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12831455 No.12831455 [Reply] [Original]

What is the meaning of life, /lit/?

>> No.12831466
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>> No.12831471
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>> No.12831478

>"What do colors sound like?"

That's what you just asked.

>> No.12831482

there's no externally imposed end-point you dumb faggot even if there was some sort of hedonistic epilogue in the form of an after-life waiting for you would you truly find that meaningful?

>> No.12831486
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The pursuit of a victory we will never achieve and inspite of hopeless odds.

An obligatory fuck jannies too

>> No.12831488


>> No.12831511

I've unironically come full circle after my esoteric/ metaphysics xd wanker phase and realised that material progress is the only worthwhile pursuit

>> No.12831519

What you make of it

The truth hurts some. Get well soon.


>> No.12831521

Meaning is imposed by the living. It does not exist beyond this. To imply that there could be some kind of preordained meaning outside of life that nevertheless imparts itself to it is nonsensical. You may as well ask, "why is there consciousness?"

>> No.12831530

perpetuating cycles
egaging in habits

>> No.12831543

what if "what I make of it" is "to rape and murder as many children as possible"
is that a valid meaning

>> No.12831547
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You poor soul

>> No.12831550


>> No.12831569
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To me it is to let go of life altogether. Banish the spooks and ride the beast into the sunset of eternity's oblivion like a based, unique chadthagata.

>> No.12831598
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Dangerously enough, it’s what you want to do. A free people will hunt you down though.
A deterministic people will treat you for your antisocial behavior and work to not turn out anymore of these sorts
Such is life, anon.

>> No.12831605

Getting your dick rode all fucking night

>> No.12831615

Experiencing the beauty of God through love for eternity. Meaning has non meaning without this concept.

>> No.12831625

Based and Bluepilled

>> No.12831631

>y’ll aint nothin without MY personal savior, Jesus
Arrogance as big as all outdoors. Wish you’d shut up with your magic elf shit

>> No.12831651

based lesbian

>> No.12831695

I think you misread, friend.
He clearly asked "what is the meaning of life".

>> No.12831709

Imagine still being that resentful about your religious upbringing, decades later.

>> No.12831717

>The truth hurts.

I was out for a walk the other night. It occured to me that many people are proud of staying steadfast to painful truths despite more hopeful variants existing. They do not want to count themselves among those who sheepishly retreat into fantasy.

The mountains forming the valley hereabouts are covered in dozens of horizontal white stripes, where the last of winter's snow clings to the little furrows. Geologists have concluded that each line represents an ancient lakeshore, whose waters once covered the valley. The lake would fill, blocked by a natural ice dam, over the course of several centuries, then crest the ice dam causing it to break. A catastrophic flood would ensue, in which the entire lake spilled out into the surrounding country in mere hours, destroying all animal and plant life in its path. It did this perhaps 17 times over the course of many thousands of years.

So, 17 times, everything would regrow, forests would thicken and life would stabilize. Then in a matter of hours, this centuries-old ecosystem would be obliterated. Then a new one would emerge, and so on.

With this example in mind, you can see how perfectly ambiguous the question of the world is. For centuries the world is a hospitable place to life, and at somewhat random intervals, it is a hopeless sea of death.

In a similar way, the world often appears to nurture the human desire for meaning, providing it with ideas, language, everyday cultural settings providing a framework for coherent activity, and all sorts of poignant emotions which seem to suggest, when we feel them, that something matters, not to mention a physical earth generally quite capable of sustaining human life.

And then, at unpredictable intervals, it seems to destroy the possibility of meaning, whether by erupting at Vesuvius, by Alaric sacking Rome, or by some cosmological flourish (the fate of the earth, the expansion of the universe ad infinitum, the end of humanity)-- death by nature, death by culture, death by ideas.

What we have then is a world which, like our ancient lake, seems to simultaneously signifiy the possibility of meaning and its absurdity.

Why then, is it typical to assume the latter is real and the former a flight into fantasy? Perhaps more importantly, why is it painful for us to recognize meaning does not exist? Where does this universal desire for purpose (or for that matter, truth) come from?

And why are we immediately inclined to enoble the acceptance of "painful truth"? That is, why do so many people nowadays, before they ever turned up a stone, feel totally convinced reality is in some sense hopeless, and its truth therefore painful?

>> No.12831729

how the fuck am I supposed to know nigger?

>> No.12831733
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To love and be loved. Nothing else matters.

>> No.12831749

there is no meaning of life

>> No.12831761

To prevent the heat death of the universe

>> No.12831781

fuck the universe

>> No.12831800

i find the heat death of the universe to be absolutely terrifying.

>> No.12831866


a)The Individual and advancement for one self and your future selfs (ie 1)you in the future, 2)your children 3)your ideas and impact on the world)

b) seeking ovjective truth and perfection through endless boudry pushing effort and traumatization aimed at destroying weakness and passivity in one self.

>> No.12831875

Isaac Asimov The Last Question
Maybe it'll relax you.

>> No.12831884

Best Scifi asmr on the civilization at the end of time

>> No.12831890

By the kinda girl who knows how to keep her shit tight?

>> No.12831902
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>I was out for a walk the other night.
In all likelihood humanity will extinguish itself soon, though I hold out hopes we can move on to the next stage. The pain of the truth(iness) does not keep me from running in and out of fantasy.

>why is it painful for us to recognize meaning does not exist? Where does this universal desire for purpose (or for that matter, truth) come from?
I don't know, but it gets annoying and mucks up real life.

>And why are we immediately inclined to enoble the acceptance of "painful truth"?
I'm not pained, nor am I trying to ennoble it

>> No.12831918

I'd say the best answer is that the meaning of life is to find peace, happyness is too abstract for someone to pursue without losing something or everything, peace, however, is something you can find today, and it's something that makes your life seem more like a walk in the park.
People tend to overanalyze the cycle of life, you will die, so make your life worthy and try to enjoy it, if enjoying it is not possible, then try to live without pain, you'll eventually start to find beauty in the world

>> No.12831920

ur kinda cute

>> No.12831957
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All in Epicurus, not to sound like a broken record.

>> No.12831962

I think that most of us are born into a post-enlightenment materialism and are inclined to declare anything immaterial (spirits, souls, divine being) as nonsense.

We are left trying to construct an idea of meaning out of atoms and bricks.

Many get lost in the historical narrative that accompanies the rise of science and post Enlightenment politics, and begin to see meaning (as well as good and evil) as referring to participation in the continuation of progress (evil is any barrier to that progress). Freedom of the mind, liberty of the individual, satisfaction and comfort of the body, and expansion of justice thus become the objects of life.

None of these, of course, are made from atoms or bricks, a very interesting fact.

>> No.12831968

This post gave me hope.

>> No.12831975

where can i find a skull to use as a paperweight? i'm not allowed to go near graveyards any more.

>> No.12831977

reproduction and death

>> No.12831989

Acrobat, balance-pole-handler, depth-watcher. I know you well.

>> No.12832011

>We are left trying to construct an idea of meaning out of atoms and bricks.
But Epicurus and the Greeks of this line of thought already tackled all this

>None of these, of course, are made from atoms or bricks, a very interesting fact.
Except for the fact that we're all born into this material "brick" house, very much "brick" people, so no.

>> No.12832022

Capital is the machine which processes desire.
Capital operates the whole world.
Capital is the soul of the universe.
Capital is the bottom of your heart.
Capital transcends surrealism and realism.
Capital is inherent in every self.
Capital is inherent in every structure.
Capital is inherent in every system.
Capital is decadent and may cause self-collapse.
Capital vacumeir alles
Capital plays with all elements
The Messenger of fear
The Child of darkness and confusion
The King of infinite decomposition
Capital absodivides the WORLD

>> No.12832026

I'm not well-informed, are you saying that Epicurus teaches what i said about life? What i know of him is that he was a hedonist(or at least thought a bit like one), and peace can be a central point of it, but peace in itself does not eliminate suffering, pain, or sadness, it can, however, help us accept that these things are part of life, and if we want to see with unclouded eyes, they must become part of us as well.
I will read more of him when i have the time, thanks for the recommendation

>> No.12832040

I suppose it depends on the person. I'd say Just Be Yourself

>> No.12832052

Pretty much. The Epicurean approach is called negative-hedonism

Here's a nice video that goes into.

>> No.12832057

To honor the Undying Gods. That and
to kill your enemies.

>> No.12832088

The intellectual love of god.

>> No.12832105

To be happy, i. e., to do as man does: to think, as than of man is to think.

>> No.12832111

Thanks fren

>> No.12832161
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to live and die with dignity

>> No.12832269 [DELETED] 

I want to smell your braps butterfly!!

>> No.12832280

>But Epicurus and the Greeks of this line of thought already tackled all this
Oh weird I guess 20th century existentialism is totally superflous then.

>...so no.
Great argument. You're just full of insight.

>> No.12832283

How do I find a mary sue gf like in my fanfics?
Long, messy hair, likes to be barefoot, good with knives and stuff, emotional, slightly chubby, excitable, clumsy, stuff like that.
Do people like this exist?

>> No.12832314

To have children. Any other answer is pretentious

>> No.12832837

i don't want children. why would i? i don't even want to be in a relationship.

>> No.12833058


>> No.12833062

You not accepting or not being satisfied with the answer is irrelevant

>> No.12833064


>> No.12833066
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Why it's the same thing as the universe, it's all duality, the universe was birthed, and it will in its do time, die, although we don't know what comes after its death, we do know, all that takes shape, will return into the chaos of the unthinkable,
the meaning of life is simple, return to nothingness, do not tamper with life, live, and die, do not break the laws the universe has, for its all we can be sure of, as such we must follow its example.

>> No.12833094

To dream.

>> No.12833098

Thanks, Yui.

>> No.12833107
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>> No.12833117


Ridiculous. This is, apparently, the only life you will ever live. Please be serious about it.

>> No.12833148

I don't know about the other anon, but i'm very serious, do whatever else, that's another debate, but I think the debate of the meaning of life comes down to ensuring that you die, ensuring that you don't go out of line of what the universe dictates what is and isn't.

>> No.12833158

The thing greater than ourselves is of course, our children.

>> No.12833179

The point of life is to not break unbreakable physical laws and to die? Surely you cant mean this. Can you explain what you have in mind regarding "out of line of what the universe dictates"?

>> No.12833500

I understood that reference

>> No.12833889

the meaning of life is to in all seriousness develop the technology that would make us immortal.
To be the apex predator of the universe is the obvious goal.

>> No.12833898

and thats how we got in our shit situation today

>> No.12834347

People try and avoid death, eventually someone might find a way to completely be gone with it, and the laws of physics, sometimes change, under circumstances, we can change laws of physics, but we should not tamper with what makes up the entirety of existence, I think life is complicated and you can't just put it within one ancient chinese tribe flute crafting website to truly explain it, but I think one meaning of life, or if we ought to progress is one debate we should have now.

also this guy is gay

>> No.12834355
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It's only shit because people view socially destructive things as fun, instead of valuing close friendship, arts, and family like Yui. Be more like Yui and everything will be daijobu.

>> No.12834377

This is garbage.

>> No.12834639

There is non and there never was. Life is just pushing forward until it’s end and you have to acknowledge that fact then live until you're done

>> No.12834651

In other words, "yes".

>> No.12835095

Unless you have the powers of the Schizoid, there is no way to know if there is inherent meaning or purpose in life. We can speculate all we want, we can deny it in light of our skepticism of the divine, or affirm it in our belief of the divine, but there is no easy way for us to get an answer. So, we can create our own, in the vain hope that this is a truth, or accept the meaning of others. No one in this thread knows, and that is a fact. No anon or trip has any authority on what you believe in respect to this question, OP, so perhaps you better decide for yourself instead of asking important questions for the sake of groundless answers.

>> No.12835107

prove it wrong :)

>> No.12835111

Domination over others

>> No.12835262

Life is life. All meaning is derived from life, the question is "what is the meaning of X to a life?"

>> No.12835263

Your meaning is to reproduce and pass on your selfish immortal genes, but if the life of genes have any meaning at all is pure speculation, Nietzsche threw a huge speculative turd about it and all the edgy fags now love him, so since objectively speaking theres nothing to hold onto choose what you like as your meaning unironically instagram thots were right all along

>> No.12835273

Being yourself, disregard all other gay and fake pseud opinions itt

>> No.12835276

I should add, it doesn't matter what you choose because you will die anyway you wont have enough time to do anything meaningful and maybe that's a good thing

>> No.12835478

The meaning of life is to give life meaning. The Buddha figured this out 2500 years ago, where were all of you?

>> No.12835885

Comprehending this concept should be the requirement for being allowed to post on this board

>> No.12835892

based and redpilled

>> No.12835928

I think he wanted the groundless answers because he just wanted to set people's wheels spinning, i.e. to troll.

>> No.12835945

>No one in this thread knows, and that is a fact.
I unironically do
Drop me an email and I'll send you a free copy of my book once I've published it

>> No.12835981

If one wants to rape and murder he leaves himself open to retribution. I would let them string you up.

>> No.12836010

Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

>> No.12836028

>laws of physics, sometimes change, under circumstances, we can change laws of physics

This is not true at all. And nobody is going to cure death.

>> No.12836140

To achieve self-realization.

>> No.12836155

Define self-realization.

>> No.12836251

based and yuipilled. thank you anon.

>> No.12836253

Develope a subjective purpose within the context of your own life. Achieve that, for most people this will mean making themselves and their tribe happy, passing down their genetic information, and pushing the limits of their own intellect and capabilities. If this is disatisfying to hear you need to re-examine your understanding of your life.

>> No.12836266

He means that he asked a just as much nonsensical question.

>> No.12836281
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The search for the purposeful meaning of life stems from the armoring of the human organism, which blots out the living function and replaces it with rigid formulas of life. Unarmored life does not look for a meaning or purpose for its existence, for the simple reason that it functions spontaneously, meaningfully, and purposefully, without the command "Thou shalt."

>> No.12836282
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thanks anon

>> No.12836304

You best be talking about adoption.

>> No.12836326

To grow and experience life
Die and return to God

>> No.12836503

you will return to it some time in the future.

>> No.12836509

>I failed the IQ test, guys

>> No.12836529

Reducing boredom in the universe.

>> No.12836541

the purpose of life is proposing the question "what is the purpose of life"

>> No.12836551
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First of all don’t worry about death. It will come but when it does you won’t care. Death after all is the only fact in your life that is 100% certain so as you don’t think all the time that 2+2=4 do same thing with death. 2nd of Pursue something that you find important untill the only fact gets you. That’s all

>> No.12836568

why does god have to be omnipotent to be god ? what if god is merely omnipresent ?

>> No.12836578


>> No.12836585

It doesn't matter whether you punctuate it or use a capital letter, single-word posts with no attached image are a certain sign of room temperature IQ.

>> No.12836620


>> No.12836651
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To return to one's eternal form; to become the arrow which finds its quiver in the flight of stillness; to wander in the ruins of the war with Fate and find the trail of a new thread.

>> No.12836659

what is worth pursuing ?

>> No.12836667

my house is 145 fahrenheit sucka

>> No.12836686

Depends on what you want. It might be nothing and u may simply be there untill u die and then say goodbye. Although for me is to accumulate inside my head as much knowledge as possible.

>> No.12836807


>> No.12837693

Become five years old

I was talking about in general. Yes, I wanted to adopt or whatever with a partner when I grew up. It never happened, so I adopted the world.

>> No.12837783
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Life is meaningless, save what you choose to impose. So impose whatever you like. You are, after all, the master of your own destiny.

Nothing lasts forever. And with strange aeons even death may die.

>> No.12837804

You’re obviously referring to children coming out of your vagine


>> No.12837868

The start of the universe itself - not the big bang but the fact "things" came into "being" - is already perplexing as fuck

>> No.12837894

Good. Natalism is revolting.

>> No.12838020

How old are you?

>> No.12838105

Do decide whether to kill one's self.

I've never been suicidal in my life, but for years this has stuck around in my head as the sort of "ultimate" sublimated question that undergrids every action, motivation, moment in one's life, whether conscious or not. Every moment to the next is a question of whether one should continue or stop existing. Hopefully, none of us ever have to consciously face this question, but it's always there, and every action brings us closer or further away from this final question.

>> No.12838112


To decide to kill one's self*, obviously.

>> No.12838120

matt zapalski

>> No.12838139



>> No.12838151


>> No.12838185

ehehahaha very deep bro

>> No.12838444

Whatever you want, you're free

>> No.12838460

That's a goal, not the meaning or purpose of your life.

I guess the meaning to your existence is to be an edgy retard.

>> No.12838469
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Shut up, I'm a supreme super important main character, everything revolves around me and if I can't sense it or imagine it, it doesn't exist. I'm a part of the web of consciousness of God but also the most important one because I'm aware only of my own feelings, all you other losers are just NPCs in my way.

>> No.12838471

What comes first for organic life on earth? Pursuit of reproduction or pursuit of energy?

>> No.12838474

Outdoors isn't big though, since it can't be measured nor does it have any exterior points, it's like saying there's a lot of coldness in the air, it doesn't really work that way.

>> No.12838482

to open a transcendental gap in reality and put your dick in it

>> No.12838507

>implying you can't hear colors
>what is synesthesia

>> No.12838509


>> No.12838513

To understand that I am Brahman.

>> No.12838514

Isnt reproduction just a trick to have morr molecules harvesting more energy?

>> No.12838521

Become five years old

>> No.12838522

But my favorite collection of molecules.

>> No.12838542

It's a bit disconcerting to come back here after 5 years and then to find that you're still here.

>> No.12838551
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To spread genes. Antinatalists, nihilists, and sexual deviants propagate unsustainable ideology. Meanwhile my descendents will be found huddled next to black holes at the Heat Death. Be fruitful and multiply brothers.

>> No.12838562

Cringe and gene pilled

>> No.12838580
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>> No.12838607

Hey... I think we’re good. You finally shook me off.

So... 36?

>> No.12838618

Do you need a link to the FAQ?

>> No.12838622

Butterfly I know we are joking around but I’m seriously sad ;_;

If you are 47 fine but can you please just tell me you were off by a bit

>> No.12838642
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>> No.12838664

How does it feel that my mongoloid seed will outlive your puny legacy, you regressive memer?

>> No.12838681

Couldnt care less

>> No.12838687
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>> No.12838807

Thank you for the resources, dead-end

>> No.12839973

From what I gather, it seems to be to just make up something for yourself. I guess that's what all philosophy boils down to: making the most appealing sounding shtick. Some try to subvert this by trying to establish some base truth or fundamental but it all amounts to the same thing essentially.

I have no purpose. No matter what I've read or heard I see no purpose or use in living. I wish there was some meaning for life. I wish there was a living god. Some definite sense in this ocean of ironic absurdity...

I'm pretty much just waiting for a convenient time to take my own life. A time where I can stave off enough of the fear from hurting my parents.

>> No.12840034

Biologically it's to produce offspring, outside of that there is no meaning by default which is why if you want one you have to create meaning. Personally I consider all art as the meaning of life, considering how important art is to human beings: poetry and verse is the origin of all ancient religious texts, religious iconography (painting), rituals (performance art), hymns and religious song (music), movies are just theater being filmed, drawing and painting is the attempt to capture the world around us, etc. one can argue that to create is the highest ideal, considering some believe in intelligent design, the highest deity of all pantheons being the Creator, etc.

>> No.12840051

just enjoy yourself. :)

>> No.12840059
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>> No.12840070

>tfw daoist
>got daoism

>> No.12840232

to be able to reproduce

>> No.12840242
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>What is the meaning of life, /lit/?
The meaning of life is the period between birth and death. Is everyone in this thread fucking retarded?

>> No.12840267

To come to terms with yourself and your actions. To raise responsible and independent children. Everything else is noise.

>> No.12840271

Thanks Satan

>> No.12840302


>> No.12840305

we're the universe experiencing itself

>> No.12840309

>nobody even considers building family
>literally the option chosen by your forefathers for millenia past
Literal teenage trash

>> No.12840312

Is that your age? I am a little happier then

>> No.12840315


>> No.12840325

You're supposed to create your own meaning I think

>> No.12840397

so is literally everything else

>> No.12840690

This question doesn't make sense, its just that our species is too smart for its own good.

>> No.12840705
File: 60 KB, 617x347, 9DF656F4-98D9-43D7-A133-5A0AF3123297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to love and be loved

>> No.12840708

What life?

>> No.12840717

I don't know, there's so much to learn in order to develop a vision of the world you really understand, I suspect less than 1% of human being can do that before they die.

>> No.12840783

If meaning does not exist, how come i can understand what are you saying?

>> No.12840800


>> No.12840851

what does this question mean? what is meaning? is meaning the same as intelligibility? isn't intelligibility only possible through the use of language? what is language? isn't it a way of sharing attention and thus communicate with others? if meaning only exists in language, and language is a social phenomenon, then the meaning of life must be found within sociality, in pro-social pursuits.

>> No.12841757

itt tripfags once again prove themselves to be among the lowest IQ on /lit/
anyone who has not found God through skeptical, concentrated metaphysical inquiry and spiritual experience shall not speak on this topic

>> No.12841763

What other choice we got?

>> No.12841771

none, now move on to something else. dont be a french faggot and hover over existentialism forever. maybe pick up religion again if you want to give your life meaning, or have a kid. i dont care, just start living and stop being a faggot (he said as he typed some stupid shit 2 people will read before disapearing into the internet forever)

>> No.12841789

damn, forgot about that

the fucking universe is weird

>> No.12841863
File: 15 KB, 373x461, c2dd041207e3935bd19b1d6a21786fa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste too much time thinking yourself into knots about it, get out there and live a good life while you can.

>> No.12841871

Blut und Boden

>> No.12841995


>> No.12842155

People are meaning-finding animals, or meaning-making animals if you consider yourself an atheist. So the meaning-qua-purpose of life, aside from biological necessities such as securing fundamental needs and reproducing, is to root around for meaning like a truffle hog, to incorporate it into your worldview, and to pass it on to your progeny so that they may have a more complete and vibrant sense of the world.

By this process, meaning compounded by meaning across hundreds of generations, we have uncovered something approaching a foundational human goal: be Christ-like. Explore what that means. This is your task.

This is also true.

>> No.12842175

based and tribe-pilled

>> No.12842181
File: 166 KB, 1280x1324, 0c607835a115e83124b4afbf14c8559c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man was born for love and revolution.

>> No.12842198

Well it depends. If there really is some kind of Heaven or afterlife, then you're here I guess to earn "credits" for that afterlife.
But if we just blink out after we die, then life is just about maximizing whatever "experience" you prefer to have. In other words: find what you want to be, and find a way to be it (as others have said).
But the huge wrinkle is that we don't know what comes next, and there's apparently no way to find out.
>Good luck

>> No.12842248

This thread is basically proof that nobody knows for sure

>> No.12842321

There is no knowing for sure. Your comment adds nothing to the discussion.

>> No.12842363

>guy without an argument thinks someone with an argument is adding nothing

>> No.12842369

You're such a fucking retarded nigger

>> No.12842379

Pal, calm down, why do you suggest an afterlife?

>> No.12842446

You mean you imagined an experience which to you is real but in fact never happened

>> No.12842578

literally me

>> No.12842609

Overcoming struggle to develop intellectually.

>> No.12842689

His argument is flawed. See: relativity

>> No.12842737

if it happened to me then it did happen

>> No.12842915

let's hope it's this one, because I have literally nothing left after that fails

>> No.12842919

This but ironically.

>> No.12842954


>> No.12843012

The meaning of life is life itself. Like how a puppy's smile doesn't have an ultimate result of happiness, the happiness is derived from the smile itself. Same with life. Meaning and happiness and success in life are all derivative from life itself. So make the most out of your life. Enjoy the time you have here on Earth to fill your life with the experiences you want to have. Take your happiness and meaning not from some eventual after-event, but from living itself. Have a great day, anons.

>> No.12843425

Based retard

>> No.12843438

I know beyond reasonable doubt that life has no meaning or purpose
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

>> No.12843479

Dont call me or my son low IQ ever again.

>> No.12843491

You know that beyond all reasonable doubt? How so?
I would say the only thing we know at this point is nothing is certain.