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/lit/ - Literature

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12869951 No.12869951 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he say "Dosteeyevsky"? Is that actually how it's pronounced? It sounds retarded and nothing like how it's spelled.

>> No.12869964

In Canada, I don't know why, but we have strange pronunciations of certain proper nouns:
>Roodyerd Kipling
>Leo Tilstoy
>Homer's Odyssoy

>> No.12869978

he should just mention p&v or mcduff or whoever it is that he actually read, instead of Дocтoeвcкий who he has never actually read

>> No.12869992

>tfw grew up on the internet and would never have known this

>> No.12870001

>being this much of a snob

>> No.12870013

P&V did Dosto a favour.

>> No.12870014

Its a new /lit/ meme

>> No.12870023

p&v is an utter shitshow, the "pevearsion" article that gets posted here a lot is correct in its critiques of their horrific work, but bizarre in its glorification of garnett's stilted garbage
mcduff is kino