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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 540 KB, 1000x597, prove your worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12852839 No.12852839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hello Anon. How have you improved /lit/ as a board?

>> No.12852842

By not posting.

>> No.12852857

When it comes down to it, I’m the worst poster on this board, by I guess I make things better by making other posters feel better about themselves.

>> No.12852867
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1487479013399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how terrible I would be at an interview like that. In no way could I ever get to the point where I would have the courage and self-respect to impress people like that.


>> No.12852874

what's wrong with us anon

>> No.12852880

Wrong. I'm the worst poster of this board.

>> No.12852883

I have created 1 (one) high-quality, OC read-expected-got chart and posted it to a chart thread.

>> No.12852887

By being the very best I can be :)

>> No.12852891

effort is the worst cope of all

>> No.12852897
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Going through the same thing, anon. College application essays are impossible to write when I'm trying to be honest. It feels dishonest to advertise myself as some unique, promising individual who would be "fit" for a college.

>> No.12852898

Ever heard of 'poo poo pee pee'?

>> No.12852906

I report that stupid butterfly every chance I get.

>> No.12852910

Come on guys
>what's you're greatest strength
I have an eye for detail and efficiency, I strive to improve the quality and efficacy of my output
>what's your greatest weakness
I expect others to perform the same, which often doesn't happen


>> No.12852919

by seriousposting at atheists 24/7

>> No.12852927

every single one of my threads except sitrner one were deleted after 40 minutee s

>> No.12852934

>what's your greatest weakness

uuuuuuh kryptonite

>> No.12852938

i don't read

>> No.12852950

Lol this

>> No.12852962

by meaningfully contributing to conversion but also throwing in the bantz here and there

>> No.12852969

reporting philosophy threads

>> No.12852977
File: 16 KB, 200x127, thumb_fuck-yeah-seaking-motivation-fuck-yeah-8052643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man! I do the same

>> No.12853029

Progress is an illusion and improvisation is always repetition.

>> No.12853051

By making fun of "devout" chrislapers like >>12852919

>> No.12853066
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>> No.12853470


>> No.12853525

I'm the anon who found, scanned, and uploaded the entirety of Kissinger's undergraduate senior thesis, The Meaning of History - Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee, and Kant, onto libgen for all to read. No other copies exist anywhere else online.

>> No.12853533


>> No.12853556

By insulting Butterfly on every single post of "hers" I see.

>> No.12853559

based. fuck Kissinger though.

>> No.12853566

You're the other side of the tripfag coin. People like you are the only reason it exists. You think you can "defeat" or "insult' an attentionwhoring retard on 4chan by giving them attention? What the fuck is wrong with you anon? Have some fucking agency. Stop replying to tripfags you fucking moron. It's all they live for.

>> No.12853569

I try to keep things thread related. The memes get a little tedious.

Now....I was thinking a $20,000 bump. Inflation...kids...you know the deal

>> No.12853579

I made all 5 of those Selfie Suicide threads even though I'm not logo. Then I kept them alive for as long as possible by arguing with people.

I actually haven't read the book, I just thought it was funny.

>> No.12853581

Shit, you're right, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.12853589

By calling you fascists.

>> No.12853703

By lsd posting how great people can be and how they are choosing to ignore the best selves they can become. I want to be like Nietzsche, but instead of succumbing to Nihilism and people's lack of accepting these simple solutions, I'll just shitpost on lit for all the societal outcasts making these "recommend me [x]" threads and be a bloomer until I die. People have the right to post stupid shit, but I have the right to tell them that they are posting something stupid and it's because of a deep-seated problem they won't acknowledge. I can't be hurt by anyone else's direction unlike Nietzsche.

>> No.12853709

Can I kiss you?

>> No.12853786

I LARP as someone who reads but I really just have a lot of books.

>> No.12853793

I read but I don't like discussing the books I read about so I just aimlessly shitpost instead.

>> No.12853801

Oh god, please never say that as your weakness

>> No.12853812


>> No.12853827

I can reliably provide book recs because I've read around 3,600 of them.

>> No.12853832
File: 85 KB, 838x1255, the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this image frequently

>> No.12853856

Me and another woman showed these people how flirting works.:3

>> No.12853899

I post on-topic content
I also posted one story about an experience from several years ago that got screenshotted and is regularly posted in almost every "/lit/ humor" type thread nowadays

>> No.12853999

im in the book made of niggers story screencap

>> No.12854007

This is why you have to embellish and lie. You need to stop caring, because those men in suits do it for a living. This is business.

>> No.12854054
File: 26 KB, 300x316, dsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you guys I guess. I'm the best poster on this board, as evidenced by my 100% success rate for people replying to my posts. I am constantly complimented on the quality of my posts and the unique intellectual insight they offer on an array of topics. I am well versed in not only Hegel, Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Foucault, Marx, Deleuze, Heidegger and all of the Greeks, but also the Dhammapada and Upanishads. I'm the guy at the house party that people queue up to have intense existential debates with, and I often BTFO people with my Marxist-Hegelian critique of Waiting for Godot, which I credit as being the height of Western existentialism. My drug dealer is a Kierkegaardian absurdist - a position I convinced him into by quoting from memory the entire "The Edifying in the Thought Against God We Are Always in the Wrong" chapter from Either/Or while he was in the middle of a DMT trip.

>> No.12854059

Holy shit.
Based and redpilled.

>> No.12854084

the ideal /lit/ poster

>> No.12854111


>> No.12854114

You're what I aspire to be. Based af,

>> No.12854145

>I'm the guy at the house party that people queue up to have intense existential debates with
You debate drunk frat boys?

>> No.12854170

well ive been calling a lot of people here gay lately
i provide cultural ambience

>> No.12854185

Like the other anon said, just lie or embellish. My friends and I formed a business club in high school that adjourned three times ever and we all put that we were vice presidents and cofounders on our college apps and I’m 99% sure my high school said we raised money for the homeless or some shit because our school had a horrible record of getting kids into elite colleges and one of my friends had a shot if they boosted him (he now attends an extremely prestigious uni)

>> No.12854188

incredibly based

>> No.12854203

I haven't, my posts are chaff

>> No.12854210

Slurp slurp, anon.
It's time to go for a ride.

>> No.12854213

I keep recommending Journey to the End of the Night and the Book of Disquiet to people who obviously don't read.

>> No.12854280

Get rid of /pol/ and their shitty baits. Look at what happened to /tv/. If we keep it up then /lit will slowly be a fantasy/scifi board with anti-sjw threads.

>> No.12854294

I have made it substantially worse.

>> No.12854314

>Jocko Wilink's twink brother second from left

I share the viewpoints of a working man. Badly needed since so many of you are clowns from academia.

>> No.12854483

you're definitely a big faggot pseud
pls leave

>> No.12854695

This brings me back.

I only post about books I've actually read. Then I lurk moar.

>> No.12854697

They're not going to hire you if they get around to asking generic questions like this.

>> No.12854702

Imagine all the brainlets you've ever known. They're your competition. If Mr. Perfect existed, he would want more than what you're willing to work for. Don't over think it.

>> No.12854781

You got to git gud at bullshitting man.

>> No.12854794


>> No.12854827

By most metrics you would consider me smart as fuck (Graduated high-school in top 1% of country, graduated engineering masters degree in top 3% of class in best ranked university in country) and even I still have qualms about writing/talking about myself in such a boastful manner. Writing shit like "I am a consciousness student and a meticulous worker" on a cover letter makes me want to puke.

The whole process is so contrived and fake.

I think everyone who delves too deep into philosophy at some point becomes too self-aware of their existence and how fleeting and insignificant they are, causing them to lose confidence in their abilities.

>> No.12854837

> going on 4chan on acid
risky strategy lad

>> No.12854968

I get a lot more lulz than I give, but have grave doubts about my aptitude for teaching anyone past the level of young /b/rotards. I'm useful only in the way house-cats are, as a faintly amusing object of affection for people who are a lot stronger than I am, but a lot lonelier in feeling. Unlike this Londonium Frogmeister >>12852867 however, I wouldn't give a rat's ass what those suits made of me unless one of them happened to let slip with an embarrassing richness of story-telling power.

>> No.12855034

I stop in about once a month and post inane nonsense, usually with some kind of weeb speak

>> No.12855108

>Tell me about yourself
>freeze because autism
>They wait a couple of minutes then thank me for my time
Fuck this 2 years of unemployment and 27 times this shit has happened. The one that employed me just decided to hire me on the spot when I froze for no fucking reason. Worked for him ever since.

>> No.12855138


>> No.12855233


>> No.12855244


>> No.12855258

Quality pasta.

I m the quality pasta assesser.

>> No.12855285

It's safe to say that I've made integral contributions to the highest level discussions of analytic philosophy on here.

>> No.12855287
File: 175 KB, 1600x780, WritersLife_Marquee_Desktop_Regular_1600x780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By making intensive and analysis heavy Rand posts. My creedo is: make extreme-quality Rand posts or not at all. If the greatest philosopher to ever live is to rupture every half baked reddit maymay made about her, one must display an deeply intimate familiarity of her nonfiction argumentation and showcase how it can weather all half baked, misintegrated criticism.
Whenever I see someone post in favor of Rand, but obnoxiously and/or with no real depth; I remind them they shouldn't have posted at all.

>> No.12855298
File: 159 KB, 299x322, 1540748602627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even be mad. Keep chuggin Randroid.