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12830136 No.12830136 [Reply] [Original]

Like, it's not even a contest. How did they do it, bros?

>> No.12830167

name one good amerifart horror writer

>> No.12830173
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>> No.12830182

Henry James

>> No.12830194

>why are they so good at it?
This country is a literal Orwellian nightmare bro. You have to live it to be good at it.

>> No.12830354

Life here is pretty horrifying desu senpai. I laugh at what nips and euros think is "scary" like bro I had worse in my backyard. Ya'll think we carry guns for fun or something. Read /x/ posts and learn.
That doesn't even fit. Either go back or read more than 5 books if you want to post here.

>> No.12830366

Fuck I unironically love being American. Everything is so fucked up and crazy here I love it.

>> No.12830395

they live in horror! great insperation

>> No.12830426

Why does the French love our authors so much?
Love you guys, @France :3

>> No.12830473

With Poe and Lovecraft you have more than enough. Name 1 European, Asian or Latin American horror writer better than them.

>> No.12830484

OP here, I'm Mexican, so, you'll probably hate me due to the political climate or whatever, anyway, I like your horror authors :)

>> No.12830622

this lmao

>> No.12830632

Stop fucking using my face.

But I do love Rousseau and Walras

>> No.12830636

Que pedo, carnal?

>> No.12830641

Don't worry. I don't hate you guys ;) I love your filmmakers and I grew up watching cowboy telenovelas as a kid even though I didn't know Spanish, haha.

>> No.12830642

Brah noboby actually hates Mexicans except for like the couple thousand rare racist here. Its hyped by the media.

>> No.12830715
File: 86 KB, 515x459, 8FE25528-1A0A-45C8-A3BC-34D8013973A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask why the Americas are so good at horror?
The people that fled an over crowded archipelago clinging to the sides of the boats with one hand and their bible in the other. The lily white pea brains discover a land of godless naked heathens, who they’re so scared of they hack them to pieces. Marching forward like a pox infested blanket they try to escape their tormentors, but the mechinations of industry follow them. Countless men go to their graves while digging for coal, children lose fingers and limbs in the meat grinders they tend to, women and girls roast alive or jump from burning shirt factory buildings. Why do we write so much horror?
Poe? Lovecraft? What about Melville and Fitzgerald?
The “American Dream” has been something of a nightmare

>> No.12830724


>> No.12830749

>Life in murica was much harder than europe back then
Lol, If anything muricans where the ones that got away from most of the shit storm from europe with all the wars, changes of maps, famines and hyper industry for the arms race.
Any european family living near a capital city state could very well expect to experience a seige from some other nation during their life time.
So i dont think your explaination of "amercian suffered alot" is plausible enough to justify your statement.

>> No.12830754

And P. T. Anderson, the greatest horror film director since Bergman

>> No.12830758

Bongs are pretty good too.
MR James
Algernon Blackwood
Robert Aickman
William Hope Hosgson

>> No.12830763

American horror shows are usually terrible

9/10 times the enemy is literally "the Devil" come the fuck on

>> No.12830768

this isn't /tv/

>> No.12830769

She means like the standard quality of life. They were warriors, savage beasts, she is not too far from the truth.

In actuality though, the Native American genocide was a quiet genocide. The systematized American regime did not agree with their nomadic way of life so they pushed them far away from their expanding borders and gave them reservations before taking those too.

Of course, she is right, it was still violent, but the reason the Americans had a harder life than Europeans is because they were farmers: a very independent, working class nation extremely avaricious when it came to land and further territorial acquisition. :3

>> No.12830772

Being American is the ultimate horror.

>> No.12830780


>> No.12830782

I don't read horror books but I bet it applies

Dean Koontz always used spiritualism in the last half of his garbage

>> No.12830788


Nah Mexicans are based, it's Canadians we hate.

>> No.12830808

I wasnt talking about natives either.
>but the reason the Americans had a harder life than Europeans is because they were farmers: a very independent, working class nation extremely avaricious when it came to land and further territorial acquisition.
Most nations still had the same percentage of population in the farming sector, russia was even in the top worse with even lesser population literacy.
Amercia was always seen as the escape goat to start a "new life" for most europeans, giving even a free plot of land for the immigrants there. There was a lot more room to rise in life instead of being stuck forever as a farmer in europe with all the wars and political instability. Amercia wouldnt have gained so much population if it wasnt for the fact that it was a better place to live than europe during most of history.

>> No.12830870
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>9/10 times the enemy is literally "the Devil" come the fuck on

>> No.12830892

>Most nations still had the same percentage of population in the farming sector
But not aggressive neighbors on all sides, and living within secluded woods

America was intense, boy

>> No.12830912

>All of america was cowboy land and law enforcers didnt exist anywhere.

>> No.12830927

I’m actually arguing the literal opposite.

>not reading a person’s post
I’m arguing that many American farmers lived in secluded woods, not some wild Wild West.

At first, they were surrounded by dense thicket where native Americans, urged by failed ties to Britain during the war for independence, would lie, waiting to kill the Americans.

That and the various sorts of European wars fought after America gained its independence (which not all states participated in) made it for a very uncertain and dangerous time to be independent and on the frontier of a growing world.

>> No.12830936

>Clark Ashton Smith
>Ambrose Bierce
>Algernon Blackwood

Too good

>> No.12830982

Algernon Blackwood was English, though.

>> No.12831041
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>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.

>> No.12831081

you better pay up for that wall amigo

>> No.12831122
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Lovecraft isn't even good. In fact a lot of horror authors are severely overrated. Clive Barker especially comes to mind.

Dan Simmons is an author with actual talent

>> No.12831141

Shut the fuck up pseud

>> No.12831170


>> No.12831177
File: 13 KB, 182x277, 4B777053-33F5-490A-8D15-BAF56A70FF96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t mean to imply Europe wasn’t going through some shit. The industrial revolution and capitalism started there. The monster they fled from caught up to them in the US.
The avarice power games people had always played since the recorded history of money simply got more intense. We all share in that horror now though

>> No.12831186
File: 145 KB, 716x540, BC0295E7-3534-4982-A51D-7DFDF9899362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be correct: Get called a pseud by pseuds

>> No.12831443

abysmal post

>> No.12832116

you're such a dumb vapid cunt

>> No.12832315

>Dante's Comedy
>It's literally a hellscape
Wtf was that about

>> No.12832354

there's a lot of empty, undiscovered space in America. so much left to the imagination. driving anywhere means watching a lot of of slow crumbling towns and abandoned shacks in the middle of nowhere and just long, stretching fields of nothing.

we isolate ourselves, too. theres not a lot that really unites us, since we're so diverse or whatever. families are spread out. your hereditary culture might be splintered beyond finding community in it. im half appalachian/mormon and half basque/cuban, and there's not exactly a facebook page for that combo. its not uncommon, and not at all a bad thing, but it does feel kind of lonely.

it goes without saying that the main idea of horror writing is presenting an uncanny and uncertain feeling of tension. thats why stories that focus on traditionally spooky things are so boring for the audience, esp the horror aficionados among them. its not really uncertain anymore, since youve already seen a billion haunted doll stories.

but America, i think, has a really unique feeling of isolation that can crop up anywhere. you can make the uncanny out of anything when you apply that all-american solitude, and with endless masks, it doesn't get old. lovecraft and king (though i fuckin hate kings style) capitalize on it really well.

theres other stuff like how we deal with religion and community etc. but ive already rambled and im not really good at getting my point across... tl;dr words hard. writing bad.

>> No.12832368

are you the contrapoints gal?

>> No.12832403

You’re lucky she’s being serious :3 she’s been so short recently

Too cute, she’s embarrassed about something. This is how we play our game though. You will never know the entire story. Pretty smart woman tho.

>> No.12832410

Wrong thread hahahahaah

>> No.12832424

best post no one will acknowledge

No one gives a fuck you're mexican, but if you think Americans don't like Mexicans you're actually an idiot

>> No.12832427

Please don't peddle inside jokes on an anonymous literary board - I can only handle my delirious solipsism for today.

>> No.12832445

Stop posting with a name - it's fucking ridiculous and detracts from the purpose of an anonymous board. Your accruing of reputation has no meaning, purpose, nor even offers a semi-salient salve to the inherent evils of this medium of interaction.

>> No.12832449

There is a name field for a reason you fool

>> No.12832458

EU and China are WAY more Orwellian champ

>> No.12832462

Driving through western Louisiana on the way to Austin, there was a billboard with a message from the DA of whatever county we were in. Essentially it was, "Welcome to Bumblefuck, LA. Y'all better not commit any crimes while you're here, now, ya'hear? I'd hate to have to cast you down with the sodomites. Sincerely, Bob Russell, the People's DA." And in Colorado, exit 354 off of 70 is just... nothing. A fucking dirt road that goes nowhere, not even to a farm. Shit like this just doesn't exist in Europe.

>> No.12832504

>Exists for a reason
Should be
For a reason? Whose reason? Mine or yours? Why even imply yours?

>> No.12832813


He isn’t an insider of mine at all. Just a troll


>> No.12832853

>No one gives a fuck you're mexican
Except some anons thought I was French, retard. Just wanted to clarify.
> if you think Americans don't like Mexicans you're actually an idiot
Yeah, well, there's enough evidence to suggest otherwise but I'm not going there.

>> No.12832885
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>> No.12832899

Mexico used to be part of France so technically I was right ;)

>> No.12832902


Honestly, all the Mexicans I've known have always been harder working and more sensible then the rich liberals around me. I love your history, and I wish you people all the best.

>> No.12832925

El Horror...

>> No.12832936

Do you know how I can tell you don’t live near the US/Mexico border?

>> No.12832941

But I do.
I love churros

>> No.12833178
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I've only read Hyperion. Is his other stuff good enough to warrant a read?

>> No.12833949
File: 94 KB, 564x788, 6FE97822-FC70-4BD0-AE7B-5A0E47D61E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/bros,

Do you any if you listen to any /lit/ related podcasts?

The only quality one I am aware of is Ellis’ podcast which doesnt seem to be a thing any longer.

>> No.12834043

There is nothing more horrifying than being American.

>> No.12834049

The best horror was Kafka.

>> No.12834066

More blood on their hands

>> No.12835168
