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/lit/ - Literature

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12870816 No.12870816 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw glad i didnt read any forced literature in highschool otherwise i would be permanently sour towards reading

>> No.12871432

Of mice and frogs

>> No.12871437

I don't even remember high school

>> No.12871522

t. boomer

>> No.12871534

The best thing a high school teacher can is let students choose their own books.

>> No.12871546
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>forced to read tons of shit in school
>have to read Shakespeare in highschool
>not a brainlet so I actually understand it
>convince myself to start reading classics because Shakespeare was better than shit like the Outsiders

>> No.12871567

based, redpilled, and comfy
I can relate anon

>> No.12871580
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>be me in highschool english.
>Me and some autist were the best at understanding the prose in Beowulf.
>Try to impress teacher because she's a babe probably in her late 20s.
>don't even give a fuck about the good grades I was getting.

>> No.12871583

i appreciated or at the very least didnt hate all of the good things we were assigned in high school. yes, i hated all of the pseudo-YA and grievance study garbage

>> No.12872129

My school assigned good shit (for the most part) so that was never really a problem for me.

>> No.12872138

no I'm 18 I was just drunk the whole time lmao

>> No.12872194

Hated Charles Dickins, loved everything else they made us read

>> No.12872201

At public schools, it's pretty retarded because you're in a class with the children of people barely skimming through life.

>> No.12872853

I'm 18 and still in high school :(

>> No.12872948

that's the dumbest thing i've ever read

>> No.12872995
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>tfw was forced to read Murakami

>> No.12873004
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>tfw had to read an example of 'modern' German literature
>it's Süsskind's 'The Perfume'
>read it
>level of writing doesn't even compare to Goethe, Kafka or even Fontane...
Still motivated me to read the second part of Faust and classics in general.

>> No.12873016

What are you talking about, Steinbeck was awesome!

>> No.12873061

pussy>>>books everytime

>> No.12873116

I did the reading and enjoyed it. Fuck you.

>> No.12873131

congrats on being a nerd faggot

>> No.12873296

that's comfy though
*pours a bourbon*

>> No.12873512
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>tfw had a ton of forced literature in highschool
>read and enjoyed most of it, school turned me into much more of a patrician than 4chan ever could
I pity you people who are solitary readers

>> No.12873673

>the book is about race

Harper Lee is a menace.

>> No.12873995

>Goethe, Kafka, fucking Fontane
So education failed you twice?

>> No.12874171

We read that too. Don't remember why they picked it.