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/lit/ - Literature

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12825554 No.12825554 [Reply] [Original]

Fact: Reading fiction is no better than playing videogames

>> No.12825581

Based and redpilled, honestly. If I ask someone what their favorite book is and they tell me its LOTR or some shit, I immediately see them as intellectually inferior.

>> No.12825585

Some videogames are ok though

>> No.12825591

Imagine being cursed with such brutal autism as to make these threads multiple times every day because someone called you a pleb

>> No.12825610

Fiction: Chad is kingly, not the instrument a knight-bot is.

>> No.12825633

it's a fact that anyone is hardcore obsessed with LOTR or harry potter books are fucking booktards.

>> No.12825639

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

>> No.12825640

There is nothing to be gained from fiction. It is not based in our reality and therefore none of the lessons or themes it explores can be properly applied to real life, as fiction takes place in made up dream worlds where everything is built according to the author's biases about reality. There is no real difference between Blood Meridian, Twilight, Harry Potter, etc. in terms of respectability.

>> No.12825647

This. Are you going to keep posting the same bullshit bait over and over again?

>> No.12825653
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What if I've read LOTR and enjoy them a lot, but also love Plato and Homer?

>> No.12825659

Whoever you discussed with must have good taste. I am OP and this is the first time I address this topic.

>> No.12825668
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>I only read non-fiction

>> No.12825675
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the girl I worked with called me a foreigner because I didn't watch marvel movies or was a fanatic about harry potter.

>> No.12825682

I immediately assume Harry Potter fans are British on the internet because it seems as though not many people really enjoyed them compared to the plethora of fanatic Potterheads in Britain who spam the internet with memes about a 20 year old book.

>> No.12825689

I'm in scandi

>> No.12825694

Have you never met an american woman? My grandmother is almost 70 years old and watches every harry potter marathon the cable TV networks have ever run and "finds something new each time :)))"

>> No.12825698

What a strange world we live in.

>> No.12825704
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>"focuses on what is important because it is important"
>Uhh I dunno science haha. You all believe in science right? Science, yeah, I'm pretty into uhh Einstein.

>> No.12825713

I live in America. I know 0 Potterheads. I haven't had a conversation in real life about Harry Potter since maybe 1 year after the last film came out and then it dropped from the plane of the earth since from my perspective.

>> No.12825717

>He desn't learn physics AND metaphyisics
>He doesn't learn Genetics AND race-realism

>> No.12825719

>avoiding the question this badly
So you don't really know any women, k.

>> No.12825729

A week ago I matched with a landwhale on Tinder here in Spain and the first thing she says is the she is a huge freak of Harry Potter

>> No.12825748
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>too much of an autist to pretend to sperg out about HP or Marvel to appease girls

>> No.12825754

I just felt like posting this because like halfway through the song they go "WE EQUALS MC SQUARED CAN YOU HEAR ME???"

>> No.12825763
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I am a woman moron. I knew a few potterheads in the nerd circle at school but I wasn't part of their clique (I was part of the sporty kids) and eventually HP stopped being a part of my life entirely.

>> No.12825764

I'm not going to appease these morons by acting that I'm invested in the culture industry. Jesus christ that's pathetic dude.

>> No.12825766


>> No.12825786

The opposite here. I unironically feel sorry for people like you.

>> No.12825789

>I AM a tranny you moron. I knew a few girls at school but I was in denial!

>> No.12825790

You lose nothing if you do, fake it til you make it

>> No.12825827

Still better than making incel power fantasy threads.

>> No.12825834
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Bin ich ein verdammter Witz für dich?

Seriously though. The point of good fiction is to help people engage reality in a more meaningful way. Most fiction doesn't do this and is just dross to keep the sheeple entertained, infotainment like pop histoy, pop science and pop psychology are just as bad. Also some philosophy is just as bad as pleb fiction.

I think it depends on the message and meaning behind a text.

ITT: Should be about literary criticism. Instead retards arguing about wizards. Chanz gonna chan.

>> No.12825926


>> No.12825968


>> No.12825997

As someone who reads fantasy a lot, what would you recommend in the vein of non-fiction?

>> No.12826004
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Aristotle was right about natural slaves, these people are only here to consume and to be taken advantage of through capital accumulation and their desire to be on the right side of figurative history. Philanthropy is used as a form of disguise for economical expansion which these people celebrate, they don't see 9/11 as a rebellion against the cultural and economical expansion of Capital but instead just as something that's ultimately on the wrong side. When I speak with them they see nothing wrong with some form of connected capitalism but most importantly 'democracy' all across the world because they've been conditioned to think it is right and thus view mass immigration into the system as something good. At the same time they speak about the dangers of climate change they also talk about the importance of open borders, the two are directly connected.
>shut up you edgy zoomer
I added a skull image for you to make it easier for you to dismiss this, fuck you.
I see people complain about the usage of plastic bags, when they dismiss corporations and other large nations polluting so much or the fact that they're buying something that destroyed far more than a fucking plastic bag. This is not going to help anything, going to Africa to give a child a fucking plastic bottle of water, it's just a capital bottle of self gratification to make you feel like you're, again, on the right side. You know why Bill Gates helps Africa? Because of economical expansion and more to destroy and consume.
Democracy and capitalism truly have been a disaster to the human race. People work, and then they go home to consume the culture industry until they've died. They've been turned into flesh batteries of mass consumption and global destruction of both our nature and all types.
At this point we'll turn into a singularity of planet universal destruction and consumption.
I'm not going to deal with these fucking people and no, I'm not talking about fiction readers. I read fiction from time to time too. I'm talking about escapists and consumers, who just want to feel good, and happy. Because that's what life is about apparently. Fuck you, because it is true but you are not happy. In personal truth and connection with other true people and the world you are happy. You're not happy by surrounding yourself in consumable Capitalistic media. And then these fucking conservatives who considers them above that while they preach the consumable destruction fo capitalism because 'it just works' It's not working, it has failed but is kept alive like a controlled puppet by the 'government', capitalism has collapsed but that's just ignored. Sure let's do that. You want to know our future? Children, made into trannies, watching people make extremely happy expressions on large 8k monitors. What the fuck, is there to do. Reactionaries will just move back, and the system will come to be again. So there needs to be something that kills the system and creates something new.

>> No.12826025

Actual medieval history, war battles, conquest and Politics. Or the Conquest of the New World, with the clash between the different civilizations. Choose whatever country you want.

>> No.12826031
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>> No.12826042

Oh well I already am into that stuff lmao

>> No.12826043

You guys do realize that they are not mutually exclusive right?

>> No.12826050

I was being sarcastically serious, but meant what I wrote.

>> No.12826053

The English in your shitty picture is so FUCKING BAD I cannot believe it was created by someone who's in any way well versed in literature, doesn't even matter if it's fiction or not.

>> No.12826064

English is my 4th language, any correction is welcome.

>> No.12826079

>all those shitty kikey books
>bases his beliefs in science

What a retard.

>> No.12826086

You utilitarian non-fiction consumers with your delusions of "self-improvement" and historical agency are just as escapist as people who binge Harry Potter. The line between fiction and non-fiction isn't as clear cut as some people think. If you can't see the value of fiction you won't get anything meaningful out of non-fiction, and vice versa.

>> No.12826096

... And is there anything more insufferable than this excuse? I don't give a shit, it's the most important language in the world and it's the language of this board, if you're gonna participate then fucking learn it.
Pro tip: your prepositions and capitalization are a fucking joke. Review the rules for these subjects.
You can trust me, apparently since it's only my 3rd language that makes all the difference you dumbass.

>> No.12826115

Thank you based grammar-nazi.
I didn't really care about capitalization when doing it.

>> No.12826122

He’s kind of being an asshole but standing IN the shoulders of giants kind of made me cringe

>> No.12826123

Calm down you spastic. If you've also learned foreign languages you can at least sympathize with the guy

>> No.12826130

to say that you "like" a transient artifice? No you don't, integrity is cultivated by what you do, not by what you like/don't like

>> No.12826228

yea, like Pong and Galaga. back when video games were actually good.

>> No.12826263

>I just read the OP and made an assumption

>> No.12826269

Drakengard 3 and Nier

>> No.12826391


you faggots are not completely wrong, though some fiction here and there does not hurt, since there are some great stories and works of poetry out there

>> No.12826603

That guy has probably only read Game of Thrones and Harry Potter

>> No.12826611

>The republic
The republic exists between the lines of fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.12826614

I'm a huge fan of video games as a kind of cathartic activity but I can't think of too many instances that I found as meaningful as books.

>> No.12827275

Here here. Truly "the wasteland grows", Nietzsche was not wrong about "the last man". We are they. We do need something new, but i think we might be too fucked already, in which case we've got what we deserve.

>> No.12827293
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Astute comment. Agree muchly.

>> No.12827381

rec me non fiction books that will teach me some skills or something useful

>> No.12827469
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>> No.12827496

>it's not postmodern neomarxism, Pete. It's managerial liberalism, mass media driven information overload and the resulting culture of Narcissism. If anything, you should be blaming Rawls instead of Foucault. Peterson manages to 'own' leftists only because he is defending middle class commonsense against the increasingly intrusive psychopolitical demands of the managerial globohomo leviathan. Try reading vox, the guardian or the nyt, grates like nails on chalkboard precisely because they are asking you to adopt a very specific kind of mentality that's full of internal contradictions. On one side, it's institutional realism, on the other, it's a mangled form of social constructionism. shrill moralism and the journalistic royal We deployed for the sake of an ethics of mandatory individualistic hedonism. All the traditional criteria of 'merit' thrown out the window for a fixation on percentages and 'representation', and yet they still expect the deference accorded to traditional 'merit'- based institutions.

>'identity politics' has been embraced by major corporations precisely because it's an effective instrument of post fordist human terrain management. Doesn't prevent Jeff Bezos from becoming the wealthiest man in human history. See Deleuze and Foucault on the society of control vs disciplinary societies and Lasch inspired paleocons such as Paul Gottfried and Sam T. Francis on the rise of managerial power.It is in the interest of managerial therapeutic state to define you as a victim who must be granted self esteem by the benevolent external agency of the system. Internet leftists are sadomasochists who use the heavily formalised discourse of social justice to inflict narcissistic injuries upon each other. Meanwhile, the chuds on the right are clinging to a semblance of an identity,their 'classical liberalism' has little to do with 'the enlightenment' it is an ersatz ego defense mechanism, a refusal to be assimilated into the 'woke' hivemind.

>The postmodern big Other is a Symbolic Order stripped of its symbolization of itself; not posing as God or History, it openly announces itself as a social construct - but this ostensible demystification doesn't impede its functioning, for it has never functioned more effectively

>> No.12827833
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>jap memes
Japs don't know how to write or present a story and characters. I've never seen them to do it properly in any media. At best it has some 'cool' ideas and setting for manchildren to equate with the overall being good.

>> No.12827834

Stop trying to rationalise your cuckoldry and lack of character.

>> No.12827840

The answer to this is the destruction of civilisation, literacy, technology, and above all else the world economy.

>> No.12827842

>writes witty essay
Fucking bugmen

>> No.12827846
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don't put climate change believers into the same boat as mass immigration supporters

>> No.12827848

>(I was part of the sporty kids
ayy and now you are stuck here how does it feel roastie

>> No.12827851

Reading fiction is ok but once in a while.

>> No.12827852


>> No.12827866

based and tedpilled

>> No.12827874
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Imagine being so insecure you need to feel superior to others by judging what they read.

Judging how they spend their time in general, really.

>> No.12827887
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It depends. If you read classic fiction it is fine, for example the Dubliners, Lolita, Metamorphosis, War and Peace etc.

If you read fiction like Harry Plebboter, Lord of the Cucks, Twillite, and other shit you deserve capital punishment.

>> No.12827889

Daily reminder that uncle ted's whole critique of modern world was ultimately reducible to "i'm not happy".

>> No.12827894

>classic fiction
>three are XX century, one is XIX century
Next you gonna complain that modern music is soulless compared to Linking Park.

>> No.12827903

All of them are considered classics, despite their age.

>> No.12827906

Of course they are. They are even more classic than digimon cartoon.

>> No.12827913

So you mean to tell me the Dubliners are in the same category with Percy Cuckson?

>> No.12827925

Of course its not better, but it is more fun.

Unless youre some kind of zoomer moron who finds clicky buttons exciting.

>> No.12827927

Of course not, it's an absolute classic that everyone should read.
Wait, which one were you into?

>> No.12827939

This, modern consumerist fiction is crap, older stuff-classic stuff- need to be read, not for escapism, but to widthen your horizons, learn vocabulary, understand great prose, learn the history of humanities, and be more familiar with high culture.

>> No.12827945

>me smarty-pants
>me no understand two sentence long post.

>> No.12827955

My point is still not invalid, imbecile. Its not my fault you can't write correctly.

>> No.12827959

>me brain big
>me talk smarty words

>> No.12827962

based and langpilled

>> No.12828008
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>So what you do for fun?
>Why yes girl I read from my mentor uncle Adolf of the Jewish conspiracy making you women into whores breeding with dirty Africans, bet you didn't even read Nietzsche to unleash your inner Ubermensch and find the true meaning of life.
>book recs for suicidal people /lit/?

>> No.12828373
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The true chad is the one who reads fiction and comes out with the true understanding of magic. Casting spells left and right.

>> No.12828377

Lets say Crime and Punishment wasn't a fictional product of imagination but was based on a real, historically documented event. Would it in any way improve it?

>> No.12828379

>Every new book is a new weapon added to his arsenal in the battle towards success
That's cute. What are you, 19? Success is a spook.

>> No.12828407
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Good art accomplishes what the chad and beta do at the same time. Makes you think and makes you feel.

Nietzsche expanded on this in his theory of aesthetics.

You must synthesize Apollo and Dionysus

>> No.12828438

Yes, infinitely

>> No.12828448


>The Selfish Gene


>> No.12828494

Care to elaborate?

>> No.12828603
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I'll offer a general answer for why non-fiction is always better than fiction.

The mind is a product of the nervous system, which evolved to help our organism interact with the world, receiving sensory information, analyzing it and then reacting in the world. Reactions that fit the real world survive more and in better condition than those based on deception and hallucinations.

Any information about the real world sculpts your worldview closer to the truth, which will help you when interacting with life, giving you a competitive advantage over those who indulge in conscious deviations.

Any information that is surely false, even if artistically, will distort the search for truth, subconsciously making your mind sub-optimal at interpreting real events and when interacting with them, impacting your performance and adaptation.

Artistic fiction has had evolutionary advantages in the past. Social cohesion for example, because it puts everyone under the same cultural norms, preventing internal conflict and facilitating group cooperation.
Another advantage was that psychological escapism helped enduring the hardships of life, at least enough to help you not deteriorate and keep reproducing some more.

In today's world though (thanks to the intellectual debates and scientific progress mostly) we have reached a level of development that renders the uses of fiction obsolete. We have strong enough institutions to keep social cohesion regardless of our beliefs, we have advanced enough medicine to survive adversity and not require psychological escapism from pain.

Fiction, therefore, is now more disadvantageous than advantageous. It is now vestigial. It is analogous to our craving of chocolate and sweets, which we evolved as a way to find natural sugar in fruits, but these sugar cravings are no longer needed in the modern world because we have our supplies well guaranteed by the market.

A man abandoning fiction to read non-fiction is like a fat guy abandoning sweet lies and hitting the gym. And of course the fat guy will feel attacked when he is told to abandon sweets for the first time, especially if everyone around him eats them too. But remember, the purpose of your nervous system, and consciousness, is to help you see the world as it is so you can react to it appropriately.

>> No.12828632

I didn't, I believe in climate change. I'm saying that a bunch of people aren't genuine environmentalists because they are for mass immigration. Proving that their opinions only have to do with being falsely good. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12828692

Bacceleration and Tedpilled.

>> No.12828695

*a wild Metal Gear Solid 2 appears*

>> No.12828701
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>> No.12828705

Jesus, pop sci meme books are fiction as well. They don’t even have the exploitation of psychology and feeling of real literature. If you want to feel superior you should read actual academic history.

>> No.12828716
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>On the Origin of Species

>> No.12828720

>he doesn't travel back in time to write his own documents

>> No.12828721

"The world as it is" is a product of human consciousness, or, rather, what we can work with, interact with, and perceive are inseperable from this. A piece of fiction and a piece of non-fiction can have the same degrees of separation from base, shared "reality", therefore they can both be potentially useful in equal measure.

A man's biography or even his journals may both be less indicative of his mind's perception than his prose. His mind's perception (and everone else's) is his reality. If there were no other conscious perceiver that would be all there is of his reallity.

Fiction vs. Non-fiction isn't a real debate. Informative literature vs. Uninformative literature is, and fiction can inform as well as, and in some cases better than, non-fiction.

>> No.12828723

>assuming that non-fiction is ever true
>assuming that your experience is true
>more assumptions
brainlet argument

>> No.12828737

>If there were no other conscious perceiver that would be all there is of his reallity.
As in his own perception. Phoneposting.

>> No.12828740

>thanks to the intellectual debates and scientific progress mostly, we have reached a level of development that renders the uses of fiction obsolete
Based STEMtard, burn down all museums now!

>> No.12828751

I read fiction like dosto, proust or hesse because i relate to these works more than theoretical non-fiction.

>> No.12828763

>X is good because the characters are relatable

>> No.12828769

This is your brain on positivism

>> No.12828778

I meant not the author characters but fiction itself

>> No.12828783
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ITT: brainlet bugmen who rush into extreme.
>they live in extreme but still consider themselves to be smarter than others

>> No.12828797

Both are in the book category of fiction.

>> No.12828815

All philosophy is non-fiction, regardless of if it’s describing made up characters within it or not

>> No.12828833

>reductionist to the extent of Mary's Room approach to life

Any time you have to go to the cellular level to make a point such as this, you've gone too far. All it signals to me is your inability to deal with the information proximal to the issue.


Also what this guy said.

>> No.12828859

>appeasing women

Anon, please.

>> No.12828875

>integrity is cultivated by what you do
Exactly, a great example would be telling the truth.

>> No.12828880

What if we are into fiction but not into LOTR or Harry Potter?

FFS I really get annoyed with these literature nerds who keep making LOTR and Harry Potter references. Like I enjoy the LOTR world and all that, but Christ. There's way more out there. Expand your horizons.

"I'm a Hufflepuff!" That's swell, I really don't care.

>> No.12828900

You're judging others for judging. You're exactly the same.

>> No.12828912

I never see anyone talk of HP other than 4chan and teen girls.

>> No.12828917

Imagine being so insecure you have to boast to the denizens of a Surinamese shadowpuppetry e-zine.

>> No.12828920

I'm Slytherin.

>> No.12828936

Does anyone have the Virgin/Chad of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky?

>> No.12829064

>not interpreting fiction and non-fiction through the lens of life
idk wtf other people do

>> No.12829103

I wasted energy clicking on the reply button just to tell you that you're a pseudo-intellectual retard.

>> No.12829144

Most people I know obsessed with HP are in their late 20's and really can't help but relate it to everything.

>> No.12829152

People will reply "based and redpilled" to this after vaguely skimming it and seeing something they agree with

>> No.12829278

>So there needs to be something that kills the system and creates something new.
Whenever people kill a system it's usually replaced with another, just as shitty or worse, system. Why not attempt to just make the system better?

>> No.12829301

You're gonna nees a bigger bait.

>> No.12829306

t. bugman

Enjoy your Neil DeGrasse-Tayson book.

>> No.12829319

the system has literally never been killed, it only transforms

>> No.12829355

I came to my conclusion after reading Fisher

>> No.12829364
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But there's no difference between the two...

>> No.12829490

Lincoln in the Bardo

>> No.12829560
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Anyone have a self-help chart, or some legit recommendations? I want to take a break from frog literature. It's been a long time since I felt so good and I'd like to capitalize on that.

>> No.12829675

I enjoy both and I'm real picky about it. Great fiction at bare minimum will help you have empathy for your fellow man. It also spotlights some of life's biggest questions as it explores them. Not to mention great fiction is on its own great art.

>> No.12829755
File: 12 KB, 191x293, Can Life Prevail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A genuinely good post, well done

>> No.12829778

Books dont offer self-help except different viewpoint. I doubt that there exists life changing book.

>> No.12829987

I was talking about stuff with practicle excercises and applicable advice. Not the usual pep-talky fluff.

>> No.12829994

You sound like the kind of guy that requires hands on instruction if you catch my drift.

>> No.12830006


>> No.12830274

>Here here.

>> No.12830567

110 IQ post
130 IQ post

>> No.12830624

The normie views a dreamworld not through the lens of the self,but through the collective,thus draining all joy from the endeavor,he watches to be "Caught up" as if enjoying a work of art was a fucking race to complete an assignment

kinda like anon and being caught up on not being a newfag

Gas the conformists if you agree with me I'll hate you

>> No.12830628

The terms ‘nonfiction’ and ‘fiction’ are not predicated upon you enjoying the work ... :3

>> No.12830661

The material world is a dream, a veil of deception. Normies live their lives never understanding that there is another world (not to imply transcendence, or anything).

>> No.12830764

MGS 2 is just an infinitely bastardized Evangelion

>> No.12831016

Which is also Japanese

>> No.12831035

Fact: You are retarded (and are probably addicted to videogames)
A good piece of fiction asks as many questions as nonfiction, they are merely asked indirectly. I agree they are less useful than nonfiction but to make this claim is to lack a brain. Also, if you are a writer, reading fiction can give ideas and elements of prose to be used in your own writing.

>> No.12831155

i hate this website

>> No.12831174

I’m not anti Jap poster, I just think MGS 2 is incredibly disingenuous in comparison to Eva. Former tries to be intelligent and edgy whereas the latter was primarily therapy for the creator but ended up containing the creator’s entire life experience within 12 hours so that he could try to find reasons to not commit suicide. Ironically Kojima endorses articles calling MGS 2 ”the Ulysses of vidya” and whatnot whereas Anno actively puts down his own work and tells people that it’s not as good as they think it is, as a science fiction story. The strength of Eva is in how genuine it is as an extension of his own worldview, or a metaphor for reality. Its why when Shinji symbolically commits suicide in EoE with the destruction of his ego, we’re left in an empty theatre with the chairs forming a cross, forced to face the suffering in reality after the world we escaped into has destroyed itself. Meanwhile, MGS 2 is a delusionally escapist work even in the attempt of refuting it. After Raiden throws the dog tags away and has his talk, we’re told to leave the game and set forth in reality and seek our destiny, an extremely ambiguous claim. Eva on the other hand tells us that suffering is inevitable, that we escape because we’re afraid of other people, who inflict the greatest suffering that we experience, and that we must move beyond it. In essence, it makes us realize that our actions have been governed entirely based on our fear of other people. Then it goes into Hegelian ideas about how we can only understand ourselves in contrast with other people, that we must seek to understand other people while enduring the pain they inflict on us in order to understand ourselves to the point that we can see our purpose in life, at which point, we’ll have no reason to escape. Whereas Eva is forced into the reality of human contact, MGS 2 maintains escapism, first by focusing on conveying a science fiction story, before going on to lie to its fans about what reality is by inspiring solipsism. By advocating for one to seek their purpose while neglecting human contact, its fans are forced to turn inwards and ignore their reality of the Self, which is only perceived through human contact.

>> No.12831178

that's not possible anon, you can only be in one of two categories, patrician like op, or plebian non-faggot

>> No.12831189


>> No.12831198

Yeah but Shinji is a pussy xd

>> No.12831221

Gonna let you in on a little secret:
Everything you see, hear, feel, smell or taste is fiction. Just what your mind made up.

>> No.12831241

Pls read Berkeley

>> No.12831268

Yea, no. He gets into Eva quite easily for someone who is supposed to be "a pussy".
He also jumped into a volcano for a chick.

>> No.12831378

Is listening to music also a waste of time? Do you only listen to recordings of scientists or philosophers speaking?

>> No.12831458

But the religious stuff was there just to look cool, therefore the whole show is invalidated :^)

>> No.12831627

Aristotle's natural slaves are incapable of deliberation and thus require a master, who is both physically strong (that he can stand straight) and is in full capacity to deliberate on the best for the polis in jus of virtue.
When I read it, I was skeptical about the validity of his claim, but now that you put things in perspective, more and more I respect the man. More than two-thousand years ago and a single mind could grasp so well the nature of man. Incredible.

>> No.12831675

There is, and it is called Meditations.

>> No.12831678

Good fiction teaches you things that can't be quantified. With only nonfiction you can live life successfully, but utterly devoid of meaning. If all you want is to move from one hedonistic impulse to another materialistic indulgence without stopping to think of your overall reason for living your life or what kind of person you do and don't want to become, please, read only nonfiction. I hope reading yet another pop physics text really does enrich your daily life.
Also a woman. I like HP in the same way I like some sort of shitty but entertaining anime like Darling in the Franxx. It's not good, it might pretend to be good, but ultimately it's a guilty pleasure rag. No need to pretend that fun things aren't fun just to try and be pretentious. Slytherin best house btw. Hufflepuffs are dweebs.
The difference between consumer mass market fiction and actual literature is the same difference between pop sci and actual academic works. OP is a pseud desperately trying to seem big brain while solely reading the nonfiction equivalent of Twilight.

>> No.12831692

>less useful
Reading Crime and Punishment is far more useful than reading a volume on the history of Sweden from 1200-1600.

>> No.12831699
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>> No.12831712
File: 74 KB, 500x750, anime-girl-blonde-hair-cute-dream-Favim.com-1041900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice response. Did you forget your post with your frog image?

>> No.12831750
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>> No.12831758

I’m long Eva post anon and I agree, although it’s a funny joke to use around people obsessed with it, like me

>> No.12831782
File: 132 KB, 640x960, 1455897304921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read fiction, but only as reference material for related non-fiction. Like reading the Iliad before Plato. Does that count?

>> No.12831803
File: 65 KB, 543x569, Lesbian_Heteronormative_Oppression_Feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a woman moron
Trannies aren't women.

>> No.12831805


>> No.12831837

pretty rich coming from someone who parrots arguments

>> No.12832165
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 1553406035589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh nonfiction
>Vidya bad
>all fiction is YA trash
>"focuses on what's important", yet still spends his time shitposting on /lit/ for approval
>"abstract worldviews bad" -- probably didn't understand the energy unit in physics because energy is all abstract
>thinks reading mein kampf will make him less of an incel
>no concept culture since culture is portrayed and preserved through fiction; total social outcast because of it
>has been contemplating suicide since '82
>poems hurt his head
>Bland, dry, uninspired use of language throughout his body of work because nonfiction doesn't utilize the clever techniques crafted and nurtured by fiction writers. Usually talks with an ear-grating monotone voice too
>has to tell himself after every page that he's better than fiction readers or else he'll get bored and put it down

There, I fixed your meme.
For somebody that hates fiction, I thought you would've realized all this by now.
Now go read some Calvino, brainlet

>> No.12832172

>20 year old book
Christ, has it really been that long?

>> No.12832174

No. You might as well off yourself now

>> No.12832249

i hope people don't actually believe this, fiction is a product of creativity, which is probably human's strongest aspect

>> No.12832429

>Democracy and capitalism truly have been a disaster to the human race.

>> No.12832438

You guys need to loosen up.

>> No.12832452

Prime bait.

>> No.12832602

Jesus, look at his eyes, he's already dead insinde.

>> No.12832626

i fucking love being a virgin then

>> No.12832640

>Any work of literature featuring philosophical themes is actually non-fiction.
Or maybe you could just accept that the divide isn't neatly black or white?

>> No.12832645

See: >>12826043

>> No.12832661

There he is, kids! It's jesus christ, here to teach all us tards a lesson!

>> No.12833397


>> No.12833400

>Actually calling out retards is virtue signalling.

>> No.12833430

poetry isn't fiction anon, it is an art...

>> No.12833433

>portraits are the better form of painting because they stem from REALITY