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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 220x329, 220px-Ayn_Rand_by_Talbot_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12839239 No.12839239 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12839249

We the Living and The Fountainhead are genuinely great literature

>> No.12839251

>manly jaw

>> No.12839257

that's great tho
>manly jaw
i'll give you that

>> No.12839264

>a dike kike

>> No.12839266

I think we all know she's a man bruh

>> No.12839277

>looks like a dike
>is a kike
I think we can all agree dikes are a universally bad thing, I think we can all also agree that kikes are a universally bad thing, now I think we can all **ESPECIALLY** agree that a Diked Kike is a bad thing.

>> No.12839296

Literally everything.

>> No.12839432

That factory owners are good people working for the benefit of humanity.

>> No.12839488

This is your brain on Objectivism:

>> No.12839527

was ditko objectivist?

>> No.12839595

Yes, to the point he couldn't work with Stan Lee (or pretty much most people) anymore because Stan wanted his characters to have human flaws, while Dikto wanted everything to be black and white and uncompromising. Their clash worked very well on Spider-Man while it lasted, neither would probably managed to create such an icon on their own, and Dikto's Dr. Strange outdoes Jack Kirby in its psychedelia, without the aid of any substances since his far-righisms made him morally opposed.
Beyond his work in cape comics, Dikto is a fascinating outsider artist when it comes to his post-commercial work. If I've piqued your interest, I highly recomend you watch this documentary on the man: https://youtu.be/3gwDnhMO8is

>> No.12839801

She ripped off Bioshock!!!

>> No.12840875
File: 7 KB, 195x167, 1496845700106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's great tho

>> No.12840894

Rand purports to be engaging with the tradition of philosophical practice, cf. her comments on Aristotle and Kant, for instance. The problem is that her attempts to do so are generally regarded by relevant authorities as floridly inaccurate and generally hackneyed. I dare say her insight is of the average /lit/ poster who hasn't read Kant but shitposts about him in every thread.

>> No.12841128


Yes, she liked to talk shit about philosophers she have never read.

She was the equivalent of a 12 yo /pol/ user who informs himself about WW2 with memes and youtube videos, and then talk about how they could have lead Germany to victory.

>> No.12841131

I've only read Atlas Shrugged, but
>Mary Sue protagonists.
>Every other character is a one-dimensional idiot whose only purpose is "muh socialism".
>No fucking plot.

>> No.12841383

Anthem was total garbage

>> No.12842270

Have you read Rand's philosophy?

>> No.12842278

Did she do anything good?

>> No.12842286

No need to read it since it contains no verifiable statements at all.

>> No.12842299

Atlas shrugged is one of the coolest titles ever

>> No.12842300

die fag??????

>> No.12842303

Lol, and how would you know that?

>> No.12842414

>that's great tho

>> No.12842419

I love you Ayn, but free market capitalism leads to a race to the bottom in a lot of situations. The market is not a perfect system and we need a government to control it to some extent.

>> No.12842461

>naively intuitive
>complete bullshit

Fuck this bitch, meritocracy does not work. There have been thousands of philosophers who got that. Her works could have only been written by somebody who has no knowledge of history and philosophy. To stroke the ego of the succesful and disciplin the unsuccesful through shame. But the world is not that simple. Holy shit even the greeks could refute her bullshit. Also if you want to read some egoistical crap, go for stirner. He has some similiar ideas but comes to a much more sound conclusion. She is literally the most overrated trash "philosopher" I have ever heard of.

>> No.12843028

ugly bitch jew, a whiny cunt. just so shrill and obstinate you want to punch her without even reading her shit or listening to her swinish voice

>> No.12843040




>> No.12843051
File: 87 KB, 899x650, Feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dats about right

>> No.12843070

Complimenting your own post, butterfly?

>> No.12843074

I found all of the flaws but then I had a psychotic break in Europe and now I can't remember. Still liked her though.

>> No.12843081

did this psychotic break involve you having casual sex with a bunch of men again

>> No.12843088


>"The man who . . . closed the door of philosophy to reason, was Immanuel Kant. . . .

>Kant’s expressly stated purpose was to save the morality of self-abnegation and self-sacrifice. He knew that it could not survive without a mystic base—and what it had to be saved from was reason.”

She actually said this. She never read the Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals, because she clearly thinks that the only thing Kant said was misinterpretation of the categorical imperative, when in fact Kant also talked about hypothetical imperative.

Kant understand that you will act according to your needs and desires, and that is okay. He only ask you that

>"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."

Which means that your moral code doesn't became a contradiction in itself. For example: Don't steal other people, because if stealing was the universal norm, private property would meaningless, and without private property, you cannot "steal" because no one owns anything.

She talked shit about people she never read. Or, if she read them, she was an idiot.

>> No.12843089

I've never had casual sex

>> No.12843110

She even said shit like this:
>The “phenomenal” world, said Kant, is not real: reality, as perceived by man’s mind, is a distortion.
Couldn't possibly have ever read the first Critique. It's no wonder she's so popular in America.

>> No.12843123

It's not me.

>> No.12843615
File: 272 KB, 855x561, bg kumbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She got BTFO in Kumbi's latest video.

https://youtu.be/bJtmOPMvl1Q?t=237 starting around 4:00

>> No.12843656

she looks like a xenofeminist who lives in portland

>> No.12843771
File: 661 KB, 1532x2147, mra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12844262
File: 576 KB, 1030x1553, Mr_A_1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barking, but I love it. And dat art.

>> No.12844315

She bangs on about Aristotle but doesn't seem to have read him either. If only she'd read Poetics we might have been spared

>> No.12844491

I think she was getting somewhere on her philosophy of aesthetics.

>> No.12844550

Easily the best art that Ditko produced

>> No.12844561

>Tolstoy commie, Tolstoy bad, Fleming agree with me, Fleming good
This is your brain on objectivism, also, art deco, especially burger art deco, is the fedora of architecture

>> No.12844825

Flaw #1 Confuses enlightened self-interest with gratuitous hostility to others, selfishness with sadism, due to anti-social personality.

All the rest of the flaws follow from that one, most particularly her misunderstandings about how creative collaboration, over long historical time, empowers us to modify nature to the advantage of our creature comforts. Her "Objectivism" is anything but objective, in its obliviousness to the central fact of the human predicament in nature, which makes amiability a practical and aesthetic advantage to those endowed with it.

>> No.12844925

looks, personality, knowledge, literary output

>> No.12845039

Reminder that burgers actually hate jews, they just love the idea of having a convenient relatively dependent satellite state in the middle east they can use to disrupt the region.

>> No.12845041

For one, calling your own subjective ideology "objectivism" is probably the most cringeworthy moments of Western literature. Also, no one exists in a vacuum. The fortunes and genius of one is the hard of labor of all.

>> No.12846024

heres more 4 u. the conspiracies that echofags own the media is true. not a secret, people know it. it exists for as long as the shitstorm in the middle east exists. because once that narrative is gone watch how people can go full reich in a day. its a needed alliance that will not happen without the blaring media

>> No.12846366

She was a degenerate who fucked around with men while she was married.

>> No.12847362
File: 636 KB, 834x1222, dr-strange-2-credit-marvel-entertainment.nocrop.w426.h2147483647.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.12848039

disregard echoesposter

>> No.12848144

She’s a Jewess.

>> No.12848159

They are good people working for their self interest and it is the potency of their developed ego that benefits humanity. But this is only a secondary effect, as the happiness of the actor that acheives is what has primacy. Not the premise of social-primacy, which is an evil philosophic operant.
Well a central objectivist critique of the aesthetic naturalist notion of realism in fiction is that the science of aesthetics MUST resemble the same 1:1 approach we use in metaphysics and the special sciences. Certainly great literature can employ this approach but in the expression of the posited ideal, focus on the flawed in art is like a master painter painting a woman with a cold sore. In life a cold sore is metaphysically irrelevant to the essence of man but the very act of inclusion in that art lends it malevolent significance. As Ayn Rand quote: In life one ignores the inconsequential, in art one omits it. In good stories real plot driving flaws can and should be used but if a character can be written well that methodically excises the inconsequential from his psyche that is fine too. The former is an always "safe" approach but the latter requires skill and introspection.
Why of earth do faggots NEED characters with relatable flaws and why must they aesthetic mandate them?
The greatest lie every told aestheiticians is that mary sues are bad in ALL conceivable contexts. The truth is it is only most and only when employed by the inadept. Which is how they're employed the most.
Tldr: capeshit literally did nothing wrong. The capeshit that is shit is shit for other reasons. Quit being bothered by characters with ironclad character you fags. The biggest mistake you ever made was believing your teachers when they painted your grey little world for you.

>> No.12848226

In this case it would make more sense to ask us to find a redeeming quality.

>> No.12848241
File: 120 KB, 1000x624, Nick Gaetano - Ayn Rand_04a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
>solved the "Problem of Universals"
>the discovery of the intrinsic/subjective/objective trichotomy
>the formulation of psycho-epistemology
>the identification of several new logical fallacies
>Rand's Razor
>providing LfCap's (Laissez faire Capitalism) then lacking philosophic base and further developing it
>the, not solving, but invalidating of Hume's Is/Ought problem
>coining of the meta cognitive tool of critique; the "Anticoncept"

>> No.12848400

She named it because of her discovery of intrinsic/subjective/objective trichotomy. Dumbass louts like you who haven't read her nonfiction think she just went "hurr my ideas are the objective ones".
"Rationalism" was already coined and on corrupt premises so her only other option was to use some other concept that captured the central thrust and historic discoveries of her philosophy. That or Primacy-of-reason-ism

>> No.12849584

Based Rand poster

>> No.12849795

How did she invalidate the is-ugh meme?