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12865364 No.12865364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you losers rushed onto the stage to ask Jordan Peterson for help?


>> No.12865453

And of couse jp is there kneeling by the guy who’s crunched up in a fetal position, rubbing his back all fatherly and shit this is too much, too much

>> No.12865467

Peterson has become like one of those greasy TV evangelicalists that desperate people flock too. Just read the comments, they regard him as a prophet.

>> No.12865470

yep that's me

>> No.12865484

I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling postmodern neomarxists too<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="451" height="75" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/dinosaur.gif"></div>

>> No.12865499

god help us

>> No.12865506

Jesus Christ that's beyond pathetic.

>> No.12865528
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That kid's never going to recover from that. No matter how many prayers are said for him. No matter how many times he tidies his room.
His life is utterly fucked.

>> No.12865529

I would not be at all surprised if this was staged.

>> No.12865537

He could move to another state and cut all ties. His life there is finished, I agree.

>> No.12865550

i didnt realize memerson was this popular to have huge audiences like that

my main exposure to him is pol posting a clip where he says he can't talk about jews

>> No.12865552

Chances are that he mostly attends large lecture classes. Since he probably doesn't have many friends I doubt that anyone would even recognize him if he walked across campus

>> No.12865570

He has given full audience speeches in non-anglo Euro countries. He's unstoppable. Slavoj is our only hope

>> No.12865576

April 19th is also my birthday, can't wait for the inevitable drama as a present<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/20.gif"></div>

>> No.12865602
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I can't watch. 10 seconds in and second hand embarrassment is obliterating me. Someone summarize in text please.

>> No.12865603

he sincerely asked for help, and you mock him

>> No.12865634

He sobs and Daddy descends from his throne and pats him on the shoulder and neck. It gets worse towards the end his crying really got me

>> No.12865648

Guy breaks down completely and utterly.
His wails fill the hall and the audience watches on.
The guy is hunched up on the floor whilst Peterson rubs his back and some other guy says a prayer over the PA.

>> No.12865657

>Life is unimaginable suffering, and you're there, bucko.

>> No.12865663
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Gb2reddit fgt

>> No.12865668
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>they start praying

do canadians really do this

>> No.12865669


>> No.12865677

I feel very sad and he must have been desperate but he really would have tried talking to some member of the clergy before this.
(I presume he doesn't have money for therapy)

>> No.12865678

We're like Americans, but instead of getting angry with the clerks at walmart we gather in a circle to pray that their day goes faster.

>> No.12865683

Liberty is Jerry Fallwell’s evangelical university in American South

>> No.12865684
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who is degan lee valshoe?

>> No.12865695

>Liberty University is a private evangelical Christian university in Lynchburg, Virginia.

>> No.12865701

There but for the lack of desire go I.

>> No.12865704

Does anyone know how david is? Someone set up a go fund me and ill support him!

>> No.12865707

is this the same school that would fail you if you wrote that the earth was more than 4000 years old?

>> No.12865710

Who does even attend a private Evangelical university?
(I would do it for the pure cuties)

>> No.12865876

How on earth do you recover dignity and confidence after an episode like this? The only options are to flee to Ukraine or to quit life, this kid just had his utter gravity sundered to perdition recorded, eternally

>> No.12865880

that’s the most clumsy sentence I’ve ever written

>> No.12865886

Literal crisis actor Tbh, Mr. Peterson has great publicists.

>> No.12865894

>christian girls

>> No.12865913
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There's a video where someone asks him "what mythological type do you represent" and he puts his hand on his head and says "Jesus..." as if it's a crazy question. (as if he doesn't actually believe it.)

>> No.12865929

Does the kid literally call him "father?" lol

>> No.12865930

Jordan B Peterson leans towards him... just look. Look at how good of a man Jordan is. He physically leans towards the man...

>> No.12865934

>>12865470<span class="fortune" style="color:#d302a7">

Your fortune: Godly Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.12865951

This is such a fucking cult. I thought I was watching a Scientology conference.

>> No.12865979

It's an evangelical school. Everyone there is as off their rocker as he is.

>> No.12865984


>> No.12866003

Isn't it more upsetting that if he had killed someone his social capital would have suffered less? Instead we view his desperation as the ultimate moral failing

>> No.12866026
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really made me think

>> No.12866032

6000 something, but you were close. There actually is a lot of evidence that suggests that the earth is not nearly as old as popular science claims it to be

>> No.12866041

Would you point me to some of it? Where do you get the 6000 from?

>> No.12866042

>as the ultimate moral failing

I don't think he failed, I think really does need help. I feel sorry for him. Not the best way to seek it but I don't think people should laugh at him either.

>> No.12866045

>a lot of evidence

your 'evidence' better not be some terrible Angelfire website.

>> No.12866056

>waits with baited breath

>> No.12866062
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>popular science

have they predicted flying cars will be available for consumers this year yet?

>> No.12866079
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Outta my way Popular Science fucking shits

>> No.12866093

holy freak ghes about to do it!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12866107

Was me.

>> No.12866118

You truly are all horrifically minded individuals.

>> No.12866120

6000 comes from the Bible. And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pass this off as fact, just presenting their side of the argument.

Too tired to look it up now. There's a website with a ton of journal articles on it though, the name just escapes me at the moment

You'll have to ask Elon about that one

>> No.12866134


>> No.12866146

what is this world?<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="160" height="160" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/partyhat.gif"></div>

>> No.12866188
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What do you lot expect? These fucks do it to themselves and convince themselves the mind rot their faith induces is instead the work of the devil.

>> No.12866283


>> No.12866317

You've probably never met one in your life you braindead fucking californian.

>> No.12866320


>> No.12866346

either hes trolling or staged

>> No.12866393
File: 14 KB, 900x325, 559701_562429937138551_1607906893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many weak people that are just utterly lost, r9k is an example of it but there are so many more than them. normie versions of the r9k crowd i guess.
It could be a lack of strong father figures, broken homes, religion being gone, the education system.
I'm not religious by the way, I guess im agnostic but act as if im atheist.
Anyway these men are desperate for someone like Peterson who offers them a framework that they can follow to sort their lives out, and he is also a father figure for them.
I disagree with Peterson on basically every point but I cannot deny that he is genuinely improving the lives of those guys.

>> No.12866406

>I disagree with Peterson on basically every point
Like what?

>> No.12866409

I would be so embarrassed if one of those weaselly mouthed Americans started praying into a mic for me or one of my crazed stalkers in front of thousands of people.

>> No.12866419

Teddy K was more on point about personal meaning in modernity than Peterson is. Take what you will from that<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/pckl.png"></div>

>> No.12866422

Someone hit a nerve. Sorry about your oneitis

>> No.12866426


>> No.12866434

How convenient. If theres so much evidence it should be easily found on the web, shouldnt it?

>> No.12866483
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>I disagree with Peterson on basically every point
name one point

>> No.12866490

He said anime sucks.

>> No.12866492
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I'm glad you disagree with that point.

>> No.12866502

Does that mean we're friends now?

>> No.12866508

How is this allowed?

>> No.12866521
File: 100 KB, 437x470, 1553969830960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm CALLING YOU OUT you fucking pseud, name one point frogman has made, one single argument.

>> No.12866528

This is America, you're allowed to say whatever you want.

>> No.12866530

I typed a 1000 character response and tried to format it, but then accidentally refreshed and lost everything. It's just much easier to call you a faggot and to go read a real philosophy book rather than self help.

>> No.12866537
File: 2.92 MB, 900x580, 1553759178867.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12866541

Don't call him a faggot he's my friend (pending)

>> No.12866676

npc word

>> No.12866682


>> No.12866695

Anime is not in America, try again

>> No.12866719

can someone narrate this? cringy things make me scared

>> No.12866726

Guy runs on stage and says 'help me' in a serious, desperate tone. A bunch of security dudes mob the guy and grab is shoulders, he falls to the ground crying. At this point lobster man says 'I hope he gets the help he needs'. Someone says they should pray for him and prays into the microphone. Jordan Peterson gets up and strokes the guy's head like a pet dog. I was expecting to laugh but it made me really uncomfortable.

>> No.12866730

Everything is in America.

>> No.12866731

cleaning your penis

>> No.12866736

>Delusions of 3d
I don't talk to crazy people, hope you get well soon

>> No.12866756

Please don't go

>> No.12866760

was it sam hyde?

>> No.12866781

I wonder if JP has sex with female fans he "helps"

>> No.12866796

It's one thing to email somebody or go to a therapist to ask for help but running onto the stage like a sycophant and wailing for Daddy to fill his anus is cringe.

>> No.12866799

ae there many girls he helps? he says so but i doubt it, it seems like its mostly men (and its obvious why given how men are treated in todays society). i would definitely fuck them if i were him

>> No.12866826
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>> No.12866848

>there are women at his lectures/self-help seminars

>> No.12866874
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isnt it reasonable to be bewildered by someone behaving out of the normal? certain forms of mentall illness get judged less, subcontiously, but healthy people still draw a line between themself and and non neurotypicals

>> No.12866883

nah. i was one of the onions guzzlers chanting "peter-son, peter-son, peter-son..." in the video at 15:30

>> No.12866897

who the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12866898

wait a second... that ugly goth tranny with the stupid gauge earrings disrupting the free speech presentation at 17:00... isn't that the same simpleton from the gender identity student confrontation video that brought JBP to fame like three years ago? how pathetic can one possibly be?

>> No.12866913

are we sure it wasn't a libtard false flagging?

>> No.12867089


>> No.12867263


>> No.12867264

fuck off hank

>> No.12867284

I did :)

>> No.12867772

Why are we shitting on him? It’s pathetic but he’s clearly mentally unwell and desperate.
Same with JP, I know he’s literally hitler or whatever but how was he “supposed” to respond to such an uncomfortable situation?

>> No.12867805

fucking white people

>> No.12867820

By calling the kid a poopoo diaper chud and telling him to commit suicide and poop in his diaper
edi: Thanks for the gold!

>> No.12867867


How are you newfriend? Still haven't got used being called out on an anonymous board i see.

>> No.12867873
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what's his motivation behind this

>> No.12867893
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I would've been genuinely disgusted if I were peterson. Pic related would've been mfw. I probably would try to pretend that I care, but I would be freaked out, and would start feeling like a redditor if someone in my audience would react like that.

>> No.12867900

That wouldn't make any sense. Jordan Peterson himself is a liberal.

>> No.12867911

>sincerely asked for help
>in front of a huge live audience in a stadium during an unrelated discussion
That's not very sincere. That's attention seeking at that point. He's unstable and should be kept at a clinic for the mentally ill.

>> No.12867914

I can't watch public cringe anymore unless I have enough alcohol in me to remove all my shame and care.

>> No.12868073
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There is meaning in the cage. Transcendence is finding the hierarchy of competence.
Seize the means of conduction.

>> No.12868094
File: 301 KB, 2000x1333, knees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the Situationist says "Commute, Work, Commute, Sleep" we say "Clean Your Room, Live Vicariously through the Hierarchy of Your Boss, Become the Platinum-Souled Plumber, Clean Your Room Again!"

>> No.12868114

You really should watch it. I haven't laughed this hard in months.

>> No.12868138

Did this really happen or are you meeming.

>> No.12868210

Imagine being so far gone you have to turn to caricatures of Pynchon villains for help, good lord.

>> No.12868304

>livestream tickets

What an absolute cash grab. I hope someone will set up an alt-stream and cuck his ass.

>> No.12868573
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>There actually is a lot of evidence that suggests that the earth is not nearly as old as popular science claims it to be

>> No.12868590
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>memerson is literally jesus

>> No.12868641

It's funny. After that interaction the preacher starts saying something like 'All of you have this in you, David was just brave enough to come up here and express it'. The whole thing reeks of slave morality.

>> No.12868661

>6000 comes from the Bible.

I doubt it. In the bible, human life spans were 800 to 900 years. It has to be more than that.

>> No.12868695

No if you count the genealogies in the Bible from Adam it adds up to around 6000 years. Why do you think young earth creationism exists?

>> No.12868711


>omg Jordan Peterson fans don't actually think he's God you're just strawmanning stop making fun of my daddy :((((

literally turning into a cult

>> No.12868762

It was more sad than anything.

>> No.12868764

It happens a lot with these right wing pseudophilosophical hacks like Peterson and Rand. Rand's supporters used to dress like her and cut their hair the same way; Petersonites fawn and weep before him. "I just want to know him better."

>> No.12868782

definitely not Canada

>> No.12868786

what? Canadian's don't pray, and if they do they sure as hell don't do it in public

>> No.12868812

The crazy kid in the video? If he wasn't going to an evangelical school, his social life would probably be ruined by this.

>> No.12868814


>> No.12868819

So who is the person? Do we know anything more about him or what happened?

>> No.12868823

bipolar, didn't take his medicine

>> No.12868831

They said it was a bipolar kid who forgot to take his medication and so his emotions were out of control

>> No.12868841

Wait, did I misread that? Tickets to watch a livestream?? Ha hahahahaha. Jesus christ

>> No.12868847


UFC does it

>> No.12868848

The guy was bipolar and off his meds.

>> No.12868851

nigga stop.

>> No.12868891

His name was David and he is bipolar and in the hospital as the others said.

>> No.12869067

capitalism makes him happy

>> No.12869070

is that a party of manlets where they force lanklets to clean? everybody standing looks like some sort of manlet

>> No.12870589


>> No.12870653
File: 35 KB, 786x618, dc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memerson has a tranny looking middle aged wife and his followers are 25yo beta incels
Chadzek has a top cute young wife and his followers are hot leftist psychoanalysis Stacies

Fuck Peterson

>> No.12870767

I wager that the kindly Dr Peterson will donate his shares to charity as well, we all know his generosity and unavariciousness

>> No.12870774

C'mon, man... Don't make a fool out of yourself. Let's go back to enjoying the beautiful schadenfreude.

>> No.12870782

fucking dropped

>> No.12870794
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>He's the Messiah!

>> No.12870807


In reality, anon, you are just dumb. Sorry for your grief at this knowledge.

>> No.12870919
File: 255 KB, 1200x856, 1200px-Francesco_Hayez_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that prayer was sweet and it looks like that guy'll be alright. hopefully his community welcomes him back with open arms and makes him feel comfortable about the whole thing
on another note, it looks like peterson's celebrity is getting close to imploding. someone's gonna do something fucked up like finding where he lives and taking his family hostage to "get to know him better". it comes with the territory of being such a meme with the most desperate, unlucky folk.

>> No.12870928


>> No.12870936

Would you fuck Mikaela anon?

>> No.12871182

she's kind of a whore no?

>> No.12871269

name 3 others

>> No.12871279


>> No.12871325

This. FUCK incels, people who don't agree with me are literally not human.

>> No.12871351

yeah, well maybe sincerity is for faggots? ever think of that?

>> No.12871384

i felt pretty bad for the guy. i know what it's like to feel utter hopelessness and reach out for help to somebody who seems like they have all the answers.
there's also no point in posting something like this here, because if you show any semblance of compassion for any reason towards another human being you will be ousted as a fake and to go back to r*ddit with the rest of the virtue signalers.

>> No.12871431
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>> No.12871436

Underrated post. Fuck christfags

>> No.12871458
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peterson is a psychologist and understands that the west is filled with alienated people and men. Just be lucky he is some boring Canadian classical liberal con man and not tyler durden

>> No.12871516

that guy: cringe

making a thread about that guy: double cringe

>> No.12871526

No. These are not Christians. They're disciples of Jerry Falwell, and have no philosophical or mystical credibility.

>> No.12872092


I'd wager it's the spermposter.

>> No.12872105

>at liberty university

Man modernity just keeps getting weirder and weirder

>> No.12872175

Okay reddit

>> No.12872182


>> No.12872193

Learn about perspective, anon

>> No.12872242

>Chadzek has a top cute young wife and his followers are hot leftist psychoanalysis Stacies
agree about the wife, but leftists are all literally taking estrogen by this point, they are basically incels trying to game the system of oppression and climb to the top of the oppression olympics by cutting their own cocks off

>> No.12872275

Peterson realising that he doesn't have long at the top and needs to milk the kekistani boys of all their parents money is kinda based. But Slavoj will destroy Peterson

>> No.12872286

Zizek literally said he was scared of Peterson, and was doing the debate just to shill Bernie to Peterson fans, so as the conditions of the debate they won't speak to each other, they will:

- give each a 30 minute talk
- give a 10 minute answer to each other (no conversation, just a speech)
- answer public questions

>> No.12872339

>Zizek literally said he was scared of Peterson
Got the ketchup?

>> No.12872341

Peterson part starts at 12:43

he says he is scared at 13:01

>> No.12872347

at 13:41 again

>> No.12872350

>weeping, screaming, shattered man lying on the ground
>armed state soldiers, standing at the ready to send bullets flying
>godless charletan hoping the guy "he gets the help he needs", then moseys over to put a hand on his shoulder
>the go-to dude prays into the microphone
Now the whole cruel world knows this guy. JP can't save anyone, despite what he says. And all this at a Christian university. How did it come to this? What complete shitshow.
God save us.

>> No.12872353

Making a comment to complain about the thread: omega cringe

>> No.12872356

Not mocking him at all. Poor guy needs help, I hope he gets it. So do we all. It's the absolute shit show that followed that we mock.

>> No.12872357

despite what your autism tells you being a huge retard once on stage is not the end of your life

>> No.12872413

got no sympathy for mentally ill people who don't take their anti psychotics, if you're bipolar and your doc tells you to take meds then take them

>> No.12872418

That wasn't just mocking christians. Atheist students would have been much worse on him than evangelical ones would have. Make of it what you want.

>> No.12872494

No its not so bad. Most people would understand.

>> No.12872524

the guy has bipolar disorder, he has probably done worse things hundreds of times

>> No.12872663

Now yuo see...