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12839407 No.12839407 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12839413

Would butterfly lie about her age? I don’t know.

>> No.12839419

>what if ostranenie but retarded

>> No.12839446

Excuse me?

>> No.12839463

He's saying you look a lot younger than 47.

>> No.12839470

That’s not her dumbass

>> No.12839487

My age is my sweet secret. The anon who talked with me on Discord was never told my exact age and I genuinely have no idea why he became so confident in thinking that it is what he's now telling everyone it is.

>> No.12839512

nobody here cares about you whore

>> No.12839517

It's her. She said in another thread that she's using 5 trips now, but treats them as different "personas"

>> No.12839518

Is that Finnigans Wake?

I kept it secret for quite a while, but I let it out. Now, why would a woman lie about being so old? They usually lie about being younger.
The pictures are not of a 47 y/o.

yj7XcCKgYw a fraud

Apparently someone does, I didn't start it

>> No.12839520

I will never understand why humans think vague and enigmatic = deep. Joyce throws in references and makes up words on every page: he is called a genius. Land writes in nonsensical symbols: wow, what a philosopher. Kubrick has long vague shots of blood or something: the shining is so deep!
I guess postmodernism is right when it says people are constantly trying to find meaning and order in chaos.

>> No.12839521

Stop impersonating me, you hateful, attention-starved incel.

>> No.12839526

Two. This old one on my computer and oEULhtSEDhe on the pad

>> No.12839528 [DELETED] 

"Nobody cares about you", I read in a different thread, but apparently some efforts by some people prove that you guys do

>> No.12839538

It's Fanged Noumena

>> No.12839561
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>> No.12839562

For people who don't know: my trips are !yj7XcCKgYw, !KEJ4HNMuGA, and oEULhtSEDhe.

>> No.12839563

Consider the following: most of the people you listed are not "vague" you're just fucking imcompetant in finding meaning in anything. Especially not Kubrick, if you think kubrick is "vague" you need to fucking get another hobby

>> No.12839660

Take a picture of yourself right now then :3

Why beat around the bush? Let’s see it. Based on what you’ve given me thus far I’d say with 100% certainty you’re lying unless you post proof. In your position, if you weren’t lying, you’d have every reason to prove it

>> No.12839711

You’d have every reason to lie about your age butterfly, as you want to shake off unwanted attention.

Can you link a previous thread on 4chan where you posted your age for verification please?

>> No.12839716

I am :3, ofc