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File: 9 KB, 175x287, zizek pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12851299 No.12851299 [Reply] [Original]

Slavoj Zizek appeared on Twitch and discussed his philosophy. Thoughts?


>> No.12851321
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I will now be able to watch (Pop) Philosophers with Twitch Chat while spamming 5Head or 3Head
FeelsGoodMan Clap

>actually, wtf is this. What timeline am I living in here.

>> No.12851337

is this accelerationism?

>> No.12851343

that's pretty cool

>> No.12851352


>> No.12851359

what? who? why no bttv or ffz?

>> No.12851372

different temporality of vidya isn't just about dying and trying again, it's also about the world waiting for you to do things, how you don't miss opportunities by just loitering around

>> No.12851596

>I'm not ready to renounce Lars Von Trier
/our guy/
He doesn't like the Idiots though.

>> No.12851608

wow, I'm happy he has lived enough to know whta hentai is.

>> No.12851615

He also likes the recent Star Wars side movie "where they ALL die."

>> No.12851637


>> No.12852798

He mentions accelerationism in it.

>> No.12852838

It's amazing. Imagine if we could go back and watch Kant and Nietzsche stream while asking them questions

>> No.12852894

>video games are about not getting a nuke
Pleb. Your kid needs to git gud.

>> No.12852925

Post real vidya philosophy so Zizek can git gud:

>> No.12852959


>> No.12853011
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 1546960053882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a communist
you're just admitting you're a pathetic loser really

>> No.12853015

don't compare them to this pop philosopher hack

>> No.12853020

>you're just admitting you're a pathetic loser really

>> No.12853038

not an argument
there are no communists that aren't losers
with the exception of those at the top, but no one advocating for communism ever becomes that
whenever someone tells me left wing shit I truly cringe, they are just admitting they incapable of achieving anything

>> No.12853041

not an argument

>> No.12853046

how can you listen to him slobber for more than a minute?
also he's a tankie piece of shit

>> No.12853048

I don't get it though
why would someone willingly align themselves with loser ideology?

>> No.12853050

> there are no communists that aren't losers

This is just unfalsifiable. If I found some rich communist you'd call them a loser for being hypocritical. If I found some poor communist who did a great good you'd call them a loser for not obtaining capital. Unless you can make a case that can be strengthened by rigor, why should I take you seriously?

>> No.12853053

~(an argument)

>> No.12853057

not an argument

>> No.12853062

show me a communist he isn't some autistic edgelord.

>> No.12853069
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>> No.12853084


I think it's appropriate to say, you've got some 'splainin to do.

>> No.12853104

this is the best you can do..

>> No.12853107

>This is just unfalsifiable
champagne socialists are hypocrite losers
poor people are always losers
you might not like that, but it's the truth

>> No.12853111

>you might not like that, but it's the truth
not an argument

>> No.12853116

Do you get your kicks by moving the goalposts on anonymous chinese pottery forums?

Yuk-yuk-yuk. All capitalists are losers. Any rich capitalist you post will only serve as an example of greed, any poor capitalist you post will only be an example of a man who loses at the game he agreed to. Oh wait, that's not solid reasoning is it? And so...

>> No.12853129

>literally who musicians is the best he can do
Lucille Ball also suffered ornithophobia (fear of birds). so try again

>> No.12853135

Ah okay, a rather benign phobia is disqualifying for functional human status. And again, you only asked for examples of non-autistic communists, so why moves the goalposts now? Post a non-autistic capitalist, but bear in mind I consider money hoarding autistic lololol

>> No.12853142
File: 47 KB, 497x435, when-youre-ordering-at-taco-bell-and-the-cashier-gives-19119501 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying greed is bad
biggest winner on the planet right here

>> No.12853150

Back up your assumptions before you come to conclusions with them.

>> No.12853153
File: 321 KB, 720x1280, Sent by G-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Zogyald-pilled.

>> No.12853155

in what way could greed be bad
it's all bullshit cope when people say it is

>big don
very rich
very powerful
lots of people like him
does whatever the fuck he wants

>> No.12853158
File: 276 KB, 1016x1616, Screenshot_20190330-204736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I moving goalposts? I prices Ball was an autist and there's not enough info on those literally whos but I'm sure they're autists as well


>> No.12853169

Wait, so you are unironically /ptg/rdt/?

>> No.12853176

this (>>12853142) isn't me

>> No.12853181
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Meme ideology that lead to suffering of biblical proportions, can't believe people still fall for this shit in 2018 when Marx was refuted very shortly after writing the capital.

>> No.12853190

no but he is objectively a winner
I don't think everything he does is good but the point still stands
communists are losers, they're freaks and people are disgusted by them

>> No.12853200

also does anyone here know why /pol/ is down

>> No.12853211

> this amount of brainlet cope

>> No.12853218

I don't think it is. Otherwise the quality of every board would drop by 7000%

>> No.12853222
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>still no argument

>> No.12853228

Et tu

>> No.12853229

>space after '>'

>> No.12853234
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>no u
I've already posted my argument

>> No.12853236
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>> No.12853244
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>50 million dead is so much worse than 3 billion

>> No.12853248
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>> No.12853250

Which post? You've just set up unreachable standards for a "non-loser" communist, performed fellatio on the current presiding officer and posted a bunch of frog.jpgs

How will you reply to this anon: >>12853236

>hurr einstein was a jew

>> No.12853256
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(This man alone killed many a Fash in Spain)

>> No.12853258

>>hurr einstein was a jew
well he was a Zionist too

Also, social interaction tends to be impaired after an IQ 140. So he was autistic

>> No.12853259

Im not a liberal, a libertarian or anything like that but, come on, this "argument" isn't only a false claim but also a tu quoque formal fallacy.

>> No.12853261

>I don't know what 1984 or animal farm was about
he's not even close to communist

>> No.12853263
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>> No.12853268

>Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person
it seems like all socialists have issues

>> No.12853272


>> No.12853275
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>Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.
>According to biographer Mark Strecker, Butler voted for Norman Thomas of the Socialist Party for president in 1936.[52]
>He became widely known for his outspoken lectures against war profiteering, U.S. military adventurism, and what he viewed as nascent fascism in the United States.

>> No.12853278

>many a Fash in Spain
It does my heart good to know that statists on both the left and right killed many an anarchist there.

>> No.12853291

>In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to Fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot and the media ridiculed the allegations, but a final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler's testimony.

>> No.12853292
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>> No.12853295

Everything is a fallacy.

>> No.12853307

is he communist?

>> No.12853317

You don't understand what that fallacy means. No one said you are a mass murderer.
The claim is that systems which murder masses of people are bad/evil.
Which implies that the system of which the accuser is a part is also evil, because it also relies on mass murder - not the person making the claim.

>> No.12853335

Why has leftism been assimilated by liberalsim?

>> No.12853347

because liberals adovacte for equality retard

>> No.12853409

look at op's image, retard

>> No.12853436

reminder there is no litmus test for ideology.
all these fags could have been superficially labeled, or virtue signaling.

>> No.12853462
File: 62 KB, 640x475, 8pXBM3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debate with /ourguy/ Destiny when?

>> No.12853475
File: 66 KB, 768x668, 08A949E3-2640-4892-80BB-AE94320B64DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


funny name man makes the words and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.12853506

it has but copepunk tweens want to believe they can "change the world" with their faggy "aesthetic" and rehashed/recuperated political "praxis"

>> No.12853507

What's hilarious about this is that you are sans aucun doute a loser.

>> No.12853530

Has destiny ever had to debate an even remotely insightful person? Zizek would probably just confuse him.

>> No.12853537

>this thread
I just wanted to talk about twitch memes

>> No.12853555

fuck no he just finds loud tards to dunk

>> No.12853661

why did this make me laugh

>> No.12853684

catalog is down

>> No.12853907

>3 billion
Where does that figure come from? Genuinely curious.

>> No.12853916

He talks about popular culture, that doesn't make him a pop philosopher

>> No.12853973

I really like Jebaited and ResidentSleeper. What are your favorite twitch emojis, anon?

>> No.12854055

twitch emotes are all so terrible. they were just forced by the developers instead of just memes evolving naturally.

>> No.12854534

If you're not rich and not a communist you are literally the ultimate cuck

>> No.12854563

Yeah, stuff about star wars and hentai
I'm glad they didn't have to live through that

>> No.12855026


>> No.12855141

>Liberalist death toll

LMFAO. You just don't go counting people that died while in a state of freedom and call it. Toll you retarded swine

>> No.12855147

>Liberalism relies on mass murder

I can't even find the words to offend you. It's too much for me.

>> No.12855396

>fought for Republican Spain
>devoted an entire chapter in Road to Wigan Pier to arguing for socialism despite whining about socialists
>admitted that he has been working torwards democratic socialism
He is closer to communism than he is to you. Why can’t right wingers ever be honest

>> No.12855459

Because honesty is drowned out by an appealing narrative, and you need to construct your narrative to outperform others, truth be damned. The left do this too.

>> No.12855543
File: 494 KB, 1600x1055, li-zhensheng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The claim is that systems which murder masses of people are bad/evil.
No it's not.
>implies that the system of which the accuser is a part is also evil, because it also relies on mass murder
Therefore this is wrong aswell.

It seems like all commies are brainlets, not very surprised since big brains don't fall for meme ideologies.

>> No.12855556
File: 366 KB, 1397x1404, 1 fsPQgFwY_2-wIX02z18USg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly out of his fucking ass, it's a false claim. These retarded commie numbers usually account shit like people dying in Africa and other shithole countries, as if that was part of the liberal ideology. Communists, on the other hand, murdered millions of their own people on purpose. Whoever refused to give into the tyranny of the communist party was immediately accused of being an counterrevolutionary and sent to a gulag to do forced labor until death or simply shot on sight.

>> No.12855607
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 2032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberalism never killed anyone
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.12855619

Not a communist.
Here >>12853181 you have two claims, the main one being that communism is mass murder of biblical proportions.
Perhaps you're not a brainlet, but you are a liar and ideologue.

>> No.12855644
File: 83 KB, 600x450, TjkzXCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have a point to begin with, brainlet. Nor I said liberalism never killed anyone, and I already stated that's a fallacy. You try to derail the conversation away from communism because communism is fucking horrific.

No reading comprehension? Literally wrote suffering, communism not only killed people. Mao banned literature on China, just fyi.

>> No.12855648
File: 148 KB, 640x960, death toll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 100 million from the World Wars alone. It adds up quick, and liberalism has been around for hundreds of years now.
It's silly to criticise communist countries for the violence while denying what liberalism did, no matter your ideology. As liberalism developed it sometimes killed 30 or 40% of an entire population, so in scale it is even worse than communism or fascism.

>> No.12855658

Go back to pol, or read a book for once. Insulting people is not an argument. And I already explained the fallacy, you don't understand logic.
You're as leftist as anyone with your solipsist/individualist horseshit.

>> No.12855663
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>> No.12855738

Zizek is barely a communist or a philosopher

>> No.12855799

Why are all these capitalist cucks such bootlicking retards?

>> No.12855802

>Zizek is barely a communist
wtf I love Zizek now

>> No.12856087

his voice annoys the shit out of me

>> No.12856172

He's a Stalinist without the violence(basically loves the bureacracy of communism when a big mass of people can handle catastrophes and upcoming problems). Also is against IDpol and does not like the puritanism of #MeToo

>> No.12856185

And he says nigger

>> No.12856252

he is not a stalinism except for memeing, he doesn't believe in the working class and literally ran as a candidate for the liberal party

>> No.12856418

So yeah what did you all like the most? I thought it was interesting that he takes houellebecq seriously.

>> No.12856673

Based twitch chat talking about GR.

>> No.12856766

holy shit, this is big.
he actually admitted to have started writing his accelerationist manifesto

>> No.12856788

but Zizek doesn't seem to have any insight to it, he seem very normie when it comes to politics

>> No.12856794

he's said before that philosophy is where his heart truly is, not politics

>> No.12856852

not impressed with his philosophical quantum memeing either, he did good stuff about ideology in the 80s and 90s, but his stuff is not so insightful anymore now that the mainstream is collapsing

>> No.12856872

tankies are the only decent commies

>> No.12856881

he talks about this actually as the death of Chomskian manufactured consent. there are few thinkers on the level of Zizek who keep their theory as contemporary as he has (applying it to inceldom, AI, accelerationism, ect.)

>> No.12856891

I liked his take that right wing accelerationism and left wing accelerationism are both fueled by the same illusions about Capital, which seemed pretty accurate from where I'm sitting.

>> No.12856929

at least he sees it, but he has no interesting takes on it, he just sees the issues, but any internet low IQ retard sees them too, so that's not a great accomplishment
can you expand on this? where does he talk about this?

>> No.12856945

illusions about capital?

>> No.12856981

like the first two mins of the clip. He talks about Marxist accelerationism, then right wing accelerationism, then at like 2:17 he claims they both stem from the same "capitalist logic"; he then BTFO's cosmotechnics. Honestly I'm suspicious of him having a friend of colleague who lurks here; the memes line up too well.

>> No.12856997

what video? he is talking about videogames in OP's video

>> No.12857001


>> No.12857072

not really super-hot takes but more a few normie remarks

his criticism is that capital adapts, which may be a criticism of left acc but not so much of right acc, and it's also a normie talking point on the internet

then he talks of western buddhism as an ascetic practice in service of capital, which he has been doing for a long time and i don't see much substance in there beyond modernity's ability to coopt anything, which is also a normie talking point on the internet

>> No.12857095

what were you expecting, that he was going to castrate himself in the name of Gnon for the Twitch gods?

>> No.12857105


>> No.12857135

something of substance? if i can get the same takes from literal retards on 4chan i don't need a lacanian philosopher

>> No.12857188
File: 64 KB, 416x796, 1552417980853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional philosopher gives his rundown on accelerationism on a fucking Twitch livestream
>anon is upset he wasn't edgier than the accelerationists on /lit/
you niggas are hard to please

>> No.12857503

>/pol/ loves him

>> No.12857601
File: 114 KB, 640x759, 1553988243933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of them at least.

>> No.12858140
File: 236 KB, 901x600, attent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is evidence to me that his sniffing is a nervousness tick - he's ranting in his room and barely sniffs.

>> No.12858351

Zizek? More like Shitzek

>> No.12858372

socially he is pretty 'red-pilled' because he's fairly modernist due to his marxism.

>> No.12858816

Lol, fucking accelerationists.
>huh, he has criticism, what a normie
There's nothing more normie than some boomer discussion of capitalism being good, no matter how you dress it up with black Chrsitmas lights.
Fucking KYSs.

>> No.12858868
File: 468 KB, 1440x1109, Accelerationism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12859365

> Orwell
> killing anyone
No he didn’t, but he did get lice on his balls

>> No.12860054

it's not just about accelerationism, Zizek hasn't said anything interesting since the early 90s, people just like him because the rest of the left leaves the bar so low that just by acknowledging issues, even if you have nothing interesting to say about them, he is already above the rest of the left

but that's not very impressive, the bar is just that low

>> No.12860111

many accelerationists share Zizek's take, I'm just saying he has nothing interesting to say since the 90s, not that he is wrong

if the best you can do as an academic is repeat basic internet talking points, nobody needs you in academia

>> No.12860212

Has he learned how to debate yet or is it still all autistic screeching?

>> No.12860470

>5 million every year
>6 million every year
>18 million every year
>This sums to a minimum estimate of only 2 billion
The brainlet who made this couldn't even add his own made up figures correctly

>> No.12860476

>There's nothing more normie
There's nothing that marks a normalfag out more clearly than the use of the word "normie"

>> No.12860488

Saw it, pretty good.
I would've liked it much better if it was a normal twitch chat spamming hyperbruh though

>> No.12861540

>accelerationists can me-
Dumbest cunts on the board.

>> No.12861543

He criticizes liberalism, immigration, US foreign policy and all that stuff they also hate.

>> No.12861546
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>> No.12861566


>> No.12861991

Removing the X million every year, you get 117,235,200 deaths. Hardly anywhere close to 2 billion.

>> No.12862051
File: 170 KB, 790x350, 2018_08_steven_pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude what if we remove the death toll from the death toll and put a life toll in with another life toll lmao

>> No.12863207

>Spooking zoomers left and right

>> No.12863240

Kek isnt like half of africa a result of commies not being able to pull that shithole together too?

>> No.12864120

Heads: OP is a faggot
Tails: OP is a retard<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.12864366

based Quaker

>> No.12864902 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 299x450, 1534357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related absolitely crushed me. I have no desire to do anything anymore or for fight for anyone, strive towards any goal. All that remains is nihilism and apathy.

>> No.12865178

Ah, another word to filter! Thanks, OP.

>> No.12866463

what if no one is saying them in academia?

>> No.12866495

Are you serious?

>> No.12866506

it's still not impressive, it's just that the bar is set very low for academia

>> No.12866515

well someone has to say it, and if its a celebrity who will bring some actual repute to the position, i have no issue

>> No.12866517

Cringe, but blackpill

>> No.12867787

You clearly missed the point

>> No.12867849



>> No.12867881



>> No.12867924

Death itself is caused by capitalism, hence every conflict or issue is clearly solely its fault :^)

>> No.12867972

based and *red*pilled

>> No.12868014

>hates the left
>uses arguments created by the left
So THIS is the power of the NuRight.

>> No.12868022
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Back to /his/.

>> No.12868790

>implying capitalism invented slavery
>implying capitalism created conquest and crimes against humanity motivated by greed
>implying diseases don't become preventable by human innovation motivated by opportunity of ambition
>implying capitalism created hunger, poverty or war
>implying capitalism hasn't been moving in a positive direction
the only negative byproduct of capitalism is the culture of consumerist nihilism it produced, but that'll sort itself out in time. capitalism didn't invent human corruption.

>> No.12868806

why can't I just do this for the USSR then?
>implying communism invented political persecution
>implying communism created authoritarian violence
>implying famines don't happen naturally or as the result of innocent mismanagement all the time
>implying communism poverty, or revolution, or war
>implying communism hasn't produced the highest levels of living standards in the Nordic countries
the only negative byproduct of communism is the faulty revolutions it produced, but that'll sort itself out in time. communism didn't invent human corruption.

>> No.12868855

>>implying communism invented political persecution
it invents it if the system is designed to allow it
>>implying communism created authoritarian violence
again, the difference is that when capitalism uses authoritarian violence its corrupt, not how the system is expected to operate
>>implying famines don't happen naturally or as the result of innocent mismanagement all the time
The kulaks genocide was not innocent mismanagement
>>implying communism poverty, or revolution, or war
ill assume you made a typo because idk what thats supposed to mean
>>implying communism hasn't produced the highest levels of living standards in the Nordic countries
[citation needed]

>> No.12869607

>1D logic reading
Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.12870058

Your post is wasted on ardent apologists who view everything wrong as caused by their enemy