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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 650x1040, Stoner_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12830072 No.12830072 [Reply] [Original]

>read first chapter
>it's pure kino with beautiful prose
What the fuck /lit/, how did it go under the radar for so long?

>> No.12830093

people on /lit/ have been memeing it since day 1

>> No.12830122

How new are you?

>> No.12830134

I don't mean how did it go under the radar on /lit/, I meant in general

>> No.12830157

>I meant in general
Because people would rather read the latest generic fantasy/sci-fi/murder mystery trash than actual literature.

>> No.12830169

what are you talking about

>> No.12830573

It was well received when it was published, but it went out of print.

It got reprinted in 2013 and became popular because people resonate with it's themes now more than ever before. In short, it just wasn't a book that captured the sentiments of the era in which it was written.

>> No.12830588

Boomers just couldnt understand it I guess

>> No.12830987

Because it actually make you think about your life and most NPCs are not capable of that so they find it boring

>> No.12831007
File: 56 KB, 540x669, tumblr_pb6xb7S9sZ1rjg379o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book centered on Edith's life would have been 1,000 sadder.

>> No.12831019

I just picked it up today. It definitely feels like a book written for a modern audience. I'm actually a bit surprised that it's more than 50 years old. I guess it wasn't as relevant back then.

>> No.12831021

>under the radar
Welcome to /lit/, you must be new here

>> No.12831088

I've never read it. I was always afraid, and still am, that it's one of those unironical, pathetic stories, like Catcher in the Rye. Stuff like that only naive burgerland anons can enjoy.

>> No.12831115

augustus is better

>> No.12831188

catcher in the rye is for boys
stoner is for men
and by men i mean 25 year old fellas

>> No.12831192

fwiw I found Catcher in the Rye lukewarm & unimpactful but Stoner tragic and beautiful

>> No.12831404

get some vocabulary, anon

>> No.12832600

Catcher in the Rye is hardly unironic. It's best read as a comic picaresque, not some uber-sincere meditation on youth.

>> No.12833189

Because Oprah didn’t shill it and they don’t sell it at Walmart or Target

>> No.12833905
File: 92 KB, 749x744, DmolGoLUwAAL-Ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>went to job interview this morning
>went to the nearby shopping mall to buy some stuff
>seen bookstall
>I know the guy who works there, stoner stacked with bunch of other books
>he gives me slight discount
>walked home reading blurbs and introduction
>felt really bad, pensive and empty
>google, boards.4channel.org/lit...

>> No.12833922

shut the fuck up nobody cares you goddamn alt-NPC

>> No.12833945

>he read the introduction
That has spoilers in it

>> No.12833951

honestly the first chapter and the Driscoll chapter are the best
