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12865443 No.12865443 [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid being condemned to this fate, I'm usually very skeptical of anything relating to psychoanalytic theory, but this just hits too close to home, it's like I was opened up and read as a book, a general phenomenon I've noticed, is that this site always brings us to our lowest because of how much most of us share in common, which is why I'd like to see this issue brought into a larger forum, I think we could all benefit from this discussion.

>> No.12865459

fuck off

>> No.12865469

It you read some modern psychoanalytic theories it would hot even more close and if you talked with a psychiatrist he'd say the patterns are almost indelible and you should give up.
Some others claim they can change through trauma reprocessing.

Just fuck them all and try to focus on yourself and what gives you pleasure. The more honest you will be the better.

>> No.12865472

stop thinking so much and just do, go to school, do homework, eat healthy, exercise, get a job, just do and turn your brain off as much as possible

your life sucks because you think too much and care too much about what people think of you

>> No.12865477

the plight of being a capricorn :(

>> No.12865481

But you must think to perform at a job

>> No.12865486

Any pointers

>> No.12865494

obviously, you also have to think when doing the other things I mentioned

it's the extra thinking that isn't necessary that is fucking you in the ass, the mind-wandering, worrying, planning, fantasizing, etc.

>> No.12865521

What you observe is not a conscious action. It's a mood, a nervous system reaction that then it's translated into ruminating thoughts by the mind.
The advice to "just do" is almost equivalent to "just produce more insulin bro"

>> No.12865538
File: 428 KB, 750x857, 0111BA69-4FDA-4B91-B783-15F304920FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ENTP and most of these apply to me
The one about maladaptive daydreaming and power fantasies hit home way too close. I’ll often put on music and pretend I’m a rockstar or a soldier or a king or many other things for hours, HOURS.

>> No.12865546

intp here i have no reason to keep going other than the tremendous debt of gratitude i owe to my parents i just wanna give up on my voyage through this world even though i havent launched

>> No.12865561

I'm an INTJ and this hits home, man.

>> No.12865567
File: 37 KB, 799x449, just hang loose blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The idealized self one play me to the bone.

>> No.12865821

the young man described only needs confidence born of a honed talent to ascend to self actualisation

>> No.12865848

>tfw you're an INTP cancer, ascendant virgo with moon in aquarius<div class="like-perk-cnt"><marquee direction="left" width="250" height="50" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="down" height="50" behavior="alternate">&#x26BD;</marquee></marquee></div>

>> No.12865942

>tfw 50/50 E and I NTP Cancer with Scorpio rising and moon in Pisces

Does this mean I'm an emotional mess, because I always thought I was.

>> No.12865945

I was born of a waxing crescent on a hot bayou night – the summer solstice. And this? This hits closer to home than a gator in twister.

>> No.12865969


tfw INFJ and triple gemini<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.12866195

lmfao im over half of that and an infp, and let me tell you cock sucker us infps got a whole basket case of nigger dicks swelling into our mind

>> No.12866415

who /coldreader/ here

>> No.12866619

Target demographic attracted to particular forum. Describe general characteristics of said demographic. Mind blown!!

>> No.12866630

>And prefer to leave memories and emotions as vague sensations they draw upon rather than concrete images.

When reading absolutely anything pertaining to psychology, however remotely connected to it or brief in passing, if I run across a hint in it that preference and aptitude are the same thing, or if they are conflated in any way through some sort of rhetorical trickery or other, or that either of them are predominantly acquired as opposed to innate, I know I am dealing with a bullshit artist. In this specific instance, where some sort of principle of displacement is implied when it comes to the sensory precision of memory, and the power of abstraction, such that one can't be well-endowed with both, or wretchedly lacking both, I know by long experience that this is not the case. One fact of this matter is that it takes a combination of a sufficiently fortunate background, and a certain sort of ruthlessly subtle cunning, to keep and find the personal space and time for unfettered growth of the intellect--if one enjoys growing it in the first place. And one does enjoy it only if, among the rewards, one's power of fantasy builds upon the known, and isn't inhibited by harsh discipline and arbitrary moral proscription during childhood, and other grim circumstantial factors. So while it is true that ambition specializes by mental aptitude, the blame for any hampering sense of futility lay not in it, but in the rottenness, or the barrenness, of the time & place.

>> No.12866665

/thread. Always hated the perceiving types too. That's cucked. J is better.

>> No.12866680


I'm a Libra, what game is this?