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/lit/ - Literature

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12848227 No.12848227 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be in a poetry critique group
>eveyone else writes insipid Instagram bullshit
>force yourself to go anyway because maybe it's better than nothing
>get invited by these people to enter a local poetry slam
>you've never done spoken word before, but you enter for the lulz
>write all over your material in one sitting; do zero editing
>make it all just a bunch of braindead, over-emotional nonsense that repeats itself purely for the sake of repetition
>win the slam
>get offers to do paid gigs
>turn them down
>give the $63 you won to the first homeless guy you see
>go home and write about it as a greentext story on 4chan

pic unrelated

>> No.12848237

unironically based post OP. good on you for giving away your prize money to someone who could use it. i think slam poetry is mostly stupid but the people that do it right like Gil Scott-Heron probably use the same sort of stream of consciousness little to no editing type of deal and that makes it authentic even if you're just bullshitting for a kek

>> No.12848249

post it

>> No.12848276

Is this some kind of humble bragging, bukowski style?
fuck off.neet.

>> No.12848283


>> No.12848478

good job OP but stop masturbating over how amazing you are at writing shit poetry

>> No.12848547
File: 72 KB, 650x597, oh-yeah-aliens-love-jazz_o_2665901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
