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/lit/ - Literature

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12832243 No.12832243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How goes the literary lifestyle, /lit/?

>> No.12832267

>eternal financial struggles
>a bunch of shady business and fear of cops
>intermittent frenzies of activity or long periods of isolation; sometimes constant connections with other people and sometimes complete social isolation for months at a time
>increasing levels of insanity and mental illness that i'm happily encouraging
>reading and writing daily
>doing weird shit just for the sake of having done it, increased tolerance for needless risk
>look good doing it, too
Going well. I won't live past fifty.

>> No.12832288

Don't forget the unfinished masterpiece that will only be discovered after your inevitable suicide

>> No.12832360

True, man, true

>> No.12832369

>bought a bunch of books for a dollar each
>Random genre shit. The Sentinal, Asimov stories, Star Trek novelizations, others
>Planned to read through a lot of them today and tomorrow
>have only finished half of the Sentinel, spent most of the day playing with my dog, lying on the floor, and browsing this snail-paced board
>gonna pound two Steel Reserves and write some bullshit
>back to work on Wednesday at a job I despise

pretty normal for me these days

>> No.12832370

I use this board heavily about once a year for a period of 3-4 months, and it always coincides with my returning to writing. Writing fiction, parables, that’s all I want to do at the moment and it makes me hate my required work.

>> No.12832371

I keep blacking out and getting in fights with homeless people

>> No.12832372

a friend is going through a rap phase, and he's opening for some local artist at local joint and invited me, but its not even free tickets. I told him im probably not going because I dont wanna pay, but this is probably where the relationship ends. Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12832395

New York or Chicago? How've you not been stabbed with a broken beer bottle?

>> No.12832401

He is, for thinking that you're financially obligated to support what will most likely be a fleeting, insubstantial interest. If you've stated a disinterest in Rap before, he has no right suggest his particular and inexperienced brand would interest you.

>> No.12832402

Portland Just lucky I guess.

>> No.12832404

Not me, but I would have written the same response. Not a bad way to live, now is it?

>> No.12832409

My brother. I, too, engage in fights with hobos, but I don't even have the excuse of being drunk at the time. There's a certain busroute I can't ride anymore because I'll probably get shanked.

>> No.12832416

Ah, well all the same, be careful, anon. I don't know too much about Portland but homeless people literally have nothing to lose, and a nice stint in jail with free food and a bed for stabbing an anon would be Christmas for them.

>> No.12832450

>wake up at noon
>write what I dreamt of
>eat vegan veggie brekkie
>swagger over to the park
>feed some ducks and read for a while
>swagger back home
>write a little bit
>watch a film from the 70s
Life is good

>> No.12832456

Pretty scared. No one out there to requite my desire to be heard. My memories are slowly rotting. The universe and everything in it, my whole family, the world as it'll never be known, dies with me.

>> No.12832460
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there's one writing project i want to finish, but all ive done this week is write completely unrelated material

>> No.12832477
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I've quit every drug except for the ones I really like.

>> No.12832496

>turbulent youth, estrangement from all blood relatives, various passionate friendships formed, several deaths
>three excruciating romantic failures that spanned 5, 3, and 3 years respectively, leading to a renunciation of the pursuit altogether
>lose everything - and I mean everything - in a fire
>live for several years as a homeless wanderer, grinding away at menial jobs to pay off a tragicomic medical debt (my boy died anyway)
>after all that, suddenly receive a modest inheritance
>settle down to live with one of my wealthy friends in a cordial bachelor's arrangement
>like a man dying of thirst drinks water, return to reading

I'd like to have a literary lifestyle, but I'm a badly-written character in a telenovela of some sort

>> No.12832508
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>haven't read anything
>though i used to be a huge reader, i spent 2 months withouth reading anything
>i get tired after 5 minutes
>i have to re-read because i can't retain it

>> No.12832527

Feels are getting me

>> No.12832700

cant focu s

>> No.12832704


>> No.12832710

I'll get a job this year. I'm planning on it.

>> No.12832732

I've decided to self-publish a 300-400 page book on the life of a militant tranny

>> No.12832742
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>wow, thank goddess for anons with the discipline to complete their writing projects

>> No.12832789

best of luck

>> No.12832797

Do you guys leave time between projects? Any time I finish a short story I can't manage to get anything worthwhile down for a week after.

>> No.12832803
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i'm writing a book about how to imprison women on a budget and i'm wondering if the female characters are too one dimensional

>> No.12832830
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hard to write with all these dank feets in my face

>> No.12832877

>Go to Mind numbing work
>Graveyard shift
>Browse jewtube and 4chan the entire time during work
>Go to gym
>return home @7am
>Read/browse 4chan till 9
>Wake up
Life is an endless cycle of boring tasks, everyday I tell myself i'll write something only to disappoint myself again and again.

>> No.12833355

>meet 16yo eastern european qt online
>she teaches me russian
>we fall in love
>I fly to her country and meet her everyday
>constantly hide from her rich corrupt politician dad
>on her 18th birthday we fly together to my country and marry
>evil father-in-law finds us
>move to another country
>spend our days reading poetry to each other in our respective language

going well desu

>> No.12833361

The say what now?

>> No.12833382

care to share any of the weird shit stories?

>> No.12833389


>> No.12833694

>not living the literary lifestyle
Never gonna make it.

>> No.12833725


>> No.12833767

Unironically losing touch with reality

>> No.12833825

>work full-time from home
>working and sleeping in the back bedroom of a family member's bungalow I'm renting
>finish work at 5:30 and cycle around
>go up to a scenic vantage point and smoke for a while
>return home when it gets dark and read until midnight
>cringe every time I remember the short story I've had published which reads like the wailing of a deluded, butthurt incel
>cringe and feel immense guilt when I realize I can never publish anything of note without people learning about my past and disliking me
>trying to force myself to settle for a life where all I do is work, read, smoke and travel occasionally
>not sure if I can do it because I love writing so much

>> No.12833831

If he was truly your friend, he would have given you free tickets. No exception.

>> No.12833854

>doing a phd in philosophy
>no community of philosophers
>deep depression
>haven't produced anything of worth
>coursework feels more like job training than philosophy


>> No.12833857

Don't know why people do it in 2019. Assuming you're in the US or UK, you must be paying a ton of money for an out-of-date subject at a time when the academia bubble is about to burst.

>> No.12833877


i am not paying a single cent for my phd, and earn a salary from it. i also have a part time job that pays me a pretty good amount of money. all in all, i make about $60k a year.

>> No.12834501

actually and honestly how the fuck are you doing this?

To ask a few questions for advice: Are you in an anglo country? Did you go straight to PhD from undergrad? Was your GPA good? Did you have a good relationship with some professors?

Your material position sounds like a dream come true for me

>> No.12834508
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My boss and my boss’ boss are out of the office today. So I’m slacking and reading

>> No.12834515

haven't wrote a single line in over 3 months.

when i go back to my unfinished works they are just unfixable edgy shit

i started reading a book after a year long dry

not everything is lost

>> No.12834524

If you're doing a PhD why is there, "no community of philosophers?" That's literally the only reason to do a PhD.

>> No.12834659
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>Wake up at 6am, get coffee, write till 7:30
>shit shower shine shave, go to work
> do an hoursworth of work
>9 am close door to office, start writing, write till 11-12
>eat lunch
>grab clipboard and walk through office asking colleagues random questions that make them think I’m working
> go back to office, write till 5
>drive home play PUBG for a few matches
>write until 8, eat, poop, caffeine
>write till 10-11:30
>send queries to a few literary agents
>sleep until 6am

Pic: writers group every third Wednesday

>> No.12834685
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>steel reserve

>> No.12834695

>room with no windows
>scorching office lighting
>burger king
>plastic plates and forks
>anthony fantano
so what they say about america is true

>> No.12834715

what topic is your phd on?

>> No.12834743

> Are you in an anglo country?
> Did you go straight to PhD from undergrad?
I got a master's degree in between.
> Was your GPA good?
Fairly good. Wish I had done an honor's thesis.
> Did you have a good relationship with some professors?
For undergrad? Yes, very good. Master's? Kind of. One was an elitist favoritist prick, another sabotaged my thesis because he thought I was sleeping with another student whom he had a crush on (I was) and the third was a lovely Kant scholar.

>If you're doing a PhD why is there, "no community of philosophers?" That's literally the only reason to do a PhD.

Many reasons. The department honestly just does not give a flying fuck when it comes to organizing things like colloquia or presentations. We maybe have like 3 a semester, and mostly they seem to be designed to draw in undergrad students. This is at a fucking self-designated **research university** as well. My Master's degree was in the middle of fucking nowhere Canada and we had weekly colloquia from traveling speakers, weekly paper presentations from faculty members, and other presentations all the time.

The other two aspects that disintegrate the community are 1) the students and 2) "pluralism". The students here are generally very uninteresting, and are only really interested in social justice bitching. Re: pluralism, the department prides itself on being pluralistic, which really ultimately just means that they have no identity. The department is more of an archipelago of islands than any cohesive unit. Why would anyone get together to discuss if you have nothing in common, and you just want to go home and work in silence anyways?

>> No.12834745

I feel a lot more on track with my life than ever before. I’m working, going to school, reading every day, seeing an amazing girl. Reading has helped me rediscover how much I love learning shit and it’s really turned things around from a dark place for me. Someday, I want to herd bison and write children’s books. I have an idea for one called ‘My Imaginary Friend has a Fever’ about global warming and dealing with denial from previous generations. Probably a pipe dream but it’s keeps me moving.

>> No.12834749


derrida, ecodeconstruction, and ecology

>> No.12834764

>doing theoretical physics PhD
>research is going fine, first authoring multiple papers, but I just don't care about it
>one advisor hates me, the other loves me so my days are either great or awful
>only enjoy myself when I'm at home writing and don't have to think about the dread of going back to the office
>starting to realise how dishonest academia is
>written short stories and poems, but no idea how to publish anything
It fucking sucks, I honestly just want to check out of civilisation and go live in the woods away from it all

>> No.12834770

I go through phases of reading a lot and reading very little. Either I’m sober and read a lot or I get new cartridges for the vape pen and get high immediately after work and play video games. Been playing RE2 and apex with my boys.
I have been slowly reading lord of light during my lunch break

>> No.12834816

Ahem..To quote the amazing legendary Dave Chappelle.. “I’m broke nigga, I’m broke”

>> No.12835222


One of my friends just finished his PhD in theoretical physics and managed to get his dream job in the country he's always wanted to live in because he didn't want to work for the "Department of Defense" or design weapons.

Don't give up. Most countries are willing to bend over backwards to welcome immigrants with PhDs in your field, so finishing it will help you in your quest to abandon society and live in the woods.

>> No.12835271

Got talking with a friend of the opposite sex about books and authors we both like, and now I'm not single anymore.
Read your classics, kiddos

>> No.12835286

Is he white?
If so he is wrong for cultural appropriation.

Alternately, he’s wrong for not being white.

>> No.12835314
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I made the switch in Fall 2017 from writing prose--short stories and novels--to writing poetry. It's gone really well so far; I've gotten five poems published since then, and I've begun to work on a cycle of long poems that will, hopefully, form a massive epic cycle that tells a huge story, a story I've had in mind since I was in high school. I've had this story in my mind for years, but I think I'm finally ready to tell it.

In "lifestyle" news, I've been requesting more student loans from the government than I need for my master's degree, and I've been using the subsequently enormous refunds to pay off my substantial credit card debt. This, of course, means that as my credit card debt goes down my student loan debt goes up. Once I have my MA it's all going to come due. I am debating, once I have my degree, whether or not to pull a Lord Byron and flee the country to stiff my creditors.

>> No.12835360
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I’m jealous of you. I just want a fit but bookish-gf to read classics and train for a marathon with

>> No.12835603


>> No.12835716

you described my life, except that I'm not a writer but an artist

>> No.12836043

Hey man. You do that other work so you can be independent and spend your remaining time however you please. Just like you need to eat and sleep you need to provide for yourself. You have to spend a lot of time working, sure, but you also get tons of time to do anything else. Not everything you do needs to be for fun to be good. Try to love the balance and just do the best you can out there. I hope you keep up the creative work! If you feel like you are spending to much energy waging it up, dedicate some free time to exploring alternate sources of revenue that take less effort. You might have to give up some money, but it could be the best decision you ever made.

>> No.12837242

Literally every book worth reading, fiction and non-fiction, is either depressing or makes me realize that everything is meaningless. No one told me that reading would make me want to kill myself.

>> No.12837259


Sometimes just read challenging things, that will take your mind off the ‘existential’ or ‘political’ affairs of life. It’s not so bad focusing on particular material aspects sometimes, just don’t forget to revisit those things every now and then.

What you’re doing is staring into the ‘Nietzschean’ abyss. No wonder the psyches of so many here are damaged. Just focus on grinding your logic or mathematics or whatever and worry about the big things later

>> No.12837264

And I’m :3, not that it really matters for that post

>> No.12837275

based, i can identify

>> No.12837315

>be a young professional somewhat skilled in financial matters
>hate what I do but need to do it because I'm good at it
>see the depths of the corporate world first hand
>see acts of corruption between companies and elected officials, judges, police, all done as naturally as breathing
>have no one to talk about it
>have no one to talk about anything
>torn between hating having no money and not wanting to be rich doing what they do
>fingers write only journal entries and finance reports

>> No.12837383

I'm interested. What books have you been reading that make you feel this way?

>> No.12837692

>graduated from uni last year
>shipping out to boot camp in three months so I can get that sweet GI Bill to pay for my masters
>working at a liquor store
>living with my parents
>working out 5-6 days a week
>reading for about 2-3 hours a day
>attempting to write whatever comes to mind for 1-2 hours a day
>drinking a lot of coffee and tea
>recently started drinking more booze

You tell me.

>> No.12837900

>shipping out to boot camp
Rip. Life in the military sounds like literal hell on earth to me. Some people love it though.
>to pay for my masters
Better than military, but not getting paid. Are you going for PhD or something?

>> No.12837917

come to oly and beat up our hobos

>> No.12838040

Nah, I'm looking at different master's programs ranging from economics to general liberal arts. I might stay in and try to commission depending on how the military is, or I'll probably try to be a firefighter or something. Also, so long as you don't join the Marines or Army one should do okay.

>> No.12838181

Yeah you will be alright, it just doesn't seem worth it to me personally. Econ is a based degree though, that's what I got.

>> No.12838201 [DELETED] 

>depending on how the military is

>> No.12838346

Thanks anon, you've inspired me today

>> No.12838367

It's going alright. I'm working on an undergrad in philosophy and realized recently I'm in no way smart enough to go to grad school. That was sad, but also freed me up to be less stressed, and enjoy myself a little more. I finally started reading for fun again, and do ~35 pages of phil. and 50 pages of fiction a day, between surfin the web and watching movies. Pretty comfy.

>> No.12838533


>> No.12838540

most underrated post in the thread

>> No.12838566
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Time has a wonderful way of turning tragedy into comedy. To endure that kind of suffering and remain unbroken means you really love something in this life anon, I hope you find more of that in days ahead.

>> No.12838594
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Thank you, kind anons.
>tfw determined to overcome the tragedy genre

>> No.12838633

How does one live the literary life in 2019? I want to connect with a circle of intellectuals, to discuss philosophy and such like they did in coffee shops in the old days, but I've got no idea where to find people like that nowdays. The only place I can have a decent conversation is on /lit/ and you guys are bunch of retards.

>> No.12838660
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For mans sake this thread is depressing, shall we lighten the mood friends?

>> No.12838934

I love you too Anon

>> No.12839065

>Got a sick scholarship that covers the year and includes paying for the masters, solely because I'm an ethnic minority
>Started doing more volunteer work to help struggling undergrads and highschool students because I feel guilty over the scholarship
>Made a lot of friends and people think I'm a nice person when I explain this logic
>Still kinda feel guilty but getting used to be rewarded for working hard
>Still high off my first publication that didn't seem to stir up too much interest but my supervisor is super proud of
>Been invited to lead a workshop on my field of science that will help young minds getting ready for tertiary education
>Lots of people want me to help with things
>Just want to read

Worst thing is, I have plenty of spare time to read in, but I'm just too abuzz with all the excitement to slow down and pick up a book. Had my first day off a few days ago, all I ended up doing was jamming vidya and watching old bond films.

>> No.12839086

wake up at 7.30am
read for one hour whilst commuting to work
toil till 5.30pm
read for one hour whilst commuting back home
after work drinks with mates or just head straight back home
watch YouTube or some counter strike
make dinner
watch a movie

>> No.12839142
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>wake up at 6 am
>go to school because i'm a teacher
>giving a philosophy lesson
>kid asks me why he should care
>no answer
>go to the next class room
>give physics lesson
>every kid hates me because im a physics teacher aswell
>go home

>> No.12839153

>doing my baccalaureate in philosophy
>students are mostly plebs/midwits save for a few
>struggle to put the minimum amount of work in
>can't connect with anyone save for 1-2 people, both of which won't be present next semester
>likely to have financial issues in the future

>> No.12839166

extremely lonely. don't know how to interact with others so all i do is go home after work and read