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12860107 No.12860107 [Reply] [Original]

What are some recommended texts that describe an egotistic philosophy or viewpoint, and how do I train myself to become more narcissistic?

>> No.12860115
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reading is a spook

>> No.12860122

you cant force it, youre either born a dickhead or you arent

>> No.12860138

Max Stirner - The Ego and Its Own

>> No.12860171

Probably true to a certain degree but I'd like to give it the old college try if I could. After a lot of soul searching narcissism seems like the best existence.

>> No.12860175

Reading now

>> No.12860176

>Stirner is about becoming a narcissistic fuck
These people have never read Stirner. He doesnt deny empathy for others and wanting to see them happy. If you already are a dickhead to other people you will still continue to be whether you read him or not.

>> No.12860178

>He doesnt deny empathy for others and wanting to see them happy.
Neither of those things is necessarily mutually exclusive to narcissism. Narcissism isn't necessarily malevolent.

>> No.12860186

Probably, but taking from that point of view then narcissism becomes really a vague definition. True altruism is impossible.

>> No.12860191

IMO narcissism means simply to love oneself completely and wholly and to love oneself above all others. The best example of it is Narcissus, who was a complete boss and perfectly content with just himself. He was turned into a flower because he didn't want to bang some dumb hysterical thought but even as a flower he was beautiful as fuck.
Narcissism is about self sufficiency, understanding that you don't require anyone else's love when your own love for yourself is so much more profound and earnest. It's about understanding that no one will care for you as much as you care for you and you have an obligation to yourself above all others. Its perfect peace and contentedness either in blessing or destroying. It's a Godlike state.

>> No.12860448

But the self only exists in relation to other selves. If you were born and grew up in a world where only you existed, how would you know what type of person you are? You wouldn't, as you would have no reference point, and who the "self" is is developed through experiences with others selves

narcissists or "egoists" are spoiled 18 year old pseuds who created a whole ideology about worshipping themselves because they've never had to face reality or any real responsibility, which requires sober participation in the fragile interdependence of human beings

>> No.12862197

He outright sayed that in self-interest also comes the need to help others around you and close to you.
"egoists" are not psicological egoists. But rather the understanding that you dont have any imperatives on top of you and your self-interest like higher causes. Its about understanding your desires and not letting other people contaminate your mind with fixed ideas that serve their tastes and self-interests but come to you masked with a higher value.

>> No.12862339

Why would you want to be more narcissistic?
Narcissism makes people miserable. Go watch anomalisa.

>> No.12862556

I disagree with your premise. An absolute definition of the self is certainly possible without comparison. Even if it weren't true, how does any of what you said contradict narcissism?

>> No.12862566

You make a logical fallacy in your first paragraph and then proceed to project and attempt to shame in your second. Garbage post.

>> No.12862616

Narcissism is self-preservation that corrupts into self-idealization. Love doesn't even come into it since it lacks true passion of spirit: empathy.

>> No.12862926

Go to church instead

>> No.12863282

All empathy is by definition based on self-love though. Without a healthy love of self there can be no foundation for empathy.

>> No.12863976

Narcissism as a concept isn't necessarily malevolent in the sense that you are a functioning average human being, but narcissists i.e. those afflicted by the psychological disorder known as narcissism, are malevolent as they operate completely selfishly without the capacity to consider other people. Yes I realize the following really underlines how our family tree should have been cut down.

t. my family suffered through a psychopathic uncle, a narcissistic uncle, a sociopathic grandmother, a psychopathic niece and a narcissistic grandmother.

>> No.12864001

Are there any philosophers who expand on stirner

Should i read anything before stirner or just jump in? Ive never studied philosophy

>> No.12864004

Sympathy is through the self and how empathy is tactfully applied externally. Self-compassion shouldn't exist since it breeds corruption of the self. Empathy is a pure energy that is either utilized or lost, it cannot be corrupted but it can be cannibalized.

>> No.12864718

Wtf are you talking about lol, this sounds like some gay new age shit

>> No.12864728

Are you Australian