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/lit/ - Literature

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12813463 No.12813463 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write a successful novel for young adults?

>> No.12813476
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OP, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that you can stoop to the level of Suzanne Collins and bang out some drivel that will make you a millionaire. But the trouble is, all these mediocre writers for teenagers--Stephanie Meyer and JK Rowling and all the rest of them--are nothing but mediocre. They're no better than what you see in their novels. However, this means that their books are SINCERELY mediocre. They really are giving their best effort to make these books, it's just that their best effort is mass-market trash.

The reason I bring this up is that, assuming you are in fact smarter than these people, if you try to stoop to their level it will come across as phony and insincere. It might be technically on the level of The Hunger Games, but it will have a fake feeling to it. All these dumb writers are dumb, but they're sincerely dumb, and this seems to be one of the things that attracts agents with big book deals to them. Sadly, it's not a thing you can fake.

>> No.12813483

Don't underestimate my stupidity.

>> No.12813485

Just write some story with also teen or young adult characters, that has taboos, sex, drugs, some violence/action can also work, have a point where everything goes to shit and then some mircacle happens and the good guys win.

>> No.12813564

>da hungro gays

>> No.12813586

follow the formula and luck.

>> No.12814017

But what's the formula?

>> No.12814643

protag is a unique snowflake unlike everyone else and this is the key to saving the world

>> No.12815913

Wouldn't the taboos piss off schools?

>> No.12815929

Bit off topic but I used to play the hunger game roblox server a lot when the books first came out.
They weren't very good.
point is, roblox is a game that became better over time. Most large multi-player games don't which is a shame but roblox maintained its quality with a few minor upgrades to keep it trending and I'm proud of it.
if anyone who works at roblox is reading this, I'm proud of you.

>> No.12815936

Being a white male will unironically kill your career before it begins. The YA market is only getting worse

>> No.12815965

4chan isn't stormfront, some posters here have the privilege of being minorities.

>> No.12815970

>protag down on luck, woe is me
>thrown into shattering environment/situation/world
>protag is written to be forcefully relatable, doesn't consider themselves attractive even though...
>two love interests (spoiled for choice/one is friendzoned)
>villain is never fleshed out or humanized, they are simply "evil"

>> No.12815975
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Solution: put on a dress and pretend to be transgender.

>> No.12816265

But would that actually work, though? I can't think of any famous trans authors.

>> No.12816291

posters on 4chan are white males even if they're black women

>> No.12816319

It needs to be simple, milquetoast trash. Make sure to dumb down world-building, leaving it vague and completely unbelievable.

Secret societies are good. Selection processes for 'special' people are better. Villains who indulge in complicated, moronic plots go up against heroes who put all their trust in 'love' and somehow keep winning.

Character should be simple. No flaws, phobias, hesitation... none of that complex shit in our MC.

Most importantly, nobody should have to try to succeed in anything. Everything is inherited, chance, or innate power. Hard work is meaningless.

>> No.12816327


>> No.12816339
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why would yo try such thing? even high-literature authors who don't achieve best-seller status become famous, respected by the media and academia, and, as a consequence, get tons of money. they only need to be good. so, in the assumption you meet >>12813476 criteria, why not try writing a fucking game-changing book? are you actually scared of not being as good nor as smart as your self-centered peers on the Internet have led you to believe, you pathetic attempt of an artist?

>> No.12816464

Define good. I'd argue that a lot of high literature is dog shit, even if academics like it.

>> No.12816555
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>> No.12817216

you mean transkender