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/lit/ - Literature

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12812489 No.12812489 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a J.R.R Tolkien thread.

>> No.12812511

How many times have you guys read LoTR? I've read it only once about a year ago soon, I don't want to re-read it yet but I can see myself read it many many more times in the future

>> No.12812527

I read Hobbit and the Silmarillion, but I've only watched the LOTR movies.

>> No.12812560

Silmarillion is the only book I usually reread, I think I read it 4 times now, 1 in french.

>> No.12812576
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>1 in french.

>> No.12812601
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Tolkien is one of my favourite people.
His contribution to literature was unique.
I've read LotR 4 or 5 times, but I re-read the Silmarillion every year, and I think it's getting close to my 20th read on that one.

>> No.12812605

It's my native language. The edition I have is shitty though, must have at least 300 typos in there.

>> No.12812617

Amusingly, the original publication of LotR was full of typos, where the publisher 'corrected' the spellings of words like 'elves' and 'dwarves' to 'elfs' and 'dwarfs', because technically that is the correct English spelling, but it's not how Tolkien intended.

>> No.12812736

What moments have stuck in your memory?
Merry and Pippin greeting Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Theoden after Saruman has been flooded - Gimli's annoyance at them being fine, relaxing, after chasing them for hundreds of leagues had me laughing for pages.

Hobbit a few times, LOTR once, Silmarillion never. Should read it start to finish sometime.

>> No.12812771

>What moments have stuck in your memory?
The one you mentioned, but also the one where Aragorn resurrects Faramir

>Suddenly Faramir stirred, and he opened his eyes, and he looked on Aragorn who bent over him; and a light of knowledge and love was kindled in his eyes, and he spoke softly. 'My lord, you called me. I come. What does the king command?'
>'Walk no more in the shadows, but awake!' said Aragorn. 'You are weary. Rest a while, and take food, and be ready when I return.'
>'I will, lord,' said Faramir. 'For who would lie idle when the king has returned?'

>> No.12812807

Hobbit twice, just finished Lord of the Rings for the first time about a month ago (although I'm sure I will again, even if it did drag for me a little), and I've yet to read the Silmarillion

In other words, I'm a Tolkien noob. I hope to become more acquainted with the man in future.

>> No.12812815

The whole Ent section up to and including that part. Treebeard's great

Hm, hoom

>> No.12813299

Eomer seeing (so he thought) Eowyn dead on the battlefield and going full berserk mode

>> No.12813412

>"May the curse of Babel strike all their tongues till they can say 'baa baa'. It would mean much the same"
Based and anti-globalist pilled

>> No.12813447
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>What moments have stuck in your memory?
The ending, when Sam comes back from the Grey Havens.
I need to update this picture.

>> No.12813455


>> No.12813486

i mean... i love tolkien, but why do you need several copies of the same books? and mostly paperbacks as well. very odd.

>> No.12813520

Is it true the movies are better than the books?

>> No.12813526


>> No.12813529

>Is it true the movies are better than the books?
It's pretty much split down the line. When it comes to fantasy literature, Tolkine is by far the best. When it comes to movies, can you say the same about LoTR? I loved the movies though

>> No.12813531

No and yes.

>> No.12813566

Movies are great but they leave out a lot of important stuff. Aragorn especially is a much more interesting character in the book, sure Viggo Mortensen is great but the Aragorn in the books is more of a King in the true sense.

>> No.12813572
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It felt so odd seeing him be crowned by Gandalf in the ending scene (the movie). It did not sit right with me at all. I can't really say why that is, he was acting "kingly" and leaderly many times in the movie leading up the the last battle, but it still felt completely off

>> No.12813585

Yeah lol the coronation scene in the movie is really out of place, and that elf girl isn't even in the books IIRC. But i think it was Jackson's way of trying to show a "Happy end" without having to put on screen all the complex stuff that happens in the books after the final battle.

>> No.12813606

aragon in the books is like some generic marine dolt, with no depth, one dimensional and pre-modern.

>> No.12813611
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>> No.12813617
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>> No.12813711

Will there be a book on Dagor Dagorath? Please Christopher, finish it