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/lit/ - Literature

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12814720 No.12814720 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you starting taking reading more seriously? Is there a particular reason why?

>> No.12814751

16, after I watched Goodwill Hunting. Unironically.

>> No.12814757

How old were you when you realised Asuka is best girl?

>> No.12814779
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Rei is the /lit/ choice

>> No.12814782


I wanted to know more about things. Insatiably.

>> No.12814812

/a/ is the most humorless, the most elitist and the least self-aware board on 4chan + 4channel

>> No.12814823

All women are NPCs

Yet they still have shit taste

>> No.12814827

Tried my entire life to keep it as a serious thing only
>philo books
>blah blah

Only to realize that the best shit is fiction. Dont fall for the serious meme.

>> No.12814975

People didn't before hate women so openly you should leave 4chan oops you can't because meme culture has taken over

>> No.12814979
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I always have, to my memory.

>> No.12815006


>> No.12815009

it still hasn't happened for me

>> No.12815020

Like 17
I got bored and decided to check out /lit/ and read some books that werent whatever i had to read in school

>> No.12815021

This was a silent cringing, felt across the galaxy. To think that Good Will Hunting made someone an intellectual just made my face warp unto itself. I have become a constant cringe, with a remembrance of March 23rd, the day my face cringed away.

>> No.12815050

This is more fucking cringe.
>To think that Good Will Hunting made someone an intellectual just made my face warp unto itself.
Reading doesn't make you an intellectual you fucking pretentious fag.

>I have become a constant cringe, with a remembrance of March 23rd, the day my face cringed away.
March 23rd, the day a total pseud admitted he thought reading made you smart and tried to be clever. Holy fuck

>> No.12815061

Taking reading seriously makes you an intellectual, dumb butt. The moar you know

>> No.12815072
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IMAGINE thinking a hobby makes you an intellectual. Doesn't matter how many times you pick up a book, you will never be smart sweetie.

>> No.12815113


>> No.12815118

Okay sweetie

>> No.12815796

Read lolita and was hooked

>> No.12815843

Learned to read

>> No.12815953

Pretty much this. I read essays and phil texts too, but if someone tells me that they don’t read fiction becuase it’s too boring/ for kids and women then I instantly know that they’re a pleb

>> No.12816063

25. Read a book and it was so good I finished it in one sitting. No Longer Human, incidentally. After that I read Dostoevsky's Demons and it was cemented.

>> No.12816326

Both are rewarding in different ways. Personally I find philosophy (if that can even be considered non-fiction) more rewarding than fiction.

>> No.12816332

21, no friends

>> No.12816361
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>pewds led me to do it

>> No.12816364

the fuck you saying dude? rei is clearly the npc, did you even watched the fucking anime?

>> No.12816469

13 because i discovered counterculture books. was a pure bliss to read the shit that's not just "lengthy descriptions of russian life in 18-19th century and all people act overly dramatic"

>> No.12816983

Who has bigger tits: Asuka or Rei?

>> No.12816985

Rei. What are you, blind?

>> No.12816998

15, kicked out of top set in every class and decided to try reading whilst in back of the classes with all the bottom set retards. Read 1984 on a friend's recommendation, then researched and read my own favorite works, Hemingway's 'Men without Women,' 'The Picture of Dorian Grey,' and went from there.

>> No.12817000

ever since I learned to read, slowed down sometime in late primary school/middle school cause of video games and anime but got back into it after reading Catch 22 in 9th grade

>> No.12817053

25 (last year)
wanted to waste less time on the internet

>> No.12817105 [SPOILER] 
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Well Asuka's look a little bigger in this scene

>> No.12817118

Yeah but she literally feels insecure about her breasts being smaller than Rei's in the last fucking episode watch the fucking show retard

>> No.12817188
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16,i always liked reading as a kid so i just picked up the pace
Also Rei is best girl

>> No.12817313
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This more or less, but with Misato

>> No.12817360

I used to read when I was a kid.
Then, in my teens, I went in a path of alcohol, drugs and self destruction.
Stopped all that when I was 20 and started studying again (and enjoying it).
Started reading fiction again, more seriously, when I was 23.

>> No.12817369

Yeah I'm sure by 12 you'd read enough Tolstoy for three lifetimes right? Jesus christ

>> No.12817426

Rei is still a tool, just self-aware.
The only ones who really act are Gendo and Shinji.
Rei and Asuka are the two halves of a person, emotion and reason, inner thought and outward emotion. Both are 'NPCs' and only Gendo and Shinji are what a true person is like in this way.
Of course these are just for the sake of this argument and looking at any other character you will see a range of humanities.

>> No.12817433

A friend recommended me Book of the New Sun and after The Stranger and the myth of Sisyphus. After this I wanted more.

>> No.12817739

16 because I started getting more into art in general and have gained a greater appreciation for it. Seeing the original Blade Runner's DC back in early 2014 kickstarted it.

>> No.12818015

never took reading seriously, it's just a way to pass time I've picked up in middle school because I couldn't sleep

>> No.12818060
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Misato is the best female character ever created, in any medium. Complete, has flaws, yet still somehow not a male with a skirt. So good.

>> No.12818296

She doesn't even have a complete character arc. Gainax ran out of time and more or less wrote her out of the finale.

>> No.12818645

absolutely based misato bro

>> No.12818675

god knows I need this sauce

>> No.12818888

That was the age when I first watched EVA and I knew from the very beginning that Asuka was best girl

>> No.12818901

She does in the comic.

>> No.12819157

If you don't think Misato is best girl I have some bad news for you.

>> No.12819209

No, Jessica Edwards is.

>> No.12819217

Probably very young, but at the same time, that was only me caring about literature that was interesting to me at the time (YA). Ironically, my sense of self worth intellectually has only gone down since I've read more "good" literature.

A part of me wants to just go back to reading YA, actually. Things were a lot more simple then. But, that would be concession to the paradox of recovering childhood / the past, so I guess there's nothing to it but to keep reading the classics. Right?

>> No.12819242

>clinging to nostalgia
There's no way in life other than to go ahead, so stop being a bitch.

>> No.12819347

My early 20 when I realized life was too short too read garbage books.

>> No.12819418

15. I had to read A Clockwork Orange for a class. Later for that same class I had to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The whole concept of reading serious literature for enjoyment suddenly opened up for me.

>> No.12820599

As long as I can remember, to be honest. My dad was an English Major and his favorite author was Joyce so I knew the famous lines and plot of Ulysses as a child. He read it for one class, and then signed up for another class where they read it just so he could read and discuss it again. My mother also always had a book she was reading.
They've missed out on a lot of the big ones though. My Dad had never read a Russian novel until I bought him War and Peace for his birthday, since he had always expressed the opinion that great men of history were overrated. When he was reading it it was all he talked about, to the point where my mom even got tired of hearing about it.
Recently got my mom Don Quixote for Christmas, which she's enjoying as much as I did.
It definitely makes a huge difference in life to have parents who value this stuff. Not all your peers as a young person are going to be readers, so you have to be interested in other things to have interesting conversations with them. But whenever I spend time with my parents I have something we both actually care deeply about to talk about. Thank god.

>> No.12820705


My grandfather died at the age of 92, just five days after my 24th birthday. This marked a new era in our family due to the centrality of his presence in both my father's and brother's lives: a resented shadow over my father (who was much closer to my grandmother, who died when I was 5 of a surprise brain tumor) and the best friend and confidante of my alcoholic brother.

I had read a lot of fantasy as well as random classic novels in high school and I was very much a gamer. Escapism from childhood bullying. But as things spiraled out of control in my family, I found distraction from the suffering to be anti-cathartic. I'd come back to the issues and feel even worse.

I'm a support workerfor developmentally disabled adults and two of my regulars shop at thrift stores. I started to pick up random classics and works of philosophy for cheap on the weekends. As I've read more substantive literature, I've started to feel less alone and that connectedness has helped me to find my own emotional stability and reserve of gratitude, which has helped me in both my personal and private life.

I've also realized that my family's history and interpersonal dynamics are /lit/ as fuck. Basically New England Faulkner.

>> No.12820738




And I am jelly. My parents are good people and shooting the shit with my rural relatives is always a hilarious time, filled with great oral history. But I'm the one leaf on the tree that really reads and I've had to relearn an ability to speak at length about something that excites me that much, since I picked up the habit in younger years of keeping it to myself to avoid confusing the audience.

>> No.12820750


Good novels are like a painting made from the colors of philosophy (and psychology).

>> No.12821923

Genuinely based

>> No.12821924

Rei a shit

>> No.12821943

I read a lot from the 2nd through the 7th grade. I recenelty got back into reading after not reading much since 7th grade (like tops 5 books a year). Though regrettably I'm in the middle of school rn and that really kills my motivation to read outside of class. Something about reading 3 hours worth of class material every day just kills your drive to read you know?

>> No.12822002
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Based Rei /thread/

>> No.12822003
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19. I didn't want to listen to many of my professors because they would go off on uncomfortable political tangents and say stupid things, so I started to take pretend scribble notes and read books that I would leave open in my lap. It started with silly "occult shelf" stuff about ghosts and UFOs and stuff like that because I was a big fan of The X-Files and watched it almost daily. I got so engrossed that I would read them between classes. Meeting a girl (now my fiancee) who awakened my latent weeaboo tendencies and got me into manga made me develop an interest in Japanese authors like Junichiro Tanizaki and Osamu Dazai. I started taking philosophy classes for fun and to satisfy GE requirements, and that kind of spun out of control. I think all that needs to be said is that I converted to Christianity from apathetic atheism as a result of depression, sleep deprivation, back-to-back-to-back medieval philosophy classes, and Madoka Magica.

>> No.12822021

i used to browse /b/ in middle school and ended up getting onto /g/ and /mu/, as thats what interested me at the time. during high school, i made friends with a guy that had aspergers. one of the first couple of times i saw him i knew we had to be friends. most interesting person ive ever known. its like when youre in a relationship and everything is new and alien and you cant get enough of it. anyways, he read a lot and he would often ask me to review his short stories. slowly, reading became a part of my daily hobbies. in english class we woud always go into a book review (we always had a discussion/argument after finishing the book and paper) with the objective to choose opposite ends of the argument and always had a blast arguing during the discussion, and since we were friends we would usually insert some personal banter into it which people usually saw as a genuine fight. we'd always play it up.

>> No.12822527

Around 6 or 7. Probably earlier. Not gonna lie, books were my security blanket. I was an extremely anxious kid and growing up in a multi-faith family led me to doubt faith at a very early age which left me feeling unmoored. Confronting the world felt like I was drowning. So I read a lot.

>> No.12822560

Misato is MILF material but Rei is marriage material

>> No.12822586

That is genuinely wholesome :)

>> No.12823898

My late 20s. I had quit drinking, and just got through a hard spell in my life and was finally ready to start improving as a person.

>> No.12823899

18, i was trying to do something useful in my free time

>> No.12823941


>> No.12824276

Who is this Jezebel?