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12853611 No.12853611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I am losing my virginity to a woman that I love in two weeks
Books for th*s f*el

>> No.12853611,1 [INTERNAL] 

is it rape?

>> No.12854047

what autist plans a fuck 2 weeks in advance?

>> No.12854056


>> No.12854057

A book about salty bags of sandy coins

>> No.12854058

shes traveling across the united states

>> No.12854062

either way, I only read depressing books so I have no suggestions

>> No.12854073

oh thats okay

>> No.12854080

I forgot, the trial has a fine ass slutty maid in it. Read that part of the book

>> No.12854082

ill check it out. i also read the part about molly in the journey to the end of the night

>> No.12854088
File: 754 KB, 607x609, B41C6F05-4A3C-41EB-A393-472868E85C16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you give up your virginity? I’m not sure if I’ve fallen for a /lit/ meme, but I’ve made out with several girls and brought them back to my college dorm and just cuddle with them. They’re always pretty mad in morning and will ask me why I haven’t fucked them. Should I keep this shenanigan up /lit/ or am I being retarded? I like being a volcel desu. I’m a freshman in college and it’s always fun to see older college girls get mad that a freshman boy won’t give it to them.

>> No.12854093

LMFAOOOO thats pretty funny.

>> No.12854095

What’s funny anon?

>> No.12854097

Leni, thats her name

>> No.12854105

your shenanigans
finna control f onnat shit

>> No.12854120

They genuinely get mad. In the morning, I’ll sometimes cite a bible verse and they’ll be “huh?” and then I repeat verbatim. Then they’ll remark how I look and act don’t match at all. I’m not sure if this site poisoned my mind desu. I’m just a radical LARPing pseudochristian, Neoplatonist Zoomer.

>> No.12854123

My favorite one to tell them is 1 Corinthians 6:13

>> No.12854127

based chaste suzerain of cuddling

>> No.12854371

>Neoplatonist Zoomer

>> No.12854420

Kek’d heartily, glorious if true

>> No.12854603

Swann's Way

>> No.12854611

You are now my favourite anon

>> No.12854632

Hey man, let me lay a nice Zen Tale on yo ass.

There was a monk who wandered from town to town looking for residence, a patron who would support his spiritual journey. He happened upon a stout woman with an assured demeanour who built a small hut for the monk to meditate in and sent him bread and fish everyday.

One day a fair young woman passed by the monk and noticed his handsome appearance, and was enamored with the man. After several days of passing him by, the woman approached the man with lacivious intentions. The monk dismissed the woman in a rude fashion and told her that he was on a serious spiritual quest for truth. The woman was very distraught and sad, and mentioned this to his patron, the stout woman. The woman immediately burned the monks hut to the ground, saying "It seems you have learned nothing. Could you not at least comfort this poor lonely girl? Be gone."

>> No.12854638

have you thought about what would happen if you were unable to get hard?

>> No.12854677

Absolutely not. Read this six months after you lose the virginity. Read Ovid's Art of Love and just fuck her instead.

>> No.12854818

On the off chance this is true I’ll share a similar story from high school that is unironically real:

>be senior
>get girls snapchat (yes I’m a zoomer)
>talk to her a bit, end up asking her on a date
>she says yes
>wow this actually worked
>day we planned to go out rolls around, she texts me saying some variation of “just come over to my house btw my parents aren’t home xd”
>go over, we cuddle a bit and then I kiss her and she stops me
>”anon, you can do whatever you want but you can’t kiss me, I’m a slut”
>”what do you mean”
>she proceeds to describe how she has had dozens of sexual partners etc etc keep in mind we are 17 at this point
>says some shit about how it’s “too much” to kiss but I can do whatever else I want
>I pull off to other side of couch and start staring off into space and debating wtf to do
>end up silently sitting there for a bit before leaving
>never talk to her ever again despite sitting next to her in math for the rest of the year

>> No.12854826

I’m not some giga chad or anything though, I got belligerently drunk later in the year and tried to text her multiple times and she ignored me so it’s not like I’m some hero or anything

>> No.12854994
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>this whole thread

>> No.12855068

>travelling around the country
she seems like an experienced, outgoing person.
probably not a virgin herself?
have you thought about how embarrassing it will be for you?
if you manage to get hard, you wil probably cum in 5 seconds.
you say you love her, does she love you?
how do you think this experience will affect the opinion she has of you?

>> No.12855115

>I’m just a radical LARPing pseudochristian, Neoplatonist Zoomer
Some call him 'The Future of the West'