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12823915 No.12823915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ did anyone ever buy this and upload it to libgen or not?

What is the verdict on this book? Inquiring minds need to know.

>> No.12823917
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From the sample

>> No.12823921

>He's been able to avoid an alluring slip into the shallows of intoxication


>> No.12823924
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>> No.12824005 [DELETED] 


For the record, since theres unfinished business in that thread:

>> No.12824023

I remember somebody saying that the opening few paragraphs are intentionally bad. Does anybody have samples from later in the book, so we can see for ourselves?

>> No.12824043

From somewhere in the middle:

"This place was the only thing he had ever missed in his life. He cherished it & loved it, but wished its memories away- as without them, the rest of it, the aimless sufferings, the quotidian routines, the wasted times, the labors, the struggles, the consumptions & sicknesses, the fleeting bouts of anxious energy which cleared his ever-encroaching mist of shame & regret, but for moments only, like pleasant dreams interrupted by the morning’s alarm, by fantasy-fragmenting necessities, these bores & chores, agendas & groceries, these shattered hopes, these botched sacrifices, this unimpeachable loneliness, this emptiness- none of it would stand in such harsh relief against his few fond memories had they never occurred at all. It is this illusory precondition of enchantment which pains him more than the disenchantment with which he’s grown accustomed- as this lost world denies the reality of his own, or at least it denies its necessity & the necessity of his acceptance of it. These memories condemned him, so he condemns them in return."
outstretched hands like water, steam, or mist."

"What unholy alchemy, this decimating atomism, proving in its endless self-confirming loop, that all is composed of number & measurement- of adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exponentiating- all of these subjects which plagued him in his youth- incomprehensible arabesques of arithmetic which turned all to bits passing through the grist mills of algorithm, their endless decimals, their infinities uncomputable by the weak machine of his flesh- these undulating, oscillating figures which snared life & passed it through purses, wires, & through the very air. He envisioned economy as a cloud of whirling nothingness encroaching upon everything- which when inspected, always retreated, dissipated, forever into a flux of darkness, passing through his outstretched hands like water, steam, or mist."

>> No.12824072

I'm not so sure about these really long sentences with all these clauses separated by commas. I understand he's going for a kind of maximalism here, but I just don't think it really works, you know? Instead of feeling baroque and over-the-top, it just feels exhausting.

>> No.12824088


Honestly, I think he is wasting everyone's time with this. He would be much better suited to write a book of literary criticism Harold Bloom-style or essays/letters on various topics. This is just pretty embarrassing. I don't really want to even want to give it my time, it is clear he is just missing the mark.

>> No.12824114
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>> No.12824145

No. He tried essays and those failed miserably, too.
He's best suited to tweeting.

>> No.12824153


In addition to this (I want to see it, too), there's quite a bit of unfinished business in the archive thread:


Can we get back to this?

>> No.12824185

literally who

>> No.12824208

Link? I didn't know about this what is it like some blog or something?

What unfinished business are you referencing? Aren't we already 'getting back to it' in this thread?

>> No.12824232

"libidinal flick" is patrician
rest is trash

>> No.12824252

>the beginning — arguably the most important part of a novel, especially a debut — is purposefully bad in order to... dab on the reader?

lmao i'm sure his reasoning would've stayed the same if the initial reception to this had not been one of mockery and cringe

>> No.12824259

I will explain why I think it's bad

1) He opens his debut by referencing the opening of Ulysses, the single most influential and acclaimed novel of the 20th century. Before he's even written a complete sentence, he has compared his piece of shit to James Joyce's masterpiece and some of the most iconic lines ever written in the history of literature. This is quite literally pretentious, not to mention uncreative. He begins his story by invoking a level of intellect and talent and genius which he so far has absolutely no demonstrable claim to. It is so gobsmackingly pompous and juvenile that I can only gasp and assume that by referencing Ulysses he thinks he is performing an imitation of an irreverent and knowing parody which Nabokov might have written. If he doesn't immediately justify the comparison/parody by showing me that a) the reference serves a purpose beyond letting the reader know that Logo's read the cool long books in the upper level reading section and b) he is not an untalented little worm standing on the shoulders of giants and can actually compete at the level of Nabokov and Joyce, then he will essentially open his story by attempting a spectacular triple axel and immediately falling flat on his face.

2) Naturally he is incapable of justifying the comparison and immediately falls flat on his face. In an attempt to distract the reader from that painful faceplant, he proceeds to bombard him with a succession of minor failures (each more annoying than the last) by

3) Moving on to some of the most disgusting alliteration I have ever had the misfortune of reading in my short life. It is UNBEARABLE. It is not funny or ironically bad, it is awful, it physically hurts to read. There is nothing musical in his alliteration, there is no rhythm or prosody; it is pointless noise which has no coherent pattern and which he uses to give his writing a false sense of energy, sort of like drawing speed lines on a stick figure to signify movement. What is his solution when his stick figure cartoon still looks ugly and lifeless? More speed lines of course! He has the technique of a total amateur in this regard, not a master like Pynchon, who uses alliteration judiciously and purposefully for an effect that feels naturally propulsive and melodious without drawing unnecessary attention to itself.

4) The symbolic language is a disaster. An Eggs Benedict as a shipwrecked vessel in digestive juices as a body of water. Very cute, it sounds like a comparison out of Osmosis Jones. It's not only gross, it's not beautiful or original or relatable. It doesn't exaggerate any characteristics of the Eggs Benedict that might contribute to the reader's experience. There's no reason for me to care about the contents of this guy's stomach, and there is without question no justification for the phrase "the maelstrom of his digestion"

I've hit the word limit and don't want to write a second post. But I hate Logo's writing! I think it stinks, really!

>> No.12824269

this much detail and metaphor only works if you're good at writing detail and metaphor. this passage alone solidifies to me that ill never read this shitty hook

>> No.12824287

Context? I haven't been browsing /lit/ much this past year

>> No.12824290

One of the king shit niggers of frogtwitter, who has numerous followers and is one of the closest things frogtwitter has to a leading figure, has self-published a book. We are reading excerpts of it in this thread.

>> No.12824305

twitter-sphere frogposter/shitposter in the same circles as justinmurphy/kantbot/bronzeagepervert/etc self-published a book that is insanely bad and it is becoming a laughing stock. Fuel to the fire was added when he posted literally that the sample in amazon is 'bad on purpose', and he was just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.12824348

i mean, it's god awful but at least he tried. i wrote down like half a notebooks page of material yesterday, ill never get my novel done at this rate.

>> No.12824386


Nah I refuse to accept this logic, BAP, the ctrlcreep book, and even the dril book were better than this. ctrlcreep's book was actually good. When it comes to twitter-sphere his book is definitely the worst I've seen. Barely a step above self-published romance fetish novels.

>> No.12824445

Doors held aloft
Selfie, suicide
Never saw a croft
Selfie, suicide
Any wind's decree
Selfie, suicide
Mom proud of me
Selfie, suicide
Libidinal - flick
Selfie, suicide
Hyperlink - click
Selfie, suicide
Nude female form
Selfie, suicide
Me, myself, the dorm
Selfie, suicide
Street-sweeping gale
Selfie, suicide
(Prank) EPIC fail
Selfie, suicide
Bottomless brunch
Selfie, suicide
Oil, gas crunch
Selfie, suicide
Sun-sagged balloons
Selfie, suicide
Live by the moons
Selfie, suicide
Flotsam of duck
Selfie, suicide
I wan some fuck
Selfie, suicide
Curated avatar
Selfie, suicide
21, at a bar
Selfie, suicide
Lamentable specimen
Selfie, suicide
Haven't been back again
Selfie, suicide
Salubrious sponginess
Selfie, suicide
Unballasted musings
Selfie, suicide
Buzzing & bubbling
Selfie, suicide
Outer significances
Selfie, suicide

See through clothes
Selfie, suicide
Hazel eyes
Selfie, suicide
Shipwreck, maelstrom
Selfie, suicide
Foyeur, museum
Selfie, suicide

Perched on a fall
Selfie, suicide
Alluring slip
Selfie, suicide
Balsa wood grip
Selfie, suicide
Easily mapped,
should've just fapped

>> No.12824456

Is this actually in the book?

>> No.12824534

This guy literally thinks he is william gaddis tier xD

>> No.12824574

>larping as a 20th century author in current year + 4
he was doomed before he even started

>> No.12824583


>> No.12824588

I think we should make a list of ecelebs who have endorsed this literary work.

>> No.12824598

This guy sucks ass. I just couldnt focus on any part of the writing. I couldnt focus at all. You know, I may be retarded, but I'm not the only one!

>> No.12824638

Yes please post. Was probably on some makeshift journal that has already gone 404. There's this:

>> No.12824651

It's so unique. There is nothing like it in the corpus of English Literature. Methinks /lit/ patricians are too overoffended by what they cannot recognize as a genuine new cadence in the realm of higher lit-rachure.

>> No.12824652

(((who))) could be behind posting endless threads about this non-entity?

>> No.12824659

2/10 bait, I would be surprised if you got more than a couple (you)'s. Try to be more subtle next time.

>> No.12824665

holy sh*t

>> No.12824855

I refuse to believe this is actually in the book unless someone screencaps it. This is lower than what you see retards here share.

>> No.12824873

It's total faggotry, and I am starting to think you are right- list out all who are part & parcel of this

>> No.12824924
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>posterior anatomy
>"keep the creeps at bay"
>feminine junkfood
>watery yellowed vanilla
>dripping chocolate staining your hands
>compares her to a raccoon
I don't know what the authors intent was here by I think he's accidentally tapped into some scatological genius, this passage is physically revolting. I feel sick. This is like a groyper in prose form. Just utterly vile. I've heard Krasznahorkai's prose compared to a lava flow, this is similar but its a river of raw sewage.

>> No.12824952
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>> No.12824988

Who is this retard and why do you care

>> No.12825018

>Link? I didn't know about this what is it like some blog or something?

here ya go

and guess what a new one today

again, this just proves that if you can get a bunch of homos to drool over your every toot and tweet, it doesn't matta whatcha say or howya sayit

>> No.12825028

Introibo ad altare Dei

>> No.12825033

Because it is funny to watch retards with delusions about their selfworth fail hard you fucking tardlet. If you don't know the context, I can see why it wouldn't be that funny, but in context it is extremely cringe.

>> No.12825035

If this fag didn't have a twitter feed and put out the exact same book, it would have sold exactly 0 copies. Self publishing is not valid in and of itself. He can only afford this because he has so many gay fanboys hoping he'll Like their toots.

>> No.12825050

the regrettable thing about the alt-right intellectuals is that, no matter how much potential they may have, they will always fall short because they cannot inhabit academic or cultural institutions without either hiding their power level or getting immediately deplatformed.

I recommend doing what I do, which is hiding my cryptofascism under marxism-leninism.

>> No.12825066

If the guy was writing about alt-right or leftist intellectual topics it would probably be 10x better than this mashup of shit. Goy should have stuck with what he knew instead of trying to write the #NextGreatAmericanNovel

>> No.12825090

Thing is, I'm sick of hiding. I remember what the world was like before you had to do this.

>> No.12825200

my copy should arrive tomorrow. i hope i will like it.

>> No.12825214

>hiding my cryptofascism under marxism-leninism.
The modern progs are very aware of your type. In some circles even mentioning class as something to be focused on instead of race, gender, etc. is met with suspicion.
You have always had to do this. Go look throughout history and you can always find a writer sayinig that the masses will crucify you if you're honest

>> No.12825226

I don't know that it is honesty, it is often just the opposite of whatever the dominant paradigm is. So in the 1950s that was Communism, now it is Fascism.

>> No.12825232

Logo if you screencap this post and post it to your twitter your next book will NOT be complete shit like this one and you WILL have good luck

>> No.12825233

Are you fucking nuts? I can't believe any of you retards are actually going to buy this crap.

>> No.12825236

this hurt to read

>> No.12825341

the FUCK are you thinking lmao you are taking it too far get out of here
no one else has anything to do with this you fucking asshole

>> No.12825372

i wish more would buy it so i could see takes about something besides the amazon preview

>> No.12825467

I wish an outsider would buy it so we can get a honest take on it
Pretty much his twitterfrog echochamber are the only ones at this point and probably a few retards that were memed into it here

>> No.12825547

Hahaha you people are as jealous as you are impotent
And your jealousy/impotence are going to propel a great writer to the stars

>> No.12825595

Nice one logo, really couldn't tell it was you.

>> No.12825626

My bbc is far from inpotent
Im bout to buy your book lay my dripping bbc across it for a photo op then return it

>> No.12825642

Reposting this from another thread so y'all can get a taste for the book beyond the preview. I see no substantial difference in style. I have no clue what people meant when they said it was "different" later.

"This place was the only thing he had ever missed in his life. He cherished it & loved it, but wished its memories away- as without them, the rest of it, the aimless sufferings, the quotidian routines, the wasted times, the labors, the struggles, the consumptions & sicknesses, the fleeting bouts of anxious energy which cleared his ever-encroaching mist of shame & regret, but for moments only, like pleasant dreams interrupted by the morning’s alarm, by fantasy-fragmenting necessities, these bores & chores, agendas & groceries, these shattered hopes, these botched sacrifices, this unimpeachable loneliness, this emptiness- none of it would stand in such harsh relief against his few fond memories had they never occurred at all. It is this illusory precondition of enchantment which pains him more than the disenchantment with which he’s grown accustomed- as this lost world denies the reality of his own, or at least it denies its necessity & the necessity of his acceptance of it. These memories condemned him, so he condemns them in return."
outstretched hands like water, steam, or mist."

"What unholy alchemy, this decimating atomism, proving in its endless self-confirming loop, that all is composed of number & measurement- of adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exponentiating- all of these subjects which plagued him in his youth- incomprehensible arabesques of arithmetic which turned all to bits passing through the grist mills of algorithm, their endless decimals, their infinities uncomputable by the weak machine of his flesh- these undulating, oscillating figures which snared life & passed it through purses, wires, & through the very air. He envisioned economy as a cloud of whirling nothingness encroaching upon everything- which when inspected, always retreated, dissipated, forever into a flux of darkness, passing through his outstretched hands like water, steam, or mist."

>> No.12825687
File: 232 KB, 739x1200, gay shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's more

>> No.12825697

Stop spamming your shitty book.

>> No.12825699

What I don't understand is why so many noname followers are so into this, give it lauds, say it's fantastic, etc. I get the fellow ecelebs, they're all trying to string together a 'movement' for $$$, and the only way to grift it is to grift it all together. But what's in it for the dorks? Are they that hungry for a piece of praise ("Hee's ma refiew, mistah logoduss" & the retweet & Like spray the dork's face with fresh warm Dorsey-designed dopamine)? I cannot, for the life of me, see what anyone gets out of this unpublishable purple prose.

>> No.12825714

They are hoping logo retweets them or gives them recognition. It is the e bro version of a cam whore

>> No.12825739

That second quote is especially gawdy. I understand what he’s going for, though. We’d like to write about ‘atomization’ as Houllebecq refers to it, but it’s a bit difficult and I think needs subtlety.
Here’s a similar but succesful bit from Ulysses:
>Haynes here too: account of the funeral probably. Thumping thump. This morning the remains of the late Mr. Patrick Dignam. Machines. Smash a man to atoms if they got him caught. Rule the world today. His machineries are pegging away too. Like these, get out of hand: fermenting. Working away, tearing away. And that old grey rat tearing to get in.

>> No.12825779
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And still more. Every single excerpt from this novel is pure garbage. There's no need to own logo, it's enough to just quote him. This is writing without any feeling, full of pretense toward depth that it doesn't even approach. And it's also syntactically poor, with endless enumeration, but almost no subordinate clauses. He tries to compensate with this by using "smart words", but ends up sounding autistic, halfway between a car salesman and a drunk philosophy student. The style is bizarrely melodramatic, no doubt bc of the "unraveling" theme, but it can't hit any emotion whatsoever. It's really more of meltdown - watching a popsicle melt on the asphalt, that sort of thing.

>> No.12825784

That's it, this is the end of the nu right. They're done. Over. Kaput. Everything they touch turns to crap. This: these words, these "passages," are what did it. Let the history wiki of weird twitter remember. I can't look at BAP the same again, or DT, or any of them who were part of this. They all pushed this ..... why? Money and power. What little of each this fag game gives, that is. Sad, true, but it's the only reason. He's a fellow huckster and he's huckstering. So their circle goes stronger. They should find a good cgi programmer to make virtual gay porn using all of their respective avatars, because that's the level this is aspiring to. A line of limp dicks humping into the sunset. All at the touch of a Kindle key. If a single one of them had an ounce of honesty, if they were the least honorable, they would not have done this. In my eyes, they're all share equal guilt, equal blame for this fiasco. None of them are rl friends, either. Obviously. Because if they were, this would have all gone down differently. They can all Yang themselves. This is a self-own: the self-own of a group who tried to sell themselves as a "movement." RIP Pepe.

>> No.12825799

Jealous much loser? I know for a fact logo is getting calls from big publishing houses currently while you sit and jerk your tiny dick to his excerpts

>> No.12825805

Is this a joke? Misspellings and all?
Maybe Cairey is Ca--
I do admire his ability to get engaged twitter followers. I'm probably not willing to pay the price.

>> No.12825840

why do you keep insisting on logo's book being the death knell for the twitter clique he's a part of? you treat them as some sort of academy that should practice strict quality control, when in fact they're just a bunch of likeminded shitposters. and as with any scene, of course criticism of the group itself goes out the window

>> No.12825851

Don’t you see? He *meant* this to be bad. It just so happens that every excerpt that gets posted online is an example of intentional badness. The “real” writing, the stuff that’s meant to be good, is by definition whatever is not posted online.

>> No.12825885

>tfw you have to advertise your book's "secret good parts" in order to sell it

>> No.12825906

Hi logo, you can keep larping like publishing houses are approaching you if you want, doesn't make you less of a loser.

>> No.12825948

Is logo, dare i say it, a young gaddis

>> No.12825957

all according to keikaku

>> No.12825979

Remember, logo considers himself to be a better writer than say Hemingway, Faulkner, Celine, Camus, Orwell probably even Dostoevsky, Balzac etc. I used to follow him on twitter, I remember these denunciations of "middling" writers and "hacks".

>> No.12825998

He isnt wrong...

>> No.12826024

the thing that sealed him as a poser was when he at numerous occasions praised celine before having even read him, then started "journey", abandoned it because it was "monotonous whining" or something to that effect and, as if to justify it, deferred to a one-liner by daddy nabokov

>> No.12826036

I can immediately tell you're one of his bitches

>> No.12826037

i saw him tweet with a pile of books that included celine not so long ago. when was this?

>> No.12826054

He has no opinions that would differ from Nabokov (and his other idols) on anything. It takes time to catch on, but he just repeats, often verbatim, someone else's thoughts, passing them as his own.

>> No.12826082

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.12826097

State of this board. Simple as

>> No.12826125

I can immediately tell your absolutely jealous of his great sucess

>> No.12826133

Unsurprising someone so atrocious and mechanical in his writing would dislike a mystic such as Faulkner.

>> No.12826336

dont know what he would go and write a novel for. he is always going on about mcluhan and the post-literary age, death of the novel, etc. you would think he would monetize some other way. i may be bold in saying it, but i think the new novel is something like a twitter account anyway. surely you could turn 10k followers into cash without having to publish a book?

>> No.12826364

If books continue to get worse, this will be remembered as a literary classic.

>> No.12826377


i didnt think it was that bad. i agree that they [nu right] probably need to collectively step up their game, but ive thought that about a lot of internet artists. it's only as bad as you say it is if you read it thru the mournful jealousy of "i could write better than this. why dont *i* have 10k followers?" youre just being a scornful little shit

>> No.12826395

Ugh, logo's penis is so gross. Ugh... I don't like it. Ewwwwwwwww

>> No.12826401
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>> No.12826563

Lmao what fucking institutions tolerate marxism-leninism like “cultural marxist” academics are all just incoherent liberals or trots at best (unless youre in yurop maybe)

>> No.12826772

I laffed at that. He has no idea what wild writing & great passages are in Journey. Gave up after some of the early war stuff in the first section. But doncha know, Cam, that's the intentionally "bad" stuff....

>> No.12826818

>why do you keep insisting on logo's book being the death knell for the twitter clique he's a part of?
I saw it happen with the "alt right" a few years ago. And the manosphere, just the same. Here, in this work, the frogtwitter clique are shown to have no clothes. Someone put it good in the last thread, They marketed "the trilogy" together. How many books are there now? Is it a tetrad yet? If one piece is poseur baloney then what makes the whole?
I get the same feeling that we had with Trump. In 2016 he was like a father figure and we all loved him. Lol. Who even pays attention to his tweets today? Turns out he was a swindler and a fraud. And I don't care about Trump or any of the people associated with him, they're all equally fake and guilty. Build the wall lol. Same thing going on here.

>> No.12826830

It was a year ago almost exactly. Early March 2018. Maybe he didn't get rid of the book yet. Celene gets the Green World more than most, which is why he was so influential, and Cam didn't even pick that up

>> No.12826838

> shills 100 copies to nerds on twitter
> great success

>> No.12826842

you could if you're dorsey
otherwise you're helping someone else build a platform

>> No.12826845

Ok Logo

BTW, post your favorite line or you're lying

>> No.12826871

>i may be bold in saying it, but i think the new novel is something like a twitter account anyway.

Any examples of what you suggest?

>> No.12826887

a literal who

>> No.12826896

Logo has inspired me to write my own ficcionies. Anyone want me to post? That's a rhetorical question cus I'm going to do it anyway.

>> No.12826897

You guys will all be eating your words when logo blows up big time

>> No.12826913

>Shadow (the Hedgehog) of the Torturer: Part 1 of Book of the Nu Cum

It is possible I already had some presentiment of my future. We were fooling around in some like old graveyard, digging up dead bodies and fucking them. You know, for laughs? What a bunch of goofs we were. Bugs Carota, Adam Lanza, Tommy Pynchon and of course me, Shadow L’Etranger. Old Tommy was sure to bring the laughs wherever he roamed. For example, he was wearing a lightning enchanted sorcerer’s ring this night. When I met him at the front gate, I went to give him the old slap-slap fistbump handshake turn around touch the ground routine, and BZZT he gave a right nasty buzz. I took it well, got him up against the wall and gave him the old finger in the bum as punishment. I was the alpha male of the group, naturally.

Anyway, that night we were going wild. Not only were we giving corpses the old shaggie maggie, but we also found the key the morgue. ‘Fresh meat!’, Bugs proclaimed, approaching a freshly murdered man whore to perform grizzly post-mortem fellatio to. ‘Bugs, easy on the penis.’ Lanza mocked, while tonguing the delicate bullet wounds of some dead bitch. Even though I’d shot hot loads over half a dozen bags of bones that night, I had a full on erection, and instantly pounced on a corpse. Oh, what a hoot, never had a been in a body so close to life. And then, to my surprise, a micro penis right between her moldy thighs. Oh boy, this night couldn’t get any better! Wait until Master Bloom heard about this one. Slobbering over her lifeless face, I felt an eerie chill down my spine. Was that Tom jacking me off or… no, the hand was too bony. Too… lifeless. ‘Ah!’ I screamed. The T-girl shot up, still with her skeletal hand clasped around my knob. I was petrified, but gallons of cum shot from my dick regardless.

The lads all looked over. ‘Who invited the live girl,’ Bugs questioned. She struggled to speak, but eventually managed the words, ‘Who…. who?’ She looked sad. ‘Is she an owl?’ Tommy quipped while sparking up a fat one. I pinned her up against the wall, ‘How did you get here.’ Commotion from outside distracted me before I could get an answer . ‘The guards?’ Adam pondered. I shook my head, ‘Couldn’t be! I massacred them all with precise karate chops before we came in.’ Still, as the alpha male, I had to take a look.

>> No.12826915

>the opening of Ulysses, the single most influential and acclaimed novel of the 20th century
Stopped reading right there.
You went full retard anon.
Never go full retard.

>> No.12826920

I'm going to blow him up and his girlfriend when I finally find his dox.

>> No.12826928

I was right, the guards had nothing to do with the noise. Instead, elite soldiers were battling it out. One side wore the armour of the Autistarch, fashioned after the Spartan IVs of Halo from the books of old, and the other wore mysterious black robes. I ducked, dived, jived, moved, leaped and bounded through the complicated gymnastics of the warring entities and eventually found myself hiding behind a huge flower pot. I saw a bald man, ape like and almost entirely white. He spat as he raped some Kid (his little sister Phoebe, I somehow knew). After finishing, he put on his red hunting cap and lit a cigarette. ‘Aw mate you wouldn’t lend us one.’ He spat, and passed a ciggie over. I smoke it with glee. ‘Hey, don’t I know you.’ He stared deep into my soul.

Just then, a cyborg ninja arrived and split him in two right in front of me. As both halves fell to their knee, a coin fell from one of his lifeless hands. ‘Oh boy!’ I thought, chasing after it, ‘If I catch this coin, I’ll be able to buy 1 new e-book!’ How wrong I was. As soon as I picked the piece of metal up, a precognitive fear activated in my brain, and for seemingly no reason I screamed. The coin was not a coin at all, but the mark of the twisted psychopath, Davewallus. The battle ended, and I returned to the morgue.

The lads were now all suitably stoned, and the nameless tranny from earlier had found her soiled Japanese style maids outfit and cat ears. ‘Shadow, I…’. I spat in her face, ‘Shut yer trap, you… trap! We’re proud members of the torturers guild and we don’t take too kindly to morgue sleepin’ shemales.’ She placed her hand on mine, and I felt some sympathy for the freak. Some days I felt that I hated the torturers life, and would instead like to settle down with a qt in a nice a little village like Poochester or Shitsburgh. ‘OK, come back to the citadel with us, we’ll find some use for you. What’s your name anyway?’ She beamed, ‘Natalie Mars, Shadow-kun!’ Another huge glob of grog came hurtling from my lips and onto her stupid looking face, ‘Your name from now on will be Dumbass! A-and enough of that gook crap! ’ She licked the snot from her face, and gave me a hug.

>> No.12826943

The citadel was an amazing building, designed to look like a huge black penis sticking full mast into the stars. It was a metaphor you see, for how much the torturers fucked everyone in the ass. A torturers job was to take in criminals, and torture them accordingly, in relation to the severity of their crimes. You stole one of your neighbor's chickens? Hung upside down and sounded. Caught having a piss on the side of a building? 48 hours of hard pegging. Didn’t pay your TV licence? Forced prolapse. I knew how to punish every crime. When I was much younger, I went up to the old book masters chamber, and talked him into giving me The Big Book of Torture. I narrowly escaped molestation, but it was worth it. Every year I gained top marks on the torture test, and Master Bloom said I was on my way to being Chief Fucker, one of the highest ranks for a torturer my age.

Once me and the lads returned, we snuck Dumbass into the citadel by dressing her up as a boy and made our way to the games room. In order to be a torturer, an advanced gamer level is needed. Us lads were big time gamers though, some of the most epic in the school. We were all laughing, playing a couple games of Fortnite and absolutely killing it. That was until Master Bloom came storming in. ‘Where have you boys been? Shadow, in my chamber right now.’ Shit, I thought. ‘Look after Dumbass for me,’ I shouted as I left.


Master Bloom’s chamber was an interesting place. He had many ancient tomes, and I never knew a time when he was not reading outside of his classes. He was a funny looking guy, bloated and almost frog like. I liked him anyway, he had a good sense of humour, and he always took a liking to me.

He was rummaging around an old box, and then finally pulled out a vicious looking samurai sword. ‘I want you to have this Shadow.’ I picked it up, and inspected it. The kanji inscribed on the blade translated to ‘reary coor sword’. Yes, I spoke Japanese, and was secretly a massive otaku, but I couldn’t let the boys know. ‘This is really for me?’ Master Bloom looked over smugly ‘Of course, you will need it when you becoming Chief Fucker. It’s English name is Terminus Jest’ I felt pride, and immediately swung the sword. It was an agile beast, with enough weight to do some critical hits! ‘You may notice its immense agility. The sword contains the cum of a thousand samurais within. It could never be repaired if broken, so take good care of it Shadow.’ I sheathed the katana, and bowed. As I was leaving he briefly stopped me, ‘There’s a new inmate in the cells tonight. Have a look at her.’

>> No.12826949

The cells were deep within the citadel. A torturer could not enter without his mask, and so I retrieved mine from my chamber. It was a replica of the Mask, from one of the flicks of old. Everytime I put it on I felt some crazy energy, and was perhaps why I was such an amazing torturer. I wondered who this doomed woman was, then I thought of Dumbass. How could she remain in the citadel? My initial feelings for her were all muted, and I thought I’d kick her out as soon as I was finished in the cells.

Behind a stiff iron gate, I spied on the inmate. She sat cross legged and proper. I could just about make out her face from behind her long, elegant hair and oh boy, what a babe. My eyes came shooting from their sockets and my tongue comically rolled on to the ground. I composed myself, and entered the cell. ‘The names Shadow.’ I outstretched my hand, and she pawed it femininely. She was dressed in the highest garb. Yeezy sneakers, and a dress I can only imagine could have been designed by Autistarch’s designer, Rick Owens. ‘Nice to meet you Shadow, my names Thecla.’ I tried to keep it cool, but I was crushing on her hard. ‘D-do you need a-anything?’ She smiled, which didn’t ease my nerves, ‘Just some water.’ I jolted up. ‘R-right away C-chatelaine.’ There was a sink in one of the adjacent cells, and I poured her a glass. When I came back she was completely naked. ‘Awooga!’ I shouted. My heart pounded from my chest. She grabbed me closer and we began to fuck.

>> No.12826962

I left the cells even more determined to kick Dumbass out of the citadel. However, some patrolling torturers stepped up to me. ‘Hey dork, why haven’t you tortured that bitch?’ I recognised the voices behind their terrifying masks. It was Bulk and Skull, the two biggest jerks in the citadel. ‘Fuck off cunts, I’ll torture her when I’m ready.’ They both burst into hysterics. ‘Looks like little Shadow has a crush!’ Bulk approached the cell, with the intent of torturing Thecla in my place. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I scanned the room for a weapon, but then remembered. Terminus Jest! Skull was preparing to supply Bulk with a 32 inch dildo, but I swiftly decapitated him with one strike. Bulk turned in horror, and grabbed the dildo. ‘You little fucker!’ We began jousting, and although Bulk’s strength level was far above mine, I had maxed out dex. I rolled around him continuously, confusing him. As he pummelled the dildo into the ground to crush me, I rolled one final time and jabbed him with the katana. Green blood oozed from his guts. ‘Me no wanna die.’ he cried, but I didn’t care. I plunged the sword into his heart, pulled it out and showed it to him. Thecla leaped to my side, and kissed me. However, she too would have to die, to avoid the awful torturing she would soon receive. As soon as my tongue left her sweet mouth, I chopped her up into little pieces. Poor girl, I thought. But I had bigger problems, Bloom and the other Masters were sure to disapprove of this act, and I would have to leave the citadel in order to atone. I took a piece of Thecla’s delicious meat to remember her by, and said goodbye to the citadel.

>> No.12826963
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Why do Logo threads have so many posts but so few posters?

>> No.12826968

Dumbass would not leave me alone before I left. I had no use for her at all, but she wanted to come with. ‘I love you Shadow!’ she passionately moaned, but I could only shrug my shoulders. I wasn’t away to be dragged down by some tranny bitch! I pushed her out the way, and took an inventory of my stuff. My Austrian paramilitary boots, Cav Empt jacket, mask from the Mask and Terminus Jest were a must have, however my large Funko Pop collection and Rick and Morty boxset could stay. I also remembered to keep the mark I had picked up earlier, and slipped into my top pocket. I put everything else into my black leather backpack I bought on Grailed, and left.

The citadel loomed behind me. I was a travelling torturer now, and I would have to forget my old life. Sure I would miss gaming with my bros, listening to Master Bloom’s boring lectures and the nightly trips the graveyard, but those days were gone. I journeyed aimlessly North, perhaps hoping some jobs would become apparent. Eventually, a few hours later, I decided I needed to rest, but the inns nearby required too many credits. What was I to do? I didn’t want to sell any of my cool clothes. I thought long and hard. I would have to sell Terminus Jest.

>> No.12826972

The title sounds like a thesis I wrote when I was eighteen.

>> No.12826980

I came upon a little bookshop just out Cockshaven, and noticed a weighty warhammer in the front window. Surely this place will be willing to share a few credits for an epic katana, I thought, and wandered in. The place was quiet. I browsed the books, finding some I might have bought if I was well pennied. I stumbled on a copy Fanged Noumena with an Introduction by some old sages of Twitter, with names like DeluezeSlut, PostModernPepe and Logo Daedalus. I got a few pages in, laughing uncontrollably the whole time, then approached the lass at the counter. ‘Ha, what an appalling book. I’ll take it!’ She looked up from her copy of Turtles All the Way Down, ‘That’ll be 10 Linden dollars.’ I placed the book down, and unsheathed by sword, ‘Perhaps you would be interested in giving me some credits, and the book, for this fine sword.’ I began to perform a recital of special moves. She looked unimpressed, so I pinched the John Green book from her, and diced it into a thousand pieces. ‘Oh my god!’ she screamed, and ran into the back. I was puzzled. A minute later, a lanky boy appeared. ‘What a mess. Are you responsible for this?’ I responded proudly, ‘Yes, I am, as a display of my fine swords power. Your colleague was frightened just by the sight of it. Surely this could offer you some safety in the future. Book destroying thugs are commonplace in these desperate times.’ He reached behind the counter, ‘How much for you to get just out of here?’ I winked at him, ‘A credit or two will do.’ I was still waving my sword around. ‘Here take a 100. Please don’t come back.’ I was perplexed by the statement, but took the book and the cash anyway. I dropped the sword, and scurried out of there, ‘I would have sold it for 50!’ I slyly muttered to myself.

>> No.12826987

I checked in at an inn, and continued to guffaw at the horrid Land book. Maybe life wouldn’t be so bad out of the citadel, I considered, at least until I was rudely interrupted. A massive giant, and a silly little man intruded on my reading. ‘Get out of my room!’ The small guy extended his hand, despite my reaction. I begrudgingly shook it. ‘The names Dr. Talos, and this is my travelling companion, Slavoj.’ Slavoj sniffed. ‘Why are you in here? This is my room!’ The doctor began to unpack, ‘Well they said we could share at the front desk, besides aren’t you lonely. We saw you before you came in, you are travelling alone aren’t you?’ I was less than pleased, ‘I am travelling alone, but I don’t need company, especially when I have my book.’ He glanced at Fanged Noumena and grinned, ‘Oh, that one wouldn’t quite do for good company. It’s written for fools who know nothing about philosophy. Land is a total pseud. His ideas are derivative, not to mention the racist undertones...’ Anger was kicking in, ‘I’ll have you know I was reading the book ironically! Besides the racist undertones are the best part.’ Slavoj sniffed. I grabbed the book and my credits and stormed out.

>> No.12826995

I couldn’t stand being humiliated like that. Dr Talos and his fat friend would pay, with their lives if necessary. I stormed back to the bookstore. The sign on the front read ‘Agilus’ Books is now Closed.’ What did I care. I pushed the door open, and looked for my sword. The lad from earlier, who I assumed was Agilus, was standing with his pants down, and good god, what was that girl doing to his penis!? I threw up. ‘H-hey look, we’re closed,’ he squinted, ‘Oh no, not you.’ He reached for the sword, I reached for the warhammer. ‘You’re no match. I’m equally adept with strength weapons as well. Hand over the sword.’ Of course, I was lying, but I knew I would convince him due to my high speech level. He tossed the katana over. ‘Thank you!’ I began to leave, but I heard him shout, ‘Is that it?’ He was pulling up his trousers now, and the fiendish female that was attacking him had disappeared. I approached ‘Looks like I saved your life, that girl was away to pull a fast one on your private parts.’ He frowned, ‘That girl is my sister, Agia, and we weren’t doing anything. It’s just how we uh, say good night.’ I grinned, ‘No need to be so proud stranger, we all need help in our time of need.’ I slapped his sticky hand, ‘You don’t owe me nuttin. I’ll see you around kiddo.’ I left, and forlornly made camp for the night outside.

>> No.12827065

Fuck this

>> No.12827077


For me, it opened the door to the realization that what they all had in common was a pose. Shitposting itself is kind of poserdom. It's posting, not doing. These guys have no relevance to the world at all. They can't even meme well. Not that it would matter.

>> No.12827082

dox all frogtwitter ecelebs while your at it

>> No.12827096

Theres 40 posters here more than any in the top catalog rn

>> No.12827115

> entered the foyeur

>> No.12827135
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well that's on you, then

rule #1 of being online: never take anything seriously. if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. if you never get hurt, you always have fun :-)

>> No.12827202
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Deflect it all you want. Can't change a thing. "Oh we're just having fun it's all a joke"- no, Logo, this is real. Your self-own takes down others.

>> No.12827236

taking it seriously in the first place is an even bigger self-own desu

>> No.12827238

This whole thread is logo talking to himself with proxies

>> No.12827258
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>implying logo isn't being paid to shill for andrew yang who in turn is a cia asset used to pacify angry young men across the united states

>> No.12827282

in other words, traitor

in 2016 some of those guys were paid $4k/month to shill on twitter. i know and met some of them. it was *real money* too, and immediate, and 4x the amount of the never gonna happen yangbux lol

>> No.12827295

can u name names? and shill for who, trump? who recruited them?

>> No.12827316


Hey, Logo- got a minute?

Here in this thread, I mean, not on Twitter (I'm long suspended from there.) I need your help.

I noticed that your new Amazon book is causing a ruckus here on 4chan. It's reached the point where anons are talking about doxxing rogtwitter ecelebs over it. This is the third or fourth raucous thread in the past few weeks....

Literature is not a secret message to an in-group. A lot of people have had problems with the first chapter of your book. I understand it clears up and gets great later. But what do you say to the general reader, who doesn't know you, or 4chan, or frogtwitter, and who finds your book? How do they hang on? What do you say to them?

You can use your name on the post so people know it's you. It seems like this is your audience right here. You've got more people interested in you here than anywhere on the 'net.

What do you suggest to readers who come into your book with no expectations/knowledge?

>> No.12827337

>can u name names? and shill for who, trump? who recruited them?
milo yiannopolis and baked alaska. there were 2 more i met but don't feel comfortable naming them here. they were recruited by a popular twitter guy. i met him too. he seemed to handle it. who he got the money and orders from a friend who knew him better seemed to know. i can't believe i'm posting this on 4chan a day after the mueller stuff. yes they were shilling for trump. after that experience i learned that politics is dirty. all of it. in politics, nothing is as it seems. i want no part of it

>> No.12827339

This guy has complete shit taste in music. Absolute entry level pleb holy fuck

>> No.12827344

He is very obviously most of the posts that are consistently typing in all lowercase without if you scroll up. Use context clues fucko.

>> No.12827355

ur wrong, schizo

>> No.12827361

logo hasnt posted once in this thread

>> No.12827368

Not what he told me.

>> No.12827396

tao lin's writing is more soulful than logo's honestly

>> No.12827430


Tao lins writing is actually writing, not pretentious dribble.

>> No.12827434

Tao lin is less aware which lends to the soulfulness. This isn’t a bad thing either.

>> No.12827501

This dude comes as very arrogant and know-it-all. Dude you are 24 years old, what the fuck do you know about literature and life. Go do some drugs,bang some thots, get your heart broken up and then come back 10 years later.

>> No.12827508

Yeah bro you got it all figured out. I hope you are 16

>> No.12827511


Yes you need real life experience AND book experience before you write anything. Otherwise it comes out as juvenile or try hard.

>> No.12827516

it really isn't that bad, some good lines in there, a little overwritten though

>> No.12827533

Stfu. All the drugs you did to get life experience made you retarded.

>> No.12828003

After all this, still nobody bought a copy to share with everyone here. ffs it isnt that hard, just buy it and return it before the period ends. We need to know.

>> No.12828065

Has anyone actually read it? From what has been posted, it seems fine. Better than anything on /lit/, at least.

>> No.12828140

>better than anything on /lit/
You say that like there is any difficulty in surpassing such a criterion.
Wrong, there are plenty of reclusive autistic volcel authors throughout history, the life experience writing thing is a meme and you fell for it. What's actually necessary to write quality literature is high IQ. Music is probably the only art form where you can be legitimately retarded.

>> No.12828159

you know a lot
are you God? or *a* god?

>> No.12828190
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Yes and I look like this.

>> No.12828193

>life experience
a complete spook

>> No.12828364

>- as dash

>> No.12828430
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I think we've got a good enough picture of his style; can someone summarize the >plot?

>Cairey senses, & not for the first time, that the entirety of his life is a joke.
>Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense.
4chan 1 twitter 0
last thread had about two posts per poster
I'd rather read picrel, and not because I think it's good.

>> No.12828441

>*sits down at writing desk*
>Heh heh... *cracks fingers* time to break down the modern condition