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/lit/ - Literature

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12834593 No.12834593 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite literature by nationality and period as well as other factors (e.g. Italian Renaissance Poetry, 19th Century Russian novelists, Enlightenment era French playwrights etc)? Which authors represent that literary niche? I feel like I'm a pleb as long as I haven't found a literary niche I fit into, even basic bitch Shakespeare thots are more patrician than me. Don't want to be a dilettante anymore.

>> No.12834616

russian silvah age
heidegger & junger' broski
murica 60z
british industrial scene
atlanta trap rap
african poetry right now

>> No.12834666

Could you give some examples of authors from these categories, and if you had to be stranded on a desert island and you could only bring as many books as you wanted from one of these categories which would it be?

>> No.12834694


You would be better by selecting your favorites from all time periods and nations and learning with them.

Also, if you want to have more success with the public and the critics, focus on formats that are the most popular right now. That means focusing on the novel today. Drama and poetry are not read and enjoyed today as they were in the past, unfortunately. Of course, reading poetry and drama can help improve your capacity’s as a novelist.

Short stories are also on demand, especially larger short stories, almost novellas (see the success of Alice Munro).

>> No.12834744

>Short stories are also on demand,
Really? That's surprising for some reason. I didn't think short stories were read much. I never read short stories, or at least very rarely.

>> No.12834775


They are read, but far less than novels. But you can make a name for yourself writing short stories, especially if they are a little bit larger than the average short story.

Alice Munro is an example of a very read and respected long short story writer. Also, Borges became world famous because of short stories (in his case they are very short indeed).

Chekhov wrote in a different time, a time when people consumed literary magazines far more than now. Yet if you take the complete canvas he created using the short story you will see he had as vast a vision as Tolstoy or Balzac.

>> No.12835135


>> No.12835163

imho nothings beats european literature of the years 1920-1930. I'm thinking of French/German/Russian works and have yet to read Ulysses, dunno if Joyce fits in this exceptional category

>> No.12835165

Give some titles and authors, if you don't mind

>> No.12835547


>> No.12835951

20th century austrians/germans
19th century russians

Musil and Proust come to my mind

>> No.12836008

Ageev, Guilloux (Blood Dark), Doblin, Pierre Jean Jouve, Odon von Horvath