbook

>> No.12874086

Whats up with Jung's daddy issues with Freud in Man and his symbol ?

>> No.12874491

What are you talking about?

>> No.12874830

>havent read much or any psyvhology
>i like jung

>> No.12874838

>lacanfag and freudshills in major asspain

>> No.12874861
File: 759 KB, 1080x1080, 1533377084258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT low effort sycophanting


>> No.12874875

Imagine going 100 years back and showing people this picture.

>> No.12874911

jorjan beeperson

>> No.12874921

ikr, people are going to be puzzled as to how we were able to worship pieces of rock and wood that resembled humans

>> No.12874945

He mentions him personally a bunch of times, not just referring to his theory. I remember one anecdote, when him and Freud where on a ferry in america or some shit. He explains how he couldnt express his ideas to Freud as they would be rejected or some shit.
Felt weird and out of place. Does he do this alot in his other works? Man and his Symbol has only a short essay written by Jung.

>> No.12874952

the Red Book is pretty lit

Definitely read into Jung. It's not the same as psychology you'd get from a textbook because it's not concerned so much with the individual but with society, and you have to take everything he says metaphorically

ie he doesn't talk about God, but the *image* of God, which may or may not actually be a sentient god. Similarly, his universal unconscious is effectively an observation on how societal trends work and why certain things become popular.

His stuff on integrating the shadow is also very good.

>> No.12874954

>pointing out criticism
>muh daddy issues
this is why people laugh at freudfags

>> No.12874955
File: 510 KB, 500x500, 11483644-B60C-4001-B2E4-8BABD3C49BF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ego and Archetype is comfy

>> No.12874982

>not psychoanalysis every aspect of human life to expose how much they wanna be fucked by big dick Freud

>> No.12875033
File: 17 KB, 255x255, ca40090221e1572f8f6ce05001e6e0ec24a657a61c80e7686fa339e21c9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just angry and rambling incoherently.

>> No.12875067

i just love Freud so much, ms smug anime girl.