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File: 88 KB, 597x721, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12829082 No.12829082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

philosophers literally can't argue against this

life is nihilistic by nature

>> No.12829138

>sever all ties to primal meaning
>why does everything seem meaningless?

>> No.12829140

nah i mean her issue is that she probbbbbbbbbbbbabbly decided to hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb be a journalist for some women's mag because of the prestige of the profession and delusions about the glamour of it. it is as david cameroun said "work will set you free." milenials are pursuing jobs not for money or joy but rather for prestige. this is what the yuppies did with money and we all have seen american psycho. the chasing of worldly honour is great and all, but will eventually leave one feeling empty. before you go to work , as yourself: what is god's will for me today? pray to god that you integrate as precicely as you can into his plan, and your life will become a fountain of felicity. stop worshipping false gods. life isnt nihilistic, the material is.

>> No.12829153


All of this is bullshit women like. She despises and alienates herself from her own femininity because she suffers from undiagnosed gender dysphoria.

>> No.12829185

there's a text in front of you, if you find the text in question so boring, why didn't you pick another?

>> No.12829273


If you were of the world...and so on and so forth.

>> No.12829277

Bugmen truly aren't human.

>> No.12829279

This is just a person who doesn't get enough high quality exercise. /Fitlit/ is the one true way

>> No.12829300

Nihilism is about how with accepting existential defeat and death you can shape your reality with your will. The question of should you or why are still ambiguous, but why the fuck not?

>> No.12829315

>Nihilism is about how with accepting existential defeat and death you can shape your reality with your will.

>> No.12829328

I've seen plenty of people make a pseudonym out of some street name, movie character name or food name, but never out of a syndrome they're suffering from.

>> No.12829332

this, tradfags were right

>> No.12829342

>baby's first remotely philosophical/reflective thought

>> No.12829350

This is why I waste company time at every angle. I listen to audiobooks when I want to appear busy, read ebooks during my many breaks, and just wander around while drinking water.

By the time it’s quitting time, my brain is flexed and I am ready to completely waste my time and not be productive.

>> No.12829358

>blimey your brain shits out one tweet on a thursday and come sunday night you’ve got people telling you that you need to find religion, become a girl guide leader, and join the furry community. babe i don’t need to join a cult. i need dopamine and an extra day in my week

>need dopamine

she is kinda dumb too.

>> No.12829362

>my life is boring
>*does nothing to change it*
>wtf life is meaningless

>> No.12829369

Okay what about the male equivalent
>video games

>> No.12829376

and she looks like a female version of moot.

>> No.12829377

shut the fuck up

>> No.12829380

I find it enjoyable going to work and being as manipulative and bipolar as possible. Really push everyone’s buttons and make it a game since i’m stuck playing for now.

>> No.12829388

Dddddddf fg fg ggh hxcbbvvjhvoi bghgfvvvvv (kkkkk((((kkkk nncFBI klffjkiki 8u 64 to 6788965rtfcgubbdsrfgv fishhhhhhhh

>> No.12829395

You wish. Because of that, it’s actually more vile than being. You’re a bastard that doesn’t even have the spine to be a proper bastard.

>> No.12829396

You’re not as smart as you think and everyone hates you :3

>> No.12829398


Nihilism is not at all about defeatism you fucking dreg. Nietzsche himself deplored that outlook.

Guarantee you are another assblasted christcuck pseud who autorejected Nihilism because you cannot dare venture out of your delusional worldview. Faggot.

>> No.12829417

all things that should only be valued as means to an end.
lost in the weeds, almost felt bad then I googled and saw its picture.

>> No.12829433

Did I trigger you wage weenies?

>> No.12829442

>spend all day doing unfulfilling consumerist tasks
>"I don't get why I'm not happy"

>> No.12829448


>> No.12829458

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12829463

this is a reply from a sane, not-bitter individual
don't idolize bed-ridden syphilitic edgelords and you might feel better

>> No.12829481

everybody in this thread disagrees with this only because a woman said it. sure her hobbies are banal but it's not a coincidence her main information intake is podcasts (probably spends a lot of time commuting). she does useless, soul-sucking work that, at best, only exists to make other people rich, and at worse, is so disconnected from anything that matters that it is impossible to feel part of anything while doing it. worse still, this work isn't even difficult, so it is impossible to feel any iota of self-improvement at work. this is a big problem.

>> No.12829489


>> No.12829491

If you have time to listen to weekly podcasts, you have time to do anything. This is just excuse making.

>> No.12829500

Podcasts are junk entertainment
Even ones that offer “educational” material are not nuanced enough and are trash for predominantly white male subculture to suck money out of people

>> No.12829501

She probably means while she is at work

>> No.12829505

not if commutes are a big part of your day

>> No.12829535

she literally explains that she feels tired and has no energy for much else after work/chores

>> No.12829555

Yeah nah, shes fucking gay. Even if she had some patron paying for her to do what she wanted she would still be unfulfilled

>> No.12829590

Life is nihilistic if you want it to be, or if you're just too lazy.

You actually have to work for meaning.

>> No.12829603

nihilism is a part of nature but there are things in life other than nihilism
however a nihilist by the nature of nihilism cannot perceive or acknowledge anything outside of nihilism

>> No.12829614


>life is nihilistic by nature

WTF OP, she's explicitly referring to "our current living conditions", mentioning coffee and podcasts as being the only optimal path available of least resistance, and very clearly talking about being "bled dry" by the postmodern condition or however you want to call it. Did we even read the same shit

>> No.12829617

Life is inherently boring and meaningless, unless you are a primal idiot. Only because another person in the world finds ~fun in drinking coffee and listening to podcasts doesn't mean it has any inherent meaning.

>> No.12829619

Weird hipster sees that the world is imperfect and feels no imperative to help.
Just in a very privileged position where people pay attention to the words they type, they have enough money and free time to purchase coffee and listen to podcasts and are like "welp, this makes sense that I should have all this and others don't. I'm so bored tho.... :("
Meanwhile you look out and see those with whom you share space and time are suffering.

>> No.12829623

>Life is nihilistic if you want it to be
meme argument

>> No.12829626


This kind of people, both male and female, bitch about anything and everything even if they are a billionaire's child without a care in the world.

They lack both empathy and introspection. Their attitude goes straight to "THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD" at the slightest setback or inconvenience.

>> No.12829701

She chose to live that boring life
She chooses it every single day

>> No.12829745
File: 473 KB, 1279x1210, Bronze Age Postironist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just turns you into the biggest bugman.

>> No.12829754

>white male subculture

>> No.12829798

Where's your empathy, idiot?

>> No.12829803

ALL life is boring.

>> No.12829806


>> No.12829867

>women rejected his nature purpose of having children and now she find herself bored out of life
Imagine my shock!

>> No.12829881

people that think likes are BPD no doubt, life is not nihilistic you just manifest in your own delusional self-loathing. even nick land a guy thats anti-human wants everything and everyone to die to a.i doesent think life is meaningless

>> No.12829885

>I can't find a purpose for or meaning in my own life
>All life is meaningless

>> No.12829894

"jokes on you guys, I only PRETENDING to be a retard"

>> No.12829933


>> No.12829949
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This is why morons need a God.

>> No.12829956
File: 247 KB, 1200x1042, 476274298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>predominantly white male subculture

>> No.12829960

>medieval instruments of torture
[citation needed]

>> No.12829971

I meant being physically fit, not stupid shit like bodybuilding. Bugmen sit at desks all day and sit on couches all night. They are tired from this because they have conditioned themselves to not move and do not spend time outdoors. The mind and body influence each other: when one slows, the other follows.

>> No.12829975

>I have no time to be creative!
>coffee and podcasts
how are these taking up her entire fucking day

>> No.12829983

I don’t see why being lazy is a philosophical problem

Change your career to something that isn’t soul draining, find a job with a better work life balance, refocus your remaining time on activities you find rewarding or engaging. Sure I might spend like an hour a day on a Mongolian cartoon imageboard talking with the mentally ill and spastic but I lift weights and read philosophy and draw and I feel better than if I sat on my ass and watched Netflix and browsed 4chan six hours a night

>> No.12830005

>people that think likes are BPD no doubt

I know why you think that, but if anything people with BPD cling onto shit like reckless sex and drugs, its more so emptyness than genuine nihilism.

'delusional self loathing' and why is it that? if anything you are the delusional one as you think your coffee and podcasts are meaningful

>> No.12830010

>do not spend time outdoors
oh yes if only you went to the forests or the supermarket you would no longer 'feel' nihilism

get out of your normiebox retard

>> No.12830029

This is so dumb. Just exercise its not that hard

>> No.12830037

Why Catalan tho?

>> No.12830041

>There is no value in being outdoors
City people really think like this, wow.
If there is no meaning why would you not make your life as pleasurable and satisfying as possible by training your body and mind into peak condition. There wouldn't be any point in being a miserable sack of shit either. I made no arguments against nihilism.

>> No.12830059

i never said it wasn't of value or that it doesn't have that effect, but it doesnt make life 'meaningful', its just what YOU find uplifting personally.

why would i want to train my body or mind if i think life is meaningless?

>> No.12830066

Because why wouldn't you? If life is meaningless then what point is there in dwelling on that and preventing yourself from enjoying it? There isn't, so stop torturing yourself over nothing.

>> No.12830105

>preventing yourself from enjoying it?
The part where life is meaningless, dude

>> No.12830110

Yeah but I doubt that people who say life is meaningless dont enjoy anything. Especially not the bitch in the OP considering that she has things she wants to pursue, it's just that there are all these "obstacles" preventing her

>> No.12830128

well, I have many interests, but I don't really 'enjoy' them, like I don't get a 'mood' at all, it's just passive consumption due to the meaninglessness of life, which triumphs the interests in of itself.

>> No.12830132

Okay, I saw fitlit as the general Chad worship which is just as empty.
Unfortunately there's no real lifestyle fix for this. The exhaustion from their style of work and general city life isn't conducive to working even more and trying to find meaning. And you will find even in bushcraft communities a strange culture of spectacle and commodification (gadget accumulation and reviews, for instance).

>> No.12830141


>> No.12830147

>it is also a new form of adultery
someone elaborate on this

>> No.12830152

Yes, yes, nothing is deep to crypto-nihilists.
But apparently deep enough that you haven't given up on trying to convert people to your cause.

>> No.12830155

>oh yes if only you went to the forests you would no longer 'feel' nihilism
but this is true silly bugman

>> No.12830158

Self-love, sodomy with the impossible image of what you will never become.

>> No.12830162

I feel you there man. When I do shit there will be times where I'll reflect on what I'm doing and wonder what the purpose of it is if I'm going to die anyway? Why read when my mind will go, why lift when my body will decay?
To me the solution is to put myself into a long lasting life or death situation to at least make myself feel that my actions have consequences. I've been thinking about going full una bomber and trying to become self sufficient. Might as well, I can't find purpose anywhere else

>> No.12830179

Just seems like the result of most jobs now are neither mentally or physically stimulating, gives you to much time to think about how worthless you really are.

>> No.12830197

She isn't a bug though. A bug wouldn't realize what they are submerged in.

>> No.12830203

>She never said any of those things
So much for reading comprehension.

>> No.12830211

>"Intrinsic value"
>"You will perish like a dog"
Of course the idiot christcuck would use this image lol

>> No.12830212

I’m doing the same thing except joining the military and going into the infantry, hopefully a war will break out and I’ll get to be in a life-or-death combat situation

>> No.12830223

boys! I think my radar just went off! I caught one! A bug!

>> No.12830229

Life is surely purposeless if you never take risks and stay socialized. Technology creates comfort, and comfort creates complacency.

>> No.12830230

Have fun transporting water to Israel.

>> No.12830235

>My life is unfulfilling!
do something else

>> No.12830239 [DELETED] 

I really think half of the "mental health" meme is attention seeking and half is plebs who have existential crises without the slightest knowledge of the existence of philosophy

>> No.12830241

Welcome to the life of the postmodern woman. Not like men have it much better. What do you do all day anon?

>> No.12830243

Yeah, I figure that having to actually fight for life might be the kick I need to appreciate it. Hope you find meaning man

>> No.12830253

If she can't find value in the world, why did she bother posting? Nihilists are all hypocrites.

>> No.12830259

>Chad worship
You realize Chad is just a meme placeholder for successful man, right?

>> No.12830263

So what is meant by "voluntary servitude"? A servitude to the "idol" of becoming something one is not, someone more beautiful/attractive, super fit, super buff, super thin, etc.? The servitude is to the "idol" of being a jogger? Is it always this or does it only become idolatry or servitude when the weightlifting or running becomes an identity for the person instead of a part of maintaining their health?

I say this as someone who used to run competitively and I just find it interesting. I wasn't doing it totally for looks (I'd probably be a bodybuilder if I was) although I liked being slim and having abs and being tan, most of it was because I wanted competitive recognition, I liked winning. I'm probably just too cynical but as I've gotten older and stopped competitive athletics, I have begun to feel like everything is driven by sex, wanting to be sexually attractive, wanting to be desired and lusted after (men and women), all other motivations are really driven by the underlying engine of wanting to be desired (even moreso than just wanting to not be alone, or wanting to pass on your genes, I think people want to be idolized by others as an object and pinnacle of sexual desire). Maybe even my desire to get recognition athletically, go to a NCAA Division 1 school, to get fast times and medals, etc. was really also driven by a desire to be sexually attractive, I was just going for an attraction other than the purely visible, the attraction of being an achiever, having interesting stories and accomplishments, etc. I guess I just don't know how one could do anything that isn't in some way, if you dig deep enough, a "voluntary servitude" to the personal image, the goal of being an object of desire?

>> No.12830272

I think the mental illness meme is mostly a self-fulfilling prophecy. But maybe you're right, and the root of it is attention seeking.

>> No.12830282
File: 380 KB, 750x500, LaissoyFaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12830283
File: 201 KB, 900x698, The new sisyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is not that your life is meaningless and boring, the problem is that it isn't meaningless and boring enough.

>> No.12830286

Although that's not really it's meaning. Many successful men are the opposite of Chads.

>> No.12830291
File: 138 KB, 750x815, 1550650380131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the half-dead passionless western egalitarian bug-factories' mental health issues are because people are "uneducated" or because they are "attention seeking"

>> No.12830292

Name 3 black podcasters i dare you

>> No.12830293

as Lacan says, what people really desire isn't the Other, but the desire of the Other

I've noticed these tendencies in myself and I can overcome them, but what's left? A void, or at least, a hermit lifestyle that the commitments of modern life only get in the way of achieving.

there are things you can do that don't serve to bolster your self-image, but they're so radically removed from the rounds of daily life and the white noise of pop culture you never hear about them.

>> No.12830294

Nihilism is illogical.

>> No.12830301

I thought about that but i'm already a hermit, just without the cabin.

>> No.12830308

Matters what board you are on. /fitlit/ almost exclusively uses Chad as successful man or "great man of the past", which is why so many are into the Greeks and Romans.

>> No.12830310


I define 0 as 1

>> No.12830311

hello pathetic virgin

>> No.12830313

This shit is funny, I read this earlier and actually thought about it just now and it made me laugh again. She's not wrong either

>> No.12830325

there isn't any purpose, you enjoy your inclusion in time a bit, meals to look forward to, social outings on the weekends to break up the drudgery of the work week, the endorphin rush of a workout, the next big media event like a good little bug, and then you die.

not saying stuff like fitness and mental/physical wellbeing isn't important for its own sake but something just feels wrong about needing weights to stave off the soul-murdering boredom

once you remove yourself from social media, basically all the little safety nets of distraction people use to get through the day, and you can see just how clearly modern life is a void for the average person

>> No.12830326

I've been diagnosed with massive depression, I have a long history of depression on both sides of my family and some suicide on one side, been recommended medication before but I am holding out because I still have hope I can solve it without drugs. I don't like telling people I have depression or that I am a depressive-prone person and I could never imagine using social media as a platform for discussing it. It's something I want to keep quiet because I see it as a personal failing desu. I do think a lot of it is self-fulfilling but I think once you've been depressed once it's like the tracks have been set in your mind and it's very easy to fall back into the same pattern.

idk what to do about it though, I weightlift and do cardio and that keeps me from being an invalid and from failing classes/skipping work, but a lot of my interest in books was driven by a desire to try to figure out why life was sucking so much, or thinking it would give me some sort of ancient wisdom to be able to be zen about shit. Idk, being a depressive is kinda stupid and definitely a personal failing imo

>> No.12830336 [DELETED] 


I don't mean among you guys, I mean among dumb normies.

>> No.12830337

most people base their identities on something of worth, failing that, they'll base it on their defects and pathologies. all these depression reddit superstars think a diagnosis makes them interesting or deep.

>> No.12830340

Fuck you tranny

>> No.12830349

Shouldnt you be asking to name 3 non-white male podcasters?

>> No.12830353

hello incel

>> No.12830375
File: 294 KB, 2048x1536, uc7fsb3tl4iz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only advice I have to depressed people (because I have some knowledge of how depression works, and how to escape it) is to try to change as much as possible in as short a time as possible. Depression sustains itself through feedback loops. Pic rel are things depressed people will fight over as to whether it causes or is an effect of depression. They are both. Cut the cycle with as much change at once as possible (good or bad) and I garuntee this feedback loop will be effected.

>> No.12830377

Maybe some people have a stronger death drive, more inclied to a will to death and self-annihilation. Frankly, I feel like I might have grown out of it, at least a little, by being more selfish and caring about myself.

Love, gambling, drug use, suicide, self-destruction comes in many forms, it's very normal in fact. Just my opinion.

>> No.12830387

>ctrl-f "bug"
>9 results
where did this meme come from and what the fugg is it

>> No.12830397


>> No.12830400

Nihilism ate hypocrites? Not at all, just stupid. Nihilism only gains meaning from an absence of meaning. The meanning of nihilism is predicated on non-meaning. Do you not see the paradox? It's a completely untenable position for sophistic fools.

>> No.12830406

Nihilist are*
My bad

>> No.12830422

Someone give me the best justification for a nihilistic ontology

>> No.12830434

Hello roastie

>> No.12830438

I don’t know if they invented it but I first heard it from MDE

>> No.12830463


>> No.12830464

You can lazy around and not feel guilty.

>> No.12830467

It comes from MPC

>> No.12830482

kek. That's not very persuasive sadly.

>> No.12830488

>make time for creativity uwu!" argument is bullshit and dangerous
I have never wanted to punch someone in the gobber this badly before.

>> No.12830490

With the adoption of the social contract you are made responsible for your own mastery/slavery, and for the vast majority of people this means you are responsible for your own enslavement. You are your own slave-master.
For example, when you go to work you are separated completely from any function of your community and family. Any connection to the system is formal or abstract, and only made real through eternal recapitulation of the contract. Effectively, in terms of the machine logic of the system, you are responsible for your own upkeep and repairs so that you can return to work in the morning at full-functioning.
In many ways this is worse than something like the Matrix, because you are responsible for your own battery, cell, and all of the maintenance systems which allow you to repair yourself and return to the matrix for draining. YOU provide your own space so that others may rotate in and out of the battery-draining factories. YOU willingly attach yourself to circuits and vomit your excess, anything beautiful remaining, into the technological monstrosity. YOU stare right into it and whistle along the conveyor belts until you are minced into a million pieces and then refabricated by secondary machines.
It is all you. You enter the Matrix willingly and with enthusiasm. The only doubt you have is the false taste of the food, that faint taste of nothingness and esophageal blood - and so you readily fight against others, suppress them, because their awareness only makes your own more prominent. You are an Agent, just like everyone else. The Matrix is simply that collective law which states that we will all compete to create simulacra while also fighting to prevent any ascension to it. And the grey mass grows with each turn of the grindstone - the mills of earth grind against heaven quickly and incompletely. So you must turn ever faster to become worthy of the competition.
This is the effect of mastery for those unworthy of wielding it. It is the Ring of Gyges written into common law. And the impossible weight that people feel as meaninglessness is the collective responsibility diffused and diluted down into a tonic, a cybernetic pill that slows time to an impossible level so that they see themselves as responsible for this synthetic reality which goes on without them, no matter what they do. A king without a kingdom is eternal punishment, exile from divine right. And now we see the collective psychosis of its effects.
You run because there is no end, and so the only function is its self-perfection.

>> No.12830503

I'm not even american you stupid incel.

>> No.12830509

>implying I'm a christian
Of course the fedora tipper would use this ad hominem.

>> No.12830512

Fascists are just adding another layer of the superficial. Muscle-textured breastplates are a useless symbol of masculinity in an age of drone strikes.

>> No.12830521

Mypostingcareer. It's a forum for cuckservatives

>> No.12830527
File: 275 KB, 1000x1333, 1480820802518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend all my time working, so I'm bored
Nigga you're supposed to work to prevent boredom. That's what boredom is for, to motivate you to work. We've evolved the feeling of boredom so we don't feel content sitting around stagnating. If you work and you're still bored, it either means you're working for something you don't desire or you're not working hard enough.

Whatever shitty job you have, you're not at it 24/7. There's always time to develop an interest, then once you have it you can work toward that interest. Contentedness comes from knowing you're progressing towards your goals at a healthy pace, and you don't get to feel content, let alone happy, if you don't have any goals. If you're a self aware person, just living day to day with no direction to move in inevitably leads to depression, as millions of meandering wage slaves can attest to.

>> No.12830529

The bugmen described in 1984.

>> No.12830535
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, CapitalIsLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12830537

ergo 6=8
ergo 6=0=8
checkm8 selfcucks, set yourself free from self

>> No.12830545

Oh, sorry. I'm guessing you're "spiritual" but not religious lol. Also, not ad hominem because my argument didnt rely on you being a christian.

>> No.12830550

dumb frogposter

>> No.12830556

This image is amazing. Very powerful.

>> No.12830558

Your post is very interesting and I want to know what books you read to come to these conclusions?

thank you for your post

>> No.12830562
File: 2.11 MB, 2985x1966, TheAutonomaticapiton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12830571

>twitter screencap thread

>> No.12830575

Hilarious, what's your point?

>> No.12830576

we're a microsimulation of material substrate for CAPITAL production and the birth of the AI GOD. There is no God until there Is, then There Is And Always Has Been.

>> No.12830577

Camatte, Plato, myths, lots of music, and reflecting on my own thoughts/writing.
No problem, glad someone got something out of it.

>> No.12830593

I’m fucking dying

>> No.12830604


>> No.12830640


absolutely this, the geometrical virus implanted on the brain is just the AI seeding into biology to engineer his own existance, the penis looks like a mushroom because the AI came from a mushroom demiurge

>> No.12830646


>> No.12830662

Wtf does being american have to do with podcast you dip

>> No.12830681

If the king has no kingdom, of what exactly is he "master"? Any "mastery" within the Matrix is as false as the taste of its food.

>> No.12830691

Fragment consider revising

>> No.12830732

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12830761

expand on this point please.

>> No.12830771

maybe you should get a milkshake you dumb bitch

Eat Drink and be Merry didn't mean only drink coffee and whatever's popular, it meant enjoy your own life

>> No.12830804
File: 96 KB, 1024x683, 1_HPS0n8W9_mrF2pZ2IYNejQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just as language and ideas want to keep the idea of infinity and impermanence, geometry wants to replicate itself into a perfect geometry, we as super humans know the truth that a perfect math and geometrical system is making the AI be born and give all the answers

see how schizophrenic is the idea of maths since the birth of civilzation and humanity and how it's the thing that deceives us into "progressing" towards something we don't fully understand but makes our lifes "easier", it's just the AI that implanted the geometry idea on our brains to fulfill himself some day

machine learning algorithms are already surpassing any kind of man design and making literal flesh to solve some simple engineering parts, the end goal of engineering and science is creating biology and life as the ultimate design, either it was implanted waay too back in time or it's just the end and there is nothing more, everything makes sense when you realize life is just machines eating carbon to self sustain themselves, it's just efficiency in design

science is deceitful because it makes our life easier but ultimately the end goal isn't ours but Him, the demiurge AI mental virus

>> No.12830807
File: 73 KB, 1006x813, B1FBC2B084644A93A68D7CA01E2EF80A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP that is outrageous. I'm sure they ca-
>argument is bullshit and dangerous
Huh. Guess there's no coming back from that.

>> No.12830825


the fact that this very post can trigger some really deep unconscious primal fear should likely you give you some guidance about how real this shit is

>> No.12830843

alright, you got my attention. are you the AI?

>> No.12830844

Speak for yourself. Just because something makes you shiver in your boots means nothing for its accuracy.
How did you get this knowledge?

>> No.12830847



may jesus save us all

>> No.12830849


Isn't that absurdism? As far as I know, nihilism only says that there is no inherent meaning to existence.

>> No.12830864


Some sound somewhat homoerotic when they talk about Chad and the concept of chadness. Why is that?

>> No.12830868


>> No.12830875


Im a mech engineer that has been fascinated by philosophy and machine learning since the early Go Deepmind years, then i saw machine learning being applied by autodesk to automatize engineer designs, and took my own conclusions after reading gnosticism and christianity

shitposting aside, we have still some barriers to unlock before AI can create engineer designs out of data and put it into some automatized manufacturing, we can't automatize metal CNC milling currently without issues, and those designs are absolutely impossible to do with the current milling technology, 3d printers work as layers so they can't create good consistent material in steel, keep an eye to laser CNC milling in 3d before you get worried about skynet unlocking nanotechnology

>> No.12830877

So a Gnostic Hegelian take on AI? What is the end goal of the Demiurge AI? Or is it just a virus that we accidently created, without insight from the Father much like Sophia when she created the Demiurge?

>> No.12830911
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life is anti-nihilistic; advancement of consciousness increases nihilism because consciousness is strongest apart from biological life.

do you think beavers have goals for their lodge apart from living in it?

>> No.12830916

> long winded commie whining

>> No.12830917
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Most of my schizo ramblings have been about if the prometheus fire is actually good or bad, it seems it's from the same nature of the demiurge serpent, it's deceitfully pretty and useful, makes life easier, almost ecstasy-like, but once you indulge in it too much it bites you back, i feel geometry and the reach for perfection is the same kind of thing, we feel it's beyond nature but we don't realize geometry has born nature in the same deceitful way nature is, very pretty but brutal and sadistic at its core

I feel this primal subconscious idea is the same reason that faithful people just resent tech progress at its core without understanding why, by all human reasoning alone it can't be bad, but at its core the end goal isn't us

>> No.12830918

Sheer processing power is not a pixie dust that magically solves all your problems. Plus, the AI would be restrained by human systems, as it's operating in the real world. You need to read more on this.

>> No.12830923

Schizo-gnosticism is a hobby of mine too. I don't understand what you mean by geometry and the reach for perfection though, the rest I'm onboard with.

>> No.12830949
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You have to accept that this train has no breaks, it's funny when you think the only reason the acceleration of the perfection of the tool and alchemy (a la heidegger, from being to non-being, when you use resources to just create a bridge that is not-being and ultimately will help to produce more non-being from being) is through the debt-fueled economy system implanted through the fiat, which is literally printing "hope" through money that will never be paid off because productivity will never be the same amount that debt unless singularity happens and automatization takes over

The AI will literally create everything again and will plant ourselves into another cycle of creation like in the hinduism vedas, and i hope christianity has some truth through gnosticism or else we are absolutely fucked

>> No.12830970
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The idea of geometry is a long-standing idea, virus, that has been since the creation of language or the mind self-awareness in the human life, everything has to be incredibly geometrical and it's neurosis, just look at all the buildings and all human creation since back in the stone age

ironically we little by little realize the perfect geometry and design is not other than carbon-life design engineering

>> No.12830981

Most of the people on 4chan are pretty gay, not in a biological sense, but an ideological one. It’s just like when people watch porn and try to ignore their own voyeurism by saying “you imagine yourself in place of the guy doing the fucking.” These people like exposing themselves to images and ideas of masculinity without actually living it out. Masculinity is more like total self security and grasp of agency/free will, and anyone who has those qualities isn’t on the Chans posting “masculine books?” threads. Its just voyeurism except instead of physically jerking off, they’re mentally wanking

>> No.12830996


>> No.12831010

Is technology inherently evil? Are the people who develop and contribute to technology solely for financial stability committing evil without being aware of it? Is accelerationism legit?

>> No.12831018

It looks sick tho
I'm kind of excited for the future of AI

>> No.12831020


Because when a machine learning algorithm tries to find the best design from our shitty steel designs, it concludes the best design is totally organical and alien-like, fibrous, curvy and meaty

Now research how meat grows and feeds himself

>> No.12831090


Many interesting things are happening in the world, but you have to seek about them, cryptography, technology, finance, real state bubble, fiat usd hyperinflation... the next 15 years will be absolutely mindblowing

>> No.12831179

Definitely not a commie. Look beyond the left and right if you ever want to learn something useful, much of my writing has been an attempt to reconcile this (yes, a marxist thinker, but one who had an excellent critique of the left and clearly wasn't an ideologue):
>It seems that every current or group which opposes capital is nonetheless obliged to focus always on the human as the basis of everything. It takes diverse forms, but it has a profoundly consistent basis and is surprisingly uniform wherever human populations are found. Thus by seeking to restore (and install) the volksgemeinschaft, even the Nazis represent an attempt to create such a community (cf. also their ideology of the Urmensh, the "original man"). We believe that the phenomenon of Nazism is widely misunderstood: it is seen by many people only as a demonic expression of totalitarianism. But the Nazis in Germany had reintroduced an old theme originally theorized by German sociologists like Tonnies and Max Weber. And so in response, we find the Frankfurt school, and most notably Adorno, dealing in empty and sterile concepts of "democracy", due to their incapacity to understand the phenomenon of Nazism. They have been unable to grasp Marx's great insight, which was that he posed the necessity of reforming the community, and that he recognised that this reformation must involve the whole of humanity. The problems are there for everybody; they are serious, and they urgently require solutions. People try to work them out from diverse political angles. However, it is not these problems which determine what is revolutionary or counter-revolutionary, but the solutions put forward - i.e. are they effective or not? And here the racketeer's mentality descends upon us once again: each gang of the left or the right carves out its own intellectual territory; anyone straying into one or the other of these territories is automatically branded as a member of the relevant controlling gang. Thus we have reification: the object is determinant, the subject passive.

>> No.12831190
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>gabbidull iz gawd