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/lit/ - Literature

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12827947 No.12827947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your average day, /lit/. I'll go first:

>wake up 8am, snooze til 9
>watch news or listen to audio book while getting kratom, drink that in bed for another 30 minutes then take a shower
>prepare 2 tablespoons of kratom in an recycled plastic water bottle to drink throughout the day
>make sure I have all my shit (1,2,3,4,5,6) and head out the door to drive 1.5x the speed limit to work
>stumble in ~10:30
>do the work of two men for one mans pay
>dont talk to anybody
>speed home at 5
>do homework or dont, play with my gf, then drink 12 beers, play video games and pass out at 4am

To live the NEET life is my ultimate aspiration, NEETs regale me with tales of your glory.

>> No.12827949


>> No.12828106
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>wake up at 8
>Drink tea while reading or browsing the internet
>When i get the strength to get out of my chair meditate and do yoga
>Sometimes do some cardio
>Take a shower and keep browsing
>Take a walk outside
>Keep browsing the internet for the remainder of the day or sometimes go to work
>When i dont work take a 2 hour walk at 4pm to pretend I'm going to class (live with my parents and am enrolled in uni, haven't taken an exam yet since october and have gone to like 3 classed total, unsure what to do)
>Meditate and go to bed at midnight

>> No.12828127

4:00 Wake up, make breakfast, internet.
5-7 Studying
7-9 Run, shower.
9-17 Work.
17-20 free time
20:00 prepping for sleep

>> No.12828192
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>Wake up 8
>Coffee and check news
>Walk brother to school
>Get distracted by this shit or reddit
>Hopefully be reading instead
>Meditate 15 mins+, would like to get to 30 mins
>Read a bit more, usually like an hour or so
>Write till pick brother up, often distracted
>Sometimes fitness stuff in arvo or earlier
>More reading or getting distracted
>Another 15+ mins meditation
>Sometimes watch things of evening for instance feel asleep watching this last night:


I pity you poor wagies.

>> No.12828206
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idk what's typical but this is fairly close
>wake up at 16
>smoke a cigarette and drink some weird japanese coffee my russian girlfriend gave me for some fucking reason
>it's not good, but at least it's strong
>shower, shave
>smoke another cigarette while making scrambled eggs
>glance at my texts without answering them. will later pretend i didn't see them.
>morning whiskey
>short walk around the city. eavesdrop on random conversations
>return home. make notes on what i overheard. will later incorporate into writings
>check emails for translation requests on obscure language i know. work on the translations. send them back.
>daily reading session
>quickly discover i can't focus on the text. daydream a lot while smoking continously.
>go outside. consume unholy amounts of fried chicken.
>around 23, call dealer
>gf comes over. she asks what i read today. i lie and say i read something russian
>around midnight begin to ingest bolivian marching powder
>invite friends
>unpredictable events until 5 or 6
>eventually send everyone out of my flat
>coffee, whiskey and cigarettes while browsing the internet
>write poems while tired, but the energy of writing keeps me going
>remind myself that i'm a fraud and a degenerate around 8 or 9 and all my efforts are futile
>smoke a cigarette
>drag myself into my unmade bed

>> No.12828207


>> No.12828227

If only your story telling was as good as your shit posting you might be published.

>> No.12828259

>wake up at 7
>breakfast, browse 4chan, feel sad about life at 8
>go to gym at 9
>come back at 11, browse 4chan, maybe read a few pages
>lunch and college at 13
>not paying attention in class at 14
>feel sad about hating college,
>everyone around me is having the time of their life, professors say that's the best class they ever teached to
>everyone go to parties, meet new people, have sex, network, find jobs
>feel sad about having to see that qt girl i have no chance with always sitting in my field of vision
>feel sad about having no money, no friends, no job prospects
>feel sad about being a failure in every single thing i've ever tried
>come back with no energy at 19:00
>stare at the ceiling until 19:30-20:00
>dinner, 4chan, feeling sad about life, etc until i sleep
>restless legs, short breath, racing thoughts, when trying to sleep
>2 am, browse 4chan on mobile, eyes burn like they'll come out of my skull
>3am, "the restlessness and nightmares are killing me, someone just end it all please i beg you" i think to myself

>> No.12828267


>> No.12828294

Kino if true. If.

>> No.12828336

>wake up at 6:30
>snooze 10 minutes
>drag myself out of bed at 6:45 to piss and brush my teeth/hair
>out the door at 7:15, fighting traffic for 30-45 minutes depending on shit
>sit in cubicle and do 2 hours of work in 8.
>listen to audiobook/podcasts while working
>read ebooks during lulls
>4:00 rolls around and I consider going to the gym. I don’t.
>watch a combination of Hulu, YouTube, and Netflix for 4 hours.
>read a book for an hour or so

It could be better. It could be worse.

>> No.12828433

nordic country. yes?

>> No.12828469

>wake up at 7
>proceed to lie in bed face down until 0730
>finally find energy to grab my phone
>browse facebook
>get pissed after 5 minutes of seeing npc-tier memes or normalfags whoring
>switch to 4chan to feel better
>decide that I'd rather browse on pc
>intense multilingual soliloquy begins that will go on for the rest of the day
>occasionally reads aloud shitposts and laugh obnoxiously
>around 0930, starts getting hungry, have shitty breakfast and feel wanting to puke
>tea binge begins that will go on for the rest of the day
>try to do maths, give up because STEM is for soulless faggots
>read a book, aloud of course, occasionally making edgy comments
>1400, cook noodles, watch trash-tier anime on niconico and larp as a native jitakukeibiin
>1500, blast russian symphonies while drawing boxes and naked wymen
>1700, stare at ceiling, laugh at ridiculous puns that I came up with
>starts writing schizophrenic poems once I reach critical pun mass
>do push-ups and cook noodles
>go to bed thinking about the best shitpost of the day
>sometimes wake up at 0400 and go for a walk around town

how /lit/ am I?

>> No.12828513

1700 is the last timestamp. For how fucking long are you writing your shitty schizo poems?

>> No.12828589

before 0400

>> No.12828694

i am published tho, just not in the sort of venues you'd care to read