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12830643 No.12830643 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK was he thinking in this period?

>> No.12830654

>yfw people lambast and criticize adherents of a Right Hegelian state while living in the developed form of a Right Hegelian state
The Third Reich Never Fell

>> No.12830658

Read Bambach's Heidegger's Roots or Phillips' Heidegger's Folk

Nazism is the logical conclusion of Heidegger's (and Nietzsche's) philosophy

>> No.12830667

Every state can be conceived as a Hegelian state --> no state can be conceived as a Hegelian state.

>> No.12830673

*conceived of

>> No.12830679


lmao so true

Autocratic regimes rule openly, and mistakes are easy to trace back to a source.

Liberal capitalist societies are governed by hidden actors, the usual lot of financial and media elites. Hollywood, Academia, and large corporations each effectively emerge as arms of the state, but the machinations of the existing political system in no way allow us to engage with them as such.

>> No.12830725

>This characteristic aspect of fascism permitted Mussolini to write that 'everything is in the State', that 'nothing human or spiritual exists nor a fortiori does it have any existence outside of the State'. But this does not necessarily imply an identity of the State and the imperative force that dominates the whole of society. Mussolini, himself, who leaned toward a kind of Hegelian divinization of the State, acknowledges in willfully obscure terms a distinct principle of sovereignty that he alternatively designates as the people, the nation, and the superior personality, but that must be identified with the Fascist formation from itself and its leader...
- Bataille, Psychological Structure of Fascism

>> No.12830770

>and Nietzsche's
MEGA cringe. shut up incel

>> No.12830774

>democracy is a shill

>> No.12830777
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>The Jews are the strongest, purest, toughest race in Europe.

>> No.12830790
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Yeah because neonazis are ubermensch and don't hold any ressentiment against the jews or anything.

>> No.12830806


>> No.12830845

>Obeying to nationalism and your country's "race" is the conclusion of Nietzsche
lol, Nietzsche even shitted on his sister for being a ultra nationalist white supremacist.
She even tried along with her husband and a bunch of other white couples to move to south america to create a pure white village away from everyone.

>> No.12830859

>She even tried along with her husband and a bunch of other white couples to move to south america to create a pure white village away from everyone.
based af tbqh

>> No.12831031

I thought Bataille was a Hegelian, why is he conceding a circularity to Hegelian political philosophy?

>> No.12831304

Academia is incredibly left wing; at my English university femminist theory was a reoccurring theme.

>> No.12831315

Reichsminister is a lefty tranny though, nice try.

>> No.12831333

Nazism is the ultimate realization of correlationist Kantian philosophy.

>> No.12831362

>Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back

>> No.12831412

I believe every discord community has a few people like this. Tranny beta fags are a discord problem, not an anything else problem.

>> No.12831786

>liberalism, bourgeois feminism is left-wing

laughable ignorance

>> No.12832015

Your reply doesn't relate to his post in any way, aside from the fact that both contain the word "Nazi." He was saying that political ideologies may follow unavoidably from branches of philosophy, and you replied with "yeah well look at this tranny I found on Discord."

Please find another board.

>> No.12832320
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National Socialism immanetized Dasein.
>Nothing that has been done on earth against ‘the noble’, ‘the mighty’, ‘the masters’ and ‘the rulers’, is worth mentioning compared with what the Jews have done against them: the Jews, that priestly people, which in the last resort was able to gain satisfaction from its enemies and conquerors only through a radical revaluation of their values, that is, through an act of the most deliberate revenge. Only this was fitting for a priestly people with the most entrenched priestly vengefulness. It was the Jews who, rejecting the aristocratic value equation (good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = blessed) ventured, with awe-inspiring consistency, to bring about a reversal and held it in the teeth of the most unfathomable hatred (the hatred of the powerless), saying: ‘Only those who suffer are good, only the poor, the powerless, the lowly are good; the suffering, the deprived, the sick, the ugly, are the only pious people, the only ones saved, salvation is for them alone, whereas you rich, the noble and powerful, you are eternally wicked, cruel, lustful, insatiate, godless, you will also be eternally wretched, cursed and damned!’ . . . the slaves’ revolt in morality begins with the Jews: a revolt which has two thousand years of history behind it and which has only been lost sight of because — it was victorious.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12833219

Not exactly right wing is it? Or is only full blown communism left wing now?

>> No.12833249

You can find the roots of Nazi ideology more in Herbert Spencer than in Heidegger or Nietzsche. Although there are some similarities like the volkisch ideology in Heidegger, decisionism and the idea of reactionary thinking, Heidegger wasn't advocating for a totalitarian state at all, much less one that depended on technology for supremacy. If anything he was worried more about liberal capitalism and Bolshevism and saw Nazism as a lesser evil. There is more of legalist and philosophical legitimization of Nazism in the writings of Karl Schmitt, because ultimately the Hegelian state is a totalitarian project subsuming all other alterities into the form of an enemy while their form on knowledge becomes a "friend". Adorno and Horkeheimer then in the "Dialectic of the Enlightenment", were right to trace 20th century totalitarianism to the enlightenment project and not to a nebulous Nietzchean irrational force, like every pleb intellectual was doing at the time.

Also this >>12830725

>> No.12833276 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12833282
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>> No.12833356

I agree, monetizing universities has been disastrous, but the theory used to subdue critical thinking is left wing. (Feminist theories are egalitarian and inherently left wing.)

>> No.12833360

did you read the paragraph?

>> No.12833366

Yes, how did you interpet it?

>> No.12833381

Cringe as fuck, you get your opinions from second-class scholars

The resistance against productionist metaphysics, the concept of “letting-be” and the fact that left-Heideggerians like Marcuse, Arendt, Foucault, Agamben, Jonas, Derrida makes up the bulk of his intellectual descendants disprove your pseud ass

>> No.12833404


>> No.12833405

kek, this nigga think academia and feminism is not a staple of the egalitarian liberal elite.
Nigga you ironically been indoctrinated.

>> No.12833743

dunno what 'scholars' you're referencing since i haven't read any secondary sources on heidegger or nietzsche, and honestly who cares what leftists in a leftward-drifting paradigm thought, 'lol let's repeat the consensus of the elite ad nauseam, i'm not a careerist lol'

>> No.12833750

Politically, letting-be for Heidegger means opposition to nanny state, not liberalism.

>> No.12833751

Dasein is more about "being there" and "being in the moment" than "letting-be", Being and Time is not a fucking Beatles song you faggot

>> No.12833776

Based, AND redpilled

>> No.12833902

Heidegger believed that national socialism was a possibility to enter the 'other inception' and end western metaphyics by getting us to 'think' beying in a way that was disclosed by the presocratics before it was concealed by Plato and his lineage down to today.

Heidegger was a committed national socialist who believed in the conspiracy of World Jewry and he believed that it reduced Beings to 'standing reserve'.

>> No.12833952

>haha dude most of academia is leftists righties btfo
holy cringe

>> No.12833953

>Encounter criticism of jews in any shape or form
>Better attack them!
Is this automated? Like, are you even human? How can you be so allergic to introspection?

>> No.12834080

The critique that Heidegger's philosophy shares a deep affinity with Nazism IS a left-wing critique.. Strauss' Jewish students, including Marcuse and Strauss, started deserting him in the '30s when they realized the implications of Lebensphilosophie and saw its rapprochement with the Nazis after 1933. Lukacs' Destruction of Reason practically argues that Heidegger was the inevitable outcome of the German ideology, Horkheimer agrees in Eclipse of Reason, Adorno calls Heideggerian Lebensphilosophie the "jargon of authenticity," etc.

You're defending Heidegger against the charge of being a right-wing fellow traveler, by saying that he has many left-wing disciples. But for the better part of 50 years, it has been the liberal and left stance that Heidegger is such a fellow traveler, and a deeply conservative stance that Heidegger had no essential connection with Nazism. There were whole scholarly debates about this in the '80s and '90s especially.

You don't seem to have a very deep appreciation of Heidegger's metaphysics, or maybe you're getting it skewed through Marcuse? Even Derrida has written subtly about this issue in Of Spirit. You also cite Agamben who flirts with Schmitt, another Nazi with "left-wing disciples." Hell, "the bulk of Schmitt's intellectual descendants" are mostly hyper-liberals who appropriate him for liberal projects. Schmitt, the Crown Jurist of the Nazis who was so antisemitic that the Nazis thought he was trying too hard. Does that mean Schmitt is a liberal?

Either way, you should read more Adorno.

>> No.12834134

Nitch was a loser philosemite who cannot compare to Kierkegaard or Hölderlin.

>> No.12834150

>Academia is incredibly left wing
If academia had any real and actual material influence, then we'd be living in a Marxist society and not the current virtue signalling liberal consumerist one.
Inb4 some deluded asshat says we do.

>> No.12834173

There's more than two options, y'know? And it's not one dimensional, you gargantuan imbecile.

>> No.12834442

Academia is not left wing, academia is a bunch of neoliberal LARPers living in an ivory tower and pretending to be Marxist.

>> No.12834453

>If academia had any real and actual material influence, then we'd be living in a Marxist society

This is silly. One can pass through academic institutions, like most of our political, business, and entertainment figures do, and come to adopt many of the general values/rhetorical tics generated there that mark one as part of, or adjacent to, a particular class without becoming a full blown dogmatic Marxist, especially considering how Marxism, as it exists today, much like the institutions where you would generally learn about it, exists in service of the liberal managerial sate which it critiques.

>> No.12834653

The "liberal elites" intentionally changed the political conversation of left vs right to be about tranny bathrooms instead of any genuine economic or political reform, America has no leftist party by any metric that isn't about not hating gays
If your farthest left party sees universal healthcare as a radical position then you don't have a party on the left, I thought /lit/ was smart enough to figure this shit out

>> No.12834865

Read Schumpeter, retard.

>> No.12834875

Yet all supposed leftists are deeply entrenched in liberalism, making the rest of leftism (and much of rightism) just strains of liberalism, because they can't conceive of anything beyond. Like, it's mentally impossible for them to step into another frame.

>> No.12834897

>If your farthest left party sees universal healthcare as a radical position then you don't have a party on the left

>> No.12834904

>Yet all supposed Murican leftists

>> No.12835139

That's my point. The left has been declawed, so much so that even its loudest proponents are ineffectual laughing stocks.
This wasn't an accident. America used to have an organized, fairly radical left full of Italian anarchists and Irish collectivists and figures like Eugene V. Debs, but their message was highjacked and the conversation was changed to harmless distractions.
People who genuinely want to change things are either not given an avenue for that at all or actively demonized and pushed to the right (if they're white), fracturing the working class in exactly the way Marx said they shouldn't be.

>> No.12835173

Despite his attempts to suck off nazis, the practically minded hitlerites had no use for Heidegger's ramblings. So, heidegger got shafted when relevant positions were appointed, and became embittered towards the nazis -- bet he regretted these words on the fuhrer then.

>> No.12835256

how about you read some heidegger outside of sein und zeit faggot

"gelassenheit" = letting-be

>> No.12836622

You're actually deluded.

>> No.12836641
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Does anyone outside of this God forsaken place take Heidegger seriously?

>> No.12836682
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Isn't it obvious?
>tfw get it
>tfw not a brainlet
>tfw still unable to act accordingly or actualize my self in any way because I simply don't believe or care what I know
>tfw this is somehow the worst of all possibilities
>tfw the weight of eternity dissipates in every non-act as I cease to exist in all practical terms