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12857767 No.12857767 [Reply] [Original]

I cant really wrap my head around the way he views Socrates in The Birth of Tragedy. Socrates knowingly transgresses his dialectics when it is needed. I cannot really find a reason why he would demonize him in such a way as he did other than that he needed someone to blame for the decline of Greeks that he describes.

>> No.12857795

socrates turned away from the homeric conception of the gods as flawed but powerful beings capable of manifesting their will towards a vague deism extremely similar in nature to Christianity.

>> No.12858891

Because he was a retard.

>> No.12858928

Nietzsche didn't like Socrates because n Nietzsche's eyes Socrates only ever negated and never created. Therefore Socrates was a force of negation as opposed to a force for affirmation which is what Nietzsche considered to be a good thing.

>> No.12858941

>Socrates knowingly transgresses his dialectics when it is needed.
Yes, but Socrates didn't advocate for the transgression of his dialectics, he advocated for the complete opposite, which is where the problem stemmed from.

>> No.12858942

Why was he such a retard?

>> No.12858949

everyone who uses the word 'dialectic' is a retard with nothing to say, change my mind

>> No.12858963

Nietzsche wasn't speaking of Socrates' commitment to his dialectic but his unwavering commitment to logic and reason which is inherently flawed and led to the downfall of mythic thinking, destroying high art and spirituality. Also, it isn't exactly proper to say that Nietzsche hated Socrates. Nietzsche holds Socrates responsible for the decline of the Greeks but he also admires Socrates in a way because Socrates was such a monstrous force. He also believes that Socrates permanently changed the course of human history and that now, similar to Christianity, there is no going back to a time before it existed. We have to push on now that the transformation has happened.

>> No.12858974


He was trying to keep people from being nihilistic

>> No.12858994

Why was he such a retard?

>> No.12858995

>Why was he such a retard?
This should instead read
>Why are you such a retard?
because the post you are replying to is hilariously wrong.

>> No.12859046

Yeah, I know. But either way, he was a retard.

>> No.12859056

Arent you guys cute. You are both so smart, especially you>>12858995
Can I suck your dick please?

>> No.12859061

See >>12856059

This is also how Nietzsche understood the difference between the Pre-Socratics and Socrates / Plato.

>> No.12859072
File: 15 KB, 300x225, 300px-Icycalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm living in Japan right now. Will that be a problem?

>> No.12859077

are all correct.

>> No.12859179

Not at all.