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12870174 No.12870174 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12870217

>not comparing SftB to House of Leaves

>> No.12870312

Geek the Girl and The Bell Jar

>> No.12870326

Why wouldn’t you pair blood meridian with The Last Pale Light In The West. It’s a concept album based off the book

>> No.12870327

>comparing a masterpiece like Soundtracks with midwitt trash like House of Leaves

>> No.12870355

that's the easy way out and Swans works better anyway

>tfw you realize The Kid and Michael Gira have similar teenage years

>> No.12870360

That's a good one. SftB is terribly underrated compared to their more recent output and their very early output. A rare album that really takes you to another place. It's a great pairing with Blood Meridian.

>> No.12870369

>midwit trash
incorrect, but not as incorrect as
>comparing a masterpiece
anon, I do not care whether or not you like House of Leaves, but the fact is that it has the same exact general vibe as Soundtracks. if you do not understand this, you are either deaf and don't understand the album or dyslexic and don't understand the book

>> No.12870375

Is The Consumer actually worth reading?

>> No.12870381

Gravity’s Rainbow - Trout Mask Replica

>> No.12870429
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Gravity’s Rainbow - Velocity : Design : Comfort

>> No.12870434

See >>12870381

>> No.12870448 [DELETED] 

Gravity’s Rainbow - Colors (BTBAM)

>> No.12870534

>Velocity : Design : Comfort
I suddenly very much want to find out what book this corresponds to, and no, it is definitely not Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12870695

This seems like an easy answer but I really dont think the book is that playful with it's structure and is actually operating with clear solemnity

I'd better compare it to A Love Supereme by Coltrane, especially with the opening and endings of book and album together.

>> No.12870707

Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakami or The Combinations by Louis Armand

>> No.12870713

Nah any Pynchon matches up with bonzo dog band or country joe and the fish

>> No.12870739

okay how the fuck didn't I think of Murakami? that matches so well

>> No.12870769

If I do my job right in my writing career, Ryu will be more easily recalled. Cheers mate

>> No.12870781
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great thread idea, great pairing

Rodger - My Twisted World
> Xiu Xiu - Dear God I Hate Myself

>> No.12870805
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kind of cheating but
Kate Tempest - Everybody Down (pic)
Kate Tempest "Hold Your Own"

>> No.12870829

No, it's just edgy trash.
I'll save you the bother
>I get up from my urine soaked mattress and make myself a bowl of cereal with dried precum and diarrhea then I slurp it up then my master comes in and rapes me, then he cuts off my eyeball and makes me eat it and then
repeat for a 100 or so pages.

>> No.12870844

you're joking, it can't be this bad.

>> No.12870849
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Is 3:1 fine?

>> No.12870850

It is. It's just paragraphs and paragraphs of boring shit that's just meant to disgust

>> No.12870895

If you like his lyrics it is worth reading. It is an interesting work and I enjoy his style but it is far from a feel good book. People love to reduce it down to just trying to be shocking and disgusting but that is not really his style.

>> No.12870907

>boring shit that's just meant to disgust
If you knew anything about Mr. Gira you would know that is not his motive.

>> No.12870914

Yes, his lyrics can be quite profound.
Can't say the same about his prose.

>> No.12870935
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Book of Disquiet = Jandek’s entire discography

>> No.12871072
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>> No.12872355

Antlers-Hospice=My diary desu

>> No.12872677

did you just look at the name of the book and the cover of the album?

>> No.12872687

>Yes, his lyrics can be quite profound.
*50 cymbals start playing alongside the two riffs going on for 20 minutes*
fuck this thread, fuck avant teen trash, and fuck /mu/tards

>> No.12872701

t.low test

>> No.12872702
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>> No.12872968

Devo, Freedom of Choice and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.12873035

The album that is most similar to GR is “The Third Reich n’ Roll” by The Residents

>> No.12873862

best post itt

One Hundred Years of Solitude would go well with Music For People In Trouble

>> No.12874731
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>> No.12874777

Newsom isn't anywhere near being as experimental as Joyce

>> No.12874881
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.12874903
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1Q84 #1

>> No.12874904

>III by BADBADNOTGOOD for all chapters except Kassad's
>Boyer: Symphony no. 1 by Peter Boyer for Kassad's chapter

>> No.12874905
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>> No.12874913

ITT: /mu/ fags that read wikipedia articles about books and try to cross-shitpost their trash music with good literature

>is /mu/ really that boring that you fags have to come over here?

>> No.12875954

You're so clever anon

>> No.12876706

Pls explain to me why Coin Locker Babies was so underwhelming. It was kinda fun to read tho. Interested in hearing your thoughts on it and your suggestions regarding his other stuff. So far I've only read CLB and In the Miso Soup.

>> No.12876806

>/mu/ fags that read wikipedia articles about books
Literally this entire board.

>> No.12877112
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F#A#Infinity by Godspeed

>> No.12877125

Havent read this but why do they compare?

>> No.12877143

On the Road and Rain Dogs

>> No.12877189
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Is there a more natural, cohesive pairing than this one?

>> No.12877192

Oh God no... Joy Division or The Clash would be better

>> No.12877211
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Cliche asf my man. I'd much rather watch a Luhrmann's Gatsby-esque interpretation of Catcher, scored by Yeezy himself, than a conventional, angsty wh*teoid adaptation.

>> No.12877221

This is so stupid for many reasons.

>> No.12877261

why do i want to read blood meridian now

>The Catcher In The Rye
>Dismemberment Plan - Emergency And I

>> No.12877272

> compares CITR to random album absolutely nobody has heard of except you and probably sucks

>> No.12877332


>> No.12877345
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Crime and Punishment

>> No.12877361

fuck you.

>> No.12877978

fuck you

>> No.12877996

says the pitchfork drone

>> No.12878011

>Gravity’s Rainbow - Trout Mask Replica
If that is accurate, I will never read gravity's rainbow

>> No.12878017

/mu/ has gotten pretty terrible

>> No.12878056
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>> No.12878520


>> No.12879822

i came here to post this

>> No.12879872
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Does this work in reverse too? What book fits this pic?

>> No.12879887

Trout Mask is obviously Finnegans Wake. Seems like random bullshit unless you understand what's going on.

>> No.12879982
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Prove me wrong.

>> No.12881359

Nah Trout Mask is just pseud tier horseshit.