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/lit/ - Literature

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12853648 No.12853648 [Reply] [Original]

I don't post on this board at all (you're welcome), but I figured that you'd be the best crowd to turn to since no one else I've talked to about this problem has helped me at all.

I used to love to read - I graduated from undergrad with degrees in Lit and Creative Writing. I've got a few things published, I used to read voriciously, and now that I'm out of undergrad... I just can't force myself to read or write anymore. I've got a nagging itch in the back of my mind, daily, that needs to be scratched by junking back into reading again. Every time I sit down and try to read, however, I find myself losing focus within a few pages and giving up entirely. I thought maybe it was just post-graduate blues, but this has been happening for nearly a year now.

Have any of you experienced this before? Reading used to be how I would recharge - I identified myself by the writing I consumed. Now, I feel empty and defeated. How can I regain the hunger to read?

>> No.12853651
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I feel exactly the same OP

>> No.12853655
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>I graduated from undergrad with degrees in Lit and Creative Writing

formula to ruin something you love

>> No.12853956

This but unironically.

>> No.12853982

You're stuck.
Your unconscious mind had real goals other than literature.
But you take it for granted.
You're following your passion and everything is fine.
But nobody thinks deeply when they're in comfort.

It's enough!
Reality is not all about dreaming and thinking.
Reality is a verb!
Your ego finally makes its move and tries to disrupt your ways to think.
It forces you to take action but you're fighting it.
Now you're anxious.

You tried to find truth from everywhere else other than your ego.
But your ego had the truth all along.
The more you read the writings of other thinkers, the more foreign your ego had become.
You destroyed your ego.
You destroyed yourself!

And there's no turning back.

You finally realized the final blackpill.
No matter how many books you read.
How many skills you have.
How many thoughts you think.
You'll always be 'The Man without Qualities'

>> No.12854186
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Quit being a fucking pussy and make yourself read. It should be as difficult as possible, preferably nonfiction.

I did this to myself with Hegel's Phenomenology of the Spirit. Basically, after a few years of not reading, I violently beat my mind into submission.

It was like this:
>mood of I don't want to read
Forced to read something difficult with little to zero enjoyment
>mood of I want to read
Allowed to read for pleasure

Classic conditioning. It worked for me, I regained my love of reading in a few weeks.

>> No.12854196

What was your graduate degree in?

>> No.12854199


Read Jung's book Aion. Pick up a new hobby or five. It will take a long time. They will rejuvinate and inform your literature skills.

>> No.12854214

i'd read jung if he wasn't such a meme at this point (thanks to memerson)

>> No.12854443

ignore the memes. jung has been a meme since long before that dried up old canadian dandy. my recommendation has nothing to do with him.

>> No.12854743

im already reading, lad

>> No.12854765

pay special attention once you get to the transcendental function