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File: 2.99 MB, 994x560, but_why.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12852282 No.12852282 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you understand why but you can't express it with words

>> No.12852344

Fucking spirit of adventure my dude. Waddle free little tuxedo bird. If you can't work something out eloquently, write it like a dude bro and translate it.

>> No.12852384


fyi the penguin is basically mentally ill. i can't remember exactly but i think its something to do with magnetism, they have a little gay compass in their head that tells them where they need to go and where they belong, and this overrides everything else. he thinks his pals are going the wrong way and he's going home but he's going to die before he ever reaches the mountain.

>> No.12852400
File: 43 KB, 264x274, angry_npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre just mentally ill take your pills

>> No.12852406

Fyi the penguin just walks back after he's done but it wasn't recorded and they just cut it to make it look dramatic.
Don't trust British nature documentaries.

>> No.12852411

no, he has an adventurous spirit :(

>> No.12852418
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>consciousness is nothing but chemicals

>> No.12852419

I wish I could express in words to the person who means a lot to me how much I love them and why.

All I can come up with is 'you're great and fun'. Maybe they get the picture idk.

>> No.12852446
File: 446 KB, 736x1125, take the robotic pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12852450

It's through your actions.
Walk off into the mountains, see if she follows you. If she does, pull a dead penguin out of the mountain.

>> No.12852506

>It's through your actions.

It's what I've decided to do. Hopefully they get the message.

>> No.12852570

> working conditions are so shitty that people need to have anti-depressant dispensers in their bodies
> human ingenuity is truly boundless
Capitalism is a mental illness.

>> No.12852602

>Don't trust British nature documentaries.
yeah i prefer hungarian and spanish nature docs

>> No.12852610

Do you have evidence that depression is more common amongst the working class? Do you have evidence that depression is not a natural phenomenon that would occur regardless of particular societal and economic systems?

>> No.12852626

>spirit of adventure
More like mental ilness. If you can't enjoy the company of others and can't conform, constantly seeking novel pleasures, there is something wrong with your dopamine receptors.

>> No.12852634

What if the others don't enjoy my company .

>> No.12852643
File: 56 KB, 488x488, GUEST_09689f45-9c3b-4ba7-92d4-9ba0cd454582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ppl just prefer heading up to a certain death instead of wagecucking their lives away.
The penguin must have felt the same in a penguin version of it.

>> No.12852645

I didn't say that the working class suffers more and I didn't mean to suggest that, but I could see why you'd infer that from the context. If anything, the upper classes suffer more than they would have under previous modes of production because Capitalism is relentless for them as well. Anyhow, I wasn't trying to make any serious case against capitalism in that comment. It's just that the idea of having a remotely controlled (or programmed) drug dispensary inside your body has a very dystopian, cyberpunk type feel to it.

>> No.12852648

You probably come off as very needy and scare them. All neurotics do this

>> No.12852653
File: 758 KB, 1920x1080, oops2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for >>12852610

>> No.12852655

>if you're not like my ideal you're mentally ill
gigacope. keep being a sheep, anon.

>> No.12852662

Maybe it's best I stay away from them then.

>> No.12852676

But that's how mental ilness is described. It's not an absolute condition. If you don't function well with others around you you are ill

>> No.12852683

which is why psychology is a meme

>> No.12852686
File: 3 KB, 208x243, definetelynotajew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have evidence for those symptoms goym because without evidence those symptoms are not real goym so go back to work

>> No.12852696

Nah, it's legit , nobody can be happy without meaningful interaction. Human company is a basic need.(Books by dead guys isn't meaningful interaction btw)

>> No.12852698

How do i come off needy if I don’t talk much to them? is being introverted and non social neurotic?

>> No.12852715

>if I don’t talk much to them
Probably you do it out of fear. You have skipped the neurotic overtalkative phase and ascended to the avoidance level.

>> No.12852718

I haven't had any 'meaningful interaction' since I was a child. I read Stirner as a teen which led me to stop communicating as much with my family and I haven't really had any friends since childhood. I'm probably mentally ill by your standards but if futile socialisation is being healthy, then I don't want to be healthy.

>> No.12852725

How do I stop being weird

>> No.12852754

How is that perceived by people who are normal? You’re right by the way. Do i come off as arrogant?

>> No.12852760

Damn this is me. I’m introverted but I am def like this out of fear.

>> No.12852764

Yeah because you have a gun to your head to be a wage slave

>> No.12852766

I don't think it's sustainable for very long anon.

>> No.12852775

Not him. Have not had friends for 9 years now, besides my dog.
Can be done.

>> No.12852788

im 19, a virgin, friendless, live alone, have little contact with my family, and I wouldn't want it any different. I'll admit I have homicidal and suicidal thoughts sometimes but I don't think it's related.

>> No.12852808

Some transformative experience that will convince you that you had it wrong all these years. It's what therapist do, you pay them to be your mom
I honestly think it's better to participate and risk being disliked than to stand on the sidelines. If you are silent they forget about you like you don't even exist.
Somewhere along the way it gets tiring and boring. Plus when the body begins to ache you really really feel the loneliness 3x.

>> No.12852811

19 is nothing, anon

>> No.12852816

This can't be real

>> No.12852820

It was staged. Herzog was known to do shit like this.

>> No.12852821

> something can't be coercive unless there's a gun to your head
Americans, everyone.

>> No.12852825

I'm too frightened to talk with a therapist. Every time I go I just lie my way out and say that I'm all fine after a few sessions.
>I honestly think it's better to participate and risk being disliked than to stand on the sidelines.

The shame of failure is worse than the regret of not trying IMO.

>> No.12852826
File: 70 KB, 600x860, merlin_9974498_f913412b-566b-41bb-9dd0-6bd4e4d3f6bb-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean everything that isn't compatible with capitalism is a mental illness

>> No.12852832

It has nothing Jewish people.

>> No.12852841

Try with a psychoanalyst. They don't talk at all for months. It sounds silly but if you feel comfortable, it really helps to verbalize your concerns

>> No.12852851

We'll see. So far I'm happy.

>> No.12852854

I like you

>> No.12852871

>They don't talk at all for months

How does it work then?

>> No.12852885

They nod and talk minimally. They explain it with some mirror shit etc but it's really helpful to have the full attention of an active listener

>> No.12852892

Your stylometry and reasoning indicates that you're low IQ and very likely mentally ill.

>> No.12852922

Do you think that they would let me write things down for them to read. I really really hate talking.

>> No.12852939

It helps to have someone to confess to

>> No.12852946

Yes. They even have a couch that faces a wall or window so you don't even have to face their gaze.

>> No.12852981
File: 68 KB, 326x326, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then maybe I should look into it, thank you anon.

Yeah but by confessing you're making your problems into theirs. People have enough to worry about with compounding it. I guess why there are professionals for that.

>> No.12852996


>> No.12853042

it's really not important which class suffers from depression, there are no winners here.
At the core of the problem is how ridiculous it is to claim as a victory the fact that we increasingly need more and more screens, pills and robots in order to NOT kill ourselves

>> No.12853123
File: 199 KB, 1600x1125, Emperor-Penguins-Couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the best for you, Anon! You already know what you need to do to best show those emotions, I'm sure they will appreciate it no matter what because they already appreciate you by being in your life this long. <3 don't do anything inauthentic, don't go too far out of your way to try and show these feelings because they might question why you are doing it, just be honest and forward, I'm sure they will appreciate it very much anyways. Don't think about what might happen because you don't know how they will react, just take it when it comes up and know you couldn't have done it better anyway, it's your honest expression and there's no better way that can be expressed unless you are doing it. Don't hold yourself back anymore, Anon, I believe in you!

>> No.12853240

You're too kind anon. I don't really have to say in return sorry, except that good luck with whatever it is you might be going through too. Buh bye.

>> No.12853277

This is fake. It's an image about insulin. Not anti depressants. Not sure why people troll like this, maybe for (you)s.