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12841258 No.12841258 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the best female poet/author of all time? Why is she so cute?

>> No.12841264

post her instagram

>> No.12841278

I finished The Bell Jar. Maybe I didn't fully get it because I'm not female but if the height of female literature is being bitchy and resentful towards men then female literature is a joke.

>> No.12841283
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A Mexican nun is the best female poet of all time

>> No.12841296

She’s just a pathological neurotic like many other mentally ill yet intelligent people, they typically have a visceral and deep-seeded hatred for the opposite sex, regardless, Plath is indisputably the best female poet that I’ve ever read. I really like her poetry. I thought The Bell Jar was an interesting exploration of the neurotic female psyche and I’m sure she was conscious of this when writing, it’s a thought process and she’s being transparent and honest. She is a confessional after all. It also adds to the hilarity of many scenes in the novel when she acts like a bitch.

>> No.12841300

>that nose
no she was not cute

she may have had reason to be bitchy and resentful. maybe she was sexually assaulted or something. but projecting that resentment onto all men was her brainlet mistake. a mistake that continues to this day, as women are now "more than equal" and their most successful examples are pseudo-victims. go look at Clinton's political career since 2000, for example. from being the victim at the Lazio debate, to being a victim of Obama's in the 08 primary, to being a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy, the being a victim in 2016 when she used a COLLAGE of victims in her campaign logo.

>> No.12841302

Shes beautiful.

>> No.12841307

Emily Dickinson was not a mexican nun

>> No.12841312

It's not about being bitchy and resentful. It's writing about being bitchy and resentful in a self-aware way that offers insight to others. I sure hope you don't think that literature is all supposed to be morally didactic.

>> No.12841313

Something tells me you already assumed the book to be like that before reading and then, naturally, 'found' that tone everywhere.
Nothing in that book felt 'bitchy towards men' to me.

>> No.12841315

>Plath is indisputably the best female poet that I’ve ever read.

she's not bad, but she's still way beneath authors like Faulkner, Nabokov, and Steinbeck

>> No.12841327

Female poet bruh

We talking about the lesser sex here, just clarifying :) I still love Sylvia’s writing and think she’s a cutie pie

>> No.12841334

you're right, women cast themselves as permavictims even if they're extremely powerful and wealthy. It's a fucking joke.

I had no assumptions when I first started the book. I was fair and made my conclusion only after I finished it. It wasn't the worst I've ever read but I was still let down. I found Plath more interesting than Flannery O'Connor however

>> No.12841338

None of those are remarkable poets, though.

>> No.12841339

Altogether brainlet post and a middling and downright spasticated analysis of feminism’s impact on the world of contemporary politics

t. A traditionalist

>> No.12841347

Despite the fact you claim you didn’t have any presuppositions about the novel, I somehow don’t believe you. Let’s read inbetween the lines:
>I had no assumptions when I first started the book.
>I was still let down.

>> No.12841351
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Okay. That's the last I'll say about it, as we're no longer talking about Plath directly. Although I do think she is somewhat responsible for our current predicament by empowering a reckless critique of the patriarchy, which is just another way of saying the founding fathers and their ideas.

>> No.12841355

Damn she looks pretty thicc, her face is kinda butt tho

>> No.12841360

Sylvia would harbor fantasies of castrating you.

>> No.12841363

Her face is cute
She cute
I want to protect her

>> No.12841366

I still think she’s a cutie pie and a darling, ok?

>> No.12841372

If I had low expectations of the book, I wouldn't have bothered reading it. I had high expectations for Wise Blood and was extremely let down, so I try not to get too excited about any book even if it's one I really want to read

>> No.12841489

Because women have been historically oppressed by men? It would make sense that they write about their experiences. Also, not every book written by a female has feminist themes in it, lmao.

>> No.12841499

Heard she rips on manlets in that book. Idk if my little heart could take it

>> No.12841536

Yeah she destroys them man(let), her scathing diatribes are pretty funny (atleast I think they are)

She’s a brilliant satirist

>> No.12841543

Nah, she's pretty cute all around.
Why do people get so touchy about this fact? Grow a spine already.

>> No.12841551


>> No.12841560

>why do people get touchy about knowing from puberty that they will never be physically desirable to the women they desire or even the second-rate ones
I can't imagine.

>> No.12841623
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>telling a manlet to grow

>> No.12841658

>grow a spine already


>> No.12841881


>Is she the best female poet/author of all time?

No because that's not a picture of Ursula le Guin. Plath is still top tier though.

>> No.12841889


>> No.12841899

woman detected

>> No.12842276

>implying that Faulkner, Nabokov, and Steinbeck were men

>> No.12842670

Are her letters worth reading? I saw they've released them all.

>> No.12842821

Maybe I just have a thing for English neets, but Dickinson and Emily Bronte are both absolutely better than Plath.

Anne Sexton is too, for someone more contemporary

>> No.12842830

>someone who threw themselves into an oven has anything worth saying
Doubt it lmao

>> No.12842913

>tfw you'll never see Sylvia Plath make an embarrassed face
>tfw you'll never see her grin nervously as her soft hands clutch her middle
>tfw you'll never hear the whine and gurgle of her intestines as she shits her panties, while she tries desperately to avoid showing how embarrassed she is

>> No.12843192

what was the deal with the oven, anyway?

was she making a statement about women's suffering under the patriarchy? was the life of a homemaker really killing women?

>> No.12843301

i'd be choked if i had a wife that hot and she killed herself. also i didn't know sylvia plath was that hot. a little bit of a butterface though

>> No.12843352 [DELETED] 

Weird way of describing Virgina Woolf

>> No.12843369

>Virginia Woolf
Literally the only literary genre she didn't write in.

>> No.12843455

Patricia Highsmith

>> No.12843585

Her husband made her kill herself.

>> No.12843607

I had to have my gf explain to me why it's so great. That was like 15 years ago, so I don't really remember. But she understood the female protagonists jealousy about sex, I think

>> No.12843616

you think she was into anal?

>> No.12843933

God I wish I could cuddle her and also have sex with her.

>> No.12844122


>> No.12845170

