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/lit/ - Literature

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12815161 No.12815161 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12815217

5 inches

>> No.12815239

it's not a novel, it's a poetry collection, and i have 1 short one.

>> No.12815265

Oh yeah, how's it going? Are you going to publish it yourself or send it to an editor?

>> No.12815274

send it to an editor/publisher. I wanted to send some of it to tin house, but they're out of business, so now i'm not sure.
i'm also considering writing a shitty one in like a week or two to see if i can get published in my native language.

>> No.12815313

Whats your native language? Let me guess, spanish.

>> No.12815331

no, it's scandinavian, but i actually thought that someone would think spanish for some reason.
also, to clarify, i have one short poem, not one short collection

>> No.12815346


>> No.12815371

I have a few questions;
Would you publish it with a pseudonym or real name?
What makes you think a poetry collection will ever be recognized on our uneducated era?
How have you not considere self publishing?

>> No.12815400

I will use a pseudonym for the shitty one in my native language, and my real for the one in english if it ever gets published.
It's not a big deal if it gets recognized or not, poetry for the most part is for academics and people with a very niche interest, which i don't mind at all.
I think i just like the idea of going through a publishing house, i know it's easy to just self publish, but i cannot be bothered at all with advertisment. I also have a lingering feeling that self-published books are not "real" qualitywise.

>> No.12815412

I like the way you think, man. But sooner or later, like any other writer, you will crave for recognition. Then you must write a novel, otherwise you'll become just another Raymond Carver instead of a Jack Kerouac.

>> No.12815422

>otherwise you'll become just another Raymond Carver instead of a Jack Kerouac
sounds good B)
but i've been thinking of writing a novel too, but it seems way more difficult and time consuming.

>> No.12815431

do u have any contacts with publishers in your native language

>> No.12815435

That's why you must always make money before making art if you don't wanna end up on skid row.

>> No.12815439

where's this from?

>> No.12815445

Jeg vandret over marken
ned i daler og over berg
jeg svomte over elver
og krop igjennom skog
ingen stier fulgte jeg
så stien fulgte meg

>> No.12815448

Just to add something final:
Novels are quite easy if you aren't self conscious through the whole prcoess. Don't be afraid to write garbage, look at Burroughs for example, the absolute gibberish on his works were still praised

>> No.12815454

~140,000 words for the one I've completed most recently. The project I'm currently working on is at 25,000 words but I'm nowhere near done.

>> No.12815455

The pic? Just look up Trans-Europe Express, it is a french movie that centers itself on the creative process of coming up with storytelling ideas.

>> No.12815463

What's the completed one about?
Do you already have a title?
Is it good enough to be a classic?
Does the topic and plot stay in your head after a week or more?

>> No.12815465

i know of someone who runs a small publishing house, but it's pretty easy to just send in material in sweden.
yeah that's true, but scandinavian countries have really good stipends and other similar stuff for writers.

>> No.12815468

to be fair, the gibberish was made on purpose with cut-up technique, so he gets a pass for it

>> No.12815478

>it's pretty easy to just send in material in sweden
yeah but i get the impression that you have to be engaged with the literary "community" or whatever to get anywhere. spend more than five minutes mapping it all out and you'll wanna gag it's so fucking incestuous and backslapping

>> No.12815481

>What's it about?
A young girl must join forces with a talking mechanical fox in order to rescue her father, who has been kidnapped by an evil duke.
>Does it have a title?
No title yet but I'll figure it out.
>Is it good enough to be a classic?
No clue. My agent likes it though, which is encouraging.
>Does the topic and plot stay in your head after a week or more?
I can't speak for other people. Honestly, at this point I've been working on/thinking about it near constantly for the past six months so I'm probably not the best person to ask.

>> No.12815485

kino, thanks bro

>> No.12815494

The plot sounds quite corny and dull, so you must at least have a nice interpreting and original take of the plot, i am guessing you are writing it on third person?

>> No.12815496

it helps, but you don't really have to at all.
scandinavian countries are pretty small, so it's not like the states where you almost exclusively have to dabble in the scenes.

>> No.12815508

I haven’t been working on it long and incessantly too, it’s 13,598 words and 54 pages.

>> No.12815509

i hope you're right
good luck man

>> No.12815512

Yes, I write all of my fiction in third person.

>> No.12815513

18.000 word novella

>> No.12815519

What's it about?

>> No.12815524

What are they about?
Do you have an original take on the subject your story presents?
Is it good enough to stay in your head long enough and talk about it with other people?

>> No.12815525

Thanks, the same to you too.
If you're writing in english, it could be a good idea to try to get some short stories or chapters from your novel published in some mags or reviews.

>> No.12815532

>at this point I've been working on/thinking about it near constantly for the past six months so I'm probably not the best person to ask.
i think this is pretty normal

>> No.12815565

>What is it about?
I mostly didn’t choose a coherent them for the whole book. The first part is about a man born woth a fish head who is a misanthropist and existentialist. He is infatuated with this woman named Sasha but has no true connection to her, and without spoiling much, feels entirely isolated from everyone. The second part is a weird sort of mish mash of stuff. All the dialect is written in Haiku, but intermittently there is paragraphs in italics setting the scene and otherwise undosclosed actions. It’s about these two men who live in small town america in the 30’s. It starts with them eating at a café and then, upon one of them telling the other, go into the woods to find his cat. That’s basically where I’m at now, but there is some cow demon thing that spawns from the cow field across the road that attempts to kill one of the men for no reason. That really sounds incoherent, you’d just have to read it.
>Is it an Original take?
Part one takes a lot of inspiration from notes and Pensées. I feel it’s pretty original though. I enjoy just writing whatever cones to mind and piecing it together like a puzzle.
>Is it good enough to stay in your head and talk about it with other people?
It may not be good, but even if it sucks i feel like you’d remember it. And yeah i do talk about it with people and have sent some drafts of what i have to friends to see what they think.

>> No.12815572


>> No.12815574

Also keep in mind i am kind of retarded and the book also isnt finished, im gonna write more parts to it

>> No.12815638

like 2 inches unopened and 5.5 laid out
the binding is kind of warped and curves to the left

>> No.12815656

Is it safe for work?

>> No.12815666


>> No.12815696

i would definitely read that, i would shill for it here when it gets published

>> No.12815702

Thanks man. Just gotta finish writing it now :)

>> No.12815711

will you post it here?

>> No.12815716
File: 16 KB, 504x296, 900000words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The selection is the novel so far (it's unfinished) and the rest is notes/sketches, etc. So It's almost 900,000. Eight years in.

>> No.12815719

I’d rather share it in private.

>> No.12815739

Holy shit, what is it about?

>> No.12815743

you won't post the book title here? :(

>> No.12815746

The Title?

A Moment in the Chamber

>> No.12815763

Change that last line:

Jeg vandret over marken
ned i daler og over berg
jeg svomte over elver
og krop igjennom skog
ingen stier fulgte jeg
og ingen sti skal jeg etterlate

Now its Norwegian pottery.

I wandered the fields,
Down valleys and over hills,
I swam across the river,
And crept in the forests
No paths did I follow,
And no path shall I leave behind / shall lead to me.

>> No.12815765

make a thread when it comes out and i'll definitely buy it

>> No.12815767

A nationwide power outage. But it turns out the government is still in control, and it seems they have become supersmart. So people continue to live without power. There is an actual quasi sci-fi reason for the power outage, ect. It's more funny than serious. Hard to explain it all. I'm planning on just making it into ten parts, and self-publishing the first part or kdp, probably next month. But I'll make it available for free on /lit/ for anyone interested.

>> No.12815785

This sounds neat. I do wonder how the government manages to transition everyone back to essentially an early 19th century lifestyle without the whole country imploding. But that's probably where the quasi sci-fi stuff comes in.

>> No.12815798

Fairly typical scandinavian to write about ordinary people just silently leaving the house one day never to be seen again

>> No.12815806

Not sure. Be patient.

>> No.12816045

good thread for once

>> No.12816124

Yeah man, but what is up with your work? Have you achieved anything you feel proud enough to brag about?

>> No.12816130

It's about the death of a famous writer and how his daughter (a not so famous writer) deals with the idea of him departing and leaving (or not leaving) a legacy.

>> No.12816141

Heres an idea of mine i give you, how about the daughter writes something and publishes it as if it was her father's work?

>> No.12816144

and then feels regret that she didnt publish it as her own

>> No.12816152

no, nothing. sorry

>> No.12816156

Well, i hope you ever do, man. Nowadays i truly spend less time reading than watching youtube and i wish to find a good piece of literature.

>> No.12816263

Damn that's actually really good, thanks! Would change the tone of my story (I'm going for Woolf-esque inactivity/quietude), but I'll definitely consider this.
Thanks again!

>> No.12816266

Yeah man, when it gets published, announce it here so i read it!