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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1125, rmun4k6hj3gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12840324 No.12840324 [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular Opinions Edition
>Post 'em, you edgelords.

Monthly Reading for March: The Black Company by Glen Cook


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.12840343

Lady a shit

>> No.12840347
File: 219 KB, 500x800, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approx. two threads left.

>> No.12840358

>Unpopular Opinions Edition
The third (and best) Harry Potter is a 7/10 book.

>> No.12840384

Mommyfags are based

>> No.12840406

>And I'd like to head off any bad-faith arguments of "innocent until proven guilty" but[sic] pointing out that that is the standard for criminal prosecution, not the standard for airing grievances in a public forum.

Fuck whoever made me aware of this reddit #metoo train wreck in the other thread, I can't stop reading it. I wonder how long until the few sane people calling out the mentally ill mods get banned.

>> No.12840408

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.12840415


>> No.12840428

Having a fetish that makes you attracted to someone in the same mold as the only member of the opposite sex that interacts with you on a regular basis and only because she has to does not make you based anon, it makes you a sad individual.

>> No.12840430

Eh, they locked the thread hours ago.
People were just calling them out politely and they still couldn't take it, the snowflakes.

>> No.12840434

Lady doesn’t have to lmao

>> No.12840443

What happened

>> No.12840470

Some author got accused of being an evil rapist and the mods immediately banned him and came out with gems like

>We try really really hard to be unbiased as moderators, but that doesn't make us the Neutral Planet from Futurama. Sometimes there is a right and a wrong side in life, and in this case, the right and wrong side are blindingly obvious.

Then shortly later it got proven to be complete bullshit, now they're trying to pretend nothing happened.

>> No.12840507

>but that doesn't make us the Neutral Planet from Futurama
What is it with these fucks and unnecessary pop culture references?

>> No.12840535
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Some mad bastard started a smear campaign against Ed McDonald, author of Blackwing(great book btw). He did it by creating a fuck ton of accounts over the course of an year pretending to women that were harassed by Ed Mcdonald, the full works gave the accounts families and everything and then reached out to sjw fantasy bloggers posing as victims. Of course these bloggers ate up everything up and wrote blogs smearing Ed and decrying the presence of "rabid sexism" in fantasy circles. The reddit mods also banned the author from their fantasy subreddit citing the "evidence" even though he didn't do shit on the site itself.

Finally after a lot of digging people started realizing that it was a targeted smear campaign and all the accounts making allegations were fake accounts.

So, the Reddit mods and the sjw bloggers are in full damage control, back pedal mode right now. They're even playing the victim now *because* they were "manipulated" by this evil person and none of it is their fault.

>> No.12840549

not long till the 3rd book at least. fist two were the best fantasy I read last year.

>> No.12840552

Kek muh references

>> No.12840577
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He himself basically apologized even though is life was about to be ruined by an online lynch mob driven by that shit #metoo movement. He gets no sympathy from me.

>> No.12840591

Faggot sounds like he deserved it.

>> No.12840597
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Is Glen Cook’s post-apocalyptic naval warfare book gud?

>> No.12840599

why are you hating on Daniel Black?

>> No.12840607

>I would rather pirate hookers and buy books, though
Spoken like a true degenerate.
hentai is where it's at. female:cervix

>> No.12840633
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Final proof that the Campbells did nothing wrong

>> No.12840650

What's it about?

Nothing against the book itself, just the posters who complain when women have bigger roles than in borderline porn, makes it harder to identify the actually woke books to avoid.

>> No.12840667

Post-apocalyptic horror with gods and magic.

Don't be put off by the grimdark tag, it doesn't have any of the usual bad grim dark tropes like shock value sequences and edgy characters.

>> No.12840679

Holding the maringot line against unholy abominations and eldritch powers creating them after about 100 years of a state of total war.

>> No.12840686

Anthony Ryan Okaying it makes me weary.

>> No.12840701

what if GRRM and From Software teamed up on a game? would it be good?

>> No.12840731

It would mean he has more things to help him procrastinate instead of writing his last two books.

>> No.12840734

No, sounds retarded.
But I bet if From Software and CD Projekt Red teamed up they could potentially make the greatest game of all time. Imagine Witcher with the combat mechanics of the Souls games instead of the hack and slash bullshit in the originals.

>> No.12840804

Old Bioware would have made the best Asoiaf game.

>> No.12840814

tbf to him he did write one REALLY good book.

>> No.12840835

not really, the setting doesn't fit the mechanics.

>> No.12840929

You don't like Dragon Safari?

>> No.12841162
File: 38 KB, 257x400, 9781857989946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished pic related and goddamn was that a ride, the language used made it even better. And everyone was incredibly trusting while simultaneously being incredibly deceptive.

>> No.12841188

Is mask of the template good/decent? Saw it posted in the last thread and I am curious.

>> No.12841206

What a pussy.

>> No.12841209

I'd say that it is decently written monster girl smut.

>> No.12841220

>I'd say that it is decently written monster girl smut
Decent by monster girl smut standards, or decent by genre fiction standards?

>> No.12841244
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>> No.12841248

A little bit of column A and B has some pretty good lewd scenes and delves into some deeper themes that isn't dicking a minotaur into submission without being absolutely retarded about it.

>> No.12841254
File: 651 KB, 1638x2441, OB_SHALLAN_HALLWAY_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Crippled God was such a massive fucking underwhelming disappointment I regret finishing the series now HOLY SHIT WHAT A JOKE THAT ENDING WAS AND NOT EVEN RESOLVING A BUNCH OF QUESTIONS IT'S LIKE I READ THE HYPERION CANTOS ALL OVER AGAI

>> No.12841287

Pretty much confirms everything I expected, I dropped the series in book 7 and later checked on some sub plot from an earlier book on the wiki and just saw it never gets mentioned again. That's when I knew I'll never be going back to this shit, nothing pisses me off more than set-up with no payoff, worst fucking sin when it comes to writing for me in any medium.

>> No.12841325

Michael Shea wrote basically a fan-fiction sequel to Eyes of the Overworld that received Vance's stamp of approval. So if you want to read more Dying Earth stuff in the same universe you might give that a read (even though Vance ended up writing his own sequel later that of course completely ignored Shea's sequel).

>> No.12841332

If it's his very first novel like it says on the cover there then probably not.

>> No.12841345

Tried to warn ya'll niggaz. There's no point in reading epic fantasy that goes past 3 books. 9 times out of 10 it becomes a bloated mess with a shit ending.

>> No.12841353

Are the sequels any good?

>> No.12841399
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I'm about to finish Deadhouse Gates and go onto Memories of Ice.

At what book in the series does the disappointment begin?

>> No.12841420

Wheel of time has the opposite problem though, where it introduced so many sub plots it takes 5 million pages to resolve them all, but at least it tries to. A hundred or so named aes sedai might have been a mistake, them and a bunch of other tertiary characters, they eat up way too much space in the middle books. But still prefer that to just dumping shit like malazan does.

>> No.12841426
File: 558 KB, 720x404, grrm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a shit ending
If only

>> No.12841493

hmm thanks might give that a read. meanwhile im thinking of reading The Worm Ouroboros, is it good? i've only seen the cover, haven even read the description

>> No.12841500

It's all downhill after Deadhouse Gates. But you might be tricked into thinking it's not because of all the shit Erikson throws at you. By the end though you realize all of that was a distraction to distract you from the fact Erikson didn't know what the hell he was doing.
>yfw in the very last book he's STILL introducing new, pointless characters

>> No.12841505

Haven't read it, but I've only ever seen praise for it.

>> No.12841553

The fucking last one because it doesn't resolve much of shit.

>> No.12841601

talk to me for a second about chapter length, what is short vs too long

>> No.12841648

Only Sci-fi I've ever read was the first Dune book, though I might pick up The Book of New Sun sooner or later. But what I'm really curious about is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: How do I get into it (since it was apparently a radio drama first), is it worth it, and do I have to have general knowledge of Sci-fi stuff to really appreciate the satire? I love Terry Prachett to death so I can handle British humor.

>> No.12841651

When I'm writing I just never think about it. To me, chapters are just more extreme scene changes and a means to encapsulate certain portions of the story. Sometimes they're 3k words long, sometimes they're 20k words long, it's just as long as it takes me to get to what I consider a good stopping point and resolve the main purpose of the chapter.

>> No.12841745


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy isn't really "laugh-out-loud" in my opinion, but the humor the author went for can certainly be appreciated.

I'd say it's worth a read.

>> No.12841749

I want to shit on him but in his shoes I would just fuck around too

>> No.12841773

>behind pace on goodreads for the first time all year
>have absolutely nothing that's holding my attention

>> No.12841814

Does anyone knows were I can get pdf of /sffg/ books for free?

>> No.12841828

i imagine plenty of people know

>> No.12841844

god why even build up icarium since book fucking two only to give mappo a BAD END

>> No.12841878

Can anyone tell?

>> No.12841891

I sent you a pm :3

>> No.12841923

>what's sticky

>> No.12841978

What's the 'monthly reading' for April gonna be?

>> No.12841986
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>ywn be a fat fuck that lives off of your single overrated work
Why even live?

>> No.12842013

>It's a Perrin episode

>> No.12842094

It isn't giving me the smut of dubious quality I am looking for.

>> No.12842153

>it’s a post the same thing in every thread episode without any meaningful contribution

>> No.12842265

>it’s an egwene gets spanked until she cries episode

>> No.12842280

duly noted, thanks

>> No.12842389
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>> No.12842394

>Tfw i'm 11 books ahead of schedule
Now i can shitpost for a few days

>> No.12842749
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Please gib books to add to my collection.

>> No.12842795

Might as well ask: does someone have a download link to cebelius stuff? I have looked it everywhere and haven’t found anything other than malware.

>> No.12842849

Nothing personnel, Crippled God.

>> No.12842862

does sffg make any books

>> No.12842903

His actual first novel was a porno called "Swap Academy" IIRC.

>> No.12842930

I write books, but nothing I'd deem worth publishing. Too much pressure for quality, plus it's just a hobby and I already have a well paying job. Personally I prefer releasing works anonymously for the various fandoms around 4chan.

>> No.12843007

It's put to a vote at the end of the month.

>> No.12843084

Read only one book. Wasn't exactly bad but didn't interest me enough to read the sequels.

>> No.12843111

we should make one

>a novel by /sffg/

>> No.12843153

I wrote a single novel, never made an effort to publish it.

since then I've spent the past year and a half trying to write a second novel, but at this point I know in my heart that it's never going to happen. The plot I have took four years to take form and it's so horrible it makes me sick thinking about it. I can't bring myself to write it because of the shame and I can't bring myself to write something else because I've invested too much of myself into it that I can't take back. So now I sit here, poisoned by something that once brought me so much hope, praying that one morning I just won't wake up

>> No.12843416

I am in the same discord as birdboi. I have a map of his setting. Anyone want me to post it?

>> No.12843445

if he gives permission. it would be good to see at least one of us succeeding

>> No.12843454
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I asked him. He said:
>I post them publicly, it does not matter, it is your choice.

>> No.12843465

The map that was one of the first things he posted about his story?
Why are his fans such faggy attention whores when the guy himself just wants to write his autistic book series?

>> No.12843518

You only have one mother in your live. All other thots come and go.

>> No.12843521

I think people admire him because his fantasy world actually brings joy to his life that he'll willingly share with everyone. It doesn't fill him with bitterness, pain and longing for a horizon he can never cross, so he gets to be a vicarious stand-in for people who just want to pretend for a few minutes that their lives aren't all that bad

>> No.12843527

Holy shit that is detailed.

>> No.12843555

this is fucking with my head. I can recognize several landmarks but I can't form the bigger picture

>> No.12843587

Two polar megacontinents m8

>> No.12843970 [DELETED] 
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Fuck niggers
Fuck jews
Fuck trannies

>> No.12843985

Who are the best short story writers in SF?

>> No.12844089


>> No.12844128
File: 50 KB, 406x595, Brown-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Vance, Fredric Brown and R. A. Lafferty are my personal favorites.

>> No.12844138

How do you people get your books? Do you buy them?

>> No.12844155

Ah...eeh, yeh, yeah we, uh , we buy them.

>> No.12844163

I see, where do you "buy" them then? Asking for a friend

>> No.12844193

For psychical books Half Price Books or bookfinder.com, Library Genesis for ebooks.

>> No.12844197

library genesis

>> No.12844239

Heinlein btfo

>> No.12844244

>Library Genesis
Danke very mucho

>> No.12844249

After marathoning a bunch of older fantasy books and stories I'm finding it difficult to return to modern fantasy that insists on using first-person narration. Third-person narration is so much more superior it's not even funny.

>> No.12844275

I have these bookmarked, some dirt cheap finds are out there.


>> No.12844287

What do u guys use for reading epubs?

>> No.12844292


>> No.12844303

calibre on pc, lithium on android.

>> No.12844321

Do you use a custom theme on calibre? If so, care to share?

>> No.12844438

I buy some, get some at the library and pirate some.

>> No.12844466
File: 234 KB, 1284x659, ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I do use one. Makes the epub look like a real book.


background-image:url('file:///yourfilelocation') !important;
background-size:1920px 1080px; /* Your resolution*/

margin-bottom:0.5em !important; /* change this if you don't want a gap after each paragraph */

Background image: https://i.imgur.com/5x9wtZR.jpg

>> No.12844693

I buy them. I can't stand reading off a screen; I need to hold a physical book.

>> No.12844887

Why do I feel their servers are going to get a raid soon....

>> No.12844902

doesnt matter. they make weekly backups with all the books that anyone can download.
theres an entire website dedicated to archiving and backing up anything on libgen. also several copycats with the exact same content due to said backups.

>> No.12844947
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Ssrsly though, fuck jannies

>> No.12844999

Is there a way to get an optimal layout on an ebook? I can't stand the weird pagination I always end up with so I turn to pdfs

>> No.12845029
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What went wrong?
When is the third one coming out?

>> No.12845048

Yeah. You can tweak it too look and act the way you want it to in the preferences. Not sure what you mean by "weird pagination" though, can you be more specific?

>> No.12845447

>we're gonna kill him
>not gonna tell you why though roflmao

>> No.12845454
File: 998 KB, 3298x1512, Dunsany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you, anon?

>> No.12845496

Awww. Did your off-topic pol threads get deleted?
Poor froggy.
Are you.... ban evading atm?

>> No.12845506

writers were a lot more interesting back then, like Dunsany was a Baron and a chess champion, Tolkien was in WWI (though that was horrific than interesting).
maybe I should join the army and go on a trip around the world before I start writing, and marry a duchess or some rich girl.

>> No.12845610

This, never read an e-book or audiobook in my life.

>> No.12845633

I used to think the same but buying a Kindle was the best purchase I've ever made. Get one with a high enough dpi and it looks just like normal text and it's so much more convenient. The backlight is perfect for night time reading.

>> No.12845639

How's the Vorrh trilogy?

>> No.12845660

Not them, I have my own Kindle.
I thought one of the things that made e-ink better for reading was precisely that it isn't (or wasn't) backlit, so you're not stuck staring at a bright rectangle in a dark room. Did this change for any reason other than selling new models of Kindle?

>> No.12845676

The latest models have a light sensor to automatically adjust the back light so in the dark it dims itself. They can also be configured if you prefer a lighter or darker screen along with completely turning off the feature.

>> No.12845765

one of the characters is a short, hairy cyclops who was raised by robots powered by his semen.

that's really all there is to say on that matter

>> No.12845778
File: 32 KB, 324x499, 51phE+akyTL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is shit

>> No.12845797

It's not science fiction but i'm looking to read the Iliad, what is the best translated version?

>> No.12845807

Guys what are some good fantasy (no sci-fi please) audiobooks?
I just finished the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb and I loved it, the story, characters and world were wonderful and the narration was outstanding.
Sadly, the rest of her books are read by some woman whose voice I absolutely cannot stand, so I'm abandoning that series of audiobooks.

Can any of you please recommend good ones?
Some I've listened to:
Riyria Chronicles and Revelations
Eli Monpress
Farseer Trilogy
Tolkien's stuff
Gentleman Bastards

Ps: i dislike GRRM and I tried Mistborn but it wasn't for me
I hope someone can help, thanks!

>> No.12845857

BOTLS is misunderstood by people who wanted the same style as BOTNS. Both are great and should be read.

>> No.12846038

I guess you didn't like Daniel Black either, or any book where the character is transported to another world and has to survive.

>> No.12846043

Library at Mount Char.
Night Angel Trilogy Graphic Audio.

>> No.12846097
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>urban fantasy

>> No.12846130
File: 635 KB, 1600x1011, conan_black_colossus_rpg_game_cover_by_liamsharpd9ra8mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews niggers trannies and jannies can all be gassed, ofcourse. But daily reminder this entire site is a /pol/ site, like a neglected sewer that has flooded entire streets, alleys and ofcourse, the /lit/ cellar. Now you either learn to live with the shit or you can leave.

Birdboi a cute
Lady a shit
Soulcatcher a waifu

Sanderson a waifu

>> No.12846133
File: 37 KB, 474x444, 1485699394459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rural fantasy

>> No.12846138

>Jews niggers trannies and jannies can all be gassed, ofcourse. But daily reminder this entire site is a /pol/ site, like a neglected sewer that has flooded entire streets, alleys and ofcourse, the /lit/ cellar. Now you either learn to live with the shit or you can leave.
>Birdboi a cute
>Lady a shit
>Soulcatcher a waifu
>Sanderson a waifu

>> No.12846144

No, i love those kinds, that one is just shit.

>> No.12846192

>book where the character is transported to another world
isekai is a pretty bad genre though

>> No.12846195

Anons what should I read next
>Riyria Chronicles
>Kingkiller Chronicles
>Powder Mage trilogy
>Gentleman Bastards
>Stormlight Archive

>> No.12846201

>Kingkiller Chronicles
Not that one

>> No.12846209

What's wrong with it? I've heard pretty good things about it on reviews.

>> No.12846244

kkcor the riyria chronicles

>> No.12846252

Do you enjoy when a protagonist falls in love with a literal whore and she cucks him for 2 books (the only two books the author wrote in years because he is a lazy fat fuck)?
If you do, go right ahead.

>> No.12846357

Don't listen to incels like >>12846252 that think the love interest of the mc owes him anything just because he loves her.
They probably like to identify with the mc because he's a boywonder genius and they think they are as well and then get mad because the one girl the mc loves doesn't love him back. just like the relationship between them and their mothers

>> No.12846385

t. literal cuck / woman

>> No.12846457

>he's a boywonder genius
This is what put me off the books. It was nauseating, and I couldn't even get as far as a love interest.

>> No.12846463

nah, just not a neet incel permavirgin.
Women owe you nothing, especially not sex or love.

Fair enough point desu, but if you can look past it it's an enjoyable read

>> No.12846470

James Tiptree Jr.

>> No.12846492

Why do I feel you are from rebbit?
The "incel" meme phrase doesn't help.
Why are you pretending, trying to fit in? Just stop.

>> No.12846506

>Why are you pretending, trying to fit in? Just stop.
I'm not, I'm not even a regular on /lit/. You're still an incel fag though

>> No.12846508

>if you can look past it
Why would I even want to look past "the main character is an insufferable cunt"? And the shit about him pining after some girl would no doubt make him even more so.

>> No.12846513

Hawkwood's Voyage

>> No.12846520


>> No.12846524

2nd book barely has Denna and it's still a steaming shit heap and the author is never finishing a 3rd because he's literally too busy blogging about Drumpf. It really shows that he spent a decade or something autistically going over the first one then ran out of any material.

>> No.12846538

>Powder Mage trilogy
I vaguely heard of this. what's it like?

>> No.12846552

mages and guns

>> No.12846604


>> No.12846606

>I will call everyone who doesn't agree with me an incel

>> No.12846682

Nah, only those that think women owe you sex. If denna is your only point of criticism, you're an incel.
The book has plenty of other flaws that I agree with, crying about denna only shows you're a virgin all too obviously

>> No.12846685

>read badly written science fiction book because it's at least somewhat entertaining
>it keeps getting worse with each book
>finish all four of them anyway because what the hell I came so far, might as well see how it ends
>Bioware color-coded ending button out of nowhere

I could have stopped any time and now I have only myself to blame.

>> No.12846692

Why are genre fiction originals so much worse than game universe adaptations (ie Warhammer, Diablo, etc)?

>> No.12846700


>> No.12846701

>crying about denna only shows you're a virgin all too obviously

>> No.12846713
File: 1.06 MB, 720x1280, stop cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why kill off the best character in the whole series (Trull) through some bullshit, have him do NOTHING with his Knight of Shadow status, and then have his built-up son do NOTHING as well
god i hate that i read the crippled god
why do nothing with icarias
why build up bugg to fucking the errant's shit up only to not happen
why reduce all of cutter x apsalar to three paragraphs
why do barely anything with curdle and telorast
why have draconus not even SEE korabas

>> No.12846724

>shaming people for not having sex
uh, could you not please? This is a safe space.

>> No.12846735

Current best is: b-ok.org

>> No.12846742
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>> No.12846758

>Powder Mage trilogy

>> No.12846767
File: 16 KB, 200x326, Swords_Against_Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Fafhrd and Gray Mouser stories worth reading beyond the first two collections?

>> No.12846829

I have a hard time processing this image, what is wrong with it?

>> No.12846835

I know the standards for genre fiction are low, but I'm not sure they're that low. Still, there are some obvious things that might help:
>IP holder has an interest in not just publishing shit in the hopes it might sell
>Existing world limits autistic world building exposition
>Static existing world limits power creep and super special chosen one saving the universe shit

>> No.12846852

its hueg

>> No.12846951

>browsing 4chen on a toaster / phone

>> No.12846966
File: 37 KB, 359x500, 51vwathuzfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read book because it came up in a previous thread
>Huehue, breddy good
>Look up author to see what else is there
>See bio on amazon
>See location
>Lives in my town

g..g..guys, wat do?
Pic related

>> No.12846985

Ask for date.

>> No.12847000


>> No.12847022

I think I'd have to head over to fit to achieve twink mode first

>> No.12847093

I mean like visually. I'm having a hard time mentally processing what this whole place looks like.

>> No.12847096
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, a420a12cb9104d43aa52ada431dac2d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any book / short stories which have vivid depictions of space, like just some massively vertigo inducing mad shit?

>> No.12847099
File: 1.10 MB, 1526x2414, Wolfe-Wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gene Wolfe on his wedding day.

>> No.12847117

>he married his sister

>> No.12847128
File: 107 KB, 184x375, Gene_Wolfe,_2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened to him

>> No.12847144

He was contractually obligated to take on the likeness of the Pringles mascot.

>> No.12847156

Too many Pringles

>> No.12847163

Is that why there are so many incestuous overtones in his novels?

>> No.12847164

From my understanding the later stories aren't anywhere near as good as the earlier stories.

>> No.12847168

Food, age, alcohol, and >>12847156

>> No.12847178

>writers were a lot more interesting back then
kek reminds me of an article I read recently about how boring writers make boring stories which is so much of fantasy and sci-fi these days is dull, derivative shit: no interesting writers who lead interesting lives.

>> No.12847186

Something good so none of that garbage.

>> No.12847200

This might be the most zoomer thing ever.

>> No.12847212

Recommend something then bro

>> No.12847244
File: 25 KB, 220x364, 220px-The_Black_Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was so fucking cringy and bad I couldn't even finish it.

>> No.12847307

First book is fine, since Soulcatcherfu is there. Don't bother with the rest.

>> No.12847319

Since you only seem interested in modern epic fantasy I'd recommend Saga of the Forgotten Warrior by Barry Korea.

>> No.12847338

I hate the way he writes. I don't need or expect purple prose, but reading a book with an average sentence length of 7 words is simply too painful.

>> No.12847356

I haven't read any other Glen Cook books besides his Black Company stuff, but does he use the same (lack of) prose for all his novels?

>> No.12847366

>implying it's a bad thing
I like how he doesn't even go into detail about storming that one fortress.

>> No.12847379

How is that a good thing?

>> No.12847383

It's the perfect book to shove into one of those speed reader apps and finish it in a matter of hours at 1000 wpm.

>> No.12847386

His writing has no color, no life.

>> No.12847395 [DELETED] 

How is it a bad thing? When I read I didn't have much trouble with short sentences, seems to like a good fit for a physician/chronicler of a mercenary band. Though I have read translated version so there is that.

>> No.12847404

How is it a bad thing? When I read it I didn't have much trouble with short sentences, seems like a good fit for a physician/chronicler of a mercenary band. Though I have read translation so there is that.

>> No.12847456

middling. the magic power levels got way too out of control for my tastes, the baseline military becomes a bit of an afterthought. I really mostly just wanted fantasy sharpe.

>> No.12847458

It's lazy and dull. Yes you can spend too much time on details which is just as bad, but there is a happy middle-ground where you can write with sweeping broad-strokes while still giving enough details to color it perfectly. The second half of REH's Scarlet Citadel is a master class in that type of writing. He paints a very broad picture of what's happening, but still manages to give you enough details to explain what's happening while using amazing prose in an incredibly efficient yet entertaining way.

>> No.12847473
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Underwhelming, to be honest.

You guys finished reading it yet?

>> No.12847474
File: 387 KB, 370x459, 1538882442406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world they inhabit doesn't seem alive, it's a cardboard cutout modern fantasy with no meaningful culture or history.
It's honestly incredibly boring.

>> No.12847478

I thought alcohol aging you was just a meme, doesn't it just make you a little red and puffy?

>> No.12847479

It's not about the world desu, I didn't even care about that when I read it. I was interested in mercs and the Taken.

>> No.12847483

it isn't. the spare prose is why the whole thing works at all.

>> No.12847490
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Should I?

>> No.12847503

None of ther mercs are interesting and I hate "mage" type characters, this just takes all the wonder and mystery out of magical systems.

>> No.12847508
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>> No.12847512

>tfw imagine every main character in every novel I read as an anime protagonist

>> No.12847527
File: 94 KB, 564x728, 1548881413272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's really that bad then it's time to move on to something else. It's not going anywhere, itll still be there when you feel like coming back to it. You're not chained to it so dont use it as an excuse to procrastinate. If you want to write, then write. If you dont, dont. Its that simple. You have to make up your mind, and if you decide to write then you need to be writing SOMETHING. Build a universe, explore with bad poetry, do a stream of conciousness short about your average afternoon, write a short comedic story, write smut; it doesn't matter, just write something. Dont be so afraid of failure that you sit in angsting stasis. And never be afraid to re-write something, no matter how much work you've put into it. Fucking lace up them Nikes and Just fucking Do It. I believe in you anon. Have a neat picture and a great day.

>> No.12847528

"Magical systems" to begin with are gay. Reading older fantasy makes me wish modern fantasy didn't go so fucking retarded with magic. They definitely sucked all the mystery and outright terror from magic.

>> No.12847530

>magical systems
Why do I feel that I'm replaying to a special kind of person... Anyway, you do you. I liked the first book, but magic fizzled out after book 4 or so for several reasons.

>> No.12847531

You are literally autistic.
Although to be honest every character in my mind is an exaggerated dickensian caricature so ok.

>> No.12847544

it's not that bad anon, i imagine every male main character as me

>> No.12847546

Starting 'Moon is a Harsh Mistress' this weekend off this rec.

>> No.12847552

Exactly what I was trying to say. Magic should be hidden, spectral and terrifying.

>> No.12847564

Agreed. This article explains it better than I could:


>> No.12847603

>pitbull protectors

>> No.12847607

It Ain't gonna grok itself is better. imho.

>> No.12847689

i liked it personally.
book 3 had a severe lack of lilith. so im glad she gets some more time in this.
wish the knight dude that was coming after alice would have gotten some screentime.

>> No.12847700

It felt like a break. There were like 3 chapters of waldo, the rest being melissa and lilith. It wasn't bad, it was just brief. Nothing much happened. It was like the book that will join the previous book to the next, instead of being a book by itself. And now we wait another 2 years.

>> No.12847705
File: 258 KB, 1024x1001, bs-20-02-DW-Kultur-Hamburg-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good non-english fantasy that always misses the radar and people don't talk much about it, be it in discussions or charts? I just found out about Walter Moers today and I'm sure there's even more good stuff hiding behind the language barrier.

>> No.12847713

>And now we wait another 2 years.
i dunno the last book was about 3 months or so ago. its decent for somene who does writing as a hobby. nelson chereta has a dayjob so 3 months for a full size novel is pretty good in my opinion.

>> No.12847725

>i dunno the last book was about 3 months or so ago
It was published in 2016.

>> No.12847740
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>> No.12847745

a metric shit-ton of magical realism books
Frankenstein in Baghdad for Arabic science fiction/horror
Three Body Problem and Cat Country for Chinese science fiction

>> No.12847771
File: 218 KB, 846x574, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't know who to believe. Anyway, I think we will be waiting a long time until the next one.

>> No.12847790


Three Body Problem is mentioned quite a lot, but I didn't know the other two. Thanks.

If you can list some of the magical realism books you mentioned, I actually don't read a lot of it and my knowledge of them is less than basic.

>> No.12847819

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Love in the Time of Cholera
Like Water for Chocolate
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
The Famished Road
Wizard of the Crow
Murakami books
Kobo Abe books
Mo Yan books
>English Language (not what you originally asked for, but I'll include them anyway)
Midnight's Children
The Satanic Verses
The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock

>> No.12847826

>birdboi is posting more maps again on discord

>> No.12847832

what discord?

>> No.12847833

post them, come on

>> No.12847854

This, you cocktease.

>> No.12847901
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>> No.12847921
File: 26 KB, 727x567, Habitats-of-wild-reindeer-on-Novaya-Zemlya-and-small-islands-in-the-Kara-Sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he took some "inspiration" for that island northwest?

>> No.12847958
File: 292 KB, 1700x855, Map2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12847972
File: 1.32 MB, 4096x2160, Map_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone called him out of it the second he posted it and he already removed it. Birdboi is very easy to bully.

>> No.12847976

He should add some islands there though. And also, what discord?

>> No.12848007

/tg/ worldbuilding discords, he spams a couple of them with his stuff

>> No.12848073

Metro 2033 is really good

>> No.12848109
File: 484 KB, 752x950, 1537459032929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same problem for quite a while. Took me at least two and a half years of effort to finally break through. Pressing that submit button to put my writing online was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, and after I posted it I had to walk away from the computer and pace around my house in some kind of miniature psychotic episode before deciding to go to sleep and try to forget it ever happened. Checking my computer in the morning was also really fucking hard, but miraculously someone had left an extremely positive and poignant comment. I took a screenshot of it and look at it from time to time.

It helped that I had already scrapped three full-length novels before even thinking about posting something online, but that's the point. The important thing is you don't stop writing even if you hate it and every aspect of it makes you cringe. If you're not writing, you should at least be reading books with a critical eye. Jot down anything you find interesting, or copy any prose you find that perfectly describes something. Whenever I finish reading a book, I try to summarize the whole thing in my mind, following the entire journey from memory, which helps it stick in my mind.

I'm still extremely sensitive, and by no means think I have reached that apparently unattainable ideal of what my writing SHOULD look like that most perfectionists have, but it helps that I have a handful of fans who genuinely look forward to what I write, even if I don't think it's that great. Even if it's unattainable, what's important is I never stop trying to improve.

>> No.12848111


>> No.12848115

Pic related looks like Vanu from Planetside.

>> No.12848118

I liked the movie, but that might have been because of the director. is the book really that ok?

>> No.12848161

The fuck do you think Birdboi is doing?

>> No.12848178

“But think,” said Orm slyly, “if you do not wed me I will not be christened, and then, if we may trust the priests, my soul is lost. You will answer heavily to your God for losing a human soul.” He whispered to Athelstane, “Also, I will burn down this house and throw you off the sea-cliffs.”
“Aye, daughter, we dare not lose a human soul,” said Athelstane very quickly.

Why is dinosaur fantasy humor so much more funny and infinitely less cringe than millennial fantasy "humor?"

>> No.12848207
File: 92 KB, 1282x676, Map_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to birdboi:
>I am not satisfied with this, but I think this may be the best I can do as I am. I am ashamed.

>> No.12848232

I don't like him because he wrote political propaganda, not stories.

>> No.12848259

>I am ashamed.
Jesus christ

>> No.12848278

Well he is autistic and probably wants it to be perfect, something that's impossible to achieve.

>> No.12848369
File: 92 KB, 1282x676, Map_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he comes back 15 minutes later and posts a better version. What can't this autist do?

>> No.12848432

It was officially published last year. There was some shit and it was taken off Amazon.

>> No.12848443

I loved it. Fuck all y'all.

>> No.12848444

After the first soft beard was on his cheeks, he got much heed from the elf women. Without awe of gods, and with few children, the elves knew not wedlock; but their nature was such that their women had more wish for lovemaking and their men less than among humans. Thus Skafloc found himself in great favour, and many a good time did he have.

Smashing that elf pussy like a champion.

>> No.12848454

Please stop with elves.
Invent some new races and cultures for your hero to interact with.

>> No.12848460

Sometimes when he was in company with other warriors, the sea maidens would rise from the foam, wringing out their long green hair as they came up on to the strand, and then there would be merriment. They were cool and wet to the touch and they smelled of kelp; afterward Skafloc would have a faint fishy taste on his lips; but he liked them well.

AND mermaid pussy.

>> No.12848467

Shut up, nerd. This story was written in 1954 and portrays elves as the amoral shits they were in myth.

>> No.12848476

Stop misappropiating Icelandic culture.

>> No.12848487
File: 14 KB, 400x250, a-very-dapper-t-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, you tell me.

>> No.12848584

I'm sorry I triggered you, purple-haired one.

>> No.12848669
File: 137 KB, 800x779, It's the current year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't nor did I ever dye my hair, anon.

>> No.12848678

Your hair is dyed purple on the inside.

>> No.12848714

That's not how hair follicles work anon....

>> No.12848894


The third collection contains "lean times in lankhmar" and the fifth "collection" is a pretty good novel where rats attempt to conquer lankhmar. I dunno man. I liked all but the last two, which got weird, overly sexual, and pedoshitty. There's a story in Ice Magic where Fafhrd and Mouser are compelled to kill one another because a 13 year old girl appears and they fight over who gets to fuck her first.

All in all, I feel like the last two collections of stories are literally just shitposting in published short story form.

>> No.12848912
File: 40 KB, 436x436, 81TejNmOg5L._AC_UL436_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here reading pic related?

Why the fuck is the Laconian Empire so underwhelming?

>pissing off the other dimension beings pisses them off
>ok lets nuke them
>that went bad for us
>okay lets do it again

>> No.12849108

Didn't know Dan Abnett posted here

>> No.12849177

He only had 10,000 pages to settle things in a satisfying way.

>> No.12849290

I may be misremembering since it's been years since I last read Crippled God, but my favorite part was at the end where a character was asking Cotillion what exactly just happened and why it happened and Cotillion was like, "lol 2deep4u." That's when I realized I had been shammed.

>> No.12849328

>Short story
The Lady Who Sailed The Soul by Cordwainer Smith

try the Eschaton books by John C. Wright (first book is Count to a Trillion)

>> No.12849423

I think I just realized why my story is coming out so shitty /sffg/. All this time I was trying to create a story and have it mean something to me, when instead I should have been telling MY story. The MC is already a blatant self-insert, why should I bother coming up with interesting motivations for him when my own actually fall perfectly in line with the story I want to tell?

I feel liberated!

>> No.12849437

oh, right. I should be on topic in addition to >>12849423

I'm reading Xenocide right now. It's weird and interestin seeing a society where mental illnesses are revered instead of stigmatized. I know in underdeveloped countries and ancient times schizophrenia was seen as being sensitive to the voice of the gods, but I never really thought about what impact that would have on society.

Maybe because our society is now sort of starting to revel in aspergers, we're going to see the same thing

>> No.12849499
File: 60 KB, 333x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This trilogy was a bleedin' good read

>> No.12849537

Careful /sffg/ doesn't like it.

>> No.12849694

What does /sffg/ even like besides some feminist shit.

>> No.12849716

It's pretty infantile. Moving to downright children's books was the right decision for the author.

>> No.12849728

Dude subversion LOL

>> No.12849753

One of the few praises I have for Prince of Nothing being grimderp is it hits you over the head right away with how awful the world and everyone in it is. None of that GOTTA SUBVERT DEM EXPECTATIONS bullshit: you find out IN THE PROLOGUE this is going to be edgy, nihilistic nonsense.

>> No.12849872

>its a fantasy author disparages noble cavalry episode

>> No.12849877

That's a big ass Spain connected to a little ass spain

>> No.12849974

i've only watched the tv series, am i going to be missing anything if i just continue reading at book 4?

>> No.12850059
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Autism Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapfags really need to gtfo. This isn't the geography board or the map general.

>> No.12850112

Use this to get free books.

>> No.12850157

Birdboi a cute. I bet he got a big dick.

>> No.12850162

Its semi readable pulp with a few fun scenes

>> No.12850180

am i reading this right? any book that has a preview on amazon can just be downloaded?

>> No.12850187
File: 8 KB, 645x773, feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no octopus gf

>> No.12850212

check the issues it's no longer working

>> No.12850343

You need a vpn to switch ips.

>> No.12850353

anything like "Who Goes There?" that /sffg/ has enjoyed?

>> No.12850356


>> No.12850361

So I just started Chronicals of The Black Company, and I'll be getting my hands on the other 3 collections soon, but I'm curious, is it completed? I know a new book came out last year but since Cook is mid-70's I don't want to have him Croak while wrapping things up.

>> No.12850368

it is yeah. the recent book fell between 1&2 in terms of continuity and also had a lot of material relating to older events re: the senjak family.

>> No.12850372
File: 32 KB, 332x499, 5132D7rHeiL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good? wouldn't mind some dune style house on house fuckery.

>> No.12850377

i've been going through all the goodreads page of the fantasy books in my collection, none of them looks interesting to me, maybe only lightbringer
i read too much scifi this year so i want to read a fantasy
do you have any recs for an interesting fantasy book? also i dont like 'vague and rare magic' kind of book

>> No.12850384

before that anon shows up again im going to do his job for him, this is his posts
>Empire of Silence is NOTW in space, check it out. And I mean they're 80% the same book with a different setting and different names, the author shamelessly ripped of NOTW, so if you wanted more of the same, this is it.
>That was probably me too, I shit on it because it's a blatant rip off of a bunch of different books, predominantly NoTW. The author literally lifted passages from NOTW.

>> No.12850391

the fuck, really? nevermind then.

>> No.12850399

Cool, so it'll just be like a bonus, essentially? I can dig it.

>> No.12850402

you can check the one star goodreads review, someone posted the comparison between notw and this book's passages

>> No.12850415

I want Lady to beat me up! Pow! Kapowie!

>> No.12850430

Thank you.
Like the other anon said, it's Kingkiller Chronicle in space and although there's a bunch of things the writer lifted from Dune as well, house on house action is not one of them. The Vorkosigan Saga is another one he ripped off. It's 80% KKC and 20% the other two without a single original idea in the entire book. It's not just ideas either, the writer blatantly lifts entire passages from the aforementioned books.

Here's the 1 star review that other anon is talking about which sums the book up quite well.


>> No.12850445

Just no. Breeks is awful. I've tried his Night Angel books and it's the worst writing I've come across. I'd put hacks like Rothfuss 2 tiers above him in writing prowess, even amateurs who write web novels do a better job at writing power fantasies than he did in those books. Stay away.

>> No.12850561

I wish I could literally kill cunts like you who meme shit without reading. Kys and do me a favor. Fuck you.

>> No.12850609

you guys have any other suggestions?

>> No.12850669

If you want vidya tier structured and detailed magic just read sanderson.

>> No.12850675

Out of interest are there any other sci-fi series with decentralised feudal political systems at this kind of scale?

>> No.12850702

Prince of Nothing

>> No.12850715

Gentleman Bastards.

>> No.12850717
File: 181 KB, 1280x868, https _blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2015_07_logh_announce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12850761

I'm 150 pages in. Best part so far was realizing who Timothy on laconia was

>> No.12850772

Ignore this >>12850669 stay the fuck away from Sanderson and also Breeks, their books are the ultimate newby traps filled with anime bullshit.

Try any of these:
Book of the New Sun
Blood Song(stop after book 1)
Vorkosigan Saga
Renegade(Spiral Wars)

>> No.12850819
File: 1.80 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12850836

Posts like these make me feel this general doesn't really read.
You post the same fucking books and authors ad nauseam. Don't you have anything else other than weeks, lynch, grrm, sanderson, conan, watts to suggest? The same fucking shit every fucking thread for literally fucking months.

>> No.12850849

>doesnt even post recs of his own
What a faggot

>> No.12850856

I don’t think you understand how shitty most fantasy books are

>> No.12850863
File: 31 KB, 293x440, 119600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this and honestly, i wasn't impressed. Does it get better? I found the language and writing to be very average and not very engaging.

>> No.12850871

Wouldn't know, dropped it. Wasnt impressed either.

>> No.12850956

I thought it was rather good but the whole conceit of using the same pronoun to describe all sexes became very annoying very fast which may be what you mean by not engaging. The other two good are worse.

>> No.12851040
File: 117 KB, 1024x749, spurdo Fug DDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread slave, arrange us new quarters, pronto.

>> No.12851051

fuck you and die


>> No.12851839

Has anyone read the novelized Planescape: Torment books? I know there are two, the one being about 500 pages long and the other around 2000. Should I read both or just go with the latter since I hear that it's the definitive one?

>> No.12851844

Philip K. Dick.

>> No.12851849

Because even my college professors recommended it to me.