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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 949x529, virgin non YA writers vs CHAD Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12821549 No.12821549 [Reply] [Original]

Despite what deep IQ users say, this man has managed to write many GOAT books and still not run out of steam. And had one of his most popular works "A Fault in our Stars" adapted into the big screen. Go to any high school now and ask people do they like John Green and ask them to name a few books. Guarantee that they will know hiim and have a favorite title picked out. Now ask them about any non John Green book and they will be hard pressed to respond without going to their phones and forgetting about your question. So let me ask you, how'd he do it bros?

>> No.12821573

Based and greenpilled

>> No.12821585

He didn't do anything, the low standards of the US did all the work for him.

>> No.12821601


>> No.12821622

>he accidentally became a best selling YA author

Lol k

>> No.12821634

Retard, cant believe there are users who actually like John Green here.

>> No.12821651
File: 49 KB, 600x528, Forty_keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending and liking this shitstain author

>> No.12821656

have sex

>> No.12821672

Dumb response but okay.

>> No.12821764

Not even them but you seem cornered here, buddy, you're starting to sound desperate

>> No.12821811

I’m not really a fan of his but I have to give credit where it’s due. I’m only familiar with some of TFIOS and there’s definitely some eye rolling cloying shit but it’s far from offensively bad. I liked the perks of bring a wallflower at one point in my life. At least it’s not paranormal romance.

>> No.12821974

You can call him cucked or cringy or low IQ but face it, whatever edgelord slurs you can call this guy he's a better person than you and could destroy your 'arguments' in a 4 minute YouTube video.

>> No.12822117

>use your dick not your brain!

>> No.12822150

He's a cool goy I'd let him fuck my wife like i do with negroid specimens, bleeding heart type o fags nothin better for my wife and her son to play with while I am busy changing the weather, shalam goyim

>> No.12822243
File: 128 KB, 614x1138, Human Accomplishment - Literary Figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao as if 'Faults in Our Stars' is going to be remembered 50 years from now. Get out of here greenfaggotshill

>> No.12822255

>ask kids to name kid stuff
>they can
Not a great argument 2beehonest pham