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/lit/ - Literature

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12858018 No.12858018 [Reply] [Original]

What literature is good for self-development?
I am a narcissist apparently and apparently it's a bad thing, ideally I'd prefer to iron out the things that may not be conducive to my ambitions while strengthening the traits that are.

>> No.12858160
File: 495 KB, 500x775, 1552248965506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a narcissist apparently and apparently it's a bad thing

Narcissism is a pretty retarded concept in psychiatry. It's basically invented for housewives to label their divorced husbands as irredeemably evil. The drive to dominate and control others, surround yourself with conscientious and influential people, and holding a high opinion of oneself, are traits shared by great men. (napoleon, hitler, alexander, caesar etc.)

>> No.12858393

god, i fucking hate this picture.
fuck this old turtle ass looking guy and the weird ass looking kid with 2 feet of nose between her eyes

>> No.12858403

that pic. kek

>> No.12858405

That pic always creeps me out, very cultish vibe. Reminds me of True Detective S1

>> No.12858418

Yeah I always read comments from roasties bitching about their partners when it comes to anything narcissism related.
I score highly for anything to do with narcissism or "dark triad", but I don't see how any of it could be bad for me. Most of the traits and behaviours will aid me in reaching my goals.

>> No.12858435


>> No.12858533

The problem with having NPD is that all those qualities that you listed aren’t rooted in one’s drive to better humanity and make valuable contributions to society, but more so in their own deep-seated insecurities and their subconscious need to feel superior to others lest their ego take a huge blow and find out they’re actually just as petty and conceited as they come. Narcs and other anti socialites have no idea how transparent they are. And when all is said and done, they’re doomed to a life of superficiality and vapid relationships lacking any deeper, emotional value not unlike the transient respite of a night in with a hooker and an eight ball of coke. What I’m getting at, OP, is that self-love is great, but self-awareness is more important. You might accomplish all your goals and obtain all the material things you want in life, but you’re not gonna have anyone to share it with if you believe that all we represent to you is an obstacle or a means to an end.

>> No.12858547

Makes sense. People with antisocial personalities typically don’t care that they are antisocial because they see it as an advantage over others.

>> No.12858571

I don't really have a drive to better humanity, if I imagine it, it would only be so I could be known as a great virtuous man.

I do want a good relationship and someone to love though, but I feel I'm somewhat incapable of achieving that.
I tend to idealise a girl and have a great time during the chase. We'll flirt and I'll modify my behaviour as to be her ideal man. But eventually I'll find some superficial flaw (e.g. a piercing I don't like) then completely lose interest and drop her.

But this is semi-off topic. What literature is good?

>> No.12858627

Mm yeah. Sometimes I struggle with others becuase the way they interact with the world is different to mine.

e.g. when talking about why not to steal, I think about how I could get caught, whereas they talk about why it's wrong to steal

>> No.12858637

I don't know but this was a good movie

>> No.12858660

I can’t recommend any good literature unfortunately. I’ve never been much for self help books. But what I can recommend is that you set aside some time for introspection and try to identify what your true motives are behind wanting to be known as a great and virtuous man. What virtuosity is exactly I think is a bit subjective. But I think what we’re talking about falls more in line with self-actualization, in which case I would read a Wikipedia article and then reading on some of the psychologists/authors who have written extensively on the subject. Like Maslow and Goldstein.

>> No.12858673

I meant more that if I did humanitarian acts, it would be for egoistic purpose rather than to help.
I don't plan on doing any charity.

I also don't need some bullshit humanistic self-actualization. I am already me, which is a great and enjoyable process.

>> No.12858721

>I meant more that if I did humanitarian acts, it would be for egoistic purpose rather than to help.
This is tricky to answer because one could argue that true unadulterated altruism isn’t possible and that all decisions we as humans make are inherently selfish. Whether your act of charity was to improve your social standing or to abate some feeling of guilt, your motives were still selfish.

>I also don't need some bullshit humanistic self-actualization. I am already me, which is a great and enjoyable process.
I’m just saying to check it out. If you’re interested in eliminating your negative qualities and focusing on your strengths, then I can’t recommend anything else. Best of luck to you, man.

>> No.12858741

Narcissism is caused by delusions of grandeur and deliberate affirmations plus positive emotional response.
The only way to cure it is to be more intelligent and have a more accurate perception of reality.
This is why most narcissists are dumb.

>> No.12859712

>2 feet of nose between her eyes
That's a boy, you complete non-faggot.

>> No.12859733

I hate this picture because the people who decided to portray this child in a sexual manner are disgusting pedophiles. Each time I see it I'm reminded of how perverted and pedophilic gay culture is.

>> No.12859747
File: 97 KB, 1024x706, 41_Satyricon-5-24hu4ud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay culture? there are no gay Italians

>> No.12859767

"Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata. It's short and easy reading. Put yourself in Komako's shoes. I love that woman.

>> No.12860571

Most are dumb but not me.

>> No.12860580

You've never read Petronius, have you?

Depressing, /lit/, very depressing...

>> No.12860583
File: 68 KB, 928x523, fellini_satyricon_a_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from Fellini's Satyricon, a very great movie. A masterwork of real cinema.

>> No.12860585

Fellini wouldn't know real cinema if it smacked him across his fat face. He's just Disney for adults.

>> No.12860587
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>> No.12860601
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, mBd8ybkDlFFmAL5sSCnCrOSNuXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is real cinema then? Tarkovsky? Parajanov? Both admired Fellini.

Fellini was a great poet of cinema, whether you admit it or not. I hope you recognize at least that the greatest filmmakers agree with me and disagree with you.

>> No.12860618
File: 43 KB, 615x410, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it makes me sick. As does this picture. These people are scum. They are in the same category as murderers and rapists.

>> No.12860626


> Max Born was born on May 12, 1951 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. He is an actor, known for Fellini Satyricon (1969).

>> No.12860711

I don't give a shit. The corruption of a young man is also lamentable. Your malum prohibitum ethics do not work here.

>> No.12860719

you sound like a faggot

>> No.12860723
File: 14 KB, 285x222, fat old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I am a narcissist apparently and apparently it's a bad thing, ideally I'd prefer to iron out the things that may not be conducive to my ambitions while strengthening the traits that are.
>Most of the traits and behaviours will aid me in reaching my goals.

Having Narcissistic Personality Disorder is like being a Typhoid Mary. You'll mostly be fine, but you'll kill everyone around you.

If you're okay with that, then carry on.

>> No.12860726

>you'll kill everyone around you.

Not those I value and respect.

>> No.12860731

not my fault, everything points towards "she"

>> No.12860786


>> No.12860792
File: 132 KB, 1024x623, dat boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person a narcissist truly values and respects is themselves since other people are little more than props to be used and discarded to maintain the narcssisist's self-image, which you admitted yourself (>>12858571). Any posturing about "values" is meaningless because it's always relative to the narcissist, which is like trying to play make-believe with a four year old. It's hopeless.

Anyway, I'm not really writing this for you. I'm writing it for everyone else ITT, so they make sure to identify your kind in the wild and give you a wide berth. Narcissists are incurable and inherently destructive to everyone who is "close" to them. Some manage to achieve great things, but they're typically hard-working and have the talent to keep their self-image polished and up to snuff.

More common are the "failed" narcissists. They have all of the self-obsession tendencies of the bigshot narcissists like The Don, but they don't have the drive or talent to make it happen. Since you're posting on 4chan instead of doing coke in a high rise, I'm guessing you're one of the failed narcissists, so you'll inevitably lash out in violence once you find your self-image lacking and then end up in a prison somewhere, trying to scrape together a new identity as a priest or something stupid.

I really have no advice for you.

>> No.12860806

I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing. I doubt I'm even a narcissist, I'm too good a person for that.

>> No.12860895

Narcissists: Based and redpilled.
Non-narcissists: Weakwilled and bluepilled.

>> No.12860939

What literature is best for strengthening the gifts that narcissism offers?

>> No.12861581


>> No.12861660

The guy in that pic is 27. Really what is the issue? The most aesthetically pleasing form of homosexual relationships and most likely to last is younger more feminine male with older more masculine male.

>> No.12862303

Nice astrology tier ideology

>> No.12862315

Only divorced women and betas hate "narcissists"