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File: 403 KB, 734x1000, Friedrich-Nietzsche_252133747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12856514 No.12856514 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me better the Nietzsche’s stace on the creation of values?
I've been trying to read and re-read some stuff and he seems to be all over the place when it comes to this and leaves no direct explaination to this, imo.

From what i understood, Nietzsche wanted us, as individuals, to revise all our values, accept that they are as subjective as it gets, no matter what and pick the ones that are a positive affirmation of our desires. In other words, we shouldnt accept values thinking they have some sort of objective or imperative nature in them since that would only lead to the inevitable realisation that they are value-less and so we depose them, restraining us from affirming them since they have no objective value. On the other hand, subjective values are presistant even in the face of judgement since their objects may or may not be desirable

Did i get this right? I honestly thought he would really have a set of values of his that would work like some imperative to us, but from this interpretation of mine i feel like two people from diferent cultures/traditions would read him, understand him in the same way and yet still become hateful enemies.

>> No.12856613

shameless bump

>> No.12856675


>> No.12856744

Thanks friend.

>> No.12856825

You're welcome. My interpretation is that he didn't want imperatives because they won't last forever and what you said aswell.

>> No.12856834

dude just be a ubermensch lmao

>> No.12856841

You must be +18

>> No.12856847

i am, thanks for noticing :)

>> No.12856876

Yeah, i also agree with you. I wanted more of a confirmation of this from other anons that might know more than me before jumping into any conclusions.

>> No.12857495
File: 526 KB, 2048x1366, 1537134975903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12857680

You got it right, although that's obviously just the abridged, dumber version of the philosophy. What you're overlooking is that you just described the "set of values" he bestowed us, right there. And there are so many more values embedded in Thus Spoke Zarathustra that you aren't mentioning. Every single passage describes a revaluation of values, and consequently a new set of values. For example, how common do you think the notion of the friend expressed in On the Friend really is? That passage expresses that the friend is also the rival and that all good friendships become devastating rivalries. It suggests that most "friendships" people have are pseudo-friendships; master and slave relationships propagated by weakness.

>> No.12858060

Thanks for the info. I honestly never looked at Thus Spoke Zarathustra since im still ocupied reading some of his other works but its still nauseating and confusing how many diferent interpretations people have on him. Care to expand more on these values he presents on that book?

>> No.12858551

>Care to expand more on these values he presents on that book?
Not particularly, because you should just read it yourself. It's a very complex book that requires re-reading it occasionally throughout your whole life in order to pick up on its many nuances.

>> No.12858591


Neitzsche was a dumbass and you sound like one too who doesnt understand that experience is stupid as hell compared to knowledgable teachers teaching true stetements to students and helping them understand how these will improve their lives.

Basically, over the past few decades we’ve had dumbasses, sinister stupid-as fuck ignorant dumbasses who have claimed that experience is a better teacher that than experienced techers teaching young people teachable stuff

So you have imbeciles who think that a person walking around getting slapped for emitting some sound out of gis mouth is more progressive and postmodern tgat a teach r literally saying “this sound will get you slapped on the face, here is what it means, never say it”

But instead you have a bunch of money grubbing frauds who insist, like yoga teachers and chiroprwcterss, that one has to learb by experience.

>> No.12858601

I feel like you need to choose at least two existential solutions to cope.

>> No.12858640

And who's to say the statements are true?
Who's to say the teacher's experience is true?
Who is to say your experience will go along the lines of the things you've been taught.
I say the word, loud and clear, yet I haven't been slapped around. Does that make the teachings false or is my experienced reality not indeed reality?
Why the fuck are you here?

>> No.12858674

And where do you base your argument against understanding through experience?
Where did the understanding come from?
Well did the chicken come before the egg or did the egg come before the chicken?
How do you quantify knowledge of these teachers? I tell you, don't put your hand on a hot stove, it'll hurt. Yet you still put your hand on the hot stove and indeed, it did hurt.
Now you have both taught knowledge and experienced knowledge, they align.
So it's knowing through alignment of the taught and the experienced.

>> No.12858706

lol did you really just fall for that shitty bait?
>excessive enter pressing
>spelling mistakes so unnatural it looks like they were put there on purpose
>using the words "progressive" and "post-modern" while talking about Nietzsche
>contrarian opinion to the thread
>obvious hostility
>limited vocabulary

>> No.12858714
File: 485 KB, 1625x1106, CapitalIsNEETchuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude what if Socrates REALLY WAS corrupting the youth lmao

>> No.12858718

fucking lol

>> No.12858767

Well fuck.

>> No.12858792

Care to explain the meme image?

>> No.12859618

I think this is the standard reading of FN.. honestly though, I sometimes read him as a radical realist on morality.

>> No.12859658

chickens evolved from fish, fish reproduced from eggs, therefore the egg came first

>> No.12859748

Best if it's not explained. Think it through.

>> No.12859769

Late Nietzsche often seems to think that what matters is the future of the species and that he as an individual has an enhanced ability to divine what is best for this through his thinking. Hope this helps!

>> No.12860082

but why is water bottle in there?