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12831046 No.12831046 [Reply] [Original]

Poetry edition. Here’s one of mine.

The snowy mountain pass
Gravel underfoot
The cricket’s woeful song
Drowning in the bush

The fields of woven green
Golden bales of hay
The knotted hearts of oak
Smell of windy may

The salt spume on the coast
Crystal of the sea
The smooth rocks of the bay
Blue horizon free

>> No.12831065

I've traded actual love for book reading.

>> No.12831067
File: 104 KB, 768x526, 805ce320ff63c919de7c116a47c78398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Após labuta eu e você palreamos.
Refletem os findos raios no violáceo
da hortência que, no seu jardim, em ramos,
fomentam seu olhar, que é o bel-palácio.

Tilinta o som do aprazível encontro:
No pires, uma xícara é ajeitada.
Percorre o cheiro da torrada ao ponto.
Chá posto e eia: é a hora desejada!

Boa é a melancolia apropriada,
O mar de estrelas finda a jornada,
Agora alma anseia coisa mais digna.

Fulgura inda teus olhos. Logo, presto,
Guio-te ao canto escuro e, de Eros com o gesto...
Torna-se a lua voyeur da obra benigna.

>> No.12831181

Those are just words OP what does it convey??

>> No.12831217

I know her,
She loves me and I know her smell,
It's disgusting, she doesn't know.
She makes me breakfast, she massages my lobes.
I throw up and thank God that she doesn't know.
Why are girls so clingy, they just won't let go,
Could she be so dense that she doesn't even know.
I fuck other women so that she can know,
But the dumb whore is too dumb to even know.
I can just say it to her but what's the fun in that.
Everyone can say shut up you cunt.
So I did, so what now.

>> No.12831298


>> No.12831351

let us hope that the intellectual eros burgeons; a love to content you beyond want.

>> No.12831992

It’s a little piece about my country. I wrote it while in a patriotic mood

>> No.12832002
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I'm always conflicted between trying to educate myself, become fit, become a good artist and having a girlfriend/friends. All of those are hard and require more motivation that what I often have, and the lack of any of those makes me miserable

>> No.12832007

I want to dominate a dog in public

>> No.12832081

I made a pot of black bean soup
Creakity arms and backward stoop
Massacred onion and celery
To have rectified incorrect revelry
Demurred to olive oil inferno
And still froze in aesthetic eternal

>> No.12832093

do all of it for your enjoyment.
Don't pressure yourself.

>> No.12832128

this is nice

>> No.12832201

someone found the thesaurus

>> No.12832220

I like it

>> No.12832229

Lately I am taken by the bell curve
Three tics from the crux makes almost all.
The top of a tower that, when filled,
Is almost the entirety of man’s choices,
Actions, lives, thoughts, feelings.
Three standard deviations either direction leaves
A portion small enough so that it just as well could be ignored.
Only zero-point-three percent of the beaker
Divides and divides to infinity to form a perfect one hundred.

>> No.12832247

Thank you

>> No.12832257

I wish I was someone else. Living somewhere else. With a different history. And a different family. Anything. Just hit the random button on character creation. Anything

>> No.12832580

Would you believe
a kid like me
was the boss.
A kid?
Would you believe
the things they give
to decide
a kid.
I may strike you
as a punk,
this golden funk
will fade.
But I’ve been hiding
all the deciding
all the deciding
they gave.

I’ve been hiding the weight.

In this town
this golden town,
this blessed town,
I raze.
Would you believe
a kid like me
a kid like me
carried weight?

Would you believe
the lives
that stain my hand?
Would you believe
these realities
leaping land to land?
And this tension,
this apprehension,
I must navigate.
Would you believe
a kid like me
a kid like me
carried weight?

>> No.12832650

Part of a long poem I'm working on. It's goes back and forth like the Nut Brown Maid.


I cheated
So what?
Does that make me evil?
I did it cause i love you.
I just don't like to feel you.
Men want to fuck women cause they're horny
Not cause they love
And I love him too
Does that make me evil?


Mine Elizabeth, sweet Elizabeth
Thy father's dowry were for nought
But seven years hence have taken me apace
And I am left to rot.
I forgive your fickleness
And pray thine arms grace mine arms
One more May.

>> No.12832816

Ugly you, ugly me
Truly a fool you and me
My dog's drool, on the sweater I've left on the floor
I sense the air's as cool as the weather outside
Or room's too small, all in all I should be grateful
Thy try in writing: not tasteful
Dog wants to take a walk,barks strongly
Fog as white as chalk, park's lonely
No hurry lad, sour this verse is
My poetry is bad, yours worse

>> No.12832834

Oh play unto me
Thine song again
That sweet song that sounded
Like the sounds of a songbird singing solemnly to her
Sons and others
Doth not the bell chime
At the hour the cat durst climb
The walk to the high abode?
Say that but a simple song
Had had the chance to move a frog
Like that

>> No.12833187

I will forever have an inferiority complex when it comes to Oxbridge

>> No.12833212

Felt a little edgy reading back over this desu
When last was I happy?
I don't know
When last was I sad?
I also don't know
I know only that I am
And that I will be
But what lies within?
I have long missed the feeling
Of contentment with life
Feelings are fleeting
Please let them stay
Friends are fleeting
Help if they may
Perhaps it is love I seek
Perhaps it is lust
But I seek something
In this I trust
Could I seek wealth?
Would avarice and greed
Grant me some purpose
Will I feel freed?
From the bonds of banality
And of a life wasted
Or will I still fall?
A forbidden fruit tasted
Should I strive for glory?
Fly close to the sun?
To plummet to earth
When melted wax runs?
Is happiness out there
At least for me?
Or have I been fooled
To search for eternity?

>> No.12833239

To thee thy unrelenting motion
Makes me see thee with covert interest
Ere me and my friends came upon the scraggy banks
Of Fort Aiden in the springtime gay and dreary
Oh let me live to make loce to a woman's corse body...

>> No.12833240

Opiates and
A fractured kneecap

Sofa is molting
A single light
from the cable box

It's never been this dark
That light has
Never been this bright

Village shaking.
Barrels and carts roll
Onto mothers and children,
Onto broken buildings,

My body rolls
Arms into back into sofa
Green. Light. Bright.

My mind,
Into broken mothers. Rolls
out my mouth

It's never been this dark.
It's never been this loud.

I decide not to sleep

>> No.12833248

Even after the report's been released every major media outlet is talking about Mueller nonstop, it never ends and none of it will matter... just SHUT THE FUCK UP I hate the media so much jesus christ

>> No.12833410

to the spider

eight spidery points
skittered all over the sink
trapped, tapping, trying at the basin
walls, and - quick! when I see you
you stitch neatly into spidery ball
and not a spidery shiver moves you
watch out, eight-legs
the plug hole yawns!

>> No.12833847

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.

>> No.12833850
File: 90 KB, 904x873, apollo_11_rendevous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good poems about the Moon?

>> No.12833875

What country?

>> No.12833888
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Maybe one day somebody will love me that way one day.

>> No.12833906


>> No.12833943

Gf just dropped soup on my laptop; shut it off immediately, in a country with no independent repair shops (gundam country my fucking ass) might just end it all right here bros.

>> No.12833971

reading Devil's Elixirs, pretty comfy.
do you prefer old editions or crispy freshly-published books?

>> No.12834155

do you eat/drink while reading?
i like sipping coffee with milk every couple pages

>> No.12834161

I like black tea (:

>> No.12834165

My FEET hurt.

>> No.12834168

promised myself I'd never piss in a bottle again yet here I am doing just that
I have no future

>> No.12834172

with a patrician piece of lemon i hope?
2bh i just like milk, but drinking it on its own seems weird, so i make coffee which is half or 2/3 milk

>> No.12834177

Am I still insane even if the insane things I do are done intentionally?

>> No.12834178

Lemon and honey is fine but most times I can't be bothered to exert any effort into my teamaking.
I do keep a bottle of honey by my desk though but my lemon tree hasn't fruit so far this year.

>> No.12834189

why though?
that's your conscious choice, so no, it's ok.
> growing your own lemons
may i say this is based and fruitpilled.

>> No.12834208

whats stopping you from taking the maybe 30 seconds to walk to the bathroom piss and back

>> No.12834235

i never understood the pissbottle meme. i thought it's fake, only for the lowest of the low.
piss in the sink at least.
you must be a fat fuck if it's hard to walk to the bathroom. do you even shower? grab yourself by the last bit of self-honour and change your life by small steps. First one being: don't piss in the bottles.

>> No.12834254

I'm not fat, walking to the bathroom is just too much of a bother.

>> No.12834848

And I'd love to have someone to love that way.

>> No.12834874

Wouldn't an insane person still think that what they do is a conscious choice? What if I just feel like these are my choices when in reality I couldn't stop myself from doing them.

>> No.12835354

I want to get married and have children so badly.

>> No.12835379

I did it once because I was really tired and wanted to go to bed but my housemate was hogging the bathroom. Doing it regularly though I can't understand, like just go when you go to get a snack or make some coffee or something? Or do those kind of people also unironically have their mum bring them tendies?

>> No.12835427

I got rid of years of depression, suicide ideation, oneitis pining, etc though a combination of epicurean hedonism, laziness, and "just b urself" meme advice, ask me anything

>> No.12835456

are you actually happy now, how do you live

>> No.12835479

I sit here on my porcelain throne
My poo swings to and fro
But reluctant to break away from me
Why do you linger so?
Drop, drop, my negro friend
Into your watery home
Instead of just hanging there
Inspiring this here poem
Now go, be gone, away from here
Let go of my burning bum
Just drop, be free, and let me be
Your fun is yet to come.

>> No.12835518

Did you write this?

>> No.12835526

I'm broadly content. I work part time as a software developer and live modestly.

>> No.12835568
File: 3.55 MB, 4160x3120, river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed your website. (Yes, I did find it - you write quite well for a 22 y.o., which is also my age, and you seem to be quite productive, which I am not.)

I am also Brazilian and interested in writing formalist poetry, though my way of expressing my thoughts is always permeated by a large number symbols, which does not seem to be your case.

Here is a sonnet, whose meaning is starting to escape me, but which has to do with the origin of new, unseen beauty, and how it somehow swallows all previously existing beauty, modifying it, while, through this very process, preparing the terrain of vulnerability which will give rise to even newer forms of beauty. I wrote it during a night when I realized I will always look towards the classics with modern eyes, because my aesthetic sense has been thoroughly informed by modernity - Eliot, Pessoa and such -, which means I will never be able to experience Dante or Petrarch in the way a Medieval Italian man did. In other words, new beauty is always a substitute for old beauty.


Beleza como pregos aos poucos desponta
Das nuvens da palavra furadas de fogo,
Tal pescoço de cisne onde a frecha desconta
A cor meridional de um ignorado rogo:

Jovem perenemente e, desde ideia, antiga
Ela cresce, esmagando com giros fatais,
Sua fonte geratriz – é píton que castiga
Com peso de bigorna os ossos fraternais.

A Beleza se nutre com os olhos das costas,
Mastigando impiedosa o jardim que ficou,
Desde as flores reais até as flores supostas
E, depois, se encostando a um tronco que deixou,

Tal quem com sangue estranho o seu proprio enrijece,
Beleza nova tece e, tecendo, adormece.

>> No.12835570


>> No.12835756

how doesn't your coffee get cold friend :(

>> No.12835764

brother how r u ever gonna write your novel if u cant even walk to the bathroom.
a valuable existence takes discipline

>> No.12835790

fear fear fear
has taken my life
life life life
is the actual fear

>> No.12835852

chip and clock and board and RAM
abrogate that which I am
close my eyes and touch the net
plastic NiCAD don't forget
in and out through past and new
browser backup becoming blue

>> No.12835872

Pretty bad

>> No.12835878

no really bad

>> No.12835899
File: 89 KB, 370x560, 1553640360480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfinished but fuck it:
The fruitless vow... How many days have passed
Since I assured myself to cease these thoughts
Of tenderness and yearning? To terminate
The heartache, so accustomed I'd become.

But now these stubborn thoughts have emerged anew
And reared their seductive forms to me, once more.
How foolish to believe that I could ride
My psyche of such ruling, overbearing thoughts.

Engrossed within this warming quilt of love
I wove from a medly of tender looks.
I feel at peace, having returned again
To this, my weary, anxious tendancy.

I've had a major case of onetis with this girl from school: over the course of last year I asked her out around 3 times, each instance getting softly, indirectlyt rejected. We kept in contact, and recently things started picking up again and I have to admit I got my hopes up. But then in the middle of a conversation yesterday she stops responding to me, and waits 20 hours before responding again. I feel so hurt and confused I don't know whether to be angry but I can't help myself from loving her fuck I'm so lost

>> No.12836006

Is this how sociopaths write romantic poems?

>> No.12836057
File: 79 KB, 900x450, machiavelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it?

>> No.12836091

I got the motivation to do all those things by just listening to anime openings

>> No.12836273

this is not the place for racist public toilet vandalism
too true to be good
stop it. get some help.

>> No.12836283

so truth cant be good?

>> No.12836294

What's wrong with it?

>> No.12836308

I pulled a funny, anon. (the proverb is "too good to be true", just as an irrealistic hope. in reality, however, all things good must be also true and beautiful, unlike critiqued poem.)

>> No.12836315
File: 888 KB, 998x1096, 1470532038117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlike critiqued poem
oh i see

>> No.12836332

what dawdling, pseudo-Romantic doggerel

>> No.12836424

>woman apologizes her being unfaithful
>guy comes along as super-beta pseud
>massive style break
>no solution
>no carthatic moment
it's unpleasant and unfinished (and probably stolen from Shakespear)

>> No.12836433

The words are nice, but they don't actually mean anything. What are you trying to covey besides something i can see in a photo?

>> No.12836480

First death at twenty-two, experiences
are not quite as new
a slight lull.

Second death at thirty-three, experiences
lose their lustrous shine
and become dull.

First life at fourty-four, experiences
rare but still occurring
all the more full.

>> No.12836726

The point is she doesn't apologize because she knows she didn't do anything wrong, it doesn't need a solution because it's a piece of a much larger poem, but I'm flattered you think it's Shakespeare.

>> No.12836760

to be quite honest, the facts that I read the damn thing past the first lines and that I got emotionally evolved enough to hate her instantly puts your poem into the upper class of contemporary poetry in my book. keep up the good work, anon

>> No.12836773

knowing nothing else about you save this post I know conclusively that you are a moron

>> No.12836874

by upper class I surely did not mean the upper 1%, but the upper 33%. that doesn't even put the poem in my personal top 1000 of contemporary poems. but I cared somehow and I don't care about 90% of poems posted in /lit/. Anyhow, tell a moron how to judge poetry.

>> No.12836956

Thanks. Here's more:


You're always doing this
Sucking up to me
I don't want that
I want to beat me
And yell at me
And make me feel bad
Because it makes me feel good
And you could use a few inches
In more place than one.


Ah, I sleepless am as the flood
Of the River Mary rolling through
My heartland. Give me
Such as you would give half of him
And i shall be pleased
That thou canst see mine eye
As the eye of thee.

>> No.12837231

sex without love is masturbation

>> No.12837420

What is sex with love?

>> No.12837423

Fulfillment. Self-actualization. The realization of love’s perfection.

>> No.12837535
File: 35 KB, 289x450, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infused with knowledge i am god almighty

struck with vigor and strength i rinse the world and wash away unpleasantries

much love to myself in pursuit of Onee

how far I have to go


>> No.12837615

So you support her cheating?

>> No.12837618

I played with it a little

To thee thine knowledge is like a great god
Infused with strongness of a strange kind
I scrub thine world clean
The monad is me
Thee must go far in thy ascent

>> No.12837644

endangered species struggles to survive
accepting that its utmost failure has nothing to do with the surroundings
aching silently in the darkness is the glacial pattern on her skin
is it too extravagant to try to amount to anything?
or is it just deeply fascinating how convulsions turn into pleasure
rooted inside the anguishing tree is the essence of cryptic life
marks down the true historiosophic dogmas that evaporate as the dust settles
compassion is being replaced by divine being
it has nothing to do with my utopian dream

>> No.12837677

burst out laughing once the second section started, thanks anon.

>> No.12837723

involuntarily approaching the stop sign as the lights turn off
what is inside your fucking head, you ass?
is it porcelain, it seems to clack and click what an annoying sound
river with the mountebanks is variously ingrained in the specifics of agriculture
shaman has her egg and it is hatching soon
hold me and pray that titanic drowns in the depths of flavorful tea, preferably green
aweugyeh what's outside the window it's closing in and it is big blue but also black and scary
maybe a seagull can give its beak to the charity
no? tits have influenced me greatly

>> No.12837844

if you're trying to find purpose through your children it really doesn't matter in the end, if your children or children's children don't have offspring it would all be for nothing - then there's the separate topic of the suffering you'll probably inflict on your future offspring... just take the anti-natalism pill

>> No.12837940

Oh lonely shopping cart
Out in these fields
Probably once quite full
Nownothing to yield

From burgiosie to bum
You begin your venture
From the sears parking lot
You forfeit your tenure

Don't blame yourself
Or your defective wheel
You'll be fixed by the homeless
They'll even polish your steel

Tis the woes of your life
But keep a happy heart
For those lonely wandering eyes
Oh lonely shopping cart

>> No.12838072
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I think I'm going to eat meat once a week. I sat in the shower thinking about eating beef or pork again. Ate some sausage on a pizza last week and it was pretty good. I've been a pescatarian for almost three years. Sometimes I unironically eat tendies. I've liked it since I made the choice since I like cows and pigs. Sometimes I want a cheeseburger or a bratwurst. I haven't given in yet (aside from the pizza sausage mentioned) but it's something I've been craving for months. I'm allergic to onions and there's onions in almost everything.

I don't know, lads. I would have to make everything from scratch if I made a cheeseburger. Buns, mayonnaise, etc. I'd grill it. I don't know if it'd be worth it. I just don't know.

>> No.12838344

ayahuasca uverture indigene avventure
hashimoto fibreglass rumpelstiltskin intimas
kabbalistic rusticano schokolade mitomano
aiethopia intifada vaginismus estacada

>> No.12838351

I can't eat meat anymore.
Something's funky with my stomach acids and I throw up constantly.
Quit meat. Quit dairy (I was supposed to quit only dairy but I'm too lazy to cook meat).
Do I feel better?
Not really, but it beats throwing up after every meal because of cheese.
I miss bacon mac though.

>> No.12838656

Everyone gathered
To watch him splat

They felt no love
When they watched him splat

They held their phones
As they watched him splat

They smiled and laughed
As they watched him splat

Someday I’ll splat
Someday you’ll splat
Someday they’ll splat
And their kids will splat too

And they won’t know how it doesn’t feel

>> No.12838669

I thought the evil in the fruit
Or vine must lie, but ill
lay in the water, love, ill
lay in the earth.

>> No.12838706
File: 20 KB, 612x612, 1547776543215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass, suckin on cracker jacks like a
Bootcamp comin up like a blast, yeah
Puttin on glasses fast, fast
Like a cat gotta big sack to splat, hey

>> No.12838797

good, natural selection

>> No.12838839

Let the texters of new baes weep
and side pieces rend their hair
lol lol that let lol
And sucking Stacy stymied
amid thicc thots in the round of their asses,
rip-weaved and shaking,
for want of my nubbing.

>> No.12838894

hey i like this man, you will improve with age
both in ur poetry and ur approach to love
you stop trying even to contact this girl dude, shes not worth the pain, someday youll find a girl who makes you feel this way and loves u back :((( :)

>> No.12839082

I wish I could read greek and why not also latin. Being Swedish and fluent in English I should be able to easily learn german ;_;

>> No.12840117

nice spin. мнe нpaвитcя

>> No.12840474

I've come up with a strategy that helps me get to sleep at night: if I find myself too wrapped in thought, I try to focus on pushing the blackness from the corner of my eyes to the center. It feels like sweeping water with a push broom. Try it, right now, and you may very well fall asleep in your chair.

>> No.12840628

I want to learn the weeb language but it seems very difficult

>> No.12840638

I've heard that learning japanese isn't too hard because you can ease your way into it with the phonetic alphabet and don't have to worry about the Kanji at first

>> No.12840647

Read 3:56 AM
Read 12:03 PM
Read 1:47 PM
Read 2:02 PM
Read 2:03 PM
Read 3:36 PM
Read 9:12 PM

>> No.12840715


>> No.12840788

Poem about my crippling depression

rest in dreams
you prison of my mind
for it to be my sanity
awakening when i am not there

wild is the fire
calm is the dust

a parlour with white roses

squirm like a worm
humble in your believes
be unkind
and never be reborn

servant of my prison
servant of my mind
what has kept you caught
servant of my prison
feed me thoughts

>> No.12840802

I want to become a literary softboi
I dont have the hair yet but i own a skateboard and idk how to use it but im making an effort
Where the girls at

>> No.12840880

>having read receipts on

>> No.12840885

what is a "softboi"?

>> No.12841014

Would love some feedback m8

>> No.12841032

I want my cozy nights back i hate how they're filled with sucidal thoughts now

>> No.12841048


>> No.12841181

I hate how we're all twisted by capitalism, propaganda, and sociopaths. I live in the American South and it's a bit ridiculous and a huge contradiction. People are friendly and will help you completely. In a pickle? Someone will help you in any way they can. If they can't then they will help you find someone that can. Limited by affordability, of course. Everything is.

In natural disasters people naturally work together even when they don't know the person they're helping. It's a big group effort. People are helped too, and they accept it.

Now turn that around with political ideology. Most people here are Republicans and completely against any sort of help. They're all for hurt. No healthcare because they won't pay one cent to help someone (not understanding what insurance is + profit for the insurance leach) but they love the military who exports death to people the media says is an enemy, if they even report on it at all. No help with education but a pride in being ignorant. All education is indoctrination. Give money to a church but not people who need it.

So many contradictions.

I feel conflicted on gun control because of my fellow Americans. On one hand I believe Marx was right about frustrating every attempt at controlling the arms of the public but on the other hand Americans are fucking stupid. We need something like Australia has but also include pistols and semi-automatics. Everyone should take a class before they own a firearm and it should be registered. Treat it like a car. Is there something wrong with that? I have guns myself so I am a bit muddled on where I stand honestly.

I say Republicans but those folk are the ones I'm around. Not a Democrat. I'm an anarchist which others will call stupid or tell me to grow up.

I just don't know, guys.

>> No.12841236

I don't want to be that guy but don't you think anarchism is too idealistic? I can't imagine an anarchist movement growing beyond some buddies living in a commune and graffitiing "smash the state" on your local municipal building. I can't think of a larger anarchist movement that didn't get immediately BTFO, other than the Zapatistas but their situation is completely different from the united states

>> No.12841260


Maybe, but it's all I have. It could work. Maybe not now with our current mindset but somewhere in the future we won't have due to climate change. Early humans were pretty anarchistic for longer than we've been as we are so without other factors I think we could do it. We engage in anarchy every day. You and I are doing it right now.

>> No.12841280

>Most people here are Republicans and completely against any sort of help.
They just have a different idea of "help" than you do. Personally lending a hand to someone who is clearly in need is different from paying into government healthcare without any clear guarantee that your money will be going to the right places. Just because they don't have faith in the system doesn't mean they don't want anyone to be helped. They might even distrust the system because they don't see it as helping anyone.

>> No.12841385


No, I have literally talked to people who don't want to help people when it comes to healthcare but these same people will give you the shirt from their back. It's not about allocation or lack of proper governance but the fact that it's going to someone who "may not deserve it." It's a crazy outlook at these people pay for insurance.

This is all locally anecdotal but you can also see it online.

>> No.12841397

Anyone who has ever worked for or with government agencies would tell you that our government was never designed to control a line of business top-down. "Inefficient by design" is an incredible tool when it comes to being fair and ensuring that the people's voices do matter, but the same exact reason the US government is so hostile to high-achieving individuals is why political corruption in America is incredibly low, something Americans take for granted.

>> No.12841405

I thought it sent but I guess it didnt.
Softboys are just skater types that like the fine arts and rococo and shit. A lot of people associate them with lana del rey but idk her music so idk.

>> No.12841475

>why political corruption in America is incredibly low
this has to be satire

>> No.12841516
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Pickpockets need to be severely maimed

>> No.12841527

Tell me where the widespread political corruption is. If you think campaign financing, lobbying, nepotism and bias in policy-making are "corruption" you need to travel to some countries where political corruption is actually a problem. Those things are corruption in the same way that sitting on the train with your legs open is rape.

>> No.12841550


>> No.12841618
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>have a job
>have hobbies
>exercise everyday
>meditate everyday
>still find life extremely unfulfilling and boring
What else can I add/try to make life more interesting?

>> No.12841622

Slow work is a drag
No things to set my mind to
Waiting to go home

>> No.12841636


>> No.12841801


Just because some things have things worse doesn't mean other things can't have it bad.

>> No.12841854

literally the entire defense industry, the entire us government is basically just a racket for arms manufactures

>> No.12841858

That's cute anon, you sound like a nice person.

>> No.12842176
File: 1.00 MB, 245x245, rust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before fap
neurotic, think about wasted gains on gym, count calories, lost in retarded fantasies
>after fap
learn another part of wagner's transcription, meditate, read, lost in thoughts about moral perfection and virtue
How to erase the first part, I feel like a schizophrenic.

>> No.12842272

Serious question but how do you guys deal with being admonished by your friends? On Sunday I said some stuff I should not have in front of people I should not have said it in front of (nothing terrible or anything but still) apologised for it today and got a slight reprimand for it. Basically, I got carried away with banter and it went a bit too far.

I take things pretty badly and will dwell on it for weeks if not months whilst other people will forget it within the day because what has needed to be said will be said. I can understand that, but I still dwell on it and feel like a giant retard for doing it. I will not be able to get over it and it will completely change how I am in order to avoid it in the future. That being said, I find it hard to filter myself and I am quite impulsive when it comes to saying things. Like I said, not anything bad but I get carried away.

I feel like I should have learned this as a child but never did, and now as an adult I don't really know how to deal with it in a healthy way.

>> No.12842393

It can't go on much longer at this rate
My time is almost here. This time next year, I'll be a memory
For a few
I'll still be nothing to the rest
I didn't spend as much time here as most people
But they'll know why I walk away
"He was so young!"
I have many years of regret. I regret everything.

>> No.12842507
File: 117 KB, 848x1199, 04156996b1ace37cc0e17b2cffc40d37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished chapter eleven. It's turned out my best chapter yet despite my previous reservations. My notes for it were 3/4 stricken out when I started, but I found a way to tie everything together neatly. I've made myself cry, so I think I've done a good job. Would you save the flower, /lit/?
>If she saw a small flower growing in the street, she wanted to halt all the traffic in order to save it from being trampled, preserving a single flower at the cost of the entire city’s progress. But she didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. If a person didn’t want to save that flower at some level, it would have been a revocation of what it meant to be human. We do foolish things because they’re beautiful without thinking about if they’re beneficial, but if people were any other way, the world would have become an unbearably cruel place.
>I got rid of years of depression, suicide ideation,
Why get rid of them? Embrace despair.

>> No.12842926
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Midway into chapter 12. The despair has reached hellish levels, but we can still go deeper.

>> No.12842947

That's called behavioral addiction. Substitute alcohol, or something.

>> No.12843002

I feel like I've probably just accidentally retread other writers in a retarded fashion and I feel really stupid about it.

>> No.12843020


>> No.12843143

laying in a field of grass with thorny little trees
my dog is in my sleeping bag laying on my knees
the drone of distant interstate and balmy midnight breeze
glad that winters over and that i did not freeze

i know what it's like to fight for daily bread
an iliad and knife i place beneath my head
this is my ritual i honor before bed
because I have known many that have wound up dead

>> No.12843185

The last man's body, buried bones have hid
And mythic places round the earth have been
The dirt that was once burning brush on mighty mountain led
By thundering voice the haggard league stiff necked
Trumpets in the desert buried by the well
And the oft dissent of man 'equarrels and dispell
Quiet and no love idols shall they have in hearts to dwell
Nothing, Nothing, Now they have foretaste of hottest hell

Sandy place of gilded calfs are half the wind-blown longings of a man
What calfs, what longest legs of even flesh, in Eden I have been
Stomp the snaking urges I have seeded and have sent
Put my progeny on all this earth with sweated back to bend
What yearning heights and hopeless things descend
Between dear Abraham and Son of Man


Hopeful things half hearted whisper creep
In the long shadows of the smoke of Trinity
There is a great glow at the end of man indeed,
I am Adam, scattered is my progeny

>> No.12843237

the same for rome,taxes to pay for military

>> No.12843279

There is a white field under a white sky
Serotonin oceans, liquid to ossify
Every movement exits
Static mind, white eye
There is a static wave in the white sky
Parabolic noise pattern, form to stratify
Star influxing overhead
Clear being, static mind
There is a spirit flooding the static sky
Expands on axes, fails to quantify
Every movement returns
Complete form, fractal time

>> No.12843319

Stop taking drugs

>> No.12843389

I'm reading Machiavelli's The Prince.
I think it's retarded.
Why read something about the most unstable group of leaders in the world? (European rulers)
I'll finish it though just to say I've read it.

>> No.12843671

Nowhere had a thought
To hold a little game
To pass the empty time
And Nobody entertain

I should probably read more Hindu and Bhuddist philosophy but I am usually too tired and sick to do much and it is always extremely laborious to read translations which often come across as very awkward.
But I am starting to think theism and atheism may not be totally incompatible.

>> No.12843736

Theism and atheism are incompatible.
(So is Buddhism and western science).

If you want to dig your way out of the modern abyss, you have to do more work than that.

>> No.12844167

I'll try it, ty my man

>> No.12844389

Was just doing some board game thing team building and was paired with some girl and her brother. She was fairly cute but overweight, and she was very friendly towards me but seemed somewhat snappy and demanding towards her brother. Made me think how she'd be in married life- I imagine much the same, bossing around her husband a decent amount, but probably also being quite demanding in a different way (sexually speaking). I bet she'd be very bossy in her life and her husband would be constantly pent up, since she'd only ever indulge in sex when she felt like it as some kind of reward for his good behaviour. She'd probably be quite surprised when he during sex he acts quite aggressive or primal, especially during the vaginal intercourse where he'd desperately be thrusting in and out of her while she whined softly and grunted in arousal. She'd cum extremely hard (and later masturbate to the memories), but would never let him catch on, quickly gathering her breath and acting indignant and as though she were above all that sort of sexual thing until he was finally spent. She'd act a bit softer towards him in the meantime, but quickly return to her earlier nature of berating him at every opportunity before repeating the whole cycle anew.

>> No.12844993

im in the same place as you, you just have to do it incrementally and have balance. its hard and you will falter and i just had a terrible week but fuck it its whitepill season you just gotta open your mind to readjusting your goals and being okay with where you're at as a starting point from here on out. be honest with yourself and dont aim for a gf imo; that will work itself out when the times is right. get a schedule or a calendar and put working out on it a couple times a week, consistency is key and even if u do a little and its not all u wanted to accomplish it can spur that positive feedback loop necessary to become actualized. the confidence from fitness and working out and being further along physically, being able to see improvement that has a lasting impact, even if its slight, helps u out of the ruts quicker than you previously could at least in my experience. in your spare time listen to philosophy lectures instead of watching porn or going on twitter, idk man its all up to u but i got faith we gonna make it my g

>> No.12845505


>> No.12845941

Confirmed retard.

>> No.12846254
File: 2.13 MB, 2088x2639, Böcklin_Mädchen_und_Jüngling_beim_Blumenpflücken_1866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't miss her anymore, but I do miss what she meant to me.

>> No.12846599

>tfw lounging around in a bathrobe drinking coffee and watching anime
is this the literary lifestyle?

>> No.12846674

Not even close

>> No.12846728

Just realized I havent had a good gut laugh in months.

>> No.12846736


>> No.12846919

I'm so glad I got over that shit

>> No.12846949
File: 149 KB, 649x840, 62093671_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to ever write in the mornings. I'm too cheerful yet, I suppose. I read Dazai's Osan (short story) and it's put me in a good mood for despair. It's about a wife watching her husband undergo continually intensifying suicidal inclinations. My last scene: the woman tries to commit suicide in order to save the man's reputation and allow him to live in peace, but he stops her in time. Next scene: The man is killed as a result of torture during investigations into their relationship. I'll have to think a while on how I want to frame that scene, if I can stomach to do it in his point of view. I think it would need to be, it's just going to be painful to write. (Written in multiple third person limited. So one scene from one character, another scene from another. I've only used four characters' POV so far, and most of it is in the protagonist's. Well, the battle scene will have to be in a fifth.)
Listened to this on loop for last night's session (about 4 hours if not including time spent screwing around.) The acoustic version is also good.
Anime is /lit/, senpai. I don't consume television, movies, youtube (other than music), internet other than 4chan and pixiv, or video games--only anime/manga and literature. It's nicely withdrawn to the point of eccentricity without crossing the line into hermitage.
Boogiepop this season is quite good. You should try it, senpai.

>> No.12847586

>Write what’s on your mind
I want to live in the anime world with big titty anime girl harem

>> No.12847911

>walking home alone on the friday evening street looking up through the illuminated windows at normies hanging out and laughing and enjoying themselves

>> No.12847983
File: 206 KB, 595x593, 62562955_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapters 12 and 13 are finished. Only 9, 14, and 15 left to go. Still only at 45k words, but all the remaining chapters will be on the long side. I'll probably have to go back and fluff everything up; my writing style is just too concise to be suited to simpler stories like this. chapter 9 is more or less self contained and can be written anytime. I might be able to get 14 done before bed. It's raining out, so it's quite a good night for despair. I love listening to the rain and feeling how chilly it gets with the window open and heat off. It's maybe 45F out.

>> No.12848052

if you's
a spazz with e-
nuff zazz
they let u do it
snatch'em snazzes n minges
innit sumthin
jeepers i could very well do with some more
now couldn't i

>> No.12848608

butting in to say anime for the most part ain't /lit/ (like 5% maybe?) ¬ but bathrobes coffees and POV questions sure are. I find it so hard not to "pop out" of the subjective third person and add stuff the character couldn't know but that feels necessary

>> No.12848619

I feel like there are enough books that I want to read that I don't really need to come here to discover new works. Thanks /lit/, but I'm gonna go work through the canon, bye for now!

>> No.12848786

friday night, time to listen to music and reminisce. time smooths your memories out, so even if you were super unhappy you end up missing times past

>> No.12848831

Fly, fly, closer, closer
Arrogance turns into cowardice.
The fall of man.

>> No.12848832


>> No.12848841

Quenton, your latest video will get you fucking v& you absolute madman

>> No.12849438


love and extreme sports

>> No.12849506

Shit like this doesn't make me sad anymore, I'm too far gone so I've embraced my place in the world. Seeing a couple lovingly kiss each other now makes me happy, not bitter. I've accepted that these experiences are not meant for me personally to experience, only to observe. I feel free by this realization. I can enjoy viewing the world without my ego screaming at me to participate. For the first time in my life I'm happy. Probably just a massive cope but whatever. I can now see what you've seen, close my eyes and smile, just taking in the atmosphere is enough for me, knowing the multiude of emotions and thoughts running around fills me with joy. I've become merely a mirror

>> No.12849509

that's probably not healthy, don't give up for your own sake

>> No.12849518

>Extreme sports
This, nothing like a good motorace. Taming a beast at the edge of death will never get old. Every moment of life is just a waiting game until the next drive

>> No.12849526

I didn't care until puberty, where I then sacrificed everything to be accepted. I mostly failed, but even in the rare instances where I was successful, I was underwhelmed and just wished to retreat. I realized I only pursued that life because I would fall into self loathing if I didn't, not that inherently enjoyed it. I would enjoy the idea of being a normal sociable person than actually being a normal sociable person

>> No.12849570

I understand, I was the same. Now I see how pathetic it was. I stopped forcing that sort of hyper-social behavior in my late teens and after that I had far more dignity and confidence though I don't participate socially relative to my peers. I didn't retreat though, still played sports and drank with the others. Just didn't force things, my presence was enough. Being with girls became easy after this. If you're like me, you have retreated... take heart

>> No.12849630

all this moaning, being a loser, all this reading and all this thinking. its all pretentious and so indulgent. perhaps the mass man, those who are good at what they do and have some sort of goodness in their hearts are not to be scorned but admired. I am, without sentimentality or unnecessary self admonishment, a terrible person. I really need to be squished like a bug

>> No.12849744

Even though I feel what you're feeling, hopefully everything gets better for you anon. God bless.

>> No.12849775
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Coming off of a six year opiate habit, feeling pretty fucking rough. Motivated though. Angry that I let myself slide into the abyss of addiction again. Before it was alcohol, which was pretty easy to kick, but boy is this a whole nother league. The difference between the withdrawals is like jumping to coach pitch to the World fucking Series, let me tell you. But I've learned to let things go. I dont wallow in regret, self pity, or self loathing anymore. What's happened has happened, and I'm gnashing my fucking teeth ready to go and get things done. This isn't a manic phase. This isn't a period of respite. This is me letting the fucking killer I've been trying to suppress handle his shit. That dude who swaggered off of an airliner at Fort Bliss, so full of confidence and defiance didn't wane into the meek, apathetic turd I am today. No, he was drugged, self medicated, dragged into a world of despair and angst and mediocrity. But now he's back. Now he's awake. For the first time in a decade I feel driven. I dont have much to be proud of, but I will. I feel like a man who's woken from a dream. More a nightmare really. I woke up today and felt my chest puff out, my shoulders rock back, and my chin tilt up and I smiled. I looked in the mirror and didn't see a dull sack of shit, still stoned from the shit he took to help him sleep;

Nah, I saw a killer. I'm back motherfuckers.

And it's all thanks to you faggots. No shit. I wandered over here from /tg/ (of course I did, because of course I searched for every type of escapism I could) and y'all reminded me that I love to read and, more so, that I love to write. I started writing a little, and reading things other than trash genre escapism, and realized one simple thing: I can't write stoned. I can't comprehend or express like I know I'm capable of when I'm high. Then I started to look at other shit, at my life as a whole, and realized what a sorry fuck I'd turned into. Working security, for $10 an hour? At 30? No degree despite the fact that Uncle Sam will pay me a salary to go to school? No fulfillment, just hedonistic floundering? Unacceptable. Fuck that.

So this is my thank you note /lit/. Drive on.

>> No.12850012

Midnight, chaos
Morning, chaos
Eternity, chaos
Evening, chaos
Night, chaos
Midnight, chaos
Noon, chaos
Chaos, chaos
Evening, chaos
Lunch, chaos
Eternity, chaos

>> No.12850252


>> No.12850291

For an hour I pulled on the hair
Growing from my left nipple.
Five feet long, every inch
A gory torment.
At the end there was a ball
That popped out, sootblack
And covered with anuses.
I squeezed... pink pus flowing,
Room filled with a forest smell.
Huh, whaddaya know...

>> No.12850320

What's up, /lit/izens?
Here's some of my own haikus.
It's fine to edit.

>sun cannot but see
>sheer beauty illuminate
>everywhere it shines

>again, the blood soil
>fosters new life springing forth
>rampantly growing

>Dr. JOHNSON glares
>up from where I tossed his book
>"Diligence, my boy!"

>again: "What is this?" I say
>I take a photo

>grafitti artist
>whips can to spray seeds, blackthumb
>is planting flowers

>> No.12850414

I made out with a girl for 5 hours last night. Cuddling and kissing really feels great. Girls are soft and they smell good. She really enjoys when I kiss her neck. Any of you who have yet to experience this need to get on it, pronto. That is all.

>> No.12850535

snow-gravel chirps
May wind gusts though wood and hay
hot blue seas'-end

my dumb whore smells
how to get rid of her quick?
I cheat but she's thick

Centre a bell jar
over (most of) the city.
Look, it's a height map!

Would you believe that
a kid like me carried weight?
I'm hiding the weight

Oh, sing me the song,
the warbler-chime cat-climb frog
-moving simple one.

I am in limbo
feeling blindly but for what
I have not yet seen

eight-legs running up
white, not going up, too smooth,
slopes to the drain-death

shit clump stuck again
I had to jump up and down
on the seat, god damn

the last back-up sits
untended, humming along
and humming along

>> No.12851022
File: 42 KB, 700x684, 2ut8tuyr5e821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As silent as it moves in the cloaking of night,
with the ripples of water reflecting light,
proudly it moves, but oh so silently,
where the pressence of croaking might appear quietly,
silence remains as prevelant as dark,
inspecting his home as its true monarch,
looking for a meal to satisfy,
for no reason it alone shall cry,
as alone, as it lived,
as lonely it will die.

It happens to every person you see,
however unchanging a person may be,
augmented by a choice they make.
It builds them as fast as would they break.
To the calling of a being it shall reply,
as it lives and as it will die,
howevermany voices it may awake.
it will offer all that it will take.
These choices may lead them to fun,
or become one others would blame,
None of these can ever be undone,
and the result could've never been their aim.
A choice can change history,
whether somebody chose right or wrong will forever remain a mystery.
I may change or alter my decision, however it may come,
in the end, however, I just hope I chose the right one.

>> No.12851366
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All's right, all ok, all green, perfect, good. Good. Good.

>> No.12852175

bumping. why is /lit/ flooded with such cancerous threads as of late?

>> No.12852197

Because Mars is rising.
Prepare for war.

>> No.12852280

because low quality threads are easy to make so low-quality people make loads of them

>> No.12852380

How is he so based?

>> No.12852440 [DELETED] 

i got shit on by someone at an interview
because I didn't know about this book

i was for this public health survey thing
the city of LA wants to know
how poor people live
and it was easy money

she saw my copy of the long goodbye
"do you like to read?"
no i just carry this book around
like a prop
hoping someone will notice
and i can begin a conversation
that way

yeah, i'm reading it

i carry it around
because, when my phone eventually
does die
i'd like something else
to bury my face into
so i don't have to talk to people

i like being unapproachable
i've got so used to it
whenever someone does sit
next to me
on a bus
I think i'm getting mugged

she was pushing a novel by some POC
that just came out

i raised the surface-anxiety in my eyes

"you should be on goodreads"

I get enough algorithm from amazon
to expand my taste that way

I pushed back and said
I didn't really read contemporary stuff

"you should do something about that"

fuck you. fuck your noise ring and
your intentionally-imperfect bangs
and your undergrad internship

i got a copy of Pessoa's collected works
that I haven't looked at
since 2013
and whose 14 pages
I could only read
is probably more profound than the
sum total
of writings written since the industrial revolution

I'm not going to read a book by some bougie sheboon
who only got published bc random house
needed fodder to tap the bags of woak
who got so bored to death
by the western canon
they swore it off completely
and damn any of its derivatives

It could be a white man
who wrote that book
I don't give a shit
I'm not taking your recommendation
Is there any good contemporary literature
by POC
that is actually of its time?
or is it all just a cashgrab
maybe the cashgrab is the zeitgeist

I wish I never dropped out of college
I'm just a pawn for sociopaths
who want to push policy

It's like I'm in some secular church
being prosthelitized in exchange for aid

I'm just complaining now

>> No.12852475


>> No.12852480

I'm going to read a book now (:

>> No.12852514
File: 10 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never thought I would ask this because I wanted to be a good boy, but it just dawned on me that I really fucking hate my degree and the possible career path. My intuition has been right all along. So my question is, what the FUCK do I do? How do I tell my parents? I'm in europe btw so there is no question of wasted money involved if usa anons are wondering.
Picrel is my right now

>> No.12852523

Why do i cry
When there nothing when i die
While atop a mountain
Sits every little sky
Big, small
We all
Fly, fly in the sky

>> No.12852571

don't you euros have a fuckload more flexibility in things like that? I've talked to people who got a degree in one thing then worked for a couple of years only to go back to school and learn another field

>> No.12852578

Be honest with them, then do what you have to do. You're an adult anon, make your own way. Dont settle and let yourself be miserable. Pull your big girl panties on, sit them down face to face, and tell them what you're doing.

>> No.12852581
File: 60 KB, 500x551, miniatura di una bottega di spezie nel Medioevo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently in the process of informing my parents my plan to drop out of college, work full time in a shit job long enough to build some savings and then retire in a third world country and spend the rest of my days painting. Definitely not going over well lmao. Luckily I have some semblance of talent to reinforce my position but this is my parents worse case scenario alongside being a criminal

>> No.12852621

>tfw this happened to me but I was in the US
>had fullride scholarship
>got to third year, checking out career path, really hate options, hate major
>hate my school and am miserable to the point of mental breakdowns on the daily
>it was the worst period of my life, not a single good memory from this time
>told my parents
>omg anon you're in your third year just keep going lolololol
>like a retard kept going
>mental breakdown happens, went from a straight A student to suddenly failing every single class
>dropped out entirely
>had a miserable "gap year" working a minimum wage part time job I didn't even make money from after living expenses
>went back to college after that, no more free ride
>changed major so substantially I needed another 3 years to get my 4 year degree after having done 2.5 years already
>racked up 50k in debt for it
>hate this major too but the jobs are easy to get and plentiful, at least, so it's a paycheck
My advice? Switch. NOW. Don't listen to your fucktard parents, do what you need to make yourself happy.
As a bonus now whenever I mention student debt some pseudo-smug retards tell me "lol should have gotten a scholarship." I HAD one, thanks. My god I hate this site's userbase more and more every day. But I hate every other site's userbase even more than I hate you retarded faggots.

>> No.12852622

only good ones in the thread

>> No.12852636

As a bonus, I remember crying hysterically one evening on the hour drive from the university back to my shitty room in my shitty abusive parent's house in that shitty dead end town, just full on breakdown on the highway and no option to exit for several more miles, couldn't even pull over anywhere. Fuck everything about that timeperiod.

>> No.12852649

posted it twice: but i want to see if the it gets more views instead of the pastebin link. would like some feedback. pls be my writing circle thanks

i got shit on by someone at an interview
because I didn't know about this book

i was for this public health survey thing
the city of LA wants to know
how poor people live
and it was easy money

she saw my copy of the long goodbye
"do you like to read?"
no i just carry this book around
like a prop
hoping someone will notice
and i can begin a conversation
that way

yeah, i'm reading it

i carry it around
because, when my phone eventually
does die
i'd like something else
to bury my face into
so i don't have to talk to people

i like being unapproachable
i've got so used to it
whenever someone does sit
next to me
on a bus
I think i'm getting mugged

she was pushing a novel by some POC
that just came out

i raised the surface-anxiety in my eyes

"you should be on goodreads"

I get enough algorithm from amazon
to expand my taste that way

I pushed back and said
I didn't really read contemporary stuff

"you should do something about that"

fuck you. fuck your noise ring and
your intentionally-imperfect bangs
and your undergrad internship

i got a copy of Pessoa's collected works
that I haven't looked at
since 2013
and whose 14 pages
I could only read
is probably more profound than the
sum total
of writings written since the industrial revolution

I'm not going to read a book by some bougie sheboon
who only got published bc random house
needed fodder to tap the bags of woak
who got so bored to death
by the western canon
they swore it off completely
and damn any of its derivatives

It could be a white man
who wrote that book
I don't give a shit
I'm not taking your recommendation
Is there any good contemporary literature
by POC
that is actually of its time?
or is it all just a cashgrab
maybe the cashgrab is the zeitgeist

I wish I never dropped out of college
I'm just a pawn for sociopaths
who want to push policy

It's like I'm in some secular church
being prosthelitized in exchange for aid

I'm just complaining now

>> No.12852658
File: 380 KB, 500x543, skelly drumz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12852692

I've been depressed for about 2 years, and haven't had a song to get me in my feelings properly honestly in a year, just appreciating deeply. Until I heard daves purple heart. His line, you think my work is art, and I think you're a work of art has me weak and touched and in my feelings. Fucked.


>> No.12853055


>> No.12853850

I remember being 18, going to school out of state. I hadn't made any friends at school. There was nobody I was in contact with in my home state. I was driving home for Christmas break to absolutely nobody, and then I would go back to nobody. Some cars would be on the same highway with me for long stretches of time. I would get emotional when they'd take an exit and leave me alone on the road.

>> No.12854217

I want a fat wife. I want a really fat, feminine wife who will be my lifelong companion and bear me lots of children.

>> No.12854241

Sleep, take me. Suffocate me in your dark arms. Make me your slave of desire to your marish visage. I ammmmmm
And i beeeeee

>> No.12854245
File: 336 KB, 768x1018, Camile Pissaro- Sunset at Sent Charlez. Eragny (1891).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is going fine. I'm feeling optimistic despite any bad stuff that happens. Have been doing a lot of tasks I always postponed; have been facing my fears, little by little. My days have been taken more and more by such an exquisite feeling; is that hope, anons?

I feel grateful for the support that has been given to me, for all the good people I met, for having a second chance in life and developing faith in God, Christ, and in my fellow human beings.

There's still loneliness and uncertainty, but their weight is lighter, and despair grows weaker. This week I started talking with two girls I see regularly. Both seem like decent people, and while we are just acquaintances, perhaps I will develop interest in one of them as we grow closer. Even if romance does not blossom out of it, friends are never too much, and getting to know others is such a joy.

Anyway, thanks to all anons in these threads. You helped me a lot since August, and brought light to many dark nights. I wish, from all my heart, the best to each and every one of you.

>> No.12854248

*hugs you*

>> No.12854380

I wrote this in 10 mins while I am currently still drunk. It’s my first

She drew out a passion I never knew
The way she smiled
Drove me wild
Thrown aside, it’s true

I would grab, smother, hold
Even now the things she wrought
Alone I am, of course no thought
My heart all of these things untold

>> No.12854395

You were the work of Michelangelo.
I remember the day you popped into my life. A bubbly child, brimming with light, love, and laughter. But good years don’t last long, and as our childhood drifted, so did everything you once were.
You grabbed my hand and we collapsed into Eden, vibrant and lovely with roses beginning to bloom.
I remember you as a gift of god in those days. An angel gracing our earth. You were a kind of beauty I never knew and never understood at that time, but I held you on a glass pedestal built upon the prophecy you claimed. It exuded you, a beauty driven by pain and lust and a yearning for something so unholy that I dared call you religion. Maybe that was because all you knew was that kind of divinity.
When your face grew pale and your thin fingers found their way around the next cancer stick, you were still carved of stone and draped in silk. Delicate and fragile, a rib-cage adorned with rubies and pearls, dusted with hues of violet, green, and blue.
You called me “darling” and “lovely,” but come nightfall poured yourself into a canvas who wouldn’t remember your face the next day.
You were still beautiful when you held Alice’s elixir to your bruised lips day after day, night after night, the “DRINK ME” label still engrained in my memory. You never stopped being beautiful, even when I held you and your eyes glazed over while the lights of dead artists, lovers, and poets sunk you into eternal unconsciousness.
That’s all you ever really wanted, was to drench your canvas black and rip it to shreds. You were still beautiful.
You were the work of Michelangelo.

>> No.12854424

poetry is really stupid
it barely utilizes the good paper its on
and leaves entirely too much of it blank

it tries to come across as clever
by forcing you to spend more time with simple phrases
"the mother wouldn't leave the lake
for the dog was still amid the pines
and since it was half past seven
a nimble acorn crunched underfoot"

which is all meaningless b.s.,
but because its all spaced out its "poetry"

bah, I hate poetry.

>> No.12855104

>My god I hate this site's userbase more and more every day. But I hate every other site's userbase even more than I hate you retarded faggots.


>> No.12855431
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> he doesn't browse /lit/ exclusively on ereader
is this a pleb i smell?

>> No.12855594

I need to know if this counts as phoneposting before I can respond correctly

>> No.12855736

If I have to read another poem
about a shitty relationship
in my workshop class

>> No.12856203
File: 148 KB, 680x661, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be boomer
>grow up in period of unparalleled economic prosperity
>biggest threat to your life is that your dumbass government gets into a nuclear exchange because they're mad at a country on the other side of the world not capitalisming enough
>pay for college with your part-time job as a drive-in movie theater concession worker
>get a degree in "business"
>your uncle who works for the government gets you a 200k a year job sending paperwork from one government department for another
>union that you didn't bother joining bumps that pay up to 250k
>retire with three houses (1 million each), a pension, and 10 million in other assets
>could do anything you like, travel, work on a hobby, sip margaritas on a beach surrounded by expensive prostitutes, etc
>spend time gorging yourself on applebees and complaining about zoomers on facebook instead

are boomers the most coddled generation ever?

>> No.12856481

Muito bonito caro anon. :)

>> No.12856492

I'm an alpha male. I am an alpha male. I am THE alpha male. I am alpha. I am an alpha male.

>> No.12856499

I want to kill people

>> No.12856510

Muito bom muito bom. :)

>> No.12856654


>> No.12856663

Me too anon

>> No.12856672

Feet hurt
Feet hurt
My Brother's keeper
Not a leader
Didn't need her
Where's that receiver fuck it I'll use the meat cleaver

>> No.12856684

People... I hate them.

>> No.12857019

Oil fried, boiler plated
Are we hot enough?
I don’t know, let’s try it

Sweet, sours, sizzling in the inferno
Can I fit all of them?
I think I can

Vomiting cracks
Of blubber geysers
What a messy cook

>> No.12857191
File: 156 KB, 640x424, AstronautTree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the mood I'm in when I drink coffee, then about two hours later thoughts of suicide come back.

>> No.12857247
File: 311 KB, 1296x864, anna-king-298822-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking outside on the grey drizzling day
through the window blurred with March's last rain
alone now, as my self in the glass would say

>> No.12857262

I need some coffee

>> No.12857279

I dreamt I had a little sister and it made me happy. How I hate being an only child.

>> No.12857304

I have a little sister and she's even more autistic than I am

>> No.12857307

cherish her

>> No.12857640
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1478816216989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love of a young mother,
towards her newborn baby,
can only be compared
the dankest Cali weed

- Rupi Kaur

>> No.12857661

Big Chungus on my mind

>> No.12857687
File: 74 KB, 429x400, 1514843101378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're in my face
I don't like it
you defer to me or get out

>> No.12857732

I'm married to an Eastern European girl 9 years younger than me who comes from a rich family.

>> No.12857950

I'm dating an Ecuadorian girl who is educated, cute, bilingual, and adores me. Only trouble is that if we have kids they will be short.

>> No.12857973

Extremely based. Are you going to ride off that familial money to write your novel?

>> No.12858040

put a message in the bottle too to remind yourself next time

>> No.12858148
File: 88 KB, 489x423, 1547176224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no dreams left

>> No.12858176

I'm being brainwashed by the jews right now and I don't know how to stop it.

>> No.12858284

mutter, ich bin dumm

>> No.12858775

I can't make a thread about this because I don't know how to post images on 4channel so I'll ask here:
Wtf was the point in the Shoemaker Elves?

>> No.12858802
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>jamming out to upbeat music in the evenings

>> No.12858840

>tfw upbeat music when I'm depressed
Makes me feel like god is wrapping me in a warm comfy blanket.

>> No.12859062

only nightmares

>> No.12859486

As I've gotten myself reacquainted with literature and learning, I've discovered a sad fact about the rest of my life: It is hopelessly, painfully trivial. While I spend several minutes on one paragraph of a philosopher, I don't even finish reading most posts on 4chan, and rather skim through them as quickly as possible to stay entertained. Not only that, but the pointlessness of it is assumed. It's so shallow that it's starting to clash hard with my actual pursuits, like I can't help but notice whenever I'm on 4chan.

Not to say the rest of the internet is better, of course. Perhaps what I'm feeling now is normal, and it took a positive change in my life to break the spell that 8+ hours on here a day casts on you, where it becomes the new norm. I'm not leaving, though - I just want to know if you feel this way.

>> No.12859540
File: 219 KB, 750x1334, 7BD760E9-BDFF-4E4B-B99A-5FE00572E4AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shadow stretches from the soft glow of embers and mingles with yours
Flickering on the walls of my skull
The past burns in my chest as our future ignites before my eyes
The ashes caked to my throat
Heavy in my spirit
Branded like cattle
I wear it like armor
Manipulated by the hammer of experience
My core is buried by life's flux

>> No.12859676
File: 49 KB, 651x303, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck have you done Hiroyuki
just realised it's April

>> No.12859770

Haven’t written anything in awhile, so here it goes

To weave a golden thread
To keep and covet a dream
Taut in the aether
A glimpse of the mother
Radiant and proud as the essence that unfurled beneath my very feet
It trickled up and swelled behind my cloying eyes

I clench and stretch the anima
As a bird struggling for freedom of its porcelain white cell
Life is ushered forth
Spraying it’s fragrant, violet mist
Speckled to my skin
The beads of warmth escape as if they had never belonged

>> No.12859873

Aye, this is the mood
At night, listening to your favorite playlist
Not worrying about tomorrow
But if one ought not to think about the yesterday
Then, on what is one left to think?
The present?
I don't want to think about the now
I have enough problems as it its
Stuff to do, people to please
I just want to be left alone and to listen to my playlist.

>> No.12860266

Walk in the way of my soft resurrection
Island of roses
I'll find my way
Fly like a fire
Follow my place, to the circle of hope
Of something better
I know the way
To the monastery of my mind

>> No.12860380

I stopped working soon after we got married. We're living off money I have left from my previous job and her parents, who regularly put between five hundred and one thousand euros on her bank account, seemingly at random. They also paid for our two weeks stay in a 5-star hotel last summer, which was completely unnecessary but shows how generous they are. I do feel guilty but having a cute multilingual /lit/ wife makes me forget about it most of the time desu.

Good on you anon, she sounds like a keeper.

>> No.12860392

treat her good you stupid bastard

>> No.12860403

What makes you think I don't?

>> No.12860433

Shit poetry edition here:

Before and after all things,
I see the ocean sprawling in front of me.
Trails in the sand paint the entrance to the portal.
At first it takes you into the stars elated,
And then it inserts you into a vacant shell.
Perhaps you will have a family, maybe a job too.
Eventually you will return to the exact same bench.
On the exact same beach, but the stars will be different.
The portal will be gone, for a while.
You must regain your strength.

>> No.12860475

i write poetry but i need to keep working on it.

seeing your big green eyes
insulin shock therapy
tie me down to beige plasticky examination table
please dislocate my frontal lobe from the rest
i can beg if need be
i want back to numb; the kindness of tacky capsules on my tongue
and routine
and sleepy obedience

>> No.12860807

>tfw no one Likes! your poem
feels bad man

>> No.12861351

Bumping poetry heavy thread

>> No.12862352

What's on your mind

>> No.12862587

Feels this way too
It's easier
just to stay blue

>> No.12862732
File: 380 KB, 1280x914, tumblr_pnpnw3VLUF1sk78gyo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 and 15 are now mostly finished. 15 is pretty shitty though, I'll need to substantially revise it.
Added a few more scenes to other chapters and played with wording. Still need to finish 9. I'll take a bit of a break in order to more intensively research the historical period and the concepts relevant to the story, then flesh everything out more after reflecting on all that. Then one or two front-to-back edits and it might be decent enough to try and submit.

>> No.12862925


here's my haiku
bitches on my tip
yuh yuh yuh

>> No.12863123

I wish there was a better place online to share poetry than /lit/. I suppose it's to be expected though, poetry is in complete shambles following the internet revolution, even more so than lit in general is.

Good job anon!

>> No.12863414

Moar pomes! Board turnover is kinda high today so I want to read the thread before liking it

>> No.12863725

seeing emojis and gifs on the comment box makes the experience a lot shittier

>> No.12863854
File: 44 KB, 640x560, A315550A-9E3B-4D0A-8ACE-818979132735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My adorable little sister, whom I had to raise after our father died and mother abandoned us, went to a small liberal arts college and became a tranny<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F4AF;</div>

>> No.12864161
File: 616 KB, 1417x1417, joc3a3o-gilberto-chega-de-saudade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very lost now that my high school friends and oneitis have all moved on with their lives and I'm not a part of that anymore. Like pathetic as it may have been before at least I was pathetic in relation to something, at least I had ideas and desires to be pathetic either. Now I am pathetic and have only myself.

>> No.12864169

Out on the lake of drifting figures
Rocks the boat of sea and sky
Claw your way out from the chasm
Dancing to a sonorous lie

Read the words writ on the pages
Bite your lips and close your eyes
Open up a new perspective
Sift and shift through paradigms

Crooked keeps and ivory towers
soar within a cave sublime
Reach for glory, wealth and power
fall and watch the children cry

>> No.12864203

Reading is giving another person control over what you think, choose wisely.

>> No.12864217

Assuming that you blindly assimilate what you read and don't think about, judge it.

>> No.12864220

Thanks for the reminder from beyond the grave, Schopenhauer

>> No.12864244

Why must I always revel
In revelation?

Why does my every word
Be or demand explication?

How I envy those
With nothing to prove

How I long for certainty in my uncertainty
A life with nothing to lose

For then and then only
Could I live, in truth

Carefree, and without direction
Or means to the end of youth

>> No.12864248

I'm assuming you think with the same voice you read other people's words with

>> No.12864277

No they're different streams of awareness, my voice makes automatic commentary on what I read, which has its own tone, depending on how the author wrote it. It's almost a visual representation in my mind, the text becomes a little structure that my 'verbal hands' are holding up, examining, and relating to other concepts.

>> No.12864470

muito que bem, anão!

>> No.12864509

What the fuck is up
pickle poo poo fairy froufrou
Fiery retribution too true
For mankind to ignite
Like sick placid oil in the engine of god
Out beyond light
From all lines of sight
Deep ending on self

So where we? Yeah I got fired today, fired and raped.

>> No.12864528
File: 137 KB, 640x461, kant_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the feeling that I can't take anything serious anymore, that nothing is holy anymore, all is subjective. And, as a result of that, I have no drive or dreams besides maybe writing a book.

But how can I do that when I don't even know what is good and what is bad?

>> No.12864546

Can you read and talk in your head at the same time?

>> No.12864548

Any man that has forgotten the splendor of nature, feels nothing when he is out in the green world, he is defunct.

>> No.12864564

Just to reiterate. The idea of you looking at a blade of grass, and not feeling the slightest sense of wonder or inspiration makes me want to wretch.


Ignore the memes, look at how life manifested the ideal habitat for itself. Do you truly believe there is no greater purpose to your instrumentation?

>> No.12864867

even if I concede an intelligent design, I have no idea of how to live this life or what to live it for

>> No.12864935
File: 10 KB, 261x195, 1538946276873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the strangest thing today. I have a thing for fat women, and, occasionally, fat men. However, I only get aroused by fat men if they look like women. That is to say, if they have overtly feminine facial and body features. Big hips, a large bottom, insignificant pectoral muscles, an overall sense of softness, etc.. Basically as non-masculine as you an conceive a man of being. Naturally, I'm used to seeing this in 2D porn, because I quite logically assumed that no adult male IRL could ever actually look like this.

But, today, I actually saw a guy who I was certain was a fat girl for a few minutes. I was at a coffee shop, and the fucker passed for a woman better than any tranny or drag queen I've ever seen. His face was very soft and gentle and delicate, without even a hint of facial hair; his features weren't masculine at all, and the round flabbiness of his cheeks eliminated any strong cheekbones he might have had. Meanwhile, he wandered around the shop and gave me a good look at his body, and it he had the biggest hips I've ever seen on a man. They almost looked wider than his shoulders, and he had soft, wobbly thighs that didn't have anything like firmness to them. Meanwhile, he seemed to have a pretty large gut. I couldn't exactly tell how big it was, because of the other odd thing about him: he was dressed in an extremely feminine way. He wore what I almost want to say were black leggings, and he had a large, flowing shirt on that almost looked like something you'd see a fat girl buy for herself on Etsy.

Like I said, I did a double take when I saw him, because I honestly wasn't sure if it was a fat guy or a fat woman. But it was clearly a guy because his voice was masculine, surprisingly so given what he looked like.

It was extremely perplexing, one of the strangest individual persons I've ever seen in real life. It's also one of the first times in a long time that I've gotten a genuine whyboner away from my computer. I didn't think people like him existed outside of artwork that's normally posted on /trash/.

>> No.12865271

you sicken me