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12852018 No.12852018 [Reply] [Original]

The chad-est character you've ever read?

>> No.12852023


>> No.12852024

Cristo el Bastardo

>> No.12852030 [DELETED] 

Thompson's fictionalized version of himself (not just raoul duke)

>> No.12852037
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>BTFO super strength hunchback
>flirts with hot gypsy thot in front of his fiancé
>pumps and dumps gypsy, cucks poet, hunchback and priest who all have oneitis for her
>gyspy thot obsessed with him, willingly dies for a chance to see him again
>marries rich fiance just because he can
Captain Phoebus was /ourguy/

>> No.12852071
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Jean Valjean.

>> No.12852098

wolf larsen

>> No.12852102

fuck you

>> No.12852132

Edmond Dantes in anime-self-insert levels of perfect chad
Novikov, the colonel of the tank regiment from Life and Fate, seems like the exact gallant chiselled communist officer that Soviet propaganda wanted to create
Augustus from the John Williams novel, and probably in real life too but I don't know enough history to say how accurate that was
Gilliatt from The Toilers of the Sea is a chad in his abilities, possibly not in his devotion to Deruchette

>> No.12852149

Odysseus. Spends like a decade fucking his way home only to find a wife surrounded by beta orbiters, but she's so thirsty for him that she hasn't fucked any of them

>> No.12852363

>beta orbiters
And then when he comes back, he and his son slay all two hundred of them on their own.

>> No.12852370

Dmitri Karamazov

Only a real Chad can kick their Dad within an inch of his life

>> No.12852736


>> No.12852751

Alyosha is the real chad.

>> No.12852763

Henry from the secret history

>> No.12852771

nagasawa in norwegian wood is an asian chad

>> No.12853078


>> No.12853126

The protagonist of my diary desu

>> No.12853195

Unironically this

>> No.12853223

Me in My Diary Desu

>> No.12853523


>> No.12853544
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wolf larsen is one of the chad-est dudes ever,he would be a total bro if he had a soul

>> No.12853568
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>> No.12853592
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I mean,

>> No.12853742

and a rare breed indeed

>> No.12853753


>> No.12853854

Andrei Bolkonski

>> No.12853897

Captain Patrick Dalroy (from Flying Inn)
>creates his own navy to fight Muslims and wins
>destroys the peace negotiations cause English politicians are corrupt and care more about Muslims than England
>Cruises around prohibition England on a donkey drawn wagon with a cask of rum and a wheel of cheese setting up a pub wherever he goes
> kicks the shit out of Muslims, puritans, vegetarians and more corrupt politicians
>constantly singing drinking songs with his buddy the bartender

>> No.12853905

andrei gets cucked by a pretty boy

>> No.12854139

Dolokhov from War and Peace

>> No.12854161

>implying the dad isn't the real chad

>> No.12854191

This, also Beowulf, Roland, Achilles, any hero from Homer, and any protagonists of epic poems.

>> No.12854209


>> No.12854243

This. I was also going to say Anatole but he kept running away from Prince Andrei like a little bitch.

>> No.12854377

>spends ten years at war outliving Achilles, Ajax and the other heroes
>spends ten years getting back home just to remind beta orbiters who the alpha male is, and thots patrolled
>goes right back out to sea to keep kicking ass

Ernst Junger
>tried to join the French foreign Legion at 14
>officer partaking in major battles in all stages of WWI
>never fell to cowardice or ignorance
>was literally too alpha for NS politics
>not only fought bravely, gave perhaps the finest first-hand account of the great war, but also published political and social works, works on etymology, and lived to be over a century old.

>> No.12854388

>Edmond Dantes

Despite lucking into a massive fortune, he was so mad about getting cucked earlier that he spent his freedom as a bitter slave to his own cravings for revenge

He could've just accepted his apparent misfortune was in fact the greatest possible thing that could happen to him, and lived a life of unbelievable wealth, joy, and productivity

>> No.12854389

>falling in love with instathotties

>> No.12855527

But how much character can one have and still have a chad's primordial, unconscious vitality? Falstaff has loads of that, but half of it has "degenerated" into presence-of-mind, of a size able to size up anyone else's No chad could fully fathom his meanings, see what he sees.

>> No.12855921

But he ended up rich, getting over it and with a cute turk girl on his side.

>> No.12856272


Jean Valjean is 100% not a fucking chad.

Enjolras on the other hand...

>> No.12856298
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He was 17 when he joined the Legion, but yeah the dude is 10/10 /fit/k/lit/.

And don't forget that he tripped mad fucking balls with Albert Hoffman himself.

>reminder to read his later fiction in addition to his earlier stuff

>> No.12856321
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For me, it's Roland.

Then the italians came along and decided he had oneitis over some Saracen woman and it got kind of gay.

>> No.12856373

Meursault walks the rope between chad and autist.

>> No.12856392

The only difference is a juicy natty physique.

>> No.12856449

Probably Judge Holden

>> No.12856476

Can someone make a virgin vs chad for the Karamazovs? It would work both ways, but I like the chad Alyosha.

>> No.12856827

Achilles is not a chad.

Spends the majority of the Illiad throwing a tantrum, and cries to his mom for help

>> No.12856928

Plutarch's Parallel Lives is filled with those. You could literally see it as how to be a chad: the book.

>> No.12856940
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frank chambers, fucks the greeks wife so hard and makes out with her until she bleeds. im on a noir binge right now and im loving it, some of the easiest and fluid reading ive ever read.

>> No.12856969

He's not even a character: Benvenuto Cellini

>> No.12857075

I don't know about most chad, but the least Chad character is Pyotr Verkhovensky. How the fuck did he ever manage to conceive a kid?

>> No.12857084 [DELETED] 

>implying it's chad to conceive a child
My friend, losers have kids at early ages. :3

>> No.12857207

Don Juan in Byron's great narrative poem, which is as easy to read as as a novel fwiw.

>> No.12857233

The Underground Man

>> No.12857531

Nobody mentions José Arcadio of 100 years of solitude!

>> No.12857558

John Galt. But also Rearden, Ragnar, D’anconia and the rest of the over the top heroic alphas that hypocrite cunt Rand wrote while at the same time preaching against hero worship.

>> No.12857596

my diary desi

>> No.12857602

Jesus in the bible

>> No.12857624
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>> No.12858033

the question was who is the chad-est character, not who is the biggest bitch

>> No.12858039
File: 16 KB, 200x304, The German Ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Marx such an asshole with his fellow Young Hegelians?

>> No.12858048

don juan

>> No.12859520

Howard Roark

>> No.12859642

Prince Myshkin

>> No.12859757

Henry Miller

>> No.12859784

He seemed a little autistic. The way he wrotes Critique of the Gotha Program is so neckbeardish.

A lot of "well acshually" and stuff.

>> No.12859807

Marcus Aurelius, Josef K., Santiago (Old Man)

>> No.12859814


>> No.12860456

Me in the fanfiction I wrote about myself.

>> No.12861361

Zarathustra was pretty based.

>> No.12861375

The Martian.

I read that thing and fuck that guy. I'd rather see a mouth-breathing POS overcome the odds than some astronaut cunt.

>> No.12861722
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I ve only read pic related but it's damn fun, this part of his autobiography si about how he was exploiting costa rican bad guys to find gold, how corrupted the country was, and how you don't fuck with Cizia Zyke.

>> No.12861751

Cu Chulainn
Such a Chad that he openly fucked other women aside from his wife and she was ok with it barring one exception. This is of course on top of being an indomitable warrior.

>> No.12861769

rich piana

>> No.12861777

And Ivan the real virgin?

>> No.12861800

Michael strogoff expert rus

>> No.12861812

Books on leaving humanity behind?

>> No.12861827
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They all criticized each other in their works, though. I'd say that's a cool setup.

>> No.12861930

Henry from horrid Henry

>> No.12862076
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>not Childe Harold

>> No.12862112

Geralt of Rivia

>> No.12862170
File: 10 KB, 158x239, Shogun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any main character in a James clavell book

>> No.12862224

Dolokhov was a male thot, Andrei Bolkonsky was the chad.

>> No.12862333
