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/lit/ - Literature

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12865461 No.12865461 [Reply] [Original]

I barely read anymore

>> No.12865463

Read this.

>> No.12865742

Buy some short novels. As a matter of fact, give me a delivery address and I will buy you a handful of short, engaging novels off amazon.


>> No.12865752

Obviously posting your mailing address is stupid. How about just a paypal?

>> No.12865753

1488 Jews did 9/11 Ave., NYC, New York

>> No.12866060

I know that feel. /lit/ was my homepage. Then it was /tv/. Now it’s /v/. Come next year it will probably be /asp/.

>> No.12866071

I just read this entire thread

>> No.12866099

Around two months ago I was reading Hegel and had a breakdown because I couldn't understand it as well as I thought I should have. That was at like 1 AM and I threw my laptop at my cat and almost hurt it so that made everything worse then I was crying more and saying sorry to my cat and my dog even though the dog was in the other room and then I got in my car after that and went downtown in my small city and drove up and down the main street reading the neon lights that stay on 24-7 on the gaudy little local jewelry stores and diners that haven't been cleaned since the 1960's. There's something about just reading things naturally like you do in everyday, non-academically minded life that is really comforting, try doing that it helps me.

>> No.12866122

I've become so pointlessly jaded about reading. Each time I begin reading something new a pounding fat sign which spells WHY BOTHER starts pulsating within my mind. I realise that my life won't be changed, enriched, or transformed in any significant way from my reading or not reading this particular book. So I drop it and begin a new cycle of looking for reasons to read. I start a fiction novel and WHY BOTHER ITS ALL MADE UP SHIT drags me back into apathy, I start a philosophical work and WHY BOTHER ITS ALL WRONG ANYWAY pulls me out, I start a poetry collection and WHY BOTHER ITS FUCKING GAY AND PRETENTIOUS takes me back to simpler pornographic pleasures, desperately I start a popscience work only to hear WHY BOTHER YOU'RE NIBBING ON CRUMBS SMART PEOPLE LEFT FOR THE PROLES. I finish maybe 10% of books I start, the experience never appears gratifying or importance. I stared at pages for n number of hours, and now I'm done. Back to mindless browsing.

>> No.12866138

Does playing Sekiro count as reading?

>> No.12866284

I've been reading a barely 200 page book for the past month
I'm only one page 100

>> No.12866293
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I realized that reading is meaningless if you don't have a gf. How am I supposed to read while being lonely and horny, and without a chance to procreate and leave progeny to inherit the Earth?

>> No.12866294

Just have sex

>> No.12866440

Turn off internet

>> No.12866481

You sound retarded, like a woman. Are you on tranny drugs? Is this another confirmation of the Hegel --> tranny pipeline?

>> No.12866526

I read alot.
started reading a new book yesterday and im 200 pages in, problem is i only read brainlet dogshit.

>> No.12866545

Being stuck on the final boss made me evaluate how much time I'm wasting playing games when I could be studying

>> No.12866559

Why would you drag someone from the void into existence, only for them to suffer the pain that is life?