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/lit/ - Literature

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12829773 No.12829773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>One is not worthy to have what one, through weakness, lets be taken from him; one is not worthy of it because one is not capable of it.

>They raise a mighty uproar over the “wrong of a thousand years” which is being committed by the rich against the poor. As if the rich were to blame for poverty, and the poor were not in like manner responsible for riches!
When will we seize their property?

>> No.12829796

Never, sadly

>> No.12829817
File: 138 KB, 1200x675, louis-xiv---mini-biography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else unironically starting to miss monarchy? At least, back in the day, when a small elite held the vast majority of wealth and power there was a certain expectation of using it well. There was, in theory, a certain amount of accountability the ruling class had, a certain obligation they had to the rest of humanity. And, in theory, they were all accountable to the Church, or to whatever religious class existed in the various nations of the world. Now we have all these rich people who are accountable to no one but themselves. Jeff Bezos is richer, more powerful, and influences the lives of more people than Louis XIV ever did, but unlike Louis he never has to face the consequences of his actions.

>> No.12829824

Soon sis
*sips tea

>> No.12829831

Boy, I sure do love this literature related thread.

>> No.12829861

You’re speaking like you lived under it
The books are written by the people in power

>> No.12829866

nice blog hoppe

>> No.12829889

1% of the worlds population is 75 million people

>> No.12829904

It's a quote from Stirner

>> No.12829912
File: 433 KB, 1200x1414, 1200px-Enrique_VIII_de_Inglaterra,_por_Hans_Holbein_el_Joven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless they hadn't both religious and political power.

>> No.12829916

do you know what a proportion is my friend? You must be retarded

>> No.12829936

Yeah, kind of. There needs to be a sovereign capable of reigning in the market and its excesses. Democracy is de facto rule by the market and it is gay and retarded.

>> No.12829947

No. I don't want to take orders from a king any more than I want to lick the boots of a rich man. I want to trample both into the dust.

>> No.12829967
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1W9BKljE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. I don't want to take orders from a king any more than I want to lick the boots of a rich man
Please tell me what the alternative is. Would you rather suck the states cock?

>> No.12829968
File: 629 KB, 2500x1870, 9EEC1D6D-27DA-445C-B02C-0554B0DC464F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah... yeah. Unfortunately.

>> No.12829973
File: 267 KB, 660x357, BmhS5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got the billionaires precisely because you cut the heads off the kings. Your kind destroyed the old aristocracy, but collectivist utopia isn't what arose when they were gone. Instead, what arose was... well, what we have right now.

There will never be a workers' paradise. There will never be a mass democratic utopia. There will never be one great unity of people working together, with no one ruling above the others. "Imagine" is a stupid song. We tried it your way in the 19th century and things are arguably worse than ever. We're not falling for your gobbledygook a second time.

>> No.12829980

Communism, although I'm not a communist. It all depends on what you're content with, really. Like the quote in the OP says: if you let yourself be dominated you are not worthy of emancipation. I, for one, will not be content until I rule the world.

>> No.12829986

I was with you for most of this post but Louis XIV had the power to start random expensive wars whenever he felt like it.

>> No.12830007
File: 884 KB, 2268x1174, Anon's Way Forward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to consider this the official /lit/ political stance

>> No.12830011

You realize they had “billionaires” in the Ancien Regime too? They were called aristocrats and archbishops, and in many cases they didn’t pay taxes at all.

The government of the future is Chinese style fascism, i.e. interwoven Party and State structures with strong control over private economic actors.

>> No.12830020

As a Catholic I can't support this.

>> No.12830024
File: 71 KB, 384x313, 1sduxre049fj5ryuaqyfskexi.384x313x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd be up for a type of serfdom where i'm issued 4-6 hours of daily work that guarantees my subsistence so that i can spend the remaining hours doing whatever it is i like, be it reading or playing music or writing or whatever.

like if someone said "all right anon, you're the baker every day from 8am to 2pm but after that, you can do whatever you want." i dont even need to choose what the job is, maybe they can legitimize the job i'm being issued by some sort of "god said this is to be your job" or "the state and big brother's researchers, in their infinite wisdom concluded this should be your job," that way i wouldn't necessarily have to attach my identity with my labor role in society and instead on what interests i pursue out of passion.

>> No.12830051

>When will we seize their property?
when you present an argument that isn't REEEE RICH PEOPLE

/lit/ is such a brainlet board when it comes to economics it's so embarrassing

>> No.12830102

In other words, we're going back to the Middle Ages, which STILL proves me right here >>12829973 . Collectivist utopia will never come to pass. At least not until Christ returns in glory.