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12856877 No.12856877 [Reply] [Original]

what do you drink while you write? for me, it's coffee or bourbon

>> No.12856882

monster energy (not ultra)

>> No.12856907
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>> No.12856908
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>> No.12856942

i keep reading about this, might pick up a bottle next time i'm at the store

>> No.12856952

Same here. Coffee in the morning, bourbon in the evening.

>> No.12856966

How does it compare to Glenfiddich? That's my go-to scotch

>> No.12856976

haven't had glen in a long time, but laphroaig is probably the smokiest whisky ive had. straight up tastes like a campfire. it's dank

>> No.12856995

that sounds definitely worth a buy, I'll have to pick some up

>> No.12857003

Coffee or beer.

>> No.12857006

Coffee drinkers are pathetic

>> No.12857014
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>> No.12857015

How come ?

>> No.12857016

This mug would made more since if part of the glass were see through.

>> No.12857056

If could afford it, I would drink a shot of whiskey. I cannot though. I'm a fan of Japanese Whiskey.

>> No.12857066

Fuck you. You don't deserve whiskey.

>> No.12857156

not him, but the japs make really good whiskey

>> No.12857286

t. anglo

>> No.12857308

bro how am i supposed to drink turkish coffee? by the time the sediments settle, it's barely a sip of coffee left

>> No.12857326

I don't drink anything, perhaps water if I'm thirsty. Sipping on something might be distracting.

>> No.12857342

Be warned, it isn't for every day drinking. The super smokiness from the peat can be offputting if you don't expect it, however it is an amazing whiskey.

>> No.12857384

maybe you just suck at making it?

>> No.12857404

Never made it, only tried at restaurants. Everytime I try, it feels like sediment to drinkable coffee ratio is too high. Should it be another way? What's the ideal way to make and consume it?

>> No.12857614

that's just how it's supposed to be. grounds should be so fine that they feel like dust when you make them at home
t. barista

>> No.12857620

thanks anon. i'm new to whiskey so i might wait a bit on this one. i'm just now entering the $30-40 bottle territory

>> No.12857622 [DELETED] 

>for me, it's a thing that makes you too tense and panicky or a thing that makes you lose focus and track of thoughts


>> No.12857631

The "sediment" you speak of is just part of the drink and meant to be consumed.

>> No.12857637

This. Very similar to bourbon I have found.

>> No.12857664
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I still drink cocoa and im 26yo
guess my favorite book

>> No.12857667
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>> No.12857671

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

>> No.12857674

Water or lemonade.

>> No.12857700

>meant to be consumed
really or are you fucking with me?

>> No.12857704


>> No.12857723

do you think something is going to happen if you drink coffee grounds? You can eat coffee beans

>> No.12857731
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>33 replies
>no mention of absinthe

>> No.12857863

the book of mormon

>> No.12857869

never tried absinthe, what's it taste like?

>> No.12857896

A coffee baby grows in your belly and tears itself through your bottom after 12hrs
>t. 19y/o college kid

>> No.12858002

Water. anything else I'll forget about and it'll get lukewarm. once in a while any liquor I have available. since i drink everything at room temperature anyway it's fine.
the real question is do any of you fucks actually write or you just jack your ego all day on /lit/?
umeshu is superior for nippongese liquor

>> No.12858062

>since i drink everything at room temperature anyway it's fine.
Do you not have ice?

>> No.12858074

ice is for gays and faggots

>> No.12858077

>falling for the booze Jew

>> No.12858080
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>> No.12858097
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*blocks your path*
nothin personal, kiddo

>> No.12858103


>> No.12858156

"gays and faggots"

it's honestly kind of progressive that you separated those, good on you!

>> No.12858172

Not me but it's what I would have posted. Fuck ice. All liquor is better at room temp.

>> No.12858262

i prefer to boil my whiskey and drink it at at least 180 degrees fahrenheit

>> No.12858268

datura juice

>> No.12858275

WRONG alcohol evaporates when cooking. that's why deglazing works and you can put mirin in stuff without making it get you drunk.

>> No.12858279

room temperature water

>> No.12858287

pretty based, i have to say

>> No.12858294

found the underage poster. come back when you drink alcohol like a REAL man

>> No.12858307

this. dont drink anything that isnt boiling

>> No.12858327

Water also evaporates when cooking but soup still exists.

>> No.12858353

anon just got btfo

>> No.12858589

>never tried absinthe, what's it taste like?
Licorice melted into your favorite brand of smooth sipping rubbing alcohol.

>> No.12858646
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Gamer girl pee :)

>> No.12858684
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>> No.12859001

ah, hm. i think i will maybe not ever try it

>> No.12859014

my guy

>> No.12859034

I don't blame you.
Not that anon but it tastes like liquorice medicine.

>> No.12859039

can i get det frowg widout de cup boas

>> No.12859096
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>> No.12859103
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>> No.12859108
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>> No.12859112
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>> No.12859118

ooo dissa goowan

>> No.12859126
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i have a bunch of these i'll keep posting

>> No.12859133
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i don't have any of these without the cup

>> No.12859146
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>> No.12859225

Absinthe is a meme drink. It's just sour-tasting booze.

>> No.12859239

It's not sour.

>> No.12859245


>> No.12859247

Do people here seriously drink alcohol?


>> No.12859251

>guys do I fit in yet XD
thats a cringe from me dog

>> No.12859258

Cringe = "No Fun Allowed!"

>> No.12859266

I mean, I guess alcohol is fine if you're 18 and just got out from mommy and daddy's thumb for the first time. But for an adult to still be into drinking is seriously cringe.

>> No.12859267

kratom lmao

>> No.12859269

>I can't have fun without alcohol
Brainlet detected

>> No.12859275

Not one mention of tea? Really?

>> No.12859284


>> No.12859303

I don't mean chugging all the time like a goddamned fratboy. I mean the occasional drink during a heavy meal, or at a social event.

>> No.12859314

>not drinking out of a handle alone in your room every night
not going to make it

>> No.12859315

Imagine drinking because of peer pressure lmao

>> No.12859317


That nigger wants to train me like a dog

That nigger decided insidnt need a masters degree, because through the power of eight nigger years as the first nigger president who had nigger stalked me for half my nigger life, he knew perfectly well that my life was to be nigger manufscturing igger shit while he nigger watched nigger basketball games and nigger retired

My whole life he nigger stalked and nigger raped, spent three years nigger framing me and nigger raping me and using his faggot bigger clout with the nigger jew media to nigger rape me, while he fucked gos gorilla nigger wife and neglected gis nigger mongaloid daughters

And the whole time for a full decade that nigger rapist claimed me as his nigger son, shile he nigger exploited me for my money along with the nigger kikes, and that nigger had the gall to get nigger mad that i couldnt vother to read gis nigger stupid nigger signs as threats

So that nigger nigger threatened me, and used nigger cops to nigger arrest me to nigger ruin my life to nigger please the nigger social scientists who treat me aand my loved ones like hamesters

And heres the obly nigger test you need to nigger see whether someone is nigger exploiting you and taking your money: if they want you to be nigger happy theyll give you nigger money, if they are nigger autistic sinister nigger jews they’ll exploit you and steal your money for their nigger jew needs and condition you like a dog because nigger jews feel entitled to do so. And you should always resist being consitioned by a nigger or by a jew especially ive theyve niggerjew taken your money and claim to biggerjew care about you while they niggerjew rip you off and slowly kill you. Fuck that nigger pussy Obama fuck that rapist nigger faggot

>> No.12859320

>drinking the liquid jew

>> No.12859323

is this a passage from that one anon's book

>> No.12859394

I'm trying to get the CDC to list /pol/ as an infectious disease.

>> No.12859455

post more frog with coffe

>> No.12859515

go back