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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.62 MB, 2567x3874, Lord-Jacob-Rothschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12860870 No.12860870 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books do people like this read?

>> No.12860898

The Lesser Keys Of Solomon

>> No.12860902

Good ones mostly. A lot more than you.

>> No.12860937

Maybe they will see your boot licking post and give you a head pat.
I doubt they read much after school. Don't seem to be the daydreamer type.

>> No.12860943

Have you read Ovid on the Art of Love?

>> No.12860947

Do you honestly believe an elite like Rothschild isn't far more educated and read than the majority of /lit/?
He isn't some new money yuppie.
You may detest the old kike, and for good reason, but you can't deny his taste.

>> No.12860955

Probably nothing. At that age, reading makes him sleepy.

>> No.12860988

I haven't. You feel it is something people of substance would read? Curious why this work stands out for you.

>> No.12861007

It’s just a joke about Eyes Wide Shut: a Rothschild-esque character asks Nicole Kidman if she’s read Ovid in an attempt to seduce her. Stanley clearly had Ovid pegged as something a member of the ‘super-rich’ would read, so I suppose it stands out in that sense.

>> No.12861024

he's a retard

>> No.12861067

Ah, appreciate the backstory. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.12861232

They don't read any. Their grandsons read to them.

>> No.12861258

is he anything but a rich jew? idk but i wanna be a rich jew desu.

>> No.12861593

Sell your soul to the devil and inject babies.
Torture kids and harvest their dmt charged pineal gland to speak with entities.
Torture and rape your own kids and break their minds mk ultra style, they will continue the tradition.

It kinda sucks desu

>> No.12861742

No problem, have a good day, anon!

>> No.12861774

Stanley knew things, it seems, but what exactly he knew and how he came to learn of it we might never know, sadly.

Do the supernatural entities assist them with worldly endeavours? Intangible agents enacting tangible change in the world? Provide examples on what you think they might use them for. Also is Hunter S Thompson, when he describes similar events in his work, speaking from realities?

>> No.12861783
File: 27 KB, 300x300, wall street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do the supernatural entities assist them with worldly endeavours?
Gee, I don't know.

>> No.12861798
File: 64 KB, 732x763, macron bogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books by the Bogdanoffs

>> No.12861799

Yes yes I know about their symbolism, but i'm asking for specifics here. In what way does Moloch, for example, tangibly assist them? I believe in this stuff, but I want to understand it more thoroughly.

>> No.12861818

>Stanley knew things, it seems, but what exactly he knew and how he came to learn of it we might never know, sadly.
It really is massively sad that he died before being able to fully reveal what he knew. I always find it chilling to recall that none of his close friends nor family suspected he was ill, even only 4 days prior to his death. There is certainly something about Stanley's demise which appears deeply sinister.

>> No.12861819

imagine thinking people with actual power care about all your gay incel books

>> No.12861837

He upvotes all their posts on reddit

>> No.12861841
File: 37 KB, 799x614, 93001_84185_800_auto_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"By reading Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Saint-Simon, Fourier and Sartre, I have deepened my understanding of how progress of the mind propels progress in society. By reading Montaigne, La Fontaine, Molière, Stendhal, Balzac, Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, George Sand, Flaubert, Alexandre Dumas, fils, Maupassant and Romain Rolland, I have better appreciated life with all its joys and sorrows."

>> No.12861844

Indeed friend. I'm a huge fan of his work as art in itself, but the cryptic dimension to it also intrigues me in addition. What did he know, and what was he trying to say? Why all the moon-landing references in The Shining? What was deleted from EWS by the studio? Was 2001 anything more than fiction, did it have relation to the real world? What are we supposed to make of him as a filmmaker, and a person?

>> No.12861847

Why this shitty thread became a mix of /x/ and /pol/

>> No.12861881

>wow look at all those names he dropped, he must be such a scholar

>> No.12861892

>/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.12861894

It implies he cares about "gay incel books" to an extent, and sees their value in building his image at least

>> No.12861900
File: 3.67 MB, 2480x8450, 1553629650367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have chart for this

>> No.12861935
File: 1.66 MB, 1412x1440, serveimage (8)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12861943

Would you like to see their sculpture garden?

>> No.12861949

those curtains are fucking cool, and that's a nice painting. also pretty cool designs on the tea cups. man i wish i was friends with the elite

>> No.12861969

Check out the articles on davids rolodex published after he died. V interesting

>> No.12862009

Even though I'm sure everyone is controlled in the party one way or another, they only pick the cream of the crop from the population for government and it shows.

>> No.12862034


>> No.12862035

Was looking for this one, thanks for posting it.

The original Deus Ex game also goes into this a little bit with some of the things they reference, since JC and Paul Denton where educated among the elites

>> No.12862040

He needs to check his posture.

>> No.12862044

They mostly read newspapers.

>> No.12862045

I love when absolutely nothing happens in my books.

>> No.12862059

the Talmud

>> No.12862072

MaximilianMus approves.

>> No.12862092

Had to look this up along with fortnite, thanks for making me feel old

>> No.12862240

I feel old too.

>> No.12862632

Do you mean the key of Solomon the king or the goetia(the lesser key of Solomon the king) ?

>> No.12862808

I unironically think he and his ilk similar to you and me on most levels. They're just privy to esoteric memes.